What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

Its time when she is mentioning that it is bothering her. There are safe electric razors with guards. Show her she is an empowered young lady and that she can take control of her body without everything being sexualized and without others putting limits on what when and how. This is where it starts break the cycle of people telling women when and how and what they can take control of when it comes to their bodies. My daughter started shaving when she was 8. We started with a 10 dollar electric shaver that just trimmed everything back a bit. She has extremely hairy legs. Her hair darkened as it grew longer, it has not darkened now that she is 11 and uses an actual ladies razor in the shower. You are the parent, don’t let others make you feel uncomfortable about the decisions you need to make for your babies.


I was about 9/10. That’s when I started puberty. My oldest was about 12, my middle was about 10, and my youngest is 4 and hasn’t asked yet. I’ve gone off the same rule my mom did which was puberty. As a mother though, it’s completely up to you and your daughter.

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First let her come to
You when she’s ready id think. Is she self conscience about it or are you worried for her? She probably could care less at this age. Ask
Her how she feels about it. Teach her that all humans have hair on their bodies and that it is there to protect our skin. Make
Her feel comfortable in her body and skin. It will do wonder for her when she’s grown!


I was in 5th grade. I wish I would of waited because now I’ve been shaving for more than half my life and it’s exhausting :sweat_smile:

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I started in grade 8.

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You might want to try Silk Epi or a similar device. It removes hair at the root so you do not have to use it as often. It is a little painful at first but the hair gets softer and easier to remove after using it for awhile. No chemicals and no cuts.

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Daughter was 11 when I taught her to shave. They need to be old enough to do it themself and understand

You should fix her midset and ask WHY she is self conscious and reinforce that she beautiful just as she is.


My parents were old school and didn’t let me shave at the age of 16. I will say this is traumatizing. Kids make fun of you. She’s probably been made fun of by her classmates and now it causes her distress. It’s only hair!? I never understood why it was such a big deal to allow me to shave?!

No :persevere::woman_facepalming: she’s a child ! Mine are all chicano . My kids are all the same way and I would never let them when they are younger the hair will become thicker. An my oldest now is 20 an she still will not nair . But shaves when needed . An her hair isn’t bad either because I never let her when she was younger.

I was shaving at 9. But my 10 year old wants nothing to do with it.

I started using nair in grade 4

We used lotion to cream the hairs down & then I allowed my girls to start shaving at age 10. Nair was not an option. Didn’t want to burn them.

I was in 7th or 8th grade

My mom wouldnt let me till I started my period, I was 10 in 5th grade. If my daughter who is 6, blonde hair with blonde leg hairs is ever feeling self conscious about it and brings it up to me before shes 10 then we will find a solution whether its using hair remover cream or a razor.

I was in elementary school and I shaved my own legs bc my Mom absolutely refused to let me bc I was “too young”. That wasn’t a valid reason to me as I was extremely uncomfortable wearing skirts and shorts bc of it. I let my daughters shave when they were ready.

I think it is more about when your daughter mentions it or that other people say things. I would not necessarily but an age on it as everyone’s is different in timing, color thickness, and growth.

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If you start before puberty the hair grows back thicker and darker. Making it even harder to manage.

It’s not up to anybody else if mom and dad feel it’s time then do it. She’s young but it bothers her now if you make her wait she could develop a bad complex you don’t want that


I didn’t shave til I got my period. I was 11.


If she wants it gone then I say go for it. When my daughter asks ill be doing lazer treatments as it’s permanent and less invasive

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If it embassies her and she’s uncomfortable or being teased than it’s time to remove it :person_shrugging:


Same situation here! I let my daughter use an electric shaver to start at a young age. If it makes her feel better then I say go for it.


6 does seem a little bit young but if it’s really bad and noticeable then don’t make her suffer. I would try the Nair first. Maybe when she’s hit puberty you could look into laser hair removal for a more permanent solution. Poor kid. Only 6 years old and already feeling that pressure to look a certain way. At that age I was out playing in the mud. Couldn’t have cared less about leg hairs.

I let my girls start in middle school just because they had a lot of hair and dark!

