If you don’t like the results hire a Guardian Ad Litem and go back.
The default starting point in most divorces is 50/50 physical and legal custody unless there are reasons to not do that or one of the parents doesn’t want their 50%. The courts feel that the kids benefit from being with both parents equally, as long as they’re both good parents. When I divorced, my kids were a bit older and we did a 3/3/4/4 schedule so that we didn’t go a whole week without seeing the kids. Only when they became teenagers and with covid did we switch to a week on / week off.
He could also want full custody but he doesn’t. He wants split because he’s aware it is just as important for you to be in the kids’ lives as it is for him. As far as consistency goes, that all changed when ya’ll split. It’s time to start a new routine and luckily, children adapt and adjust remarkably well. You should appreciate that despite whatever happened between you two, he still wants to he as much a part of their lives as he can be. He loves his children and obviously wants to be with them, who are you to decide he can’t? Those children are not a possession that you make all the decisions for. He is just as much a parent to them as you are. Just because you birthed them doesn’t mean you’re the superior parent, because without him, you wouldn’t have had children to birth. Plain and simple. Let him be with his kids equal to you.
Doesn’t matter if you live in same school district or not Kentucky is a 50/50 state. If you are both good parents he deserves it just as much as you. He will just be responsible for taking them to and from school on his days also. If he can’t do that then he should be given every other weekend.
My child’s father lives in a different state an we have 50/50 but I have primary he picks up from school Thursday an has to transport her back an forth til Sunday she comes back to me but that only lasted a few months then he told me to keep her til Friday an he would get her after school then bring her back Sunday every weekend
Equal parenting is just as important when they are young. Don’t hinder your kids relationship with their Dad. No matter how you spin it he wants them 50% of the time and if you fight that you are taking that time from the kids. Let him parent. He should be doing 50% of the work. Use that time to catch up on you. Clean up, relax, plan fun things on your time. The better you are the better you are for your kids.
As long as each parent is fit I think every split custody should be 50/50. Moms don’t matter more than dads and vice versa.
Would you be okay with only seeing your kids on the weekend? Or only whenever the other parent says it’s okay? No. It’s not about you. It’s about the kids. And unless one parent is unfit, then the kids deserve equal time with their parents.
I know, you should never stay for the kids but I knew that my now ex-husband would have wanted them half of the time yet would feed them cookies for dinner. As long as he is a good dad, responsible as far as taking care of them, bathing, bedtime, let him have the 50%. You just might enjoy your free time. Good luck!!
I did it with my oldest 2 now 24 and 20 then a 2 and 6 year old. We did it a tad different. My set days were Mon and Tuesday dads Wed and Thurs but then every other weekend. That meant that they were never gone more than 5 days. We successfully did this until they turned 18. Each parent as long as their safe should have equal time. Neither are infants so they’re not too young. They adjust quickly. You’ve got to put your feelings aside as hard as it is. We agreed from the outset we would keep our kids in the district they were in when we divorced unless agreed upon by both parties. I moved out of district so I did the transportation on my days.
My daughters where 1 year when we did 50/50 with my ex husband
A child deserves a mother and father. Why would you want to take the childs time away from their father? That’s selfish of you. The father and the child you share deserve to have one another.
Dads have
I would never let it get to court kids would live with me go to school etc and thats only because father works fulltime during the week, i would leave it open to him whenever he wanted them come get them, No ways would I go through the court system to organize our kids
fuck that …
The way I look at it is when a relationship is broken and children are in the middle of it we as parents must try to have respect for one another be willing to compromise and all that comes with co-parenting we are the main people in thier lives and the main thing is never ever talk bad of the other parent in front of children!
Seems like the perfect time for both to be with dad 50% of the time unless there is a real and true concern for their safety.
Sorry but you’re getting 50/50
I mean, he can use that same argument and say they should be primarily with him… 50/50 is actually good for kids. They need to have a stable and consistent relationship with BOTH parents.
It’s 2021. You should give up primary and let him have it. At least he recognizes that the children deserve two parents. Kids do better in homes where a parent puts their children’s needs ahead of their own needs.
I need to hear his side before I chime in
I learned that it’s not always about what the mother wants it’s what’s best for them and sometimes equal time with both parents is best. My husband went through this with his ex wife she only wanted him to get him a little and the courts gave him more and she kept him away and told him it was his father’s fault.
Each parent matters, thats so selfish to say. At least they have a father who wants to be active in their life. Wow.
Sorry But They need them as much as you. So I hope for the kids He gets 50/50z
What If hè gets them 100% and you Only weekends. Sorry but hè is The dad And has rights to!
