What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

being native and Mexican myself, i understand her. i wanted to remove my dark, thick hair at a young age as well and started trying to shave my legs and arms secretively when i was around 8 or so. however nair is not the way to go. it’s very harsh chemicals. regardless of what anyone says, she’s your child and you do what’s best for you and your child. i just highly advise against nair. maybe teach her shaving or doing it for her, or something. all in all you should also teach her self love though. let her know body hair is normal and if it wasn’t meant to be there, it wouldn’t grow there. just teach proper hygiene and, etc. best of luck to you mama!!


If you’re asking on this then you know we’ll she’s too young . Reinforcement on the self love

I was 8-9 when I started shaving. That’s when puberty starts for some girls. Even though I didn’t get my period til I was 12, hair can show up earlier than that… and I think give her a couple more years…. You don’t have to wait til she’s a teenager like everyone else is saying


Frankly if she really wants to remove the hair get her an electric razor. That is the least harshon the skin and safer than a razor with blades.

My girls legs were shaved by me by 8/9. My SD is 7 and thiccckkk hair. I shaved hers 1x about a month ago because she was being picked on everyday for it. She’s only in 2nd grade! None of mine regularly shave and never alone. It’s only when it’s bothering them. It’s their body.


Ummmm not at six more like 11/12


It is your daughter and she has an issue because the hair is thick and dark. Normally, I would say any time after 11 years old but as you said if your child has an issue because of her cultural makeup that creates her hair to come in dark and thick. I would help her to solve the issue because children can be so cruel and you want her to be proud of her culture and backgrounds. We all have reasons that we have to start some things differently than others. I would not use chemicals such as Nair I would think an electric razor would be better with you completing the task. Talk about how pretty she is and have an age appropriate talk with her. I would not shave other places yet such as underarms unless that is an issue as well. Once you start it has to continue and she is young. Focus on her legs !!!

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To each is own but once shaving starts some innocents is lost cause that’s a very grown thing, in my opinion. I will however say don’t let others influence you or your child to feel the need to shave. You and her both should decide that on yalls time when y’all are both ready. 6 is a bit young and kids are kids people should stop making kids feel uncomfortable for not growing up so freaking quick. When I was in 3rd grade I shaved my legs without my mom knowing because my aunt always made comments about it in a “jokingly “ manner, it hurt so I shaved and didn’t know what I was doing and cut myself up pretty good, my mom was super upset with me but more upset that my aunt had basically made me feel as if it needed to be done right then. I was maybe 8, had never thought of shaving cause I was to bust enjoying being a kid… you see what I’m saying? I also should have not payed attention to my aunt and started when I was fully ready cause it is a job to keep up with and maintain once started. Cause after I shaved the hairs grew back darker and thicker. I regret it but you live and learn. My point is do not let your kids think they have to do something to please others or cause others think they know best, do not let other people decide stuff for you & your children. Do not give a shit what others think🤷🏻‍♀️

Started shaving myself at 10

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ALSO Nair BLEACHED my legs at 10 so be careful! Always test the skin!!

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I started shaving at age 10

It’s 2021, I thought we didn’t have to shave anymore?!

My mom let me start around 11

I’d at least wait until puberty.

She is your daughter so whatever choice you make will be right! They have something called Magic Powder at the store. Less invasive than a razor!

As someone who is half Hispanic and had/still has the same issue in my 20s I was always self conscious as a kid, it would be way DIFFERENT if it were blonde nobody’s notices that but when it’s dark it sticks out like a sore thumb (both of my biological sisters have blonde hair and I’m the youngest you couldn’t see theirs but you could see mine and it always made me not like myself) (everyone’s different) I remember not being able to shave until I was 8-9 and I hated it and complained all the time it made me extremely self conscious I say listen to your daughter it affected me so much that my oldest has hair like me and I always make the comment to my husband about it knowing one day it’s going to be an issue… I say do what’s best for your kid they are learning about themselves even at 6

People need to quit acting like shaving legs is something sexual and has an age limit. To those of you saying absolutely not until 12+ you have no reasoning for it. It’s the kids body it should be their choice.