I think shes still too young me.daughter has 9 and she has asked for.permission but her hair ist that noticable at fisrt sight so i said mybe next yer shecn start but if you se that her hairs is way over visibility then why not i would.of looved that my my would let me.do somthing with my mustach and eyebrows at a young age since 5 th grade i was bulied cuz my eyebrows were to thickand my mustach was very very noticible.so yes if its thick and its causing her insecuritirs go for.it

6th grade. My school, everybody wore full makeup and hair curled everyday. Ridiculous. :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t allow her to shave or do any hair removal that young. Thats A LOT of upkeep for a 6 year old. I would say Maybe 9 or 10 she can use the electric razor. Ultimately it’s your decision and you will make the best choice knowing what’s best for your daughter:)


I started in second grade so I was probably about 8 or 9

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I was wondering the same exact thing . My daughter is 9 and has very dark hair and had mentioned that other girls on her volleyball team don’t have dark long hair on the legs like she does and wants to know when she can shave . I don’t want her to feel self councious or get made fun of so I was considering it. I like the idea of an electric shaver, safer than shaving with a razor and no harsh chemicals and odors or side effects from hair removal

We have 2 3rd grade girls that are superrrrr self conscious about their leg hair. One of them gets their legs “shaved” with one of those eyebrow things because she has superrrrr dark hair and the other is blonde and has to deal with it

Don’t use Nair! Nair is known for rashes and it’s not good for children’s use. Just teach her to shave with a two blade sensitive skin razor if you want to remove her hair. Leave the chemicals out. It’s because she will be doing it for the rest of her life, why start so young? Plus I hope you’re only talking about legs! Shoot even adult women these days have opted out of shaving for a while! If it’s other children that’s making fun of her hair on her legs, teach her positive coping methods to ignore those kids. She will eventually find something else to be self conscious about anyhow. Teach her to love herself enough not to give into peer pressure! Life comes with people who won’t be nice to you or her 100% of the time. Teach her that it isn’t her that’s the problem and it’s the bullies that are.

I started shaving when I was in 4th grade because I was picked on for having dark hair on my legs and arms. To this day I’ve had to continue shaving my arms since I started so young. It made it a little easier because my older sister went thru the same thing, so at least we had each other.

My parents wouldn’t let me wax my brows until the 6th grade. And I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup, nail polish or jeans until I was 14 lol.

At 6 yo!? Hair removal should be the last thing on her mind. Build her up, don’t instill insecurities. Hairy legs at that age, heck at any age is normal. Let her play with toys not have to worry about shaving.


I think I began shaving my legs in about 4th grade, I’m french/ indian on dad’s side and German/ Indian on mom’s side so my hairs pretty dark. I was extremely self conscious about it so my aunt taught me how to shave my legs and my pits. My daughter is almost 11 and we’re talking about shaving her legs, I think it’s up to whatever the kid needs to feel better as long as the mom is around to help them not cut themselves. I have an electric lady shaver that I’m going to let my daughter use when she’s ready.

My stepmom let me shave when I started having to change for gym class. The girls started teasing me because my leg hair was dark.

My daughter just turned 10. She has had her period, so I let her shave after a few lessons. She’s growing up, and I can’t stop her.

I was 11… I think whatever time your daughter starts to mention it is when it should be done. It’s hair not make up or a trend. Do whatever your daughter is comfortable with, if it’s not bothering her, who cares what anyone else thinks.

I grew up with thick hair everywhere. From a unibrow to hairy knuckles and toes. Everyone instilled in me that hairless was beautiful. Only one girl, named Daisy, in middle school I made fun of her mustache and asked why didn’t she take care of it (because I was self conscious of my own hair) got angry and said that she doesn’t need to do anything. Her hair grows therefore it is supposed to be there.

My mom wouldn’t let me shave so I started in middle school by buying my own razor. I had an 8th grade math teacher that grew her arm hair and was Jewish. She was the only woman with dark hair (my family are all blonde or shaved) on her arms I ever saw.

