What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

Honestly, if it really bothers her and you notice it impacts her self esteem then 100% you can go for it. I will never understand people who think it’s fine to make your child suffer emotionally because they’re unhappy with something that is so easy to fix. Now I also do not condone parents putting it in their child’s head that they need hair removal or anything else cosmetic, but if they’re asking for it and they’re really bothered by it then by all means mama make that little girl feel better and give her what she wants.


I allowed my daughter when she got to 6th grade. But if it’s something that is really upsetting to her I would let my child do it earlier. Best of luck to you mama.


One of my ’ i wish i could have told my younger self was ’ laser hair removal '…
But i would give her options…
Eg we could try shaving or nair or lhr or some people wax… this is my favourite & this is why…what option would you like to try first?

I think the 6th grade is a good time unless the hair is dark or thick, the earlier should be considered

My daughter started shaving her legs in 5th grade at 10 years old. We are Hispanic, so very dark and thick hair. We started eyebrows and armpits the same year. Here recently we’ve started threading her eyebrows since shes now 12, and we had our first mustache comment so we wax now too. Kids are assholes commenting on things like that, so I’d say go for it, if she feels insecure. It’s your kid.

Girl, if you can trust her shoe her. If not, the watch her very carefully but show her still. Who cares what anyone else has to say. You know the experience first hand, and it’s your baby. You raise her how you see fit and forget anyone who has anything to say about it. Much love momma

Wow my girls are 10 and 13 and neither one of them has wanted to shave yet. I offered once and let them know whenever they’re ready to let me know and I’d buy them their own razors


If she’s comfortable with it there are products for hair removal that aren’t razors. My boys are indigenous so I get how dark their hair can get. If she feels upset over it I would help her. Make her feel more comfortable. If it doesn’t harm anyone I don’t see why not. As long as she’s okay with it though.

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My girls are italian , one waited till middle school. About 12. The other never found a need to remove anything. It’s a personal preference and I fully support that .At 6 I’m surprised shes that’s body conscious. I would be more concerned why she feels the need to remove it that young , some bullying issues could be happening.


Is she self conscious about it? Or are the parents? :thinking:


Remember, it’s just hair :blush: if removing the hair grows her confidence then go for it!


Wtf? Is this a real question? She’s 6. That’s should be your answer, why the hell would you want to put toxic chemicals on your 6 yr olds skin to dissolve the hair off, I’m 46 yrs old and have tried it a handful of times and it’s some scary shit. Teach her she’s beautiful with every part of herself intact, when she can do a hair removal treatment unassisted is when I would allow it, and that’s pretty much adulthood, and maybe not even then….I’m old af and can’t get it right.

Becareful with Nair. I got terrible chemical burns from it.

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Start by not making her think she needs to FIX her legs. Wtf


The only reason hair removal was ever a thing for women was to keep women looking prepubescent. I won’t be following these practices. I just let my leg hair grow, now. I only shave if I feel like it, once in awhile. My daughter doesn’t even think about her body hair, as it’s never been a topic of conversation.
My mom started letting me shave when I was 12 and the only reason I wanted to shave was because my friend was allowed to shave. And the only reason she wanted to shave was because she would see her mom shave.

We just passed it down. Inherited body image issues.


My daughter is 10, I just let her shave for the first time. That’s something to keep up with, I would think that’s too much for a 6 year old.

PLEASE, do NOT put nair of your 6 year olds skin. :pleading_face::woozy_face:


Do it when she is uncomfortable with her body hair, everyone’s different. I’m going to vouch for gentle waxing/sugaring though! It’s naturally exfoliating, and removes the hair follicle completely so hair will grow back softer and in less amounts over time :slightly_smiling_face: also you can wait like 4 - 6 weeks between areas in most cases. Good luck x


The only reason anyone is even raising a stink is because it’s a little girl and hair, and they want to be so sure that you make her feel comfortable that you try and remove her insecurities about her leg hair to being with. But if a boy wanted to wear a pink shirt, they would all be saying ‘let him wear if that’s what he wants !”
If it is truly her worried about her hair, and all it takes is some nair, why not remove it?
And for everyone coming at her, she asked because she is unsure and needed some guidance, not judgement.


