What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

Just go ahead and teach her to shave. If she is uncomfortable why not let her?


I wanted to shave at a young age but my mom didnt want me to so i went behind her back & started to shave. So if my daughter wants to shave i probably would teach her.


Make a memory with her,go on Amazon shop for a electric razor and show her how to do it perfect memory get some non-alcoholic bubbly and she remember it for the rest of your life.


My sister in law started young tooā€¦I think about 8 or so but she also had really dark hair and thick. The kids at school were picking on her!

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Iā€™d be more worried about whoā€™s talking to her negatively about her body. Or if itā€™s a female role model they may talk negatively about their own body and sheā€™s picked up on it.


I was 11. I begged my mom for the first month into 6th grade because all the other girls in gym were already shaving and I felt so self conscious. My mom got me an electric razor to start with until I got used to it. I would not use nair on my children. I loved it when I was a teenager but my sister left it on way too long once and got chemical burns. Nair was then banned from the house. She not my child but I feel 6 is way too early to be worrying about her body hair. Let her be a kid. She will have the rest of her life to worry about her appearance.

When my girls hit puberty is when they started shaving

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If you model confidence about your own body hair she will be more likely to feel the same way about hers


I was in 8th grade,I was teased all through elementary because of my super hairy legs, in middle school I failed p.e. for not dressing in gym shortsā€¦ it was tortureā€¦, my grandmother locked herself with me in the bathroom, lol,so I could shave my legs, my mother still didnā€™t want to let meā€¦my kids started like in fourth gradeā€¦whenever they wanted toā€¦a girl I kept started shaving at 6ā€¦her arms too, you couldnā€™t see legs or arms, just hairā€¦lolā€¦sheā€™s grown and fineā€¦I feel like itā€™s not that big a deal! Itā€™s just hair

Meh mine asked because itā€™s was itchy I donā€™t see any reason teach her the proper way to do it


At least 10 I started at 10 6 years old sheā€™s not going to know what to do so yes definitely 10 good luck

I was 11. I asked because it was so painful to take off bandaids I would cry. But I loved to play outdoors and would get a cut from time to time. So glad my mom let me and sorry to hear so many of your motherā€™s wouldnā€™t!

Do what is best for your child. Might get advice from doctor


I didnā€™t start shaving til I was 15 or 16. (Raised by single dad) razors are the only thing that have ever worked on me. Some removal creams just didnā€™t work others like nair caused chemical burns. Iā€™d say electric razor for now then later on bladed razors.


Just show her how and like others said start with an electric one at the end of the day she is ur child and you can choose to let her or not but if she is already sating something about it then its bothering her and dont let her be self conscious about something that can easily be removed. Childrens bodies are different and some show signs of growing up earlier than others you dont have to hit puberty to have to start wearing deodorant if you need it than you need it. And if the hair on her legs is making her feel some type a way about her appearance and she is expressing this to you and you dont want her to feel that way then let her shave its up to you your her mom

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Iā€™d say 10 at least but to each their ownā€¦Iā€™d wait just because once u start u never get to stop lol (unless u just donā€™t mind it)

I feel like if sheā€™s comfortable enough to come to you and let yk its bothering her sheā€™s capable enough to learn how to shave its not fair to force her to wait when sheā€™s expressing sheā€™s ready

I was 8 when I started, but thankfully I donā€™t have bad leg hair, my sister on the other hand had to start shaving at 7 ( sheā€™s about to be 16 ) because hers was so bad. As long as you teach her how to do all that properly who cares when she starts. Youā€™re her mama. If you think itā€™s okay then thatā€™s it.

I would think the only reason to wait till a child was older would be because of danger of cutting themself with a razor but there are lots of other hair removal options now and razors have improvedā€¦ā€¦I was 16 before I shaved on a regular basis. I got my daughter an electric razor to use when she was maybe 9-10?

Give her the option if she wants to. But firstly, teach her to love her body before shaving. Removing body hair is not needed and serves protection (hence why we grow it in certain areas)
If she chooses to shave I reccomend a electric razor. They are a bit safer before she learns to use a regular bladed razor.

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Iā€™d also like to put that her age is really still young to be shaving. I didnt start to shave til around age 13 when puberty started to hit. So definitely give it awhile before talking to her about it and having her decide for herself.

