What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

6 is way to young. Middle school is more appropriate

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?


From a beauty therapist perspective: ask yourself is it bothering you more than it is her.
Does she speak of it all the time or do you make her aware of it not knowingly.
If she is more self conscious about it than you are and you havetried to steer her mind off it but its bothering her. Buy the most sensinsitive hair removal cream and do it with her. There is no reason that she should be made to wait till she is a teen. Itā€™s part of self grooming and she is very aware of her body. Self care starts at any age


My mom made us wait until we had our cycles because the hair actually started to come in thicker. I honestly donā€™t think at 6 you guys should even worry about it just tell her itā€™s a natural thing and if youā€™re husband has an issue ask him why he cares?


Going through this as a child myself and being self conscious about thick dark body hair I would say buy her an electric shaver and let her. There is nothing worse than feeling self conscious about something and not being able to do anything about it. Itā€™s hair at the end of the day. Itā€™s not going to do anything by shaving it off. We all do it.


When they make that jump from elementary to junior high. Thereā€™s going to be mandatory gym shorts and swimmingā€¦ thatā€™s stressful enough without being made fun of for being hairy.


Ask your pediatricianā€™s thoughts on this. Personally I would wait till she had first period


Itā€™s not about the age, itā€™s about how she feels about it. Iā€™m not sure nair is safe for a child since I think it contains lye. Shaving is safest.


Shaving was not a hill I was willing to die on. She brought it up twice probably in 6th grade and I let her go ahead and do it. She hardly cares about it anymore at 14. So glad I didnā€™t make it a battle. I was more concerned about the vanity of it but if they are very embarrassed it just makes it worse.


When itā€™s anti bully necessary is when I helped my daughter (11 was her age at the time) she had underarm hair and I didnā€™t want her nor her brother to be put into a position of defending themselves. If she was strong enough to defend her feelings, Iā€™d have let it stay but I bid on the side of each child is different. It isnā€™t about what you think, itā€™s about how strong is your child. If it will increase self esteem, please do it. Our children should love themselves.


Maybe a good compromise would be an electric razor? 6 is very young to be shaving. I was 12(around puberty stage) I allowed my daughter to start shaving when she was 12. Started doing her eye brows around the same time


Iā€™d wait til shes about 11 or 12 . I got impatient and sick of people pointing out that I had leg hair , shaved my legs in my grandmas bathroom and cut my self a dozen timesā€¦ Iā€™d explain cultural differences and that she doesnā€™t have to get rid of hair if she doesnā€™t want too.


This was a great starter for my girls when embarrassed by or wanted to start earlier then I thought they shouldā€¦win win!


I would say 6 is definitely too young. How does she know to be bothered by this, has someone said something to her? I would keep telling her sheā€™s perfect as the is and that her dark hair is part of Who she is and she should wait until sheā€™s a bit older.


Sugaring is a great option, eassier on the sking then wax or chemical removers.
Shaving is the other option.
Personally I would wait till her cycle starts and she is old enough to make it a part of her personal routine


In my opinion 6 yrs old is to young to be shaving,just saying


Do not do anything right now. She is 6!!! She will have many many many more years of having to shave her legs. Donā€™t shave urs for a bit, in support of her! Show her itā€™s normal to have hair grow and when sheā€™s a bit older u can talk about ways to get rid of it. I believe 6 is absolutely too young to be shaving, waxing, whatever.


I was always self conscious too. Iā€™d get teased by other kids. I say, if sheā€™s noticing it and doesnā€™t like it, let her remove it. My leg hairs also thick and dark and Nair wonā€™t work on it. Maybe get her an electric razor and teach her how to use it.


Due to my parents wanting me to reach a certain age and being so self conscious about it as it was thick & dark I would resort to using scissors till finally was allowed . No one should be subjected to feeling bad about their appearance or less of themselves -esp from peer pressure . Some girls biologically mature more than others


I was forced to wait into my teens . . hated it, so when my daughter started to be self conscious about it, I let her start shaving


I think if it is embarrassing to her, then do it when you feel it is appropriate to you and your husband for HER. No set age on this. Most kids at 6 have very fine baby hair on their legs and it isnā€™t really noticeable until 12ish. If she has dark noticeable hair, and it truly bothers her, then make the decision best for her. But nair or something similar I think would be a good option.


