What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

My daughter is 9. We been shaving her armpits since 5 and just started shaving her legs. I wouldn’t recommend nair on a young kid with sensitive skin but you can show her how to shave.


I don’t understand people who say a child is just “too young”. If it would build her self confidence, why the hell wouldn’t you do it? I’m not saying leave her alone with a razor at 6 but show her the process and do it for her for a while. Show her what it looks like on yourself if you happen to mess up.


My daughter got hair on her legs early but it was light and not so noticeable but when she turned 9 or 10 i started using nair on her . Don’t leave it on long maybe only 2 to 3 minutes as it works faster on them .

Don’t Nair, I would go for buzzing it and do a bleach wash, talk to a local hairdresser for advice. That should lighten and shorten it and some exfoliating should soften it.

I feel if you are going to do it, get an electric razor. I feel she is too young to use a real razor. Waxing might be detrimental to her, would not recommend that. My daughter is 12 and still has yet to ask about shaving. My 14 year old daughter started shaving last year at 13. I believe the only reason she wanted to shave is because she had a friend say something. Do whatever makes you and your daughter feel ok. I was in 6th grade when I started shaving (lived in Florida). I was one of the last girls to do it. Lol

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If she hasn’t mentioned it yet I would hold off until she does. Maybe she won’t mind it and it won’t bother her at all, maybe she will but I’d let the decision be hers


I started shaving at 12. I have dark thick hair too. Nair burned tf outta me when I tried it at 16 so I wouldn’t do that to a 6 yr old :frowning:

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It’s different for everyone if your child is super hairy and it bothers her then maybe it’s time to make a decision

I’d recommend waiting til they notice and ask for it, I was about 12 when I started to actually notice it and wanted to shave it

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She’s six. Are you sure you’re not projecting your trama as a kid onto her? :thinking: Just a thought.


My dtr has thick course hair so she started early I don’t think there’s any certain age if they want to remove the hair get rid of it I noticed now though she’s 14 and she lets the hair girl she doesn’t shave like she should so no worries they won’t want to be bothered with it

I wouldn’t do nair on someone that young, but you can definitely start teaching her how to shave. Since she’s so young I wouldn’t leave her to do it alone.


I wouldn’t put nair on my 6 year old.

I really don’t see a 6 year old mentioning it bothering her and wonder if that’s because of something you have mentioned. No 6 year old is going to be self conscious of body hair. That’s absolutely crazy to me. She’s way too young to be having those sorts of feelings and it’s way too young to be doing hair removal.


If she is emotionally mature enough to understand the process then help her make that decision as parents with her. Otherwise as a parent alone thats your parenting choice to do whats best for her not the choice of what anyone else does or doesn’t think to do. Cause someone from online is always going to think its wrong and contradict what you feel is best for your child

If it bothers her then she’s not too young.


Buy her an electronic razor. It made it super easy for my daughter.


Ummmm love your body in front of her , my stepdaughter said her mom made fun of her hair on her legs and she cried to me about it &&& I don’t shave every week or even every 2 weeks . It’s when I feel like it . So I showed her my legs ; it’s completely normal to have body hair . And being a kid still that should be the LAST thing on her mind . Tell her that her legs are beautiful!


To me I think when it starts bothering her it’s time. I’d buy an electric razor for sure until she is old enough to use a regular razor

My daughter is 9. She has hair on her legs but she hasnt brought it up lately. She did a few years ago but I told her its natural to have hair on her legs and other places. That when she is older and decides she wants to remove the hair to come to me.
Personally nair was horrible for me. I tried the one for sensitive skin. I broke out in hives and had a chemical burns. I would suggest to do a test patch before putting on her legs and don’t leave on for longer than the bottle says. Also make sure it isnt used in a bath or get anywhere besides her legs

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I would buy her an electric razor. My niece had dark hair like that. I know kids started to tease her when she was 7. There’s no reason for her to have to go through that

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Not really nair is pretty easy to do so I don’t see why if it already is buggin her to wait. I was around 7/8 when I started to shave with the old school nair and nair razor. It might stink to high heavens but at least it works and gets rid of the risk of them cutting there legs up with a normal razor. I think that might have been the reason most people had kids wait beforehand because nair wasn’t a well known thing, and they didn’t want to deal with them cutting up there legs

If she’s not the one who brought it up then you shouldn’t. When she’s ready she should be the one to ask.


