What age should girls start birth control?

I started at 16. I think that was a good age


It depends on the kid but in my middle school kids started fooling around at 12 :flushed::expressionless:

I think its a total personal decision but its better to be to soon rather than to late


Every 6 months I ask does anyone here need to see a dr about birth control or mental health I have condoms in the house and they are aware so there is no excuse.


Tho itā€™s nearly inevitable as a teen, I would look more into which ones have the least long term permanent side effects. Some women these days have miscarriages often or are infertile from their birth control, or they have developed endometriosis or other uterine diseases etc from the birth control they took as a teen.


I was 13 I went on the pill to regulate my period and help with acne

We are having these conversations with our daughters but are we having the conversation with our sons to use condoms only?? Never ever go without using a condom, condoms have zero side effect


Umā€¦ when they want to.

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You ask her, not yourselves


Instead of putting your child on the pill. Why not be parents and talk to and teach your children the importance of absence. Set limits. Have boundaries. My daughter is not allowed to date until she is 16. Teach them the purpose of sex. Teach them why God wants them to wait till marriage. Do not allow them to be in situations where they could become sexually active. Be parents.

Depends. I didnā€™t have sex till I was outta high school. Then I married the fucker. 23 years later weā€™re getting divorced. Just make sure she gets the HPV shot. Good luck


That is something her doctor should answer. Listening to fbu is dangerous when it comes to childrenā€™s health

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I think it all depends on several things. How well is your relationship with the daughter? How old is she? Does she have a bf? Are you worried sheā€™s sexually active? I mean a lot can go into play. Some girls get put on birth control for reasons other than having sex, or being in a relationship at a young age. So thereā€™s so many factors to consider. Since I donā€™t know the age of your daughter hard to say. For medical reasons I was 14 when I was put on it and not for any other reason. Good luck

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Maybe talk to your daughter :woman_shrugging:t2:


I think i was 12 when I started BC, I had terrible periods and they helped a lot, plus my puberty was full of bad acne and that helped too. BC isnā€™t just for sex, so if your daughter is asking to be put on BC talk to her and see whats up, take her to the dr, whatever. There really isnā€™t a set age, its just people assume you want to be on BC because you donā€™t want to get pregnant.

I started birth control at 15, I would say as soon as either they are sexually active or it is medically necessary


When they start having sex! You wonā€™t stop them from doing it, but you can try to prevent pregnancy!


Depends on if she needs it and what she wants to do. As a women we all know birth control side effects can sometimes be awful. Is she having issues with her period where birth control would be helpful? Is she sexually active or expressing an interest in it? Does she even want it? Should be a discussion with the three of you and her doctor to decide which course is best for her


I had my period early @9, so by 13 I started the pill - waited for sex until almost 17

I think it should be a discussion to have with the child, there are many different reasons why one may want to take it, not all are sex related so I donā€™t think thereā€™s really a ā€˜too youngā€™ unless of course, the child hasnā€™t hit puberty because then obviously their bodies arenā€™t ready for it

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The day they start their period. Kids are gonna have sex. You can teach them or you can choose not teach them safe sex practices. Your choice but just thinking your kid isnā€™t gonna have sex because you taught them abstinence isnā€™t gonna happen. Theyā€™re just not gonna tell you that theyā€™ve had sex. So, just put them on birth control (depo shot, once a month pill, or nuva ring, etc whatever works for you) and monitor it. Promote a positive home environment where they can come talk to you without reprocussions.


I was 13. Keep in mind Birth Control helps regulate and lighten girls periods as wellā€¦donā€™t focus so much on the nameā€¦ā€œbirth controlā€


When ever shes ready if she wants to. Her body her choice. I was never on birth control until after my second child waiting to get my tubes tied and it failed anyway.

This is between her and her doctor, really. Your husbands opinion on the matter is pretty irrelevant. I had dysmenorrhea and went on the pill at 13. Birth control does more than one thing!


I had to put my daughter on it at 9 years old to control her periods. Talk to your daughter though, thats honestly when you will get the best answer.