Get her an electric shaver. Stay away from Nair which can result in chemical reactions. Shaving her legs will not cause the hair to grow back thicker. She’s a bit young in my opinion to be shaving, but if her legs bother her or she is being bullied, let her do it. What’s the harm?


The more you shave the thicker it will be best to just let them be if they don’t bother her

While I agree 6 is too young, if she’s so self conscious about it, Nair it once and see if she likes it.
Remind her she is beautiful. With or without the hair.

My daughter 10 b4 I let her shave every so often keep in mind were hispanic but also she started puberty at like 8 so I compromised but even as my fuzzy baby being 6 I didn’t let her quite yet

Mom of 3 girls as well. Heritage is Czech, German, and Italian. All 3 have thick black hairs. My oldest started shaving when she was 13, middle daughter started at 13, youngest is 3. But seriously they are way too young to shave. Blades can cut and kids are careless.

I have a nine year old and she has alot of hair on her legs and arm pits so I would like to know what age is it ok for girls to shave at

I’d say 10 is youngest I would allow it

Whenever they’re old enough to notice and ask for it to be removed.


I was allowed at 13. My daughter will be 10 and has asked but she has very blonde hair and I don’t think it’s Necessary until junior high or above. I would consider an option if it was really upsetting her but we are building positive love ourselves image in this house so she’s rocking it until the day comes with spunk. Good luck.

I am also part native American with dark hair and I didn’t start shaving until my earlish teens, I now only need to shave once or twice a week at best and I’m in my early 20s. If you start hair removal younger, her hair may get thicker sooner as she gets older cause she started so young. It’s of course your decision and whatever you think is best, but whatever you decide it will affect her in the long run, and she needs to remember she will be beautiful either way.


Honestly, if SHE wants to I’d do it. Being hairy is a yucky feeling but I’d recommend shaving… Nair is nasty and can burn really badly.

Momma if she’s asking research it carefully to come up with a solution as it could make self conscious.

I remember going through this with my daughter. I feel like there’s all this judgement around what you and your child should do or want to do.
My mum put it in perspective for me… she said, “it’s only hair, and if it gives your daughter more confidence not to have it, then what’s the problem?”
It doesn’t mean you’re now letting her wear make-up or heels or revealing clothes…it’s just removing some hair. :heart:


Do whatever you feel comfortable with. You’re her momma noone else.

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My daughter was 5 when we started using nair. A kid at school pointed out how hairy her legs were, and after that she begged me to let her shave and refused to wear shorts. I was a hairy kid and was so self conscious, I wasn’t going to make her go through it

My daughter has darker leg hair and she mentioned it a few times but I told her when she is old enough she really does not care the much she is 10 she knows she beautiful just the way she is

Has SHE mentioned it? Build up her self esteem and body confidence


She’s beautiful the way she is

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I think about age 10 is ok. That’s when most everything starts kicking in for girls. I have a 6 year old daughter myself, there is no way I’d let her start any of that just yet.

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As a mother you should always just err on the side of caution but, I let my daughter start shaving and using Nair when she felt uncomfortable about the hair on her legs (age 12). When someone is feeling bad about something on their body and it’s easily removable, I say go ahead and let them remove it especially if it’s just as simple as removing leg hair.

I was 11. I started getting teased about it at school. No one taught me so I messed up my legs pretty bad doing it the first time.

6 seems awfully young to be worried about hair on her legs. My daughter was not allowed to shave until 12 and she was very hairy. She certainly can’t use a razor safely at that age either. Maybe consult her pediatrician if you are concerned. Maybe they can give you some safe options or advise you to wait.


When they begin to feel self-consious about it, never mind their age!


my 8 year old asked her doctor… He said it wasn’t healthy for their little pores and she should wait for hee first cycle before starting


Do it now before she gets made fun of at school… Yep :bangbang: That’s the kind of world we live in today​:bangbang: Do her a favor, do the Nair and let her not be hurt by her peers


Jesus she’s 6… I was 10 when I started doing anything about leg hair.


