What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

If she can tolerate it, maybe wax her legs, it may help in the long run with it not coming back as thick

Walmart has a battery operated shaver. Pretty safe.

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I was in middle school when I started shaving my legs

She donā€™t have to ever shave her legs !

The only downfall that I see if the fact that once you start removing it it just grows back darker and thicker for some people. Native Americans usually donā€™t have a lot of body hair if any. But the Hispanic and German/polish will have been a part of that. Sheā€™s 6 so I believe self esteem is important at this age and Iā€™ve used Nair on my arms before (Italian/German) Just make sure you use something thatā€™s not really harsh cause her skin is still young and you wanna make sure you donā€™t give her chemical burns and cause more damage. Definitely a professional spa will have good ideas or google for homeopathic ways to remove hair. Shaving is very hard on your skin and can dry it out and cause itching when hair grows back.

I canā€™t believe what Iā€™m hearing/reading let the child be a child until she will figure it out herself. Or ask your advice. Just be a good friend to her and consatrat on schooling :speak_no_evil:

I think my mother finally let in sixth grade but I had actually snuck and had been doing it already at my cousinā€™s.

I started shaving my legs at 12 ,my daughters started at 12 too they didnā€™t have that much hair

Iā€™m glad my mom made me wait-kids shouldnā€™t have access to razors and nair is smelly and a nuisance but then again so is shaving lol I was anxious to start and I remember being self conscious too (Iā€™m half Italian with thick dark brown hair) but shaving is such a pain in the butt so Iā€™m kind of glad I was forced to wait til puberty.

If it bothers her then do something about it.

If you are going to use nair. I would try just a small area first. To make sure itā€™s not going to burn her. Nair is a chemical. But 6 I feel is too young to shave.

I was in 5th grade when i started shaving my legsā€¦ so 10-11.

Thank you poster. I had the same question. My daughter is 8 and has hair all over but itā€™s doesnā€™t bother her at all but it bothers me alot because Iā€™m hairy and I literally have to shave every second day. I asked my mom at what age should I let her start shaving and my mom said I should wait till her cycle starts and many of the ladies suggested the same thing on this platform. So I guess the answer is to wait till her cycle starts.

Also can we normalize body hair. Seriously this shaving thing was put out post WW2. It not only is it self impossed misogyny but it perpetuates the myth that women are most desirable hairless like a child.

Our rule was 5th grade. But Iā€™m sure if you do it with Nair it may take awhile to come back. I would not give a 6 year old a razor.

When my 11 yr old starts asking about shaving Iā€™ll let you know.

The rule in our house was once u started high school (Yr 7 in Australia) or started puberty and needed to start shaving under ur arms, then u could also start shaving ur legs. I think under 10 is too young and unnecessary, not to mention Iā€™d be worried about letting a young child have access to razors/chemicals/ hot wax etc or any other hair removal methods, as well as the message ur sending herā€¦that she is unacceptable in some way and u need to change or ā€œfixā€ her. :thinking::roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Wait til it really bothers her. Once you start you canā€™t change your mind. In theory itā€™s not a lot of extra work, but adding things to a busy 3 kids (momā€™s) scheduleā€¦it is and itā€™s unnecessary right now.

There are laser hair removal tools on Amazon, might be less harsh, and also not as drastic.

If you are gonna do it use sugar or wax removal. Do not shave.

You do whatever makes your daughters most comfortable its them they has too walk in their shoes :mans_shoe:. If it bothers them itā€™s time too

Do not use Nair! The worst chemical burn of my life came from using that product as directed.

I would suggest Epilator or no no, something similar for that age

Teenagersā€¦ when they start asking about it. 6 is way to.young. maybe 11-12ā€¦ 13ā€¦

If they are requesting hair removal, please let them.

Has she asked to remove it? If not leave her be.

Why is body hair embarassing?!

I was about 12 when it became because of bully issues and we had to deal with it.