I am growing my hair out now, because I don’t want little brown girls to look at me and see a hairless adult. I don’t always shave my legs when I go swimming or wear shorts, but I do sometimes because I like the silky feeling. But I like the feeling of wind blowing through my body hair too lol

I am beautiful with body hair. It is a shame I thought otherwise for so long.

It was Daisy, and my math teacher, two small voices in what seems like an endless hoard of propaganda against my body. It took awhile, 20+ years, but I am grateful to them for liberating me.

If she wants to let her use nair, bc razors are too dangerous at that age

I think she should grow it out… I started shaving my legs at 7 grade and now the hair on my legs is super thick on the other hand my sister never shaved her legs and she don’t need to she has no hair what so ever mother dose my mom and she never shaved her legs… just explain to her that it is normal for her to have that

Please do not use a toxic chemical on your child. Nair is full of toxins.


I waited until they started puberty for all four of my girls.


Do what makes you & your daughter feel happy, and carefree& not self conscious. Just remember the up keep


It’s your decision at the end of the day but I think at this age it’s more important to help teach her to accept herself. That everyone is full of these anxieties and we’re all hiding these little natural things like spots, body hair, moles and other “imperfections”. I’m 23 and only just learnt that I’m not the only white girl who grows a snail trail after years of plucking, shaving and Nair which lead to ingrown hairs, infections, cuts, self mutilation trying to extracts the thick bits of stubble, self consciousness and covering up. Explain to her how much upkeep and maintenance and the risks this will take and the regret we feel as we get older for doing this to ourselves. The slippery slope that leads to over plucked eye browns and the money we spend on pencils filling them in years later as fashions change. The best thing any parent can do is educate and empathize and let the child come their own decisions in their own time.

Please do not use nair.My 1st daughter was 9 my 2nd was 10.If it bothers her a lot they sell these little battery operated razors for teens at the dollar store.I started my girls with those.

I would say if she is asking either help her or keep razors and stuff picked up. I remember one of my older sisters wanted to about 10 or 11 and my mom said no so she tried to herself and cut her legs up and the bathroom looked like a horror movie scene

My mother made me wait but then I just started sneaking and shave some spots. Thinking back now I’m sure it made it more noticeable but it made me feel better. I would never make my daughter go through that. When she starts bringing it up that she is uncomfortable or rather wear pants than show her legs…I will know she is ready.

I had my period right before my 8th birthday I was very young and had hair young I used electric razor


A different take on an answer. I am Italian. Had very dark leg hair. My mom wanted to wait as well, till around my period/puberty time. My dad was very controlling. No skirts makeup shaving etc. I was embarrassed and shaved it myself. I cut my leg wide open. I was young as well. While I agree building her up her insecurities, sometimes it doesn’t always come down to that. I had an amazing understanding mother. She did all she could. So she helped. I recommend doing what best for her, and you :purple_heart:Just have a discussion about it and what it entails before hand. Can I just say, kudos to you! for trying to understand her, and support her! Way to go!


I’m not a mom, buttt I will say, don’t use Nair use a wax scrub :blush:

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I’d say look into the school or ask her why she is being self conscious about a natural thing. Talk to her teacher

If she feels self conscious and does not like how it looks. Let her decide if she would like a resolution. If she’s old enough for it to bother her. She old enough to know there’s options to relive her discomfort. Yes you can tell her to embrace herself and love herself. But getting rid of a bothersome issue to allow yourself to feel good is also okay.

10 or 11? As long as she is the one feeling uncomfortable and not you guys there’s no reason not to use something like nair!

I don’t think I shaved until I was 13 or 14

Definitely not when she’s this young. I just got into my teens when I was told I could start shaving, even then my mom made a limit for me until I was older.

I started shaving my underarms and legs when I was in grade 1 (being 6 at the time) because I had so much hair

My daughter is 11 and shaves

Do what YOU think is best for YOUR child.

With that being said I don’t think Nair is the way to go… but also think 6 is a little young to start shaving (personal opinion)


Personally id be working on the self confidence rather than removal. But all parents are different i guess :woman_shrugging:


I waited until my daughter got her period

does she really want to shave her legs for the rest of her life? She’s 6, let her be a little girl, who is looking and judging her 6 year old legs?