There shouldn’t be an age limit. Kids are cruel.
I started to nair my legs when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. Kids would point it out, I noticed it and hated it. Especially during sports. I was a dancer, soccer and basketball. It was embarrassing for me.
In 6th grade a boy told me my arm hair was so black I was like a gorilla. So that same night I shaved my arms.

Kids are just evil, and if it makes her feel better to get rid of the hair so be it.


My daughter is 11, she started shaving this year.

Nair is super safe, start with a test spot, use the sensitive skin type, and use a timer. As soon as she wants to, I say, but you’ll need to teach her how and supervise. You could just do the lower legs if you’re worried about judgy people (but I wouldn’t). I have the most sensitive skin ever and Nair is kinder than shaving on my skin. I love the roll on kind, it’s for armpits but works everywhere, it’s very gentle

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I’m concerned that your husband is worried about your daughters leg hair. Then he wants you to use a chemical that burns on a child so young?

I grew up in another time raised by an older mother but I didn’t start shaving until probably highschool. I remember being self conscious about it that I would wear panty hose under shorts to hide it. I think I was 11/12 then. The reason was my sister making fun of me. Not that I felt the need without her input. I bet adults like your husband are putting negative body images in her head. She’s 6 she’s not worried about her hairy legs on her own. Let her be.


The chemicals in Nair can burn her skin…badly. I wouldn’t be using anything harsh on a 6 year old like that. She’d definitely not old enough to use a razor. I let my daughter start with an electric razor made for teens around 10, it doesn’t cut it completely gone, it’s more of a trimmer type thing. She’s 11 now and she uses a razor but it’s infrequent. I believe she’s already learned it’s a pain in the butt.

When it becomes a problem for her, when she starts feeling self conscious about it. I don’t feel there is no right or wrong age it depends on the child.

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(IMO) 6 is to young… you should try to find a way to express that all body hair is natural! But also… why is she already so self conscious about it…??


I had extremely thick and dark leg hairs, my mum took me to get my legs waxed once a month from 10 years old. I am super grateful because I barely have any hair growth in some areas now!

Daughters pediatrician said, when your child starts to feel self conscious, as kids grow and mature differently. There’s really no right or wrong age.

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I would say any age they start to feel self conscious. My niece is only 8 and she’s so self conscious about her legs , it sucks ! She’s only in 2nd grade and won’t wear a dress or skirts without nylons because she said kids make fun of her hairy legs .


I was forced to wait until high school (12-13). Maybe ask if she can hold off until 10ish and then start the hair removal process. Just teach her how to properly shave of she starts shaving.

Philips Norelco OneBlade Hybrid Electric Trimmer and Shaver, FFP, QP2520/90 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D328BG6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_X6E08CC4ZNGEJRGCNE31

Poor girl worried about stupid shit like leg hair at such a young age. It’s sad how fast our kids are growing up, much faster rate than we did. I didn’t start shaving til maybe 14-15 and that’s because we didn’t care. We were just kids being kids. Couldn’t imagine even noticing my leg hair at 6 years old. Good luck momma this is a tough one!

I started letting my daughter shave her armpits at 9. I bought a small electric shaver and it’s worked great. Her leg hair is still very blond so we haven’t worried about that. But she does swim team and xc and I didn’t want her teased about. Armpit hair

My daughter is 11 and in middle school, I don’t let her but her dad’s gf made her :roll_eyes: don’t get me started on that, it was addressed and will not be happening again. Someone is making it a big deal for her to feel that way about it. I think it’s too young. When she comes to me saying that it’s becoming an issue because other girls are doing it and bullying her, then we will talk, other than that I teach her to not care what others say or think because it’s not their body.

The start of teenage years

When i started my
Period :woman_shrugging: is when i shaved my legs is how i was raised… but truth is ur the mama ur the one raising ur kid so follow ur gut and heart :heart: no need to ask for ppl approval or karens comments !