If it bothers her get her a electric razor and teach her how to use it, then supervise her a few times. If it only bothers you or your husband , wait.
Kids are cruel and no sense making her a target when itā€™s easy and safe to remove.
Hair does not grow back thicker , that is a old wives tale.

Help her to feel good. It does more damage to her self esteem

Encourage her to embrace her heritage, to respect her body as it is .

I would wait until she can safely do it herself.

Do what is best for your daughterā€™s self esteem

I think if she asked let her do it with help of couse

I would let her do her eyebrows IF SHE MENTIONS IT. Mom if itā€™s bothering you- too bad.

Her body, her choice. Itā€™s that simple.

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She is your daughter go with your gut feeling. You know whatā€™s right because you know her.

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A lot of those creams will burn her.

I would say 13 but I would take her to a GYNECOLOGIST.

If itā€™s becoming a problem for her, or if you think itā€™s too much do it

My mom allowed at 13 .

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Start when they feel self conscious about it :blush:

Iā€™d say 13 or 14. Sheā€™s way to young right now!!

Sheā€™s way too young Iā€™d wait another 5 years

I hated doing it for sure !

Nair is to chemical rich for that young of skin.

If she wants to get rid of it, Nair is a good option.

I would ask her pediatrician, and I would talk to her and if necessary maybe a counselor. If pediatrician says itā€™s OK I would let her. Is heā€™ll being teased. I was teased because I was taller & bigger, it totally sucked. My mom made me wear a bra in third grade I was horrified.

I say if sheā€™s embarrassed do it. Who cares

At 6 if it bothers her that bad then you help her so she doesnā€™t cut herself
But no reason for this child to be that self conscious

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Idk a out Nair because itā€™s not exactly good for the skin, sheā€™s still young so her skin is still sensitive to things that us adults might not be sensitive to. I would do the shaving method. Or WaxšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø But that would be painful (Waxing)ā€¦ I would just get some cool colorful shaving cream, and a good sensitive razor and help her shave.

My youngest daughter started shaving her legs at 6 years old because she didnā€™t want to have hair on her legs. I found out when I actually touched her leg and felt it growing back. I told her if that was something she wanted to start doing and she wasnā€™t cutting her legs up have at it it didnā€™t affect me in any way.

Sounds like your minds made up alreadyā€¦ js

My daughterā€™s were all 10 when using a razor but nair before that. I let them because i didnā€™t want them uncomfortable around people. One of my daughterā€™s stopped wearing shorts when it was hot. I have 4 girls and 3 are half Mexican. How they feel is more important.

Wait and shut up. Allow her to become self aware. Use this moment when they are so growing and innocent to teach this grown man that his daughters bodies are not his. If it was a son heā€™d be ok with it. No shame. Why are you allowing him to body shame them? It isnā€™t his body.
Just get a divorce. Save the pain and energy and do it now. For your daughters.

THANKS for such kind care and advice. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :ok_hand: :heart_eyes_cat: Best wishes from Hamilton New Zealand! :bouquet:

Six is awfully young, but I understand. I think she is too young to use a regular razor, but an electric razor should be safe. Just supervise. Not sure about the Nair. It could be harsh on her skin.

You could grow the hair on your legs out. Solidarity and all. Let her know itā€™s natural and not necessary.

When she hits puberty. Mom to 3 girls as well 16, 13, and 5. I waited til there cycles started.

When she starts getting underarm hair ans reaches adolescence.

I let my daughter start shaving at 12. She was in 6th grade.

Go for it. Remember wearing nylons with all that nasty hair? I finally went in the bathroom and did myself, leg hair I mean. :roll_eyes:

The only reason is that she will have to keep it up. I had my girls ask for important things like this for a year and if they persisted I gave in. Like ear piercing and shaving.

At 6, no way thatā€™s stupid

When the hair is there but use a razor

Her body; her choice (as long as safe)

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My daughters started at 11

Do it. Itā€™s just hair.

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6 is definitely too youngā€¦ Maybe when hair grows under her arms consider it then. Not a moment before and always start with an electric razor.


