What age should girls start birth control?

Not until your married . Some women need to start earlier, due to hormonal issues.:purple_heart:

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My daughter will be 12 in October just had her first and 2nd periods and this is something i struggle with as well. I was diagnosed with endometriosis at 15 and put on BC. She still gets grossed out talking about sex so that’s not what I worry about. Its the regulating of the periods and knowing what I went through before i was diagnosed.

So which one of the parents is wanting to put her on life altering hormones that could later on or possibly at the time that she takes it causes massive effects that could possibly hurt her for the rest of her life. How about you teach your children about safe sex how about you teach your children to be able to come to you and talk to you about sex so whenever they do decide to have sex they do it properly to in the safest way that they can. Education it’s the most valuable thing that you can give somebody. Don’t just put your kids on medication and tell him to go free f*** and I’ll be okay. No teach your children about the consequences of sex. Is the time whenever you need to be a parent.

Whenever her doctor thinks she needs it for a medical issue or whenever she’s sexually active or even considering it.

Just remember (and remind your husband) that denying her birth control won’t actually stop her from having sex. It just makes it more likely that she’ll get pregnant if she has it.


I was 15 when I started on the pill.


Many factors go into this. Talk to her doctor first and foremost and INCLUDE her in all conversations and hear what she has to say and any questions she might have it’s your job to educate her. Why does she need it? It makes a big difference on what she will and can be given. Is it for sex? Is it for periods? Acne? It all depends.


My daughter started at 15 for acne and to be safe.

When your kid starts having sex put her on birth control. If you think she’s too young for that, how do you feel about her having an actual baby HELLOOO


Your husband doesn’t get a say


Journeys Of A Woman she does not need either one of your permission to get birth control she can walk in to any DEHEC location and get it without parental consent. If this is for medical reasons then I would actually talk more with her doc on other options or get a second opinion, even as adults some of the meds have major side effects. If it is for sexual activity has she said she is active or thinking then she needs to be safe in every way regardless. Have a talk with the father and yes he has just as much say as you do and explain that being safe is better than not (duh) and nothing I mean nothing is going to stop her from doing anything!!! Good quality Condoms at ALL TIMES!!!

A. Why doesn’t dad get a say but mom does? B. Why would one wait till after marriage to start bc? For all u older folks isn’t marriage like a pre rec to having a baby??

When she is ready and asks for it…


Keep an open dialogue about sex, birth control and dating and let her know that when she is feeling ready for physical relationships then birth control is important. Let her come to you. In the UK 14 year olds can get birth control from doctors without parental consent or knowledge as long as the doctor sees them as fit to understand their decisions.


I’d say around 13. Most Middle school kids are sexually active. Mom of 5 daughters.


The sad truth is that you finding out if your child had become sexually active or not depends on the relationship you have with your child. She could be having sex without you being aware of it. And now, you can get birth control from your Dr without parental consent. I would suggest, if you want to be involved in your kids life, that you become a little bit more open, that you talk about sex, drugs, whatever it is you are concerned about openly without judgment, and they will come to you when they need guidance. Otherwise, they’ll find it somewhere else.


What you teach him or her.But in general by the time she is or he is 18 or adult hood. That is what I taught mine. Any earlier and they don’t understand why they’re doing it.Horny is not a good reason.


After married, if they choose to wait for motherhood.
Encourage purity prior to marriage, of course.


I got my period at 10. I went on birth control at 13 because they were so bad. I went on it for medical reasons.

If shes old enough to get pregnant & having sex


Uhhh…when they start having sex. Hello!?!


A year or so after the start of your period if the cramps are too bad and gets you regulated


My daughter has been on birth control since she was 14, but for female issues. She’s gonna be 21 this year and still on the pill

Honestly, I wish I had started in high school. I had bad cramps and only as an adult I started with the ring. My cramps decreased so much. It was not an option for me but I encourage you and your husband to speak with your daughter and doctor.

I wasn’t sexually active but I started using birth control when I was 16, to be completely honest it has messed my body up. I guess a better way to work around this decision is ask your daughter how she feels about it and if she is sexually active she should take it

If your daughter and her doctor are both on board with it and the medication does not have a counter indication for her age, then it’s time.