Sheā€™s growing a winter coatā€¦ not everyone can do that!
Donā€™t make a big deal of it! Let her be a child. I wouldnā€™t trust any chemicals on my childā€™s skin any more.


My oldest daughter came with me when she was 7 to get my eyebrows done, she had to have hers done too. So I let her. They looked at me like I was nuts. Its just hair. Something we will deal with forever. When she wanted to shave her legs she asked me for a razor, i think she was 9 or 10. she is now 19 and still dealing with hair it didnā€™t hurt her in any way.

My 9 yr old could care less about her looks. Iā€™m Lucky if I can get her to brush her hair, and put on clean clothes.

My 6 yr old is my diva. She wears dresses, and has to have her hair perfect everyday. To the point Iā€™m doing her hair 5 or 6 times a morning.

If it makes them happy, and its not hurting anyone, or themselves, I donā€™t see a problem with it.

Another awesome thing you could use is hair lighteners. There are even homemade things you can look into.


Let her be a child for as long as she wantsā€¦outward appearance is not something she or you should be worried about at such a young ageā€¦:slight_smile:


But sheā€™s your daughter so you do what is safe for your family.


I would talk to her pediatrician. I can say from experience Nair has too harsh of chemicals, and shaving will make it thicker and more coarse


If it bothers her, get her an electric razorā€¦that way she doesnā€™t cut herself


My daughter was a gymnast and in a leotard 5 days a week. She started shaving in like 3rd grade. It was not a big deal. We used hair removal lotion for a little while. Do whatever makes her feel comfortable in her own skin.


Sheā€™s a childā€¦14 sounds like a good year. Once you start you have to do it all the time. I use to cut the heck out of my legs. I was about 14. I should have waited


My daughter started shaving around 12 which I supported. She is now 18 and chooses not to remove hair, which I also support even though I am a lifelong defoliator myself.
If she chooses to remove hair, please help/supervise as all methods can have downsides.

I was advised by a good friend to leave my daughterā€™s eyebrows alone as they add to the beauty and uniqueness of her face and now I am very glad we left them alone. She is stunning.


Iā€™m almost 81 yrs old and I have NEVER shaved my legs!


There is NO REASON to keep body hair that makes a person, male or female, feel bad about themself any more than you should have a haircut you donā€™t like or clothes that make you uncomfortable.


The thing is when you start itā€™s something you have to keep up and I think your pushing growing up. With that said there are kids that go through hormonal changes early. If her hair is such a concern you should quietly bring it up to her pediatrician who can do some blood tests. When girls go through puberty hair does change and at that time they have to address multiple areas. You can address her legs a bit beforehand if they really bother her (not your husband). Hair is natural. If she gets some sun they may lighten up.


If they are self conscious and getting unkind comments from other kids, I think shaving is appropriate. I would recommend an electric razor and supervision until you are comfortable with them doing it on their own.


Laser if you feel hair removal is necessary


My daughter started at 9 because she was in cheer and volleyball and didnā€™t want others to make fun if her
Now she only really shaves when she has games


My mum got me body bleach to lighten the hair at age 10. Shaving etc makes the problem worse. When I was older and it was available I had some laser treatment but it not permanent


First grade, to me, is a bit young to be thinking about it. I think maybe 6th grade or when she hits puberty. Shaving now will only help the hair grow in thicker and darker.


I would talk to her pediatrician if youā€™re that concerned and definitely donā€™t use Nair on her legs! That stuff is harsh on skin and could cause burns because she is still so young.


As a daughter of immigrant parents I will tell you that my mother would not allow me to shave my legs and it was traumatic for me. My friends would ask why I didnā€™t shave my legs and I would avoid the question. I wouldnā€™t go swimming because of it. As far as I am concerned, age isnā€™t relevant. If the hairs are visible, please allow her to shave so she doesnā€™t have to go through what I did.


Girl you are her mom. Do what is best for your family. If she is self conscious. Talk to her about normal body hair. Give her awhile if it permit then by all means go for it. Kids are cruel at any age so make her feel better. If she doesnā€™t keep bringing it up. Great problem solved for now. You have a whole life time of drama to look forward to. So follow your gut and do what you and your family believe is best. You are doing great mom!