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Bless her heart :heart: If she is Embarrassed all ready, and come to you, she must really be hurting inside. Kids are

Cruel! Help her out Mama! Be careful with the chemicals, since sheā€™s so young.

Iā€™m Native and donā€™t have much body hair. I started at 12 on my own. Teach her the areas prone to accidents with the razor. Maybe professional waxing maybe better?

Just a thought, once itā€™s started itā€™s a constant. Consider her responsibility of things in general.

My eldest has thick hair thanks to my side of the family. :confused: Shaving her legs she started in 3rd grade but not all the time. It wasnā€™t until she was in 5th grade that she kept up with it. Iblet her get her eyebrows waxed in 3rd grade. I asked the person that does them to let them look natural not to shape them because my daughter would look older and I didnā€™t want her to have boys trying to talk to her. She is in high school and gets eyebrows waxed once a month. She keeps up with her legs and is thankful that I started helping her at first. We didnā€™t do it for vanity reasons. I just didnā€™t want kids to make fun of her. Best solution and also avoided a bunch of low self esteem issues.


My oldest started at 7 but my youngest started earlier. She has Mexican in her. And she was born with lots of hair on her back too. So we started early.


I donā€™t think it is a big deal about when to start. If she is uncomfortable find a safe way for her to do it. Life as a child can be hard and can have long standing effects.


6 is a bit too young. I started allowing my girls to shave at 11ā€¦ 6 is way too young. Allow them to be Childrenā€¦ she doesnā€™t need to worry about anything adult. Sounds like sheā€™s mimicking someone whoā€™s doesnā€™t like hair on the body.


My daughter had alot of dark hair on her legs,she wouldnā€™t wear shorts in 2nd grade because of it so we used Nair ,it made a world of difference to her so we continued till she could handle it herself

I agree with above. She is yours and you know her and your family. I also had horribly thick hair, was made to wait and shaved at my grannyā€™s cutting myself badly. I will say Nair is super harsh and Veet isnā€™t as bad. Maybe you can do it just a couple times a year for a few years, if it bothers her.

Personally I donā€™t see any reason to make her suffer. I donā€™t know why our parents made us wait lol. I would stay away from the chemicals on her skin because she is so little. But I would also shave them for her for a while. Do what makes you comfortable as a parent

I feel its up to the Mom. You do what is best.
My 10 year old has friends that are already shaving. My daughter has blonde leg hair so she doesnā€™t feel the need yet.

I was in 6th grade when I started. By that point it was so long that it would stick out of the thin socks I had to wear for school uniform so I got self conscious. My water told me she started waxing her 3 girls around 6 and I was shocked.

I had dark, thick body hair too. I started begging my mother to let me shave at an early age too, but she held out. Finally, one day when I was about 10, my Uncle overheard one of these begging sessions. He said Carol, for Peteā€™s sake, let her shave, she has football player legs! :joy::joy::joy: seriously though, shave them for her, donā€™t put chemicals on her delicate skin!

Personally, itā€™s up to you. If she is uncomfortable and self conscious go for it. As a beauty therapist if the child wants hair removal done and the parents are happy for it to be done I am ok with it.

I have 4 sisters and we werenā€™t allowed to shave until we were 12. At 13 we were allowed to wear nylons. At 15 we were allowed to wear makeup. We could double-date with a sibling at 16 and go on our own dates at 17.
Come to think of it I donā€™t think my 3 brothers had rules like us girls didā€¦ MOOOOM?!?

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I think itā€™s really unfortunate that we train our girls to dislike their natural healthy bodies.

Hair removal for women is for the sake of sexually appealing to men. And it is appealing to them by trying too look prepubescent. Itā€™s really rather twisted.

The younger generation is growing fed up with the gender stereotypes and hyper sexualization society pushes on them. I think thatā€™s a good thing. Itā€™s too bad this shift in culture hasnā€™t reached your daughter.

Nair is toxic. If you want to remove your daughterā€™s hair, I donā€™t think that is the way to do it.

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Six,Six Six!Can she read! Your family is totally focused on the wrong thing!Your husband!WTH is wrong with your family.Six!

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Too young for Nair!!! Ask her if she wants to shave or if it bothers her. Sheā€™s your best guide. Try an electric razor for awhile if sheā€™s ready. Look up natural remedies for excessive hair growth. There are essential oils that can be mixed with lotion , that will slow or stop hair growth.