I started shaving when I started being teased about it, but I certainly wouldn’t use Nair on a child.


I was 10 when I started shaving

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I taught my daughter how to shave the summer she turned 10. She has dark hair and was hairy. She started wanting to shave around 8 or 9 but waited a little longer until then.

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Is it bugging her, or you? Make that determination first.


I was in 3rd grade when I started shaving my legs

I think that’s your decision as a mother! I personally wouldn’t shave her hair until she’s maybe 13. Armpits any age when hair starts growing. Unless it’s really bad and she’s being made fun of.

My 9 year old shaves her legs. I taught her how to and where to be careful. Ankles and such. She has thick dark hair and I don’t see a problem as long as the child is mature enough to use a blade. My daughter uses Venus razors. So far so good.

Isn’t anyone the least bit concerned as to why the husband is concerned about his 6 yr old needing to remove hair ?? Idk this whole post makes me uncomfortable. :sweat_smile::skull_and_crossbones:


At 6…no way… Teach her she is beautiful just the way she is…I had this as a kid and I am not damaged o e bit… People need to quit havi g these kids try to grow up to quick… And teach them its OK to be exactly who they are

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My mom got me my first bottle of nair when I got my first armpit hairs. She told me that if I felt ready or like I needed to I could use it to get rid of my unwanted hairs. I was probably like 10. I think for my girls I’ll do the same. Start them with nair when they have pit hair and move them to razors when they’re a little older. I do think 6 is to young. And maybe you should try to discuss a body hair positive reasoning with her. It’s her culture and natural and she should love her body hair. Who knows maybe when she is old enough she may not even want to shave.

This is just my opinion, but children shouldn’t have to change their bodies for society. No one should but especially not children. Body hair is normal. Is say she should shave when she’s ready.

my oldest was 9 she would ask all the time. she’s now 13. she did start her period at age 10.

Seems a bit young to me. I don’t understand why your husband is concerned about the hair on her legs?? If your child hasn’t brought it up I would not encourage it and perhaps school your hubby on female hygiene. I can’t remember the exact age I was when I started but I know my mom did not want me to and I did it anyway and she was not happy with me. I was young but I felt self conscious but wasn’t teased, some of my friends had already started and I just wanted to. Perhaps open communication with your daughter about upcoming changes to expect and if she has any questions. I know I would have been less concerned if my mother had talked more about these things with me, but she grew up in a different time and she just didn’t (taboo).

I asked my mom around age 10…I’m hairy as fuk. She said no and i had to go thru middle school with hairy legs, got made fun of and never wore shorts even in the summer. I shaved one section of my legs right before high school and my mom freaked the fuk out.

I would talk to her and explain there is nothing wrong with the hair, see if you can teach her to be comfortable the way she is. Show her some pics of girls who chose to go natural to show her they are still beautiful and so is she. BUT if it is really bothering her, then you’re her mom, it’s okay to teach her that she’s allowed to be comfortable with her self either way. I’m Native and had the same issue. I got made fun of a lot, especially due to my thick, dark arm hair. My mom told me no and I didn’t anyway, which obviously could have went very badly. I think supporting her choice is the best option here.

My mom wouldnt let me start shaving til i started my period

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My mom said I wasn’t allowed to start shaving til I started my period. But I was getting called a gorilla in school so I started using her razor. She noticed, started to yell. I explained why and she went and got my the intuition razor I believe. It was a blade in the center of a big block of moisturizing soap to help prevent nics. Highly recommend.

Shaving causes the hair to grow back thicker. Why start her on that cycle at 6🤦‍♀️


I don’t suggest nair at the age of six only because kids skin is still pretty sensitive and nair is very harsh. Maybe try an electric razor? When you say she is mentioning the hair on her legs… is she saying it’s bothering her?


Too early……but do be sensitive to her feelings…just explain to her right now she is just perfect as she is…a little girl

Too young let her be a child
Don’t put adult hangupsin her innocent mind

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I have similar coloring and I would say 8-10. It’s going to start bothering her and she’s going to start comparing herself to other girls at around that age.