I would do it if she wants you too. No question about it. Go get the Nair girl! Iā€™m sure sheā€™s embarrassed about it. No need to make her suffer. Itā€™s just leg hair! Get it off for her.

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Itā€™s up to each and every parent with each child individually. Some kids start their cycles as young as 8 years old. As a mom, if my daughter were that self conscious about it, Iā€™d help her take care of it safely and carefully. Thereā€™s so many options available now.

There is no specific age. If It makes the child uncomfortable or embarrassed or if she gets made fun of because of excessive hair, ya have to take care of her.

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I was 9 years old when I shaved my own legs. I started my cycle that same year in 4th grade. My mom let me shave my arm pits but had said no to my legs. So one day just did it myself.

Shes in schoolā€¦right? If sheā€™s got dark hair on her legsā€¦do it. She doesnt need to be worried about being made fun of.
That ā€œto heck with everybody else thinksā€ is total Balony. You dont want her bullied a d made fun of. Itā€™s an Easy fixā€¦and safe.
Why not fix it for her?

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I donā€™t have the answer. I just feel sad by this. Why something natural is considered embarrassing. I understand but itā€™s just sad.

I was 11 and my cheer coach told the entire squad to shave our legs for competition. If she feels self conscious about it I would let her. I donā€™t think I would let her use nair because of the mess involved and exposing her to whatever chemicals they use at that young of an ageā€¦ good luck!

I was 11 bc i was hairy. Be careful w nair tho. Especially if they have sensitive skin. It burned mine. I used razors w guards at first.

Wow,thatā€™s quite an heritage you have there,lucky you,

I say middle school. 12-13.

No, just no. Six years old!

6 seems really young.

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You can get a razor that uses batteries at Walmart for less than $10 it canā€™t cut you and it does workā€¦itā€™s safeā€¦it may workā€¦Idk if true or an old wives taleā€¦but I heard growing upā€¦if you start shaving too often it grows back heavier and moreā€¦donā€™t know if true. good luck!

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Do it now and save her a lifetime of misery

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6yo is way too young.

Consult your pediatrician.


Electric razor!!! No chemicals or cuts!!

Not at 6. Not at 6 not at 6


I would use an electric razor and start when the child wishes. I was bullied for my body hair.

You are her mother and only you know whatā€™s good for her. At 6 I donā€™t think sheā€™ll grasp the concept that she will have to do this once twice or more during the week. If you feel she is being mad fun of and itā€™s hurting her just explain to her that we can handle this problem but you have to understand that doesnā€™t mean it goes away let her know it will grow back and you will have to keep it up or your hair will grow thicker then before.

Maybe wait till she asks to remove her hairs or have the conversation with her and see what she wants to do?

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Thereā€™s actually a hair minimizing lotion thatā€™s safe for kids.

If she is feeling self conscious and wants to get rid of the hair then do it now

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Never use Nair - itā€™s caused lots of chemical burns on people you donā€™t wantbit to happen to q child. It gave me a chemical burn and it was terrrrrible

I let my daughter begin shaving at 13 BUT I did assist her with using Nair on her underarms when she began growing hair there.

Spot test with any chemicals you use. They could lead to severe burns or reactions.


I always thought the earlier u start the darker the hairs. Wait for as long as u can because the ā€œhair problemā€ just turns Into a ā€œmaintenance problemā€
Itā€™s sad at such a young age they already feed like that :cry: this world sucksā€¦ U got bullied into shaving my legs In Highschool (went to all girl school) still wish I waited longer :joy::sweat_smile:

My daughter started shaving her legs at age 9. I bought a razor with safety features and taught her how to use it. She is 15 now.

I was in 4th grade when I started shaving.

My bonus daughter is 11 and I actually had her dad get nair hair removal lotion with aloe to show her how to remove her leg and armpit hair instead of shaving. I donā€™t want her to end up cutting herself. She says itā€™s weird that its there one minute and her hair is gone the next but it works! :slight_smile:

my youngest is 10. I started shaving her armpits 2 years ago because it was turning black. We are now learning legs since itā€™s now changing color also.