These days it seem they get younger and younger start having sex, I started my daughter when she turned 16

As much as birth control is for birth control it can also be used for help with period problems too so depends on the reason- I took birth control at 13 to help with bad and painful periods

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As soon as she starts having sex.
Better swallowing a pill, than to walk around with a swollen belly.

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I started at 13 for medical reasons. It all depends on why they need it(if itā€™s for medical reasons of course thereā€™s exceptions for age) and if they donā€™t NEED it medically then have that chat with them when they become a teenager and educate them on safe sex ready for when they are sexually active

As soon as sexually active however remember birth control messes with hormones which really shouldnā€™t be messed with until fully developed as an adult (18) . So condoms also would need to be used .

As soon as She wants to. Obviously if your daughter is asking to, there is a reason for it. Either period related or just wanting to be prepared, its a sign your daughter is mature and responsible.


My daughter went on them at 17 for her periods.

Personal decision. If heart disease is high in the family I would tell the daughter to speak with her doctor about birth control with a family history and side effects. No condom or birth control is 100% effective against pregnancy!

I had talked to my doctor about the depo shot. It made me gain 50 lbs over 9 months (donā€™t do this to a teenager, I was young adult and no matter how much I worked out and ate right, it was hell.) They switched me to the pill which my family medical history which is strokes, blood clots etc. My doctor did not look further into this option and now after being on the pill for literally 8 years. Iā€™ve suffered from two strokes that have caused brain damage and I get really horrible dizzy spells. My anxiety and depression were the absolute worst. And I was told by my doctor that if I was to continue with the birth control puts me at a risk for a PE or stroke before Iā€™m 35 AND if I get pregnant, there is a possibility that me or the child will expire.

So as mothers and fathers and hell even doctors please do your research into what would be best for your child, medically, emotionally, etc. But I think if it is at the discretion of the gynecologist and parents.

(I didnā€™t go to my first gynecologist appointment until I was an actual adult at 18.)

Another insight, not everyone takes or needs birth control. Ask your child how she feels. Depends on her beliefs too. Some women donā€™t have sex until marriage. There are side effects to birth control you two and Dr should look into together. You could also give alternatives. Talk to her about safe sex. Birth control does not protect against STI and therefore a condom should always be used.


Itā€™s something you, your daughter and the Dr should talk about together.

I was started on it at 13 to try to regulate my cycle

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I started mine my sophomore year of high school. 5 years later I stopped taking it completely because I have depression, and because I started bc at such a young age it messed with me developmentallyā€¦ Iā€™d say if at all preventable try waiting as long as you can. My parents never had ā€œthe talkā€ with me and American sex-Ed is a joke, and I really wish someone had sat down and explained the importance of condoms/abstinence to me rather than just brushing past it because ā€œitā€™s uncomfortable ā€œ to talk about.

My daughter wonā€™t be on birth control til sheā€™s 25, make that 35.

I put mine on at 14ā€¦ Her cycle was so off. It was aweful. Spoke with Dr and that was his suggestion of getting her on track. Its up to you guys and your Dr.

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When they tell you they feel they need to. Some might say it before they have sex thinking they might be ready and some may say it after they first try it. My mom had 4 girls and she divorced when we were young so she told us as we hit puberty. If you think you need to be on birth control please please tell me. I know a girl who told her mom at 16 and her mom asked if she was having sex and she said no, her mom told her she didnā€™t need to be then. She got pregnant and said she tried to get on birth control. Hereā€™s the thing some clinics out there will give it to teens, like planned parenthood. The important thing is talking to her to let her know you are there, you will listen and you will let her make that decision. When we tell our kids what they can and canā€™t do with body at a young age, we already take that power away. Itā€™s her body regardless of age.

