What are the chances custody will be 50/50?

Talk to your attorney!

Depends on who does all the hard work I do all the hard work so was easy getting full custody

Does he want 50 /50 so he don’t have to pay child support… in some cases the guy are like that …why my son father want 50/50 been there …my son lives with me full time and sees his dad two days a week from 3 til 7 and every other weekend…

If your kids are in school And on a schedule…

50/50 it’s good !! Dad has just as much rights as moms !!


If them being in one place more than the other for stability is such a concern for you, ask the judge that they live at their dads and see you on weekends. I suspect that wont sit well with you huh?


Why wouldn’t you want 50/50?! Unless he is harming your children that’s the way it should be.


Unless is harming the kids need to be 50,50


Depends on your families situation.

I had 50/50, kids were with me Monday-Friday due to school and him living in a different country. He got them every weekend & we alternated holidays. Until I took him back for full custody because he left state & never spoke to them again :woman_shrugging: every situation is different.

What is it now? And why should they be with one more than the other? As an actual single mom since 1992 I would have loved some help and some time off from being a parent.


Unless he is putting that child in harms way there is no need for you to go full custody…

50/50 is pretty fair to me
Please don’t be a bitter baby mama


You’re selfish. Dads are capable. There’s a big chance 50/50 will be ordered. The courts aren’t going to deprive Dad of his right to have the children as much as you. Why do think 50/50 is even on the table ?


I’m almost positive it will be 50/50. The dad needs to be there!!!

Is the court doesn’t go by what you feel the court goes by what they feel is best for the children more than likely unless he’s an unfit parent the court is going to give you 50/50. Why should you get primary custody that would afford you to do anything you want with out consulting him moving out of the country moving out of the state whatever procedures whatever schools whatever sports and I don’t think that that’s fair to the other parent because it took two of you guys to make them it should be 50/50 because I’m pretty sure it’s more about child support than it is you don’t want them to go back and forth because if it’s 50/50 you’re going to get less child support

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Sounds a little selfish and the judge will see it. So becareful and karma is in full circle all the time


It depends on the facts. Does one or both of you drink, use illegal drugs, smoke marijuana, have a history of domestic violence, stable housing? In the United States I believe the standard is best interest of the child but that is not legal advice. You have provided basically no information.

We currently have 50/50 of our son. Hes 7 and I ask him randomly if he’s glad he gets to spend time with his dad and his mom equally. He says he likes it alot because otherwise he misses the other parent. We had primary for about 5 months only cause his mom want to take him out of state and only see his dad on holidays. Judge favored my husband. We agreed to go back to 50/50 when we had confirmation she wasn’t going to move him out of state. Our son deserves his mom in his life as much as his dad. We have had 50/50 since he was 2.5 years old its tough at first but he adjusted and understands he gets to see the other parent. And we explained to him he doesn’t visit he lives and has 2 homes. Not one is above the other.

You would rather deny your children a father who wants to be with them whenever possible, just so they have a more “stable” schedule? :grimacing:


I chose the 50/50 route when my child was 3. It is just as important for them to be with their father as it is for them to be with me! As long as you ALWAYS have your CHILDRENS BEST INTEREST in mind, you won’t have to worry. It will also help give each adult “free time”, in which is much needed for most parents. I pray it works out for your children. Might I also recommend researching that schedule. (Sweden was my persuasion, they’ve been doing it this way for many years & have excellent results) You have to trust their other parent unless given reason not too! Adapt & overcome momma, you got this.

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50 50 . He’s their parent too


Unless he’s done something to harm children, 50/50 is the usual.

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50/50 is pretty normal now days. I love that my children’s dad is in their life…unfortunately he travels for work and lives 1.5 hours away but anytime he wants them or they want to be with him, I’m happy about.

My ex-husband and I have 50/50 but it’s not every other week. He get Tuesday & Thursday evenings/overnight then drops our son off at my parents the next mornings when he leaves for work. Then every other weekend he gets our son starting Friday when he gets off work until Monday morning when again he drops him off at my parents when he leaves for work. My parents are retired and they watch our son while we work. We split major holidays as we see fit. Our son is 7 now and we started this when he was 2.