6 is extremely young, I would explain how people have different heritage and some heritage includes darker hair. Ask if it bothers her. Mentioning it doesnā€™t mean it is bothering her-she may simply be asking because others have blonde hair.
Nair burns, laser hair removal can cause permanent damage. I would use a razor at first and I didnā€™t start shaving until I was 10-when my cycle started and it came in darker and heavier. She has plenty of years to detest shaving-let her be a kid.

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I personally feel that 6 is way to young to start shaving. I think my daughter started shaving at about 13. My 9 year granddaughter wants to try it, but both my daughter and I feel sheā€™s still to young. At the end of the day, regardless of her age, you know your daughter the best and have do what you feel is the best thing for her. Good luck Mama


My mom made me wait as well. Felt self conscious myself. Was in high school. I would wait if the oldest is 6. Girls mature at different levels. 10 depending on the girl is the earliest I would even start to think of this.

If sheā€™s uncomfortable do it. Kids nowadays at school will make fun of her and probably call her names. They can be mean trust me. You want her to be comfortable and not self conscious so she can focus on school! A momšŸ™

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Do whats best for you guys! Kids can be mean (sometimes unintentionally) and self esteem is hard to get back. I have an almost 8 year old going through a similar thing. Iā€™ve now explained winter is coming and she will be wearing pants so we are going to wait until next year. I know there is a difference between 6 and 8 but seriously its hair, do whats best for you guys.


I was 8 years old. Had thick black hairy legs. Mom shaved them for me the first time.


Iā€™d be careful about nair because of the chemicals, but teaching her to use a razor would be fine. I remember starting to shave around age ten, I was curious about it younger but was forbidden to use my momā€™s razor an earlier.

Iā€™d love to share some insight, but Iā€™m literally the polar opposite. Nothing kicked in for me until I was 14.
Hopefully your little girl understands her heritage, what other peopleā€™s skin and hair looks like, and what makes her feel most comfortable.

I think itā€™s different for everyone. My daughterā€™s 6 and she mentions the hair on her legs. Itā€™s very light and not really noticeable but she knows itā€™s there and doesnā€™t seem self conscious about it. Weā€™re going to wait a few more years. I think if she was self conscious about it, I would remove it. If thereā€™s anything I can do to make my daughter more comfortable or confident Iā€™d do it. Ignore the judgement from others, you and your daughterā€™s dad know whatā€™s best for her.


Dang, if you were to start so young then teach her to wax or sugar it herself sheā€™ll be a pro by the time sheā€™s a teenager. I wouldnā€™t use Nair too much chemicals. Good luck.

I started at 11 and my daughter just shaved her legs for the first time 2 weeks ago at 10 and a half years old

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I say let her stay a child. Who cares if a little girl has hairy legs ffs. Her attitude is coming from you!

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If you do go with using any of the hair removal creams, be sure to do a test area every time. I used it for a couple of years. Ended up in the ER. Had a allergic reaction.

I was.held back from shaving my hairy legs.til 16!.We had 9th grade dances and wore dresses and nylons. Can you see dark leg hair under nylons??? This was my life because I obeyed my mom.
My sister is 4 yes younger. She saw what I went through and didnā€™t bother to ask permission for anything. I never did this to my daughter.

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Personally I think 6 is still tiny, she shouldnā€™t even be worried about her appearance at that age. I wasnā€™t allowed to shave until 6th grade and honestly before that I didnā€™t really care, but where I grew up school would show you the puberty video at the end of 5th grade becuase at that age most of the girl are the right age to start their period. Thatā€™s where the idea is presented to the girls that they may want to start shaving as at that age your hormones are causing your hair to come in thicker. So, if you start her hair removal at 6, how thick do you think it will get when her body actually begins to develop? Idk, Iā€™d talk to her about loving herself alot more before I let her begin to alter her appearance as means to feel better. I think too much pressure is put on females to be and look perfect, she is still so young to have to add that to her routine, and sheā€™ll be doing it for the rest of her life. I say let her be a child.

Start waxing. The hair will grow thinner. You need to tell her that it will hurt though. My daughter has excema and is allergic to soap and hair removal products so she goes every 8 weeks since we discovered that hair removal products turn her into an itchy, red mess. We call it ā€œdefurringā€. The bonus is that the hair is getting less noticable. She has her face and body done at the same time. I didnā€™t care about age. Some kids and people are extra hairy and need to do whatever works.