However, please read about the risks. Also read about potential risks.


The second the ER tells you she suffers from Dysmenorrhea. It’s dirty name is birth control. She still needs the hormone control.

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Well sometime even when you have a good relationship with your child they may be to embarrassed to come to parents I started my girl s in highschool coming from a long line of teen parents because sometimes they don’t know when there first time maybe it just happens

As soon as they decide to open their legs like a grown woman! Because they ARE NOT a grown woman! :100:


Different situations warrant different actions. My daughter has been on birth control since she was 10 due to horrible uncontrollable periods. She’s not sexually active and she is now 17 but if the situation was different she would feel comfortable enough to come and have the conversation with me.

This day , these times, as soon as her cycle starts…especially if in public schools as soon as they hit middle school, believe me they have a whole different outlook about sex than my generation had, either that or you better have taught her to love herself and sex is not itch that needs to scratch, because believe me, that’s the attitude of the youth today, there are so many without parents.

My daughter will start birth control when her period starts. No questions asked

I have 3 girls so I AM VERY interested in what other parents have to say :eyes:

I was put on birth control at 15 due to irregular and horrifically painful periods. I was not sexually active. My parents were livid and my father would call me a slut (mind you I wasn’t doing anything!) As a parent now, I have 5 girls. The first 3, I took them to get birth control as soon at they had a boyfriend. The 4th, is 11 however I told her (she’s very shy) that she can just text me the word “birth control” and we will go take care of it. The 5th is only 9 but will have the same option. No judgment from me. I’d much rather be proactive and supportive than reactive and raising a grandchild. :heart: I will add that I’ve always told my girls that my wish is that they would wait until marriage to have sex however I do not live under a rock.

I came to my dad as soon as I started high school and asked to be put on it. I wasnt having sex yet I wasnt even thinking about it yet but I knew high school was a new experience and more likely than not in those 4 years I was going to lose my virginity and I wanted to take my own protection against it and I ended up not having sex for another year and a half after i started my birth control but I had it when the time came. When my son is between 12 and 14 i plan on buying him condoms and having that talk with him because hes not going to come to me before he decides to have sex itll be after and I’d rather him be embarrassed for a little bit but safe when he decides hes ready then coming to me telling me he got a girl pregnant

I started my daughter when she informed me that she was sexually active.

I’d say the decision is up to your daughter and yourself. Birth control can be used for more than just preventing pregnancy. It’s used to regulate periods as well. And not all the time does birth control prevent prgenancy… I have 2 children that where conceived while on birth control. 12 or 13 would be a good age to start discussing it with your daughter…


14 or when you have your 1st cycle! My opinion!

My mom got me on birth control when I was 14 due to having a super heavy flow but I would say around 13 or 14 is a good time to start i would talk to your daughter about birth control options let her deside what she wants to go with and then talk to her doctor about when is the best time to start taking it and putting something in motion

There are a few reasons to use birth control, not just being sexually active. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer.

Is your husband the girl??! Quite frankly, this is a discussion for the young woman, her mother (if available), and the young woman’s doctor. Children don’t take birth control. Females of age to require birth control, unless necessary to control menstruation, will be assumed to be sexually active. I sure as hell hope you’re not permitting a child to engage in a sex act! And, make damn sure if ‘dad’ gets involved he emphasizes that a male engaging in sex with said young woman WEARS A CONDOM - and, make him show her how to put one on properly on a cucumber or banana. If you can’t talk about BOTH genders providing protection, then you have NO place near an innocent person’s inquisitive brain or sex organs! And, make sure to inform her of how politicians like to also get involved in HER activities. I’m sure that information will bring light to the hatred placed upon young women and empower her to remember that SHE is more valuable than just her vagina.


I started BC at 15 i think 14-15 is a good time i also started my period at 8.

At least by age 10. Too many babies having babies that someone else has to raise.