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When/if they want to…my daughter was particularly hairy and noticed about 6 so I would use hair removal cream on her to start but only ever when she mentioned it so not a regular keep it up thing…then moved on to shaving them for her which she actually preferred but again even now only do it when it’s bad enough that she’s self conscious and she’s now 9

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I started around 8, I am Native American and Italian. When kids started noticing it and saying things my parents allowed me to start shaving. That was 25 years ago so I can only imagine how mean kids are today with it. I was also in pom, cheer and such at a young age so I couldn’t even hide it with pants. Note that I also started my periods just before my 9th birthday as well so I do believe that is why my hair growth was so strong and thick!

Maybe she’s feeling self conscious because she hears dad talking about her hairy legs and telling you to do something about them? This is the perfect time to teach her some body positivity and explain to her that body hair is natural and she’s beautiful exactly the way she is. She’s gonna end up with body dysmorphia if at 6 years old you let her believe something as small as dark, thick leg hair is something she needs to fix about herself.

My daughter has super dark hair on her arms and she hates it. I am nervous to let her do Nair or anything cuz I don’t want to look like a bad mom for doing that. She is 7

Kids are so mean now days, and that could have a huge impact on a young girl growing up, immediately and in the future - talk to her about it, get her to understand bodies are different and that’s cool, but at the end of the day it is her decision w/ your support and guidance, and no doubt you want her to feel confident w/in herself! :heart:


People that are saying wait until age xyz, WHY??? If the hair on her head bothered her, no one would bat an eye about a hair cut. Shaving her legs is literally a hair cut… that’s all.


Not Nair! Get get the electric clippers for women at Walmart or Amazon and help her. Keep them clean or they get ruined quick

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What does a six year old have to be self conscious about? I have a six year old girl and wouldn’t dream of doing anything like this to her. It’s not even in her head. Teach them that hair on girls is natural. And then when she gets to the age to actually worry about it, let her decide.


If she wants to, let her. There is no reason not to. It is her body.

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I suggested Nair the other day to my 10 year old who’s already started her period 4 months ago… her legs are hairy, but she doesn’t care… so I’m like okay I’ll support that decision. So…I don’t know :laughing: I guess when they’re ready? Growing up, we had to wait until we had our periods…

My daughter is 6 and very self conscious of her hairy legs and I told her that it’s natural and she shouldn’t worry. But I promised her that I’ll take her to get her legs waxed before she starts high school and until then to not be ashamed of her beautiful hair :heart:

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My daughter is 7. She is 50% Hispanic. So her hair is dark, thick, and there is a lot of it. I started allowing removal of hair when SHE became self conscious with HER body. Even when they are small they have feelings too. She cried before kindergarten and said there was no way she could go like that. I removed the hair from her legs the night before and we have continued since. She has very course and dry hair everywhere. Our weekly ritual occurs on Sunday nights. We do hair removal on her arms and legs as it bothers her in those two areas. Again, little ladies have feelings too.


Well definitely not at 6 !! I think I was around 13

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My 4th daughter started shavibg her legs when she was about 9. Her sisters teased her about her hairy legs.

I started shaving my legs in the third grade because my older sisters would tease me incessantly with cruel words. If my mom hadn’t let me start shaving, I would’ve been miserable.

I was 12 and I am Hawaiian so I’m very hairy and my daughters I let start at 10 but I think I may have shaved their legs a couple times when they were like 7-8 maybe it’s kind of up to you its bonding time if you wanted you could do it in the bathroom and have girl time

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Some of ya’ll really need to work on your reading comprehension. Nowhere did it say “dad said she needs to shave”, maybe dad is giving a suggestion other than shaving. Maybe little girl is being bullied, maybe its itchy, I know mine is. Op also never said " I’m gonna nair my baby, just asked for opinions and reasons why people wait, etc. Should be a family choice and the best one for the child’s self esteem imo.