I started BC when I was 22 for endo pain. I have 6 sisters and my mom never put any of us on birth control and we never got pregnant. My parents were very open about sex and all the things that come along with it so it was never really a mystery or something that I wanted to experience for myself because of what they told me and also realizing how emotionally immature people were in middle and high school. I would say put your kid on by if you donā€™t trust her or feel that she is very curious about sex but if sheā€™s someone who thinks things through before she does it and sheā€™s not scared that you will be angry if she comes to you with questions then wait until she asks you about it

I was 9 or 10 when I started my menstrual. Iā€™d say thatā€™s to early to start birth control. Iā€™d say around 13 to 15.

I had my first pregnancy at 15 because I didnā€™t understand how it worked. My sex talk was ā€œyouā€™re a whoreā€ I didnā€™t even know what a miscarriage was until it happened.

Birth control, sex, protection, and guarding oneself I feel should be given when their period starts. Seeing as the menstrual cycle is how a woman becomes pregnant if she gets with a man.

I started my daughter when there was a chance of activity. I had a great relationship with my lil girl & had the talk when she started having ā€œthat time of the monthā€, so it all depends on the family dynamics and what the parents think is right for their child.

I started birth control a year after I first started my period. It wasnā€™t to ensure I wouldnā€™t grt pregnant though. I wasnā€™t having sex at that point. It was to get my periods regular. I had terrible side effects from most of them though. From literally feeling exhausted 24\7 to being raging witch.

But I agree it whenever your daughter starts having sex or before!

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I took my sister when she was 14 because she was going to have sex. I did it secretly but my parents found out when her pap came back with abnormal cells. She had cervical cancer and if I hadnā€™t taken her, no one would have known until it was possibly too late

When they can ask. I hated the side effects of birth control for myself I canā€™t imagine them in a teenager

When the child/teen becomes or is thinking about becoming sexually active.

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Well, due to PMs issues my now 17 yr old went on it at 16. Recently my 14 yr old was put on it for PMs issues. So it just depends on what they need it forā€¦

When they start dating

Some birth control isnā€™t really made for long termā€¦ I wouldnā€™t start my kids too young. Depends on type but I plan to also focus just as much on teaching my daughter about cycles, when she can get pregnant, etc. I think most women my age (mid 30s) donā€™t follow their cycles enough. Keeping a calendar and knowing your cycles should be just as important as just putting a child on birth control. But these are just my random thoughts that Iā€™m bambling about.

Iā€™d say probably a year or so after period starts If itā€™s irregular or if she asks. Thatā€™s something need to speak with her and her doctor. Donā€™t force her to get it but definitely have the safe sex talk

My doctor put me on because I have extreme periods so I was put on it at a very young age

If you wait until your daughter has enough courage to ask about it you may be waiting a long time! As open of a relationship as you may think you two have, your daughter may still feel awkward about certain topics. Donā€™t wait for her to ask!

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Depends on her personally, I have a cousin who is the same age as me as she started at 12, I however didnā€™t start until 16 as we had very different ā€œpersonalitiesā€ :joy:, some girls have irregular periods and start it earlier to regulate it.

It should be up to your daughter.


The day they start their period. As bad as we want to think not my daughter. These girls are having sex younger. And younger

I started at 15 (the pill) to regulate my periods and the it also helps with acne

Not all girls take it because theyā€™ve become active. It also helps regulate their cycle. This is a discussion for your daughter and her Dr.


First of all, some birth control, such as the pill, arenā€™t just for preventing pregnancy. I took the pill mostly to regulate my period, and to finally be free from horrible cramps every month. The most important thing, before talking about birth control, is to establish good verbal communication between you and your childā€¦boy or girl. Be open about talking about sex. Donā€™t be judgemental. Let them know about the responsibilities and consequences of having sex. Talk to your daughter about respecting herself, how sex does not equal love and ways to avoid getting herself into situations where she might be taken advantage of. Talk to your son about respecting girls, that no means no and that having sex does not a man make. Finally, be realistic. Odds are your child will have sex before they get married. Pregnancy is only one consequence. AIDS is still a very real possibility. While medicine has advanced where it isnā€™t an automatic death sentence, itā€™s still a devastating illness. Chances are the first person they have sex with, they will consider an error in judgment down the road. It isnā€™t an error that should cost them their life. Iā€™d rather they be informed, and prepared, than to be ignorant and have to live with a consequence for the rest of their life.