As soon as it starts to bother her self esteem no matter what the age because other kids can be so cruel and thatā€™s mental abuse thatā€™s a lot worse than hair removal in the end!!!

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My sister was 8 when my mom let her shave because she was hairy like a man I think if they need it then let them

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I wish girls (actually all children) could accept and love their natural selves. However, I have seen and heard how cruel kids can be to each other. I understand the desire to protect them from that cruelty.

One problem with shaving is it will grow back thicker. That could end up being worse for your child in the long run. I would ask her Dr if there is anything you could do before you bring out a razor she is very young to shave, but on the other hand kids can be cruel and you donā€™t want to see her bullied or hurt by other children.

First, although I can understand wanting to remove hair, chemical treatments should NOT be done on a child who is only 6 years old! The skin is too sensitive and can lead to BURNS!!! I mean, at 14 I got chemical burns from hair removal. My legs were red and inflamed and hurt and had little bleeding sores. So DO NOT use Naire or anything like that on a child! If your child asks to have her leg hair removed, an electric razor is best because itā€™ll avoid cuts. But, in truth, you should wait until she is at least a pre-teen to do this. Remember that her hair will grow darker and thicker the more it is shaved.

I waited until she came to me about it. She has really dark hair and thick. The boys at school were making fun of her. I believe she was about 8. I let her bc school is hard enough and itā€™s just hair.

Hahaha. I was being held down and waxed at the age of nine. Let that sweet baby use the nair

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6 is way,way to young, next sheā€™ll ask for botox,teach her to embrace herself ,that she is beautiful,wait a bit before you take that road, I bet it bothers you more than it dose her

I think whatever feels right to you. This world is so cruel now a days. If your child is feeling self conscious by all means go ahead and remove her hair. I remember how much I was picked on back in the 70s when I was a teen because my mom wouldnā€™t let me shave.

Some people are allergic to Nair, so do a test spot. The safety razors are great. You canā€™t hardly make yourself get a cut.
Yes. I think she should do what it takes to not feel self conscious.

Women 100 years ago didnā€™t really remove body hair. It wasnā€™t tell 40ā€™s that it became a common place to remove leg and arm pit hair. Personally I would think itā€™s too young at the age of 6. The skin would be too sensitive and what average 6 year old is concerned with body hair.

Itā€™s such an easy way to help a girl be relaxed and confident. Having body hair is not a character flaw. Removing it, by whatever means, is not a path to life on the streets. Whatā€™s important?

Yep! You are the Moma! Itā€™s up to you and your daughter. When her time is right. I started around 12. Thank goodness I just shaved to my knee. Became a lot of work as years rolled on.

O my goodnessā€¦. Let the child decideā€¦. If the other girls in her class are doing it ā€¦. Let her ā€¦.if she wantsā€¦.If they do and she doesnā€™tā€¦. Unfortunatelyā€¦ the mean girls will make funā€¦ sheā€™ll know when the right time isā€¦. Rememberā€¦. Yā€™all knew when it was time

As a professional Cosmetologist for 15+ years I would strongly advise AGAINST Nair! In our Salon we usually do not wax until age 10 at earliest, and that is our own stylists kids, theyā€™re eased into it and they come In monthly and theyā€™re being waxed by professionals. I would recommend getting her an electric razor, something she can do herself (obviously recommend first couple times mom doing it) but only go right above her knees with the electric razor. I feel so bad for this baby girl, please remind her that body hair is natural and a very personal choiceā€¦ I really hope if she is being bullied at school that the subject is brought up with her principal and counselor bc this could be the start of this little girlā€™s body dysmorphia and lead to all kinds of issues leading into adulthoodā€¦ if you choose to go the route of removing her body hair please, please, also balance it out with positive affirmations as a 6 year old should NOT even be thinking of thisā€¦

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Six yrs old is too young. Try some body positivity and teach her to love herself.

When I asked my mother about shaving my legs.(this was many years ago)
Her response was only shave from the knees down. She was a very wise mother!

One thing I would say is that I was made fun of for many thingsā€¦ hair on legs , big nose, gap in teethā€¦ Personally looking back now I realized this helped me develop character and eventually stand up for myself.