Do not use nair on your children!! It can EASILY leave chemical burns


Help her to feel good about herself and if that means shaving or Nair her legs then help her show her

I just started letting my 10 year old shave her legs with an electric razor. Her being mixed you can see every little hair on her legs. She hates it

In my opinion to young . My daughter is 6 and I just don’t picture letting her do that til she is older . My sister didn’t get to start shaving til this year she’s 13

Don’t nair your 6 year olds legs :woman_facepalming:t2:


I started shaving about the same time I got my period


6 is too young. Wait till puberty. Nair is a NO. Her skin is sensitive and it will eat holes in her legs. I still cant use Nair.


My granddaughter is half Hispanic, the hair on her legs grows dark. She’s 7, other kids were making fun of her. We gave her an electric razor and she no longer has that stigma others had put on her!


When she is bothered by it. Start with electric razor


Way to young at the age of 6. Please remember once you open that door they will grow back stronger and longer. Let her be little for a few more years at least!

I was 10, I had horrible thick leg hair that would go through my tights. 6 is too you in my opinion. Let her be a kid for as long as she can.

I think 6 is too young for any hair removal… and nair is a big NO. Its all chemicals. Too harsh on a little kids skin. I’ve seen grown ass women get horrible chemical burns from Nair.

I have always assumed that hair removal is taught around the same time puberty starts (which is different for everyone) but I got my period going (age 9) and I started getting really dark hair which made me self conscious, so right around age 10 my mom taught me how to shave.

I just think you should definitely wait until she is old enough to understand. Having the adult responsibility of needing to shave kind of sucks anyways… lol… the longer she doesn’t have to worry about dealing with it, the better. Let her enjoy being a kid. :blush:

Why don’t you ask her pediatrician? I think that’s the best route to go.

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My oldest was 11 almost 12 when she asked, my youngest is 9 and has no interest. I go by the child and when they’re ready. But 6 is way too young…let her be a child

Do not use Nair! Give them an electric razor to start


Wait as long as possible. Probably till they have started their period, our bodies change so much around then.

Make her feel better about having hair. 6 is way too young to be using Nair on. I started puberty at 9 and still didn’t shave until I was 12, I didn’t care what people said, shaving is a beauty standard that is outdated. Lot more women now in days don’t shave all the time. Show her those women, let her be a kid.

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I would wait until she asks to remove it, if she’s not asking for it to be removed and is just mentioning it, I personally wouldn’t suggest it to her. Once she asks to remove it, I would be open and give her some options

My mom waited until I got my first period

Past puberty. The girl is six, don’t make her out to be a 19 year old.

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I have a 13 yr old girl. She doesn’t want to learn yet. I didn’t shave til 12. Give it some time. I wouldn’t use nair on myself let alone on a child, though.


If your ok with it who cares what everyone else thinks! She’s your daughter do what you feel is best.


Why is it the mothers choice at what age it gets removed…. Not her hair…. Go with when the child is ready to start


I let my daughter start shaving at 11 only because she had long dark hairy legs that really stood out !!! So no me there’s no age if ya need to shave then ya need to shave !! My granddaughter is also like my daughter her mom but she’s only 7 which is really way to young to shave but she will be shaving I’m sure at 10

I definitely wouldn’t use nair. The chemicals will be very harsh on her skin. Imo, 6 is way too young. If it were my child, I would personally wait until at least 10, maybe even later. And I would probably help her shave at that point. I’d be wary of using any chemicals on a child’s skin because their skin tends to be pretty sensitive. If you or your child are really concerned about it, I would talk to your daughter’s pediatrician. They should be able to give you advice on when to start and best methods of hair removal for children. I think i was about 12 when I first started shaving, but my hair was pretty light when I was young. Good luck :heart:

Being of the same people your husband is - our Grandmother and our Mom instructed us how to , where to, and introduced us to underarm deodorants at 12/13 - threshold of being a teenager.

My daughter was 9 when she started shaving. And I helped her multiple times and did it with her for months before I let her do it alone. 6 is a little too young but she’s ur daughter momma. U do what u think is best for ur baby. :slight_smile:

Who cares what anyone thinks other than you and your child. You know your daughter. If she’s getting bullied or picked on at school because of it, then thats up to you guys to decide. There’s no right or wrong answer here. Whatever is best for your family is the answer.