When they start thinking of becoming sexually active.I would rather my daughter on birth control than become pregnant.

As soon as they start bleeding and ask for it or show a need for it. Itā€™s for more then just protection from unwanted pregnancy. For me it helps with stopping cramps from being so bad I pass out.


Children have no business on birth control


This should be decided with her Dr. Not all girls need birth control because of sex. If sheā€™s old enough to be asking about it, set her up an appointment with a dr and let her talk with them. If itā€™s a decision you and your husband are trying to decide without her asking, drop it. Itā€™s not something to just put her on if she isnā€™t having health issues or asking for it.


Thatā€™s something that should be discussed with an OBGYN after your child has been seenā€¦not all young girls need to be on birth control. I donā€™t believe this is a conversation a man (father or not) needs to be apart of in regards to his daughter. Thatā€™s just my opinion.

If your child is having sex or thinking of having sex, no matter the age, hopefully youā€™ve parented well enough that itā€™s at least when they are 16/17/18 years old, but they are going to have sex regardlessā€¦ Itā€™s better to have her at least 99% protected than have a child at that ageā€¦ Yes, they should know there are consequences such as pregnancy to having unprotected sex or sex in general but kids are gunna be kids and do it anywayā€¦ Might as well protect them as much as you canā€¦


Itā€™s not REALLY up to dadā€¦
It should be up to your daughter,as dad is NOT going to be around to see when she REALLY needs it,is he??


BC isnā€™t only used to prevent conception. If she has very irregular and painful cycles, she may benefit using it at an early age. It doesnā€™t mean youā€™re giving her consent to have sex.


I started mine on it when she got curious about having sex. Donā€™t fool yourself, if they want to do it, they will find a way!


My daughter asked me at 15 to put her on it since sheā€™s been in a stable relationship for almost 2 years. We had a chat and agree to put her on it

As soon as they start their period.

Not a lot of pple touched this point. I have pcos nd when I first started my period I would throw up from my cramps. I bled for 2 weeks at a time. I didnā€™t know birth control existed. A lil over a year of having my period I passed out at school from the blood loss. The er doc told me about birth control and I started it then. I wish someone told me about it way sooner.

Thatā€™s something u need to talk about with your daughter after her first period. Its harsh but true I have friends who got pregnant at 14 so please sit her down and tell her itā€™s ok to talk to us if you decide to take the next step babies are marvelous but abortions or pregnancies before u want to be a Mum arntā€¦let her know its all about choice not shame my mum did.

I think some people need to remember birth control helps alot more than preventing pregnancies.
As a teen she should be on birth control soon as she starts her period. It helps with other things too.


In my opinion it all depends on her body and her consent, I got a nexplanon when I was 13, I had horrible cycles that would leave me in so much pain I couldnā€™t move and birth control helped me so much with that, and kept me safer in the long run. You should talk with her together and see what she wants to do. And if she doesnā€™t want birth-control re-educate her about safe methods other than birth control :))

If they bleed they can breed just explain that ot helps regulates menstrual cycles


My daughter had a cyst rupture in her abdomen. So 13. Not becuz of sexual activity but becuz I wanted her not to bleed outā€¦

My daughter started birth control at 13 but not because of sex but to regulate her period!

I got put on it when I was 14 to help regulate and get rid of ovarien cysts.

My youngest daughter started taking it at 11 because she has cysts on her ovaries. They put me on it, 9 years after having my tubes tied, to help regulate heavy periods (it didnt work lol but they tried). Being on BC doesnt mean you are active or that you are telling your child itā€™s ok to be active. I personally think you should sit down with your daughter and decide with her when a good time to start is.