It also gave me empathy towards others who were being picked on and I gravitated towards helping themā€¦

This is just me personallyā€¦ every kid is different ā€¦ and what can be helpful to me could have broke anotherā€¦ however by my mom making me wait it showed that you cant fix every complaint someone has about youā€¦

If i got made fun of for shoes my mom wouldnt just run out and by me new onesā€¦

My nose is still big and my teeth still have a gapā€¦ no nose job like I felt I HAD to HAVE to beautiful and no braces To make my teeth ā€œ normalā€

Im ME regardless of what others think or SAYā€¦,
YOU dont like it STOP LOOKING!

I let my 12 yr old get her eyebrows waxed helped her feel so much better

To me she is still a baby but apparently the leg hair is important to her. So maybe an electric shaver or bait and see what she prefers.

I would say, Mom its whatever you think. Is she already being made fun of? Iā€™d say its your choice and how upset your daughter isā€¦School is hard enough without feeling self conscious tooā€¦Maybe since winter is coming with long pants to be worn she could wait till spring/summer unless she wears alot of dressesā€¦Last thing I would want would be my child upset and not be able to concentrate on schoolā€¦My daughter is now 35ā€¦she shaved at 10. Good luckā€¦

If she is the one bringing it up and it is bothering her, then do it! Kids have it hard enough nowadays. No reason to make it any worse!

I was the oldest out of my sisters and they started Shaving at 7, 9 and 10. Now on the other hand I didnā€™t start Shaving until I was 16 got boobs at 17 started the period at 19. Unfortunately I was the odd ball lol. But my parents was back and forth on this subject but in all honesty do whatā€™s best for you and your daughter.

If she starts shaving nowā€¦its gonna come back 3x as thick and turn into a chore she hates. I def would not use Nairā€¦as I myself have been burned by it. I would build her self confidence and not let her know removal is an option! I am sure there are many many hairy children out there. Itā€™s part of themā€¦they should love themselves.

When a girl starts her period the hair comes in thicker especially under her arms . Why make it a big deal . Most girls wear pants anyway . I donā€™t think we should make these young girls feel uncomfortable about their body . The fashion industry does that already .

I was a child who refuses to wear shorts, dresses or a bathing suit due to this same issue. I wish my mom would have come to my rescue

I would wait a little longer. Just because she needs to mature a little more to be able to take care if it herself.

The chemicals used in nair arent even good for adults let alone children u nder the age of 12ā€¦thats a horrible idea to use such a product on children.

My girls started early as well and I say if it bothers them then itā€™s time to poof be gone with it - My girls love Avonā€™s hair removal itā€™s the only one they use itā€™s gentle for them being younger

I say when they are comfortable with it. If your child is asking and is self conscience about then I say teach her. Its a simple thing that boost her confidence i think itā€™s ridiculous that there has to be a certain age to learn such a minor thing

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Do what ever makes her feel comfortable. I went with what they asked me about. If they are asking, itā€™s bothering them. Be kind and guide them!

My mother got me leg sandpaperā€¦it was very fineā€¦and I did it myselfā€¦not sure exactly what it was calledā€¦but was definitely for legs

Tell your daughter that once you start shaving itā€™s a long time personal job. 6 still young but if it hurts herself esteem. Thatā€™s more important than hair on her legs.

is she being teased? 6 is very young, Iā€™d ask her doctor. electric shaver only of course and ask her what it is about her hair, sorry but in this day and time, make sure some person is not grooming her for abuse. maybe leggings and tights for now? I donā€™t know, I was a very hairy little german girl too and started shaving at 11 after being called gorilla legs. still stings. then my Mom punished me for disobeying her. life lessons.

I was in my mid teens before shaving but my hair is much lighter and thinner. As long as you teach them to shave safely, age does not matter so much. Using Nair or another product is probably not a good idea yet. Their skin might be a bit delicate still.

I was aloud to until I started my period. I started when I was 10 years old. Iā€™m also Cherokee and German. So I know about the dark hairs lol I would not use nair on a kid that stuff could chemical burn her. I started out with those cheap razors when I started out .But now I use the ones with the soap bars on them. They donā€™t leave razor burn. I wouldnā€™t want her to start out shaving to early bc that something that she would have to keep up with bc the hairs comes back darker and some times thicker. Make sure when you guys choose to shave to actually show her how. My mom didnā€™t show me and it was something I had to learn on my own.