Kids can be so cruel. If your daughter feels self conscious or mentions people saying stuff about her hair, then I would definitely go about removing it. Dont want any kid to grow up feeling like they’re not beautiful/handsome.

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She is SIX YEARS OLD. What is wrong with you?


Whenever you both feel comfortable with it. If it’s something that bothers her then go for it. Plenty of options to get rid of hair. I would definitely teach the traditional shaving way before introducing Nair. That stuff is brutal. Gave me deep burns all over.
I wish my mother let me shave at a younger age. One time I shaved at 10 y.o and got yelled at🙄 I hit puberty at 8/9, menstruation at 10. Wasn’t even allowed to wear “bras” even though I had b***s and lots of them (DDD by 12). Please don’t be like my mother.


One of my friend had lots of leg hair but her mom said she had to wait to shave it (she was allowed at 16) so instead she wore thick flesh colored tights to hide it but if it’s dark hair you can prob still see it. Personally I would remind her she us beautiful and perfect as she is but if it make her that uncomfortable I would once she started school. Kids can be cruel and I would try to avoid possible bullying of something she’s already selfconcious about

Wait. Because you need to wait for her to come to terms with the hair. Accept and embrace the hair. THEN, she should be able to remove the hair. Imo


Spare the hair! But if she must
I would honestly spend the extra money and wax. I was about 7 when I first tried to ‘shave’ due to the hair on my legs… I ended up dry shaving and cutting the begesus out of me leg. My mom immediately took me to get waxed. I did so from age 7/8- end of high school early 20’s. Now in my 30’s I’m barely having any growth on my legs. I honestly am fairly comfortable not shaving. I make sure to let my 10 year old step daughter see my hairy legs though as to allow to her to decide what she thinks works. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. But to each their own!

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A 6 year old :flushed: surely if you start removing hair for her now she will just have really thick hair when shes older and she will probably hate it more then, I’m sure shes just curious to why she has more than her friends, maybe just try explaining yours and your husbands family time line to her

That’s too early . If there isn’t any hygiene issues . You should not get her remove the hairs atleast before 10 yrs . She is too young and naive just let her be . Explain her the importance of self love and let her adore her body


When they start at High school

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I was 7 when I started shaving, my mom stressed that my hair was normal. & nothing to be embarrassed about, but I insisted that I wanted to shave, I hated the hair on my legs, it was uncomfortable, and hurt my legs I know that sounds weird but even today if the hair gets too long it hurts… Get her her own razor and teach her the right way to shave, or you stand the chance of her finding a razor & hurting herself.

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When SHE brings it up, or SHE feels self conscious about it.

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I was like 11 I believe.

If it keeps bothering her or if she’s getting teased,I think you might consider waxing. I went through it and my grandma helped me, it made a big difference in my self esteem. That’s just me, I don’t see any reason for a child to suffer if it’s an easy fix.

Following because my 6 year old told me this morning that she needed to shave because her legs were hairy…

Bullshit NO 6 year old is talking about this…Either this page is making up BS for LIKES and COVERAGE to post or these mothers are making up BS for attention.

I just let my 12 year old. My mom didn’t let me until 15 or 16.

What ever makes her comfortable. Why should it matter

I started when I started developing & having the monthly thing. I was in 7th grade I believe. I had friends that shaved way before that maybe 4/5 grade bc of her hair been so dark & thick. I think 6 is way to young.

I was allowed around 10. Mom started me with an electric razor due to a lower risk of cutting myself. I used that until I felt comfortable with a regular razor.


When they become teens.

My almost 12 year old (January) JUST started shaving her legs a few weeks ago. And she’s only done it once, she doesn’t think she wants to do the upkeep of it. And that’s FINE, why? Because it’s her body, and whatever SHE is comfortable doing with her own body, I support. (I.e. shaving, waxing, threading, cutting her hair etc.) Btw, my girl is DARK haired and thick. She’s part Lebanese and part French, she’s got some hair. :person_shrugging:


I wouldn’t use nair. Only because that’s what my mom started me with when I was 7 because I had the same hair problem. And it damaged my skin because of how sensitive I was to it.