50/50 is pretty likely

Unless dad is unfit to care for the children then 50/50 should be standard. You are both equal parents. The kids should be able to have dad in there life as much as they have you, especially if dad wants to be and is fighting for equal.


50/50 is about right a father has just as much right to his children as a mother no matter their ages he can provide for them as well as the mother can just because you don’t think he’s going to do a good enough job doesn’t mean that he won’t. you don’t know his support system.


Fathers have just as much right as mothers, why should it be less custody for him? Does it make you a better parent just by virtue of your sex? Just because you are a woman? A mother? There are men who raise their children all by themselves, and they have no choice,


Hi there I’m going through this right now and being very honest out of the Judge’s mouth 50/50 is what the courts prefer. The only way it changes is if there is proof something is wrong with one of the parents to be considered misfit or endangerment to the child or towards the other parent. Ex. If one of the parents have mental disorders or doing drugs or in something illegal that you can prove to show that it may endanger the child from staying with them. If not then they always prefer the parents of to share the child. Hope this helps

Is he a good dad?.. bc if yes, you are both entitled to half. :roll_eyes: I mean… why wouldn’t you want him to have shared?

Get a life. Kids need mom and dad!!!

The children are school aged so if you’re asking about where they live, or the time sharing portion, if you’re within the same school district it may likely be rotating weeks. If the parents are not the same school district most are plans lean toward rotation of weekends and one night a week for the parent who isn’t primary resident parent (every other weekend and Wednesday every week). I think everyone here thinks it’s automatic 50/50 time sharing but it’s not. It is dependent on the age and routine of your children. However regardless of the time sharing, decision making for your children will more than likely be 50/50 so you can both make decisions on behalf of the children.

I had shared custody, BUT primary residence. Meaning we were both, equally responsible, but, she was with me during the week, and him on weekends. I worked 2 40 hr. a week jobs, to afford apartment, car payment, insurance etc… one job was Mon through Thursday, days, while she was in school, one was weekends, 12 hr shifts Fri-Sun. He worked nights, Mon- Fri. (and made 3 x times more than I did, with two jobs). The judge will go by State mandates, and take into account work schedules, ages of children, school, etc, and what is BEST FOR THE KIDS. It’s not about how the parents feel, it’s what is best for the children.


It will more likely be 50/50.

Yup fathers get 50/50

Your post is sounding very selfish you know the world dosnt revolve around you don’t you?
This is about the best possible outcome for your children having both mum and dad equally is best for your children.
Don’t be that women that thinks dads cannot stand up and do their job as a parent


This is a mom asking a group of people for some guidance or possibility. I understand the point most people are trying to make regarding it’s what’s best for the kid. But I don’t understand the judgmental comments? Stop judging people base on a question. You don’t the person behind those words. How about just giving your advis with out judgment. Have you stop and think about what she’s going thru? Divorce is hard not matter what. Smh


50 50 … Both parents should be able to have equal time with children. I would have loved my son to have a father around.

Wow!!! I guess Haley better be blessed!!!

The chances are huge for 50/50. And they are not too young. He’s just as much a parent as you are and has every right to see them the same amount of time as you do

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50/50 both parents. No one thinks about the kids anymore :disappointed:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the chances custody will be 50/50?

Courts prefer 50/50 unless there’s abuse or domestic violence


If there is no real reason for the to be solely with you the judge will likely go for 50/50 custody. So as long as hes not abusive, a junkie or alcoholic, or lacking income, they will push for 50/50. A lot of people like to think it’s best to let kids go with mom in a divorce but it often ostracize one parent over the other which is not right if theres no real reason for it.


There’s a good chance that you guys will get joint custody. My kids were only a 1 and 2 when the court did joint custody. And me and their dad was never even married. Good luck.


If he’s fit parent, judge will favor 50-50. You can request primary care but still joint custody if you’ve been their primary care since day1.


Hopefully you’ll get primary placement, and joint custody. That just means they’ll reside primarily with you, and he’ll have visitation.


Just because you’re mom doesn’t mean you deserve 50/50. Just because dad may do things different then you doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve 50/50 custody.


My ex and I split each week up between us, it may not be the “normal” shared parenting but it beats them being separated from either of is for a full week. Fortunately we have been able to switch days as needed because we live in the same town.