My sister had very dark course body hair and she was very grateful to have the say so when it came to her body. My parents were strict missionaries and they still have her the freedom to choose what to do with her body. Let her shave if she needs to

Honestly she should be able to make the choice herself because I also had to start shaving my legs really early because my hair on my legs for some reason really dark even though hair everywhere else on my body was really light. My mom started me off on one of those kind of sick shorter razors I’ll just attach a picture since I have one of those types of razors now it was easier for me to hold since I was so young and she just taught me how to do it.

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My daughter asked at 11years of age if she could shave her legs, so we went and bought a cheap ladies electric razor and she shaves whatever she wants. It is body hair, natural, but if a girl wants to shave (or not) then what’s the problem?

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Sis I’d worry less about removing her hair and more about removing your husband


You should do what YOU feel is right for your child. If your child feels self conscious or is being bullied because of it then make your decision based on that. My esthetician said there is no specific age that a child can remove hair from their body, you just have to be careful of skin sensitivity. My 7 year old has hairy legs (which she doesn’t mention) and a little mustache that stresses her out, if she comes home once and said she was bullied and asks to take it off we are because children have feelings that are valid and shouldn’t have to deal with bullying or being self conscious.


Id say wait a little longer I started shaving in middle school cause thats usually when kids start getting changed for gym and locker room bullies can be mean but its her body just talk to her and see what you guys can come to an agreement on something til then

My daughter is 12 and just started

If she’s uncomfortable and doesn’t like it, i don’t see an issue. When she’s ready.


I think 6 is a little young tbh. I let my daughter when she reached year 6

Whenever you decide to let her do it, make sure that you help her and support her. I am fortunate that the hair on my legs is very fine and very light colored. But in high school my mom said I couldn’t and wouldn’t let me shave my legs. So, instead of helping me and teaching me, I would sneak her razor, which was one of those old double sided razors. Nothing safety about it. I admitted to her just a few months ago that I did that and she said she knew. So made sure you help her so she will be safe.

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I’d say definitely let her! But yes start with a remover cream since razors are potentially dangerous. My mom wouldn’t let me til I was like 12 and kids really are mean as fuck about it in school super early on.

Do it. Your daughter shouldn’t have to feel self conscious over it, it’s something easily fixed. I say go for it! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. It’s just personal hygiene. Good luck, mama!


I started at 10 and I am naturally blonde so my hair was light and not at all thick… I just didn’t like it.

It’s just hair, I showed my daughter at 7, because I didn’t want her experimenting and cut her legs (we all had those rookie accidents). She’s 10 now and it’s not a regular thing, but she knows how to do it and do it safely. Growing up I was on my own with that stuff and it was a priority to me that my girls had me there to help them out. I look at it like a life skill.


I would think around 11. Once she starts she’ll probably want to keep it up.

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My parents didnt want me to shave. At 10 I got made fun of really hard at school for having hair and i hated it. Eventually I came home crying because the bullying was so bad and my step mom showed me how to shave

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Not sure if you can do laser removal at that age but Laser if you can afford it. By the time she’s 8 or 9 it will be mostly gone. Shaving is a lifelong battle. Waxing always leaves little spikes if her hair is strong.


I think you should help her now.


Kids are always going to find a reason to bully someone. The kid is 6 and so what her legs are hairy. If they make fun of the color of her hair are you gonna dye it? Why dont you teach your kid that it’s not a big deal and if it bothers other people than that’s there problem. I think teaching your daughter to stand up for herself, be strong and learn not to be effected by what people think is more important at this age. So many weak parents out here for ffs. Shouldn’t even give a damn about shaving legs right now.

I just started with my 11 year old daughter. She likes it and I also use Nair.

Why does dad care about that? That’s creepy. Tbh imo that is weird. I have 3 kids and there dad has never and WOULD never worry about that. Why would he look at that? Is she worried about that bc dad planted into her head that?
No. 6 years old is too young. There skins so sensitive at this age too. Wait 4 more years and when it’s time for hair removal don’t use Nair start with trimmers


I was 9 or 10, from memory. Was picked on for it for a while prior.

Do not use nair. It is so painful and can burn and irritate her skin. Help her shave.