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My mom made me wait until 13 then only from my knee to my ankle! Our daughter was almost nine. It bothered her for months and we ended up getting a good electric razor and taught her to use it! She is almost 11 now and still perfers that! Nair is vicious on their skin! She had burns the only time she used it! I say it is your child and her body when you both decide its time thats all that matters. It is just hair.

Just FYI removing her leg hair isn’t ‘fixing’ her, she’s whole and complete with or without it
I first stole my mums razor and shaved my legs at about 12 when I noticed it and my friend said they got theirs waxed
I never had s conversation with my mum and I was given the impression by society that it was ugly, even though I was a child. I think making sure your daughter is comfortable to ask in her own time, and to make sure none of her family are suggesting it for any superficial reasons. Let her annoy being a kid without having to worry about her looks as long as she can :heart:

Age shouldn’t determine when, if her hair it’s dark and thick and it’s bothering her then it’s time for her to shave her legs and remove the hair in some form


I let my daughter start when her cycle started at 10 years old. That’s when we also had “the talk” and all that stuff went along with it. She also is part mexican with dark thick hair.

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Hopefully there is something available for young sensitive skin…not sure about Nair, maybe ask a beautician for advice on a suitable product?

My mom wanted me to wait so I think I was 11 or 12. I think the most common comment is, once you start you have to keep it up. I wouldn’t use Nair or wax. I think the skin would be way too sensitive. However, I would encourage her to wait. Six seems pretty young to handle a razor.


When the child wants to not before not after


My daughter was 8 or 9 and I shaved her leg for her below the knee a couple times during the summer. I’d not use nair, as it doesn’t usually do it’s job to remove all the hair, and it irritates the skin pretty badly. If you’re going to do anything, razor below the knee for her starting next summer, but 6 seems a little young to worry about hair.


I think it should be up to the child and what makes them comfortable. Try to keep it as natural as possible. It’s definitely tough. I had insecurities growing up with people making comments here and there.


I can’t remember what age my girls started shaving but my middle son started shaving his legs at about 11. But I would let them any age, if really young then obv with your help.

Wait! Rather do it at 13/14. Starting too early damages the skin. I know I have issues now with my skin because I started so early. Wish I waited.

When they ask for it

I don’t have a daughter I have a son but if I did I would let her start at whatever age she wanted… it’s not a big deal and I personally hate body hair on myself so I wouldn’t expect her to wait until a certain age


I started out with an electric razor. That would be best to start her on.


Not nair get her an electric razor teach her how to use it

I started shaving at about 10 or 11 and the only reason o started so soon was because I was part of the swim team. My mom probably would’ve waited til 14-16 tbh.

My daughter is native and Mexican and had really dark hair on her legs and arms. She was getting made fun of. Her dad and I discussed it, he didn’t think she was old enough at 9 so we waited then again more bullying about her hair. 11 years old we revisited it and we agreed she was old enough to shave. She is modest and a good girl. I would say around 10-11 is a good age if they want it. Also have the period talk and prepare her for that along with proper hygiene :heart:

Nair bunt my skin, stunk and left my legs feeling raw. Teach her around 10 if it’s still bothering here. Show her the spots that are easy to cut herself. Around the ankles, knee and behind the knee. They have razor with a big soap ring around it it’s awesome for beginners

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I’d ask her why she thinks she needs to remove the hair, I guess. If she is dealing with teasing or bullying there may be more to address than just hair removal. I think if she is feeling self conscious, anytime is ok, just teach her how to do it safely and correctly. She might need supervision but I think it’s be a great time to build her up while you supervise and/help. Tell her how beautiful she is, how smart she is, how proud of her you are…everyone needs an extra boost and some positivity! But the best time to start anything is whatever works for your situation! Good luck with your girls, just the fact that you’re concerned tells me you’ll all do great!!