How about teach your children to respect themselves and not have sex when they are children. I donā€™t understand a world where we make it okay to have sex because you are on birth control. The focus should be on teaching children morals, not give them an excuse to go ahead and do it. Just my opinion but I wasnā€™t raised in a world where we let children make adult decisionsā€¦for goodness sake, why canā€™t they just be children??? And to say itā€™s to regulate periods is a copout. Girls have had periods for ages before birth control was invented. It can also cause all kinds of hormonal and physical issues later in life up to and including sterility when she gets old enough to actually want children. Why put something like that in your body? Children do not have the capacity to consider all the possibilities to make a sound decision. And parents shouldnā€™t be so eager to have them pop a pillā€¦

I think itā€™s important to protect our girls as soon as possibleā€¦ even if she has regular periods and isnā€™t having sex, there are a lot of creeps out there that force themselves onto girls/women.


I personally started at 14. I had been menstruating for 4ish yrs and was having severe cramping that was interfering with my studies. It depends on the person and the circumstances.

This discussion is not for a mom and dad to decide by themselves but with a doctor involved. I take BC because I have a clotting disorder and bleed w/o it for almost 3 weeks. Iā€™ve taken it since I was 12 not for anything sexual but medical.

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Should b parents choice if they look after thier kid not drs


I started it at 13 because I was having irregular periods ( bleeding every 2 weeks ) with painful cramps .

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I started my daughter as soon as she got her period (13). Mind you, sheā€™s almost 17 now and still has never had a boyfriend, thinks guys are dumb, still a virgin and has no plans to not beā€¦ itā€™s 4 years later and I still donā€™t regret it. My mom did the same with me, she was proactive because she knew I wouldnā€™t ask her.

If itā€™s not out of medical necessity, such as regulating periods or some other health condition, I feel that itā€™s an individual call that should be made by the parents, and is one thatā€™s nobody elseā€™s business. Different families have different circumstances which warrant different solutions/preventative measures. However, I feel that with our society and culture changing so drastically the way they have over the past however-many years, Iā€™d opt to be safe rather than sorry. And I also agree with Lisa Parker, b/c many people have just lost their damn minds these days and feel they can prey on whoever they want toā€¦regardless of age. Itā€™s not always the girlā€™s decision, unfortunately, and unless you keep her under lock and key 24/7, itā€™s a possibility.


I went on it at 15 for my cycle mainly, but was sexually active later on.

My mom walked in my room at 14 with a pack of birth control and the whatā€™s happening to my body book and left. As a child who was NOT interested in sex then it made me curious and with a childā€™s mind frame it gave me clearance to be able to have sex without repercussions. I wasnā€™t taught about STDs and I still had 2 kids by 19.

How old when Jonny was born???THERE ARE OTHER REASONS FOR BIRTH CONTROLā€¦IN MY EYES ITS WHAT WASBEST THING AT THAT TIMEā€¦AND NOBODY ELSES BUSINESS !!!:thinking::100::sunglasses::sparkling_heart:

I started at 16 due to being told I have PCOS at that time it wasnā€™t about sex it was medical necessary I remember being angry at my mom grandma and my older sister because they were trying to make decisions about my body with out asking my input the doctors wanted to remove my ovaries and said I would never have children but when I found out about the conversation I put them all in there place that no one was making that decision but me I choose against the surgery for a chance to have a family 3 miscarriages later I finally had my rainbow baby At the age of 25 Iā€™ve lost two more since but Iā€™m so blessed for my one son that survived looking back I would make the same discision again

When they start their periods you need it.

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Depends is it being used to prevent pregnancy or to help with their menstrual cycle.

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Between 14 and 16 in my opinion

I was 15 (thatā€™s when I started my period) my daughter is 11 and hasnā€™t started yet so probably when yours does, depending on the age? Iā€™m not sure :rofl: Iā€™m a mom but I havenā€™t been a teenage mom yet :joy:

Husbands or fathers shouldnā€™t argue with woman about these things. Us woman n motherā€™s knows whatā€™s best for our girls.

Iā€™m not dissing men or fathers
Either protect our girls or yu be looking at her baby n man


Certain bc options are good for when someone starts puberty. Iā€™d ask your doctor about options.