Surprisingly kids aren’t big on hair removal these days! So you may be okay holding off. If she starts mentioning a lot of people bringing it up then re-approach it.

I started shaving at 9, but my mom started me with an electric razor to decrease the likelihood of me getting hurt

Today’s society embraces changing the way were born, and that’s awful. I was teased my entire elementary school life because I looked “different” as an African American & Caucasian female, living in the suburbs of Minnesota, yet now I embrace my uniqueness. Kids are mean, always have been and always will be, let kids be who they are while they’re discovering themselves.

6 is to young for hair removal

Wait until your daughter brings it up. If it doesn’t bother her, it shouldn’t bother you.


The only right answer here is when SHE wants and is ready. No one else. No way would I let her or I use nair. That crap is horrible. I would wait till she ask and is ready to shave. I talked to my daughter about hair, puberty etc all at once and let her know when she was ready I would show her etc. She is 13 and still doesn’t. Which is totally fine. Her body her choice. We never made her feel wrong for having hair.


Whatever works for you and your daughter. My daughter shaves and she’s six. She hates the feeling of having hairy legs just like I do. Doesn’t bother me at all :woman_shrugging:t3:


Other option is that you can take some electric trimmers to shorten vs. Shaving right off


I was 8. But my daughter is 5 and biracial and hairy and omg I’m not ready! Haha we’ll discuss it when she brings it up and no time sooner :hugs:

I just started shaving my 10 year olds! We practice and teach a lot of self love, but even with that…she’s self conscious of the hair on her legs. She is the one that mentioned it and started asking me often. She is very mature for a 10 year old so it made the decision to start very easy.

My Mother allowed me to start shaving at 13.

Maybe go to the golden rule of child led changes. Let your daughter ask you before you push these changes onto her. 6 is way too young. Mine is 7 and Indian descent, no way would I do that to her. Let them be kids till they tell you that they want to do it.


Start when body hair makes her uncomfortable.

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Leave that baby’s leg hair alone. Revisit once she hit puberty.

My daughter was 10 when she started, in 5th grade. Most of her classmates were already shaving and I think it made her self conscious.

My daughter will be ten tomorrow. She complained about her leg hair since she was 6. About 2 years ago she didn’t want to wear shorts anymore (we live in Florida) and said it’s because girls were make fun of her legs. I decided to give her my electric razor. I did it for her the first time but told her it was now her job and with how fast hair grows on me that she was probably going to have to do it often. She was excited though…at first. One month in I noticed she wasn’t using it but I didn’t say anything. Eventually they were back to their usual hairiness. I asked her about it and she said she didn’t like all the shaving and doesn’t care what people think. So what if she has hair on her legs!
I was very proud because she was owning it completely and with her head held high! She wears shorts and skirts and is happier now…with hair on her legs!


My daughter started shaving her legs at 9 years old. It was her choice and we never made a big deal out of her legs (very dark, thick hair) we had talked about body hair si she would be aware and one day she asked if she could shave. She is 11 now and just started shaving by herself last week. I did it for her for for while then we transitioned to hand over hand.

If she feels uncomfortable, help her do something.


Don’t do nair or any chemical hair remover on her because her skin is very sensitive and very young and the potential for chemical burns is very high. Give her an electric shaver and teach her how to use it, while doing so, remind her that she is beautiful just the way she is and that she doesn’t have to change her outward appearance to make other people happy, but if it will make her happy, then that’s all that matters.


I started at 13. I don’t think you should start taking her hair off unless SHE asks you to. It’s normal to question it, I did. I didn’t want it off until I was 13 though. I would try body positivity before resulting to removal.

Also, nair has a lot of chemicals. Teach her to use a razor if anything

Don’t use nair that stuff is nasty. Shave her legs for her if she’s super self conscious. 6 seems super young to me tho. My older two daughters started in middle school. Around 6th grade.

If anything, at that age, maybe electric razor just to minimize the look. 6 seems really young to me for that

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Ash Alm this may help with Kara…read the comments.

My mum made me wait too and I hated it
I will let my daughter at whatever she she asks


I was 10 and had started middle school when started shaving. She is way too young. Maybe revisit when gets out of elementary school. Let her be a kid.

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My mom said once I became “a woman” I could shave…6 is a little young and tbh most 6 year olds dont even think about it unless brought up by an adult