I have pontificate on this for years! My 15 year old has more hair on her head than 5 grown adults. That has translated to more hair on her legs than most adults. And it is SO thick!! If we waxed now, would it kill the follicles? This is going to be an uphill battle for her.

you could be honest and show her the ā€œside effectsā€ of shaving, hair, etc. can cause ingrowns and other skin issues especially at a young age. if shes self conscious show her body positive things models with thick hair and uni brows. explain why we grow hair where we do and why some people choose to get rid of it.

As people have suggested buy her an electric shaver. Please donā€™t use hair removal creams because even the sensitive ones can be harsh on skin x

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I remember wanting to shave my legs as a little girl. It was not because of the hair it was because I wanted to be like the women in commercials. I would lather up my leg and use a toy like a lego to clean the soap off. I have dark hair too but that never crossed my mind about the actual hair being on my legs.

I was 14 for shaving legs and getting eyebrows amd lip waxed


My Aunt did her granddaughter early cuz she was having this same problem but on her arms and NO Problem after that and this was like 30 yrs ago so I would say whatever makes her feel better ā€¦:heart:

I helped my daughter Veet her legs when she was 7 or 8. In my opinion, whenever her body hair becomes an unwanted issue for HER is the right time. Its her body and her self confidence at stake. When she wants the hair gone, she should be allowed.

Whenever you feel is time,all kids hair up at different ages even three year Olds can have hairy legs. Some babys donā€™t lose their body hair after birth and are hairy all over lve seen it with my own eyes.

My mom taught my sister and I how to shave at 7 but made it very clear we didnā€™t have to start until we wanted to or were ready and if that time never came it was OK not to if I didnā€™t want to and here I am at 30 and I havenā€™t shaved my legs in 2 years, and before that I rarely shaved them except for rare special occasions

Iā€™d wait. Sheā€™s to young. She shouldnā€™t even be worried about that. I think I was 12 and I literally begged my parents. Now itā€™s a big ole pain in the butt. Let her be a child and just tell her sheā€™s to young.

Electric razor. She may do it first a while and stop or continue. Either way electric razor is the safest.

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I was in sports (soccer, track & softball). I started about 9 or 10 just because of having to wear shorts all the time. I never asked permission & my parents didnā€™t get upsetā€¦I used a disposable razor & shaving cream of my Dadā€™s. Watching how my Dad shaved his face was my ā€œtrainingā€.

I believe I started around 11 or so. I had been bothering my mother for a couple of years though by that point because I had long leg hair that was very noticeable in short and when I wore tights/nylons with dresses the hair would stick out of the tights and I felt crazy self conscious about it.
Now, I feel less worried about keeping up appearances. If I have a little stubble or if my lighter hair shows in the sun, it doesnā€™t bother me.
6 is quite young still, but if SHE us bringing it up, please do some research to find women that proudly show their body/leg hair and that itā€™s completely natural. If that doesnā€™t help her feel less self conscious, then look into some alternative routes to help her feel better.

I gave in at 10 when kids on the bus made fun of her daily. She is part Hispanic with dark black hair on her legs.

If itā€™s that bad and really bothers her, I donā€™t see why not. Though at that age I would steer away from a razor (except electric) as she is likely too young to safely use one.

I had three older sisters but they all started shaving I guess around puberty. It would be different if it were on her face. but on her legs no. At 6 years old sheā€™s probably wearing a lot of pants, slacks. If she wears a dress she can wear leotards. But she doesnā€™t need to shave her legs to wear long pants. If she wears shorts she can wear knee socks. You need to realize when you first start shaving itā€™s going to grow in heavier and heavier and heavier. Right now it may just be a little dark peach fuzz. I would say long pants, knee socks and leotards. Until sheā€™s older. I highly doubt if other 6-year-old girls are walking around pointing at her legs. They donā€™t notice that stuff yet theyā€™re still babies.

Children and women do not shave in other countries. She has ā€œlearnedā€ this behavior from someone. Razors are dangerous, nair can hurt her with chemicals. Just say NO, you are the parent first not her friend.

My daughter is 12 and comments were made about her leg hairā€¦so we tried electric and nairā€¦but she didnā€™t care for them so two weeks ago she got her legs and underarms waxedā€¦she did well and said it was like a bandaid being taken off. As for myself I was bullied so at 7 I started to shave including my armsā€¦


Please donā€™t. I did it to myself when I was 8 and I regret it now at 35. It really does mess with the way it grows back.