Be happy she is concerned about her appearance there is so many girls now a days that donā€™t care how they look starting when they are young will stick with her

My daughter is 9 she has alot of hair so Iā€™m teaching her to shave its not as much as when I shave but it happens

Thatā€™s difficult. I would have it waxed if I did anything. If she is very bothered by it I guess I would get it done

I am a cosmo. I started waxing my daughter as soon as it bothered her. Honestly if you start early it doesnā€™t hurt and they get use to it. Also waxing can be permanent if done regularly for awhile. She did get eyebrows done at 5 yrs old but that was to show her how it felt. She was curious

When she is feeling self conscious about it is when you help her do something about it.

My youngest is 6 about to be 7 and she has Indian on both sides mom and dad and then Germany Dutch, Irish, on my side and when she was born she had hair on her face and back her legs are very hairy so I started shaving them for her when she asked because you could really see the hair bad on her she is very tan as well like her father . So I do it for her until she is a little older I wonā€™t use hair removal because we have very sensitive skin

Be careful with products like nair she could have an allergic reaction I know I was never able to use nair. It burned my skin.

Your daughter, your callā€‹:grin: my son was well into his teens. When he asked me what I thought about him. Plucking off his unibrow??? All I could said was, whatever makes you feel happy n better about yourselfā€‹:100::kissing_heart:It works for meā€‹:100::grin:

I started shaving legs and arms at 8 when I was a swimmer and competed. But I see woman today with hairy pits and legs and donā€™t think it is a concern these days. Me personally if you wear a dress or tank, shave. And donā€™t use bait on little kids, electric shavers work great

My neighbor would use nair or magic shaving powder for her daughter when she was young because of this same issue

I would highly recommend telling her once you start it grows back thicker and more often, so it would need to be maintained frequently, I would tell she is a teen. Nair can also burn the the skin and become very irrated, i used it once, never again. I shaved once when I was 9, my arms and legs just to be smooth and had issues ever since with ut, I wish I never did it

Does she feel self conscious at 6? Or is it mom and dad feeling the emotion? Sheā€™s so young, l think l would wait for her to say something to you.

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If she is subconscious let her use nair. I donā€™t know why some parents think a certain age has to be met for a child to practice personal habits

Too young. I had to beg my mother at age 15 to shave my legs but I,m sure it is different now. That was 70+ years ago.

Wowā€¦6? Thatā€™s pretty young to start shaving. Honestly, itā€™s a personal choiceā€¦between her and you as the parent. If you feel it will booster her self esteem and she will be able to keep up with it, then by all means, go for it. Girls are held to ridiculous standards in order to ā€œfit inā€ā€¦if this will make her feel good about herself then so be it. But if you feel she is a little young yet and wonā€™t keep up with it as she should once she starts, then talk to her about how she will have to upkeep herself and talk to her about waiting a while. Either way, this is a personal decision between you and your daughter.

The bottom line is you and your husband are the parents, do what you think is best!

The world is full of things that make us uncomfortable that we canā€™t control ā€¦. Control the things that you can. Our daughter just turned 7 & is probably going to start soon. She getting into dance & tumbling. I think you need to do what you & your daughter are comfortable with. No matter what you do, youā€™re a great momma!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I feel for you. Both my daughters (9 and 11) are Hispanic and Native American and have dark leg hair. I let the 11 yr old shave bc she had already hit the ā€œwoman timesā€, but I am letting the 9 year old wait a little while longer. (Girls are in 5th and 7th grade now).

Good question. I would say when the girl is uncomfortable with it. Just make sure they know the shaving goes on and on as long as you are alive.

I think when sheā€™s at the age to where it starts to bother her let her shave her legs

My question would be is she asking about it? Does it bother her or your husband? I would at the very least wait until she asks on her own about it. Making her aware that once you start it will be a forever chore. Six seem very young.

Of course you should do what you think is best for your daughter, but personally I think 6 is way to young to worry about that. I doubt you daughter notices it unless it is pointed out to her. I would wait until closer to puberty. But you do you.

My oldest turned 9 in June I just helped her shave for the first time couple weeks ago bc she didnā€™t like being hairy like a man she said so I showed her how to do it but told her she has to tell me before shaving so I can be in there watching her just in case she needs help or cuts herself

6?! Hell no. But be open and honest with herā€¦ I shaved mine at 10 I think and my mom had a fuckin meltdown, never understood why BUT obviously I felt I needed to and she was left out