Honestly if it makes her uncomfortable let her shave it, it’s just hair.


What about trying sensitive hair removal cream first rather than shaving I’d say that’s the safest way? Maybe try a patch test first don’t think I’d let my 6 yo loose with a razor

I feel like shaving children’s legs is just exploiting them and teaching them that they need to modify natural parts of their body just for viewing pleasure…if the hair created a skin problem or my child had a disorder or something that made it greatly uncomfortable I would obviously consider it…but when it comes to a child mentioning it because some lil boy or girl at school is teasing her or because she wants to shave like a grown up my answer is no…no child should be concerned with the looks of their leg hair and no adults should be concerned about the looks of a childs leg hair…


My 8 yr old came to me and said someone said something about her hairy legs (sorry baby, we have dark hair) so we went and got 2 electric shavers and now once a week we shave our legs :upside_down_face: but not before we had a long talk about self confidence, your body, and why its important to not give a hoot what others say!

I was in 3rd grade and did it without my mom knowing because I got picked on. My daughter is 12 and has yet to shave. Her hair is so fine and she isn’t concerned. It’s up to parents on what’s right for their own kids. You can get all the advice in the world, but it’s ultimately up to you❤

Teach her to be confident in her own body, don’t just “fix it” to make her more like others. 6 yes can be a tough age as they are starting to recognize differences but teach her to embrace her differences. At a later age she is likely to develop thicker hair and at that point I would allow it. Right now her skin is much too sensitive to handle the harsh chemicals in hair remover.


Removing your daughter’s hair leg is completely your choice for me personally 6 is way to young & I definitely wouldn’t use Nair on her legs


I told me daughter what my mother told me: once you have hair in your pits, then you may start shaving.

I didnt wait. If my daughter felt uncomfortable and it was too much nair is definitely the right way to go. Shes 10 and since ur daughter age shes been feeling funny about her hairy parts of her body. People from back in the days use to put a age limit times have changed. Now a razor is a different story i dont use NO RAZOR on my daughter

I started shaving right after i got my first period and i was 10. 6 is too young in my opinion but it’s really your decision.

I let my daughter start shaving and such when her period started. My mom did the same with me.

I started shaving myself at 10. Now, at 30, I wish I was taught to love my hair instead of trying to uphold beauty standards. Now, I don’t shave and it doesn’t bother me, but I had years of torment with hair removal trying to fix it (French/Native)


That is insane, teach your children to love themselves and that its neither natural nor required that women and girls be smooth like eels. I feel so bad a child is even worrying about this.

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I dunno what you will think of this idea but there are hair lighter sprays which people use on their head to make their hair blond in the sun maybe spray that on the hair that way it goes blond and therefore not as visible? Rather than removing the hair at such a young age? I dunno it’s just an idea :woman_shrugging:t3:

I suggest an electric shaver. Hair removal without harsh chemicals or the risk of cutting herself with an actual razor. And without the pain associated with waxing. Plus, she should be able to safely operate it herself.


There are spas that do natural hair removal. That might be a better option given her age

Mother of 4 girls here, and let me tell you each one started at a different age. We waited until they mentioned wanting to shave or were being bullied and we talked to them about body positivity and then let them decide if they were ready. There is no “right” age. I would recommend starting with an electric razor that she can do herself after showing her how. Nair doesn’t always work, and I felt a couple of my girls were just to young for a razor or wax. They make several different kinds of electric razors for women.

Six is way too young! I definitely would not use Nair on six year old skin.


I started working in a new classroom and I had a little girl in my class who refused to take her jacket off to go on the playground. It was 90 degrees outside. And I told her none of us could go outside until she took her jacket off. I pulled her to the side and asked her what was going on and she broke down into tears that the kids would make fun of the hair on her arms. I assured her that would not happen and if anyone said anything to her about it, they would have to answer to me. She took off her jacket and she had long black arm hair. And my heart hurt for her. To feel that self conscious at 5 years old. No one said anything to her about it, but i imagine it has happened to her before. Nair it. No reason to suffer if you don’t have to.