Why not normalize that hair is natural for as long as you can, let her be a child until she wants to remove it.


I was bullied because I am so dark, my mum made me wait until I started high school.

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I got to shave my legs the day I finished 5th grade. I don’t have the right answer but I’d say if it’s bothering her then be compassionate to her. Kidd are hateful and mean and let her focus on school not being teased.

my daughter was 10 were european and her hairs were darker than other girls her age so got them waxed now she shaves …she was so self conscious shed wear stocking but could still see them :frowning:

Although that is really early, if she is bothered by it I’d say go ahead bc when I was younger I was in the same boat as her , and my dad was against us shaving or anything. I was 15 before I shaved my legs bc my dad was strict. I had to sneak and shave. It was a nightmare at school for me all through the years.

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I would say 6th grade. Skin could be sensitive at her age

body hair is completely normal… she’s literally 6 years old it’s very normal for 6 year olds, and any age of a woman to grow hair on their body nothing to be self conscious about EVERYBODY grows hair. if she were a boy would you feel any different about this situation? why? this whole post is just so weird to me honestly. it’s hair. everybody even babies grow hair i will never understand society’s obsession with women being hairless… once she starts she’s going to feel the need to shave for the rest of her life especially if her own dad is already suggesting she uses nair on her very normal leg hair at SIX years of age. unbelievable.


Darling the most important message I received from this post is that you and your hubby have acknowledged your daughters emotional well being and that she is comfortable to speak to you about this…
This is shows wonderful support and love…
I would chat further and then go shopping with her to get what she needs and spend this beautiful time together as growth and support…
Your daughter will love this and continue to come to you for more growth etc :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Girl, I would definitely discuss it with your daughter and show her the proper way to take care of herself if that means you shaving her legs/ nair or whatever works for y’all, then do it! If it bothers her, then help her fix the problem momma. I taught my daughter how to start trimming, shaving when she was 7/8. She was very self conscious about having body hair and this helped her tons.

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Do what you think needs to be done. Your hubby agrees, your daughter wants too. Just remember they will grow back thicker. Once you start it will be never ending.


Talk to her about it… If it is bothersome to her then do it.

I shaved my legs without my mom giving me permission when I was 11 I think. I have dark hair as well. If she starts shaving now, or using hair removal products, she’s gonna have to keep doing it. I’d hold off for a few years. It’s just body hair after all

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Five years old you said she was gone way too young of course you can ask why

There’s nothing to fix. How bout we teach her to love her body. EVERY INCH.
(Just saying as a 37 yo woman who’s just started to TRY to love her self.)


not fcking 6 and not at all if she chooses so.


Ultimately it should be her decision. Culture and physical attributes should have nothing to do with it. If she’s 11 and wants to remove her hair it’s the parents job to supervise that and help her do it safety and responsibly. If she’s 34 and still doesn’t want to do anything with her hair then that’s a choice people should respect. Pushing her into it could make it feel shameful or embarrassing but discouraging her could make her feel equally uncomfortable in her body and although she doesn’t have autonomy. Hair removal isn’t a sexual thing it’s I’d linked to aesthetics yes but it’s also fairly innocent.

She was 8. Blonde hair but very lthick and long hair on legs She hated it. I helped her until she felt comfortable shaving herself. No problems.

My mom let us start shaving when we started our periods

My mom started waxing my legs when I was 7.but I had super dark and thick leg hairs

Definitely not at 6 :flushed: my daughter is almost 6 has dark hair on her legs and back but she’s never mentioned it, my oldest is 10 and not mentioned shaving hair yet either

I talked with my girls when they were around 7 or 8 they wernt any kind of curious than and they know they can come to me with anything but anyways my older daughter is just about 19 and don’t shave and my 12 year old likes to shave her arms only so far

My daughter started to become self conscious about the hair on her legs and arms when she was 8. She, too, have a mixing pot of a background having Portuguese and Armenian and others in her background.

She was being bullied about it. She knew I get myself waxed and asked questions and I explained it to her. We also had a conversation about feeling comfortable in our own bodies and opened the door for other conversations.