7 isn’t that young. A stable relationship with their father is more important for them than having a visitor.


If he’s a fit parent he absolutely deserves 50%


Chances are high, as it should be.


I think it also depends on distance between you two. I just went through this, my kids are ages 4 and 6. I got primary custody and then we did joint legal. With the kids being in school and him living far it’d be impossible for us to do 50/50. The judge said summers are normally week on week off. And during school it would be Wednesday evenings and every other wknd. (We had our own agreement though so our actual set up is different from that.)

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Usually it will be split 50/50 unless one parent is unfit

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Depending on your state will decide that. Here in Texas mom’s typically get primary and dads get every other weekend.


I personally think them going back and fourth is consistent being they will be able to spend equal time with both parents and I really don’t understand why you would want him to be a weekend dad if there are no legitimate reasons to take away time from his kids.

Taking away one parent for majority of the time is not consistent in my opinion, especially if they’re going from having both parents full time to separate households.


If theybare not breastfeeding it good to have equal parents I believe it be better for the kids to be 50/50


It’s not a definite 50-50. I have primary custody and my sons father has visitations, a few hours three days a week and every other weekend. However, my ex has 50-50 with his older son who is 9. My son is only 3.

You could still get primary custody with 50/50 shared visitation. It just depends on the court and the relationship you and or your exes have with the children.

50/50 has been proven, overall, to benefit the children in the long run. They grow up more well rounded. Unless he’s a terrible and abusive parent, there’s no reason he shouldn’t have them as much as you. They’ll actually transition better between homes versus slowly losing a relationship with their father :woman_shrugging:


They will choose what’s best for the children. If you live in the same area, what school they go to if they do and if he lives out of that school distract or not… it all depends but they go by the best for the children

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My sons real dad has wanted nothing to do with him for almost 7 years. You should be thankful he wants to be apart of his kids life. I think 50/50 is good & justifiable if he’s a fit parent.


It completely depends on the judge you appear before.

Unless he is an unfit parent he deserves as much parental custody as you do. Fathers are important in children’s lives also. You think consistency in your child’s life is only seeing their father on occasion vs consistently? I will never understand this logic.


If there’s no real reason besides you just don’t want him to have 50/50, there’s high chances he’s going to get 50/50 as he deserves if he’s a stable and good parent. Don’t go in there acting high and mighty demanding more cause then you will definitely get the opposite of what you want.


If he’s a fit parent he absolutely deserves 50 percent custody. Just because you’re mom doesn’t mean you should have more right to the kids.


Just bc you are mom doesn’t make you anymore entitled. If he is a good dad, he should get 50/50


Some states do not like the 50-50 because they feel that children need a home base. Most in my state give custody to the mother and the father gets every other weekend with a visit during the week. It is really just based on the judge and your situation.


Depends on a lot of factors, do y’all live in the same town? 50/50 is probably what will happen if so it’s not like it was in the past where mom gets custody because moms work where back then they didn’t. Try a 2-2-3 schedule I love it kids love it and we both get good time with the kids


If there is not reason for him not to have 50/50 then the judge will agree to it. 50/50 can be pretty constant. We have my stepson Thursday after school till Sunday after what would be school hours. The child being young isn’t a reason they should be with you full time. A child needs both parents. My stepson is only 5 we have 50/50 since he was 2 and honestly it was the best thing for him and help make coparenting a lot easier


Unless there’s abuse, addiction, domestic violence, or significant distances courts now days prefer to try 50/50, because in most cases that has proven to be the most beneficial to the CHILDREN even at “younger” ages.


Father’s are not second class parents! 50/50 is the best option most of the time. I wish my daughters father did even half of that. Be happy he wants to be apart of the child’s life


Each state is different. Most states do 50/50 unless one of the parents are deemed unfit. Can you mediate at schedule with your soon to be ex before hand? I’ve heard that helps so there are no surprises.

In most cases 50/50 benefits the children. I fully support 50/50 custody with two present parents :blush: what is in best interest of the children may not be your first pick.