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Birth control messes up the female body, so really the question is do you want to mess up your child or not and at what age do you want to start the process…


My mom put me on birth control at 16. I wasn’t allowed at boys houses until I was on it. My mom was a teen mom and wanted to protect me from the same path. It did not encourage me to have sex. I was on it for 2 years before I ever had sex. The best thing my mom ever did was have open supportive communication with me about the consequences of sex. Pregnancy and diseases and the mental repercussions of sex.

If she bleeds she is old enough you will not know when she has sex be prepared ahead of time


Talk safe sex NOT female birth control with hormones. That will mess your daughter up forever. Always keep a line of communication open with her.

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I put my daughter on BC around 16…

I started mine at 12 due to menstrual issues. I had them as well at their age. I was prepared and very open with them. Their father went along with it and understood. It was the insurance company I had to fight over their age. I ended up using an online service and pay out of pocket.


Here’s the thing… birth control is given not only for safe sex… so depending on the reasons why… it all comes down to every circumstance! I had to start at 15 due to horrible periods.

If they have started their period then it’s fair game! The thing is you can educate all you want but it also comes down to the girl. Some never and others will. Do what you think is best for your child!


Not a parent, but I started birth control at 11 for my horrid cramps and to help regulate hormones. The need for birth control is far too intrinsically linked with the idea that kids are having sex. I didn’t until I was in my 20s, but still needed the pills. Every child is different, and this is not a question for the internet. This is a question for you to discuss with your chile and their doctor.

As soon as they get their periods not only will it regulate them but help if they get painful cramps but I’d consult your doctor to be honest

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Some girls have horrible periods and that is why I put my daughter on them yrs ago. I believe she was 12

I think it depends on the kid, but 13/14 is when I start to talk about it…

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I know plenty of women who took BC their whole lives and were OK but I’m one of the few who it never worked and I have often questioned if they caused my thyroid cancer 10 years ago. As someone who struggles with hormones daily now, I am not a big supporter of hormonal birth control, especially in younger girls. They would need them for reasons outside of birth control in my opinion, and I would get at least 3 different doctors opinions on the topic before putting a child younger than 18 on them. Babies are inconvenient but cancer is way worse. Just my take on the topic.

This is a question that depends on the child .You know your daughter, but I wouldn’t wait for her to tell you that she is having sex do it before then also talk with her doctor she can talk with her doctor without you and they can help decide if now is the right time. Lots of girls use birth control for other reasons to. I dont think you can put an age on this question. If I had to I’d say 12 . Girls are growing up young these days.


I was using it after having a discussion with my parents and family doctor. Once I turned 14 was when to help regulate my hormones. Basically its possible to start once puberty starts rearing it’s head

Just a reminder, birth control can cause health issues including infertility.


Birth control?!? Er…teenage years

Birth control pills can cause many adverse reactions .its chemicals… … A girl should not be put on them unless she has not been taught to have self CONTROL or she lives in an area where she is likely to be raped.


I think it depends on the situation. My daughter was placed on birth control at 11 due to heavy periods, clots and cramps. She lost her virginity when she was 20. I was always open and honest with her and she was the same in return.

I went on birth control at 16 because I had outrageous periods so that said,

Its not up to strangers on fb


My opinion. There’s just things a dad should not know…periods and birth control decisions just to name a few. Daughters will always be daddy’s little girl, I’d keep it like that.

I went on BC because my periods were out of control and not because I was out having sex. So you should be having a conversation with your daughter.

These comments seriously gross me out. Birth control messes up your natural hormones, your natural cycle, directly relates to the loss of bone density. Also has effects on mood/ chemicals being released in the brain. Good luck poisoning your children.


There isn’t anything to agree on really. If you don’t want to be grandparents at the age you both are at, be open and honest with your child and help them to be safe if they are active. Kids and teens will still have sex with or without their parents consent if the situation presents itself.

Its hard to say really. I have 3 daughters & each one is so different from the other. All you can do is have an open relationship with them so they are comfortable with talking to you about sex & things. Once that is achieved you will know when the right time is for that child bc they will talk to you


Only if she wants to be on it and asks to be put on it


Even before the menstrual cycle girls should be aware of the possibilities.
Their body their choices.
I started my birth control after two cycles because of other reasons and didn’t have sex untill many years later. It’s not just for pregnancy!! And if so, better to be safe than sorry.