She asked to get her legs waxed. I supported her choice and took her to my girl a week before she turned 10. It was an excellent and comfortable experience for her. We ended up going into another lockdown though and she’s been learning to shave.

I have 3 girls, 14, 10 and 5 1/2. The 5 1/2 year old also has some darker thick leg hair, but there’s no way I’d allow her at this age to shave or wax or use nair. I feel a sense of maturity, and responsibility of ones hygiene plays a big role in this.

I’m more comfortable starting this with my girls as they approach puberty and ONLY with their consent. They can stop any time. 6 is too young in my opinion

It’s her body let her decide. She wants to embrace it, support her. She wants to get rid of it. Support her

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I was 13… And Just Shaved with out asking because I was so self conscious about my legs being hairy specially for Gym Class… I had to hide the fact that I shaved…But eventually told my Mom and she just bought me what I needed… I’ve never stopped since.
Now As the Mom of a 7 year old Girl who has expressed she doesn’t like her hair I said why Baby? You are absolutely beautiful just the way you are, You will have plenty of time to grow up and shave IF it’s what makes you happy… She honestly went right back to not carrying about it, But when she does come back with the same remark I’ll know it’s time

Usually around puberty but imo 6 is way too young to be worrying about body hair. She’s a child

I started shaving as soon as I started middle school. So 11-12


I would recommend bleaching the hair with hair bleach , if it’s making her insecure then I don’t see why I wouldn’t let me kid do it , shaving and hair removal at 6 years old will be a hassle and she could cut herself whereas bleaching the hair is easy and will last longer

Talk to her pediatrician they can help with certain things like this. Definitely for sure do not put nair on that child kids skin is super super sensitive and that will probably burn her. Please don’t do that. If its bothering her and she is embarrassed talk to her and tell her that all girls and boys for that matter grow hair on their legs and under their arms and its perfectly normal and she is perfect the way she is. My daughter was the same way and i put it off the only thing I did let her do with help was shave under her arms she had hair and sweating etc even with deodorant still kinda spicy so i helped her shave under her arms. I put off her legs tho because she was so young and low and behold one day she went and snuck my razor and tried to do it herself and i hear a shreek from the bathroom because she flayed her leg. So I went and bought a trimmer. And trimmed her legs up so it wasnt all the way to the leg but it wasnt noticeable to other ppl she was happy and i didnt have to worry about her flaying herself anymore

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The right age to start is when she askes for it. But I would shave.


I started around 9 when I got my period.

It’s when ever she’s is responsible enough to shave her own legs, plus she may be getting made fun of for the hair I believe it was around 1st 2nd grade my girls wanted nothing to do with hair on their legs

I wouldn’t do the nair just cause of her age she may forget and bathe in it including wetting her head and you don’t want her to shed her hair on her head

I didn’t have a mom growing up just a dad basically learned everything myself around 7 I started taking his razor and shaving my legs. My legs would be so cut up it was bad I do wish I had easier access. Might as well help them or they will try to figure it out themselves.

6? 6? Are you serious?


6 is young. You need to explain to her once she starts, it’s a commitment. Mom of 4 girls… 21, 16, 12 and 9. My 12 yr old started this summer.

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If it’s something she can get bullied for just eliminate the problem at any age.


IMO we need to do a better job teaching our kids that they are beautiful and perfect just as they are. Many people don’t shave at all and that’s awesome. 6 is so young. To me this is a cry for learning to love herself just as she is and a teaching moment. Everyone is different and perfect in their own way. Teach acceptance and diversity and give her a few years to mature.


Her skin is to sensitive for nair.
I think the summer before middle school is a good time to practice shaving. With a good razor, made for women. Like Venus. Less chance to nik.

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12 and not before it. You’re daughter should not be focused on this at 6. She’s a young child and should be enjoying childhood


My mom started teaching me to shave at about 9 or so after I cut my leg trying to wing it.
Being that she’s so young, I’d take this opportunity to teach her the actual purpose of body hair, how it’s meant to protect the skin from external influences and such. Not something she should be so upset about having. She was just built to survive!