I believe that the age of 6 is pretty young to be doing any sort of hair removal. At this age she is probably a first grader.
My daughter came to me as a second grader mentioning her hair on her legs.
But was not taught to do any hair removal until she was 12. Shortly after teaching her about hygiene got her first period . I believe there has to be some self responsibility of maturity in order to begin hair removal . Remember she is only 6. Let her be a six year old.

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6 is just too young. I experienced what she is experiencing.
You need to talk to her pediatrician to make sure she doesn’t have hirsutism. (I do)
Wait until she is at least 10 before allowing hair removal. As a momma work on her self confidence with her.


Well I definitely wouldn’t use nair, chemical burns

Best time is when she starts to feel self conscious about it. Don’t think age matters. It’s about how she feels


We waited until she asked to shave which was around 11 or 12 years old and then I took her to have her legs waxed below the knee. It was the same time the first real bra’s got purchased so it was a whole transformation.

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My girls started shaving when they were 10 and 13 (she had blonde leg hairs so she waited) I wouldn’t use Nair on her but if she mentions it, is self conscious about it maybe get her an electric razor.

As the father of a daughter… Do what you feel is right and to hell with whatever anyone else thinks… Just make your kid happy without spoiling them into expectation…


First and foremost educate her on her extremely wonderful heritage. Maybe do some research on indigenous persons from those areas. Show her that beauty comes in all forms. You may have to repeat this everytime she mentions her body hair. If she still insits on leg hair removal, i would recommend you remove hair from the knee down. She may not like how her legs feel when it starts to grow back and never mention it again. Self love is important and remember…its just leg hair.


please watch toxic beauty … do not use nair, the chemicals in her body before puberty is very serious and can cause long term effects … if anything get an electric shaver … but i would seriously worry about a 6 yr old that is worried about her body, i don’t think she needs to change her body but her friends at school who make her feel this way


I started shaving at 10. I have twins who are 11 and just started 1 week ago.

Hell no. She’s 6! Good lord. Letting them do something simply because they want at such a young age is ridiculous. Just because they complain is not a reason to give in to common sense.
Why don’t parents -parent anymore.
It is not necessary for a CHILD to even be considering hair removal…in fact they shouldn’t even be aware that it is an option.stop trying to make your children look like an adult.


There are Very different opinions here in the comments BUT only YOU know YOUR daughter and if SHE is ready for this. I would say show her she is beautiful no matter what ,work on her confidence and if she still ask or brings it up consider shaving it at 1st and go from there. I don’t believe any reputable salons will do hair removal on a 6year old BUT again only you can make that decision.


I was in 5 th grade - I didn’t ask my mom, just started shaving

I started shaving my legs in the 3rd or 4th grade. My daughter has had a light uniform since she she was about 7. I obviously wasn’t going to mention it unless she noticed and became self conscious about it A few months ago she came to me and wanted to remove the hair. If she’s not insecure about it, I def wouldn’t mention it and give her a reason to be insecure. She will come to you if and when she’s ready.

Hair removal is largely done to gain male attention/acceptance. It is asked for by many males as a preference (most often for sexual reasons). Our society puts hairlessness on a pedestal because it’s another way to make us “wanted” by males (because we are nothing without male acceptance and desire :roll_eyes:)

With that in mind, consider the implications of your question. Your daughter is 6 years old. Do you really want to groom your 6 year old daughter to strive to be desired by m€n?

:person_facepalming: some of y’all really are :clown_face:


I think 6 years old is too young imo. Her skin is likely still too sensitive for chemical removal and shaving. But that’s just me. It’s not really clear if she was just inquiring about the hair or if she is wanting it to be removed. It just says she talked to her dad and he suggested it. I personally would have talks with her about how our bodies change and that we are different from boys but in an age appropriate language. These continuous talks will teach her that it is normal to have hair and that we don’t have to change our appearance to appease anyone else. The talks grow more in depth as she grows older. I did this with my boys started young and progressed as needed.

Take her to get them waxed. It will last longer than shaving and Nair is to harsh


I feel like that would damage the skin.


Whenever she wants to shave, shave. It’s just hair. Its about how she feels