My son had no issues with 50/50 when he was 2-3 years old. ONLY if one parent is abusive to the children should 50/50 custody not be considered. Children need BOTH parents. Put your selfish BS aside and do what is right and best for your kids. Parental alienation is child abuse!


No parent should ever become just a visitor in their children’s lives just because their marriage didn’t work out.


Let him because dad! They need him more than weekends


50/50 is what your children need. They need both parents in their life. Unless he is a drug addict, unsafe, or abusive, there is no reason for them not to be with their dad just as much as their mom. This is toxic thinking. Dads are just as important as moms!


Most likely 50/50 in the state of Ohio it’s automatic 50/50 upon divorce


Give him the 50/50 and enjoy your new found free time. If your kids have the same dad, get yourself Into a once a week thing or get rest. Work out. Etc. It may be scary but you are about to open a new world mama. Enjoy


If he’s a good dad and wants 50/50 custody, then work it out. As long as there no abuse or drugs or anything like that, having a dad that wants to be in his kids lives is the most important thing. You’re just hurting the kids if you push for anything else


Why are you entitled and think they need more time with you then him
Also for a child to spend one week on one week on it becomes there normal so the consistency is there


I feel like unless dad is a dead beat then he deserves 50/50 they are his kids too. He wants to be in their life and that is not very common these days. It sucks sharing custody. I go week on week off with my oldest daughter dad but she loves him and I care more about her feelings than mine. We started when she was about two. It took a min but she adjusted. To make this work you guys both need to realize it’s not about you guys anymore it’s about the children. You put their needs first and there’s only. Or else you will have broken children.


And since the oldest is in school, it is better if Dad takes the weekends.

Mine have 50/50 they’re 6 and 9. They love it and it is consistent because they know that every Sunday night, it’s the other parents’ turn. It gives more consistency to keep up on school activities and homework as well.


Depends on the state. Wisconsin claims they want 50/50, but it is a mother state!!!

I think unless there is some other reason they will do 50/50


Be happy he wants it! Some parents don’t care and don’t bother to fight. Just because you divorce doesn’t mean he should lose time with them.


How about they live with him full time and you become the parent who can “visit”


Ive never heard a child of divorce say “I only got to see one parent four days a month but at least i had the same bed time every night!” Seriously, those kids deserve an equal relationship with BOTH parents


Depends on your state BUT if you live in same school district they very well may do 50/50


You should be grateful that your children’s father wants to be in their lives. You say you want consistency, well, their father in their lives consistently is much better. Think of what your children want and NEED, NOT what you want. Children not seeing the other parent very often can do a LOT more damage than good.
If he is a good father, chances are very high it will be 50/50… AS IT SHOULD BE!!!


How is that going to work so school ? I have my daughter for the week her dad gets her on Sunday and we pick her up Monday

My bonus son has been on a 50/50 schedule for as long as he can remember. It works really well. He’s almost 11 now.


Wen me and my. Husband slit my kids where 4 6 10 and 12 and we do 50/50 but my ex husband wanted our days to fit in with his brothers kid so our kids change every 3 days it’s so dam stupid kids are always back and forth I would of been better week on week off.

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Most judges want 50/50. Only fair to spend equal amounts of time with each parent, regardless of their age. Unless you have a pretty good reason he shouldn’t most cases will be 50/50. Just went through this with a 2 year old and a 5 year old. We do a week on week off.


How has it been up to this point? If you’ve been doing 50/50 they will most likely keep it that way. If not, there needs to be a good reason to change it.

50/50 is scary and sad at first but kids need both parents. You’ll also have time to be more than just a mama and you’ll be forever grateful for that!


If both parents work it should be 50/50 someone has to have primary say so over the kids and if they are small under 5yrs old it’s usually mom.Unless you have a criminal history.I will tell you 99.9% of the time Court sees $$$$,& it’s not about who has always put the time in with the kids.I raised my step kids,my nieces,2 if my own and I almost lost custody of my kids that never stayed with anyone but me untill our divorce.He worked and I took care of the home and kids and ran a business from home.We were self employed.23k and 5 trips in front of the judge.Yes,what a nightmare! If you settle your disagreements yourself you will be better off…


Be thankful he wants them 50/50 alot of dads dont care that much. Stop being petty they need their father as much as they need you…