I asked my mom if I could shave my legs when I was 11she said no so I went in the bathroom and shaved them anyway I felt a lot better .let your daughter shave her legs you donā€™t know what she goes threw

Like 5th grade, so age 11-12ish
But I had light blonde hair so it wasnā€™t super noticeable.

We will have to see about nair though,it broke me out when I was a teenager and never tried it again

Chloe is 10&1/2,her hair is really light but Iā€™m starting to see it as time goes by,Iā€™ll teach her how here soon,sheā€™s already been shaving her armpits about 6 months now

I had to be at least in my teen years but my hairs were fine. My daughters also had to be teenagers. But is your daughter getting bullied or is she worried about it? If not, just let her be a kidā€¦I didnā€™t care and actually didnā€™t want to shave but had to after a prank my sister didā€¦ my middle daughter didnā€™t care until she was about 15 out 16ā€¦

My daughter was 11, part German, Irish and Indian and she was 11 when she started shaving.

I think a 6 year old removing body hair is nuts. Why canā€™t she be beautiful the way God made her?

I was 10 , when my dance teacher told some of us we had to start shaving our legs and pits. Had a show coming up. I would say 12 should be the right time.

If she is uncomfortable do it. Itā€™s about her and not an age.

I have 2 daughters and they are 8 and 12 years old.
The 8 years old is not the least bit interested or worried about it. The 12 years old started to shave her legs at 10, but, at first it seemed like a huge problem for her :rofl::rofl::rofl:when then she started shaving and found that itā€™s not that funny,:wink::sweat_smile:,she changed her point of view and now she only does it once in a while.
In my opinion 6 years old is really really too early and I would try to ā€œ educateā€ her to accept her baby body, but you know what is better for her.
(My mother forbids me to shave until I was 14/15 years old and I remember that I suffered a lot for this reason)

I think itā€™s about self image.
If itā€™s bothering her, let her shave it off!
Do Not let her feel self conscious and embarrassed. As you well know, kids can be mean, and you Do Not want her to get heckled about it.

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Iā€™m not sure that 6yrs is old enough but is it a hill worth dying on? If you donā€™t agree she will shave behind your back and then she can get hurt.


My daughter is 11 getting ready to turn 12 and she started asking to shave hers because she didnā€™t feel comfortable wearing shorts to school so she started shaving them but she had been asking long before I let her!!

Why does age have anything to do with what makes a girl feel more comfortable and confident? Teach her now that sheā€™s in control over her own body and let her decide. Is there some sort of rite of passage with this? If so, thatā€™s pretty stupid. There are no rules to things like this.

Way too young! Maybe when she is 12 or even better 14!

Nair cream but being to young may irritate her skin.
Wear pants :jeans: till she gets a bit bigger.
I would pray about it a child should not feel bad.
But once you do she will to do everytine.
She may grow thicker or thinner wonā€™t know.
6 is very young omg hard to say
Personally I would wait but explain to her.
Shes to young

mention waiting until next summerā€¦it might just pass by, but if it comes up a lot then I might consider an electric razor at christmas timeā€¦

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It depends on the child and how big a deal is made about it, my 10 year old is fair and has no body hair so itā€™s not a concern she has voiced,id say if your child is talking about it and wants to remove it then do so ,the upkeep is gruelling though for a 6 year oldā€¦ the hairs do come in thicker once you shave i know that from experience, if she isnā€™t bothered by it and you parentals donā€™t make a big deal then donā€™t worry until she speaks about it

I have a 7 & 9 year old. Theyā€™ve both started asking and we started with nair. We only do it 1 time a month and only below the knee. Theyā€™re more comfortable in shorts and in Leoā€™s for Dance & gymnastics

I wouldnā€™t use nair, Iā€™d keep it as chemical free as poss sheā€™s only 6. Get a lady shave and see if that helps. If not shave them for her so you know she is safe from accidents.

Ive talked with my 9 year old about sarting when she gets her monthly she is inpatient but understands

Shes to young to be thinking about that stuff,tell her its natural .really six yrs old,shes a child treat her like one and not a stereo type.

If and when the girl wants to. No one elseā€™s business including her parents.

I would let her start now if it bothers her electric razor first