(From Europe with love)

I think the best thing is to speak with your daughter and her doctor. If it is for birth control then I would say when she has started her period especially if she spends time out with friends, etc. If it is for helping regulate her periods and helping with cramps, I do recommend it. It has helped my daughter and helped me when I was a teen.

Before becoming sexually active

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Yous need to speak with a doctor. Some birth control are full of hormones which can mess her up or work great. Age isn’t a factor each person is ready at their own time. Again I would speak to her doctor so they can test her hormone levels so they can tell you which options are best for her and her body.


What age is too young for having a baby? THAT should be the bigger issue here.


This is not a decision strangers should have an input on. No one here had all the information nor is it our daughter. This is something to talk through with your husband and daughter and her dr.


My mom put me on it at 13, I was a virgin :woman_shrugging:t2:

I did not have a girl but I gave my son condoms at 15… and said you had better NOT make me a grandmother yet

I put my daughter’s on at 14.No didn’t like the idea but they are going to have sex whether we want or not.We can’t hold their hands 24/7.

Birth control is not good for anyone. I’m living proof of that. My daughter is 9 now thank god. She has brain bleeds and will always need a shunt replacement … So think 2 times before putting your child in that position…

I can’t believe the ignorance in some of these comments. Talk with her doctor and figure out a plan that works for your family.


Do people really get personal health advice from Facebook?

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The true question it’s what it’s too young to be a mother


You don’t want the first sex talk to be I’m sorry I’m pregnant


When she becomes sexually active, or needs it for other reasons.

I was on birth control at 14.
I asked the doctor myself due to how horrible and all over the place my periods were.

If your daughter is happy to be on birth control and it’s something she wants then go ahead.
If she doesn’t want to be on it (remember it is something that completely alters the hormones in HER body) then so be it.
Talk about safe sex, and trust that if she wants to be on birth control she will let you know.

Totally up to your daughter and her doctor. Her body, her business.


I say the earlier age for birth control must be up tot the parents who knows the child best but these days , young girls are sexual active without a lot of knowledge or experience so age 16 and even anything before 16, is possible. See girls as young as 12 have become pregnant. Let me point (no pun) to the point where the girl has had her first period. After that she can become pregnant. If you truly want to prevent pregnancy before time , after the first period.
Too many children from 12 to 17 have become pregnant and their lives are changed forever!

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I was 16 when I started on birth control. Not because I was sexually active, I just had an irregular flow and severe period cramps. My dad didn’t approve. My mum shut him down when he tried to say no.

Birth control made me suicidal. I’d speak with her doc with her there.

I have 2 daughters who I have a good relationship with we always talked about the importance of birth control and was very open to conversations relating to what it could be helpful for…and the consequences of not using it was always evident as there is 15 yes between me and my oldest daughter…my mom never talked about anything with me at all…both were very different in so many ways and still are …but the relationship we had they were comfortable to let me know when they were ready

When she gets married😊

Is she even sexually active? First find out if she has a steady boyfriend she wants to get close with. If she’s a shy girl who prefers books to boys, birth control will be useless to her. More and more American teenagers are having sex by the age of 16. But that doesn’t mean all of them are. Have a mother-daughter talk with her about the difference between love and sex, warn her that having a baby while you’re still in high school can derail all your plans for college and a career, and remind her not to believe everything boys say in the heat of the moment, while they’re groping you in the back seat.

Raise a kid right and I won’t even be talking about that stuff

When u know there having sex

I think it’s individual needs if it’s due to painful heavy periods . If they are in a relationship, I would speak to your daughter and listen to her , if she feels she needs to go on contraception I would listen and perhaps book an appointment together to the gp or fp clinic xx

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It’s different for every young woman sometimes the need is strictly for menstrual pain and health not just sex or attraction for opposite sex relationships…it should be a full discussion for both purposes and understanding the full spectrum of all options and purposes


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From personal experience… if the relationship with parents is healthy, when she starts dating. With open conversation and consideration. ( I’ve had bad reactions, so have lots of women)

As soon as u know they are having sex is when u should out them on BC…i was put on the depo shot to early n bled for a straight year