I would hate to see My kids every other week but if me & my husband would ever split he wil get to spend as much time with them as I. We are both there parents and have the same eqaul right to see them Grow up!
50/50 unless there is a legitimate reason for them to be primarily with you. Like, safety… And if he is a good father(don’t say he’s not just because you don’t like him) then you shouldn’t be trying to take your child from h and let him only have the child sometimes. That’s fucked up. I hate my ex. But my son loves him and he’s good to our son. We have 50/50
I guess it depends on how much effort and family time dad was fathering the children before the divorce. If mom has been the 75-95 % child care provider to the kids cause daddy doesn’t get enough game time/ tv time/ or buddy time and to busy self absorbed in their fun, to invest themselves with the kids…. Then NO unless he changes… mom should continue what she has been doing! That goes in reverse for moms too! If you’re to busy to invest in your children and dad does the daily care, car pools ect… then dad should keep them the most! Why force children to be with a parent who truly wants to be doing anything else instead of being with their children! The kids know early on whom is who!
Why cant they be with him primarily and with you on the weekends and on your days off? Dads are just as important as Moms.
A dad deserves the right to his children just as much as you do. Unless you are breastfeeding your 3 year old and 7 year old, and unless he is a terrible father, there is no reason why you shouldn’t go 50/50.
50/50 should be the standard!!!
All im saying Is I hope one day no one has to be in this mummy’s shoe. Everyone is so judgey shes not saying she doesn’t want dad no to see the kids it’s because of there age. If daday takes kids one week and he starts new relationship is he going to give the attention he did when he had them alone?
Nothing makes you any better than him. One week on/off sounds like FAIR sharing. DADS HAVE RIGHTS TOO. Why don’t you just see your kids on weekends???
It will honestly depend. My ex has 2-3 days a week. I’m the one that lives near the school and I’m the one that handles all the paperwork. It will depend on what the judge sees fit. But kids should have both parents in their lives.
Unless there’s a reason he is a unfit parent then wouldn’t it be best for your children to have 5050 custody? that’s going to be hard for them watching their parents split up and you may want them all the time but what do they really want? It’s probably to be able to see both of their parents equally children need their fathers just as much as their mothers
Ask for 2 2 3 schedule if its 50
Unless he’s a danger to you or the kids 50/50 seems fair. Push your feelings aside and think what’s best for the kids.
Your reasoning is not nearly enough to have full custody. Children need both parents in their lives.
He wants 50/50, bloody give it him, your equally their parents, I would be so happy if my children’s father wanted 50/50, nothing would make me happier. Each parent is as important in their life as the other, regardless of how young or old they may be. 50/50 should be an absolute standard.
Judges don’t like 50/50 unless you live next door to each other. It’s unstable for the kids to not have a primary home. That makes it more in line with what the parents would want…not good for the kids. I don’t know which of you would be a better custodial parent. The judge will decide.
Jeez this gives me the shits, both parents deserve equal rights !!! Think of your child.
It can be hard on kids being bounced back n forth…but i guess this is something they will just have to adjust too…
It’s not about you or their father, it’s about what’s best for the kids. If you are both good parents and work together to make decisions that are best for the kids… they will adjust & be fine! Be grateful you have a co-parent who wants to be involved… seeing the hurt and pain kids go through from a parent walking away is much harder than having them adjust to 50/50 custody. If they are loved, being cared for and overall well being is healthy by both parents… consider yourself blessed!!!
I had 2-2-3 and my son was a year old. Didn’t last long, because he didn’t follow it-but most courts try to do 50/50
Most time I see one parent every other weekend and every Wednesday
I feel sorry for kids being divided up to weekly homes bc parents cant get on…
If hes a good father he deserves to see his kids just as much as you do. Smh
I remember a while ago, a judge said the children would remain in their home, and the parents had go alternate weeks staying there.
Is he able to take them to school or daycare? If so then what’s stopping him from being a parent 50/50 if he is stable and able to take care of them as well. He is the father and yes it may take time to adapt the best part would be having a good co-parenting relationship and keeping them in the same schedule.
You should be primary he would be non primary especially if kids in school
One week w/you and one week w/ him is consistent.
It’s about the kids not what’s convenient for you or other parent.
Every parent and every child has rights. Do what’s right for the kids.
50/50!! My son agrees as he’s a father (only gets to see her monthly for now…)
Granted there are some dads that just walk away tho or are not good around the children
50/50 is the new thing… and with that NO Child support……
A lot of people here are automatically jumping to the 50/50 and acting as if she said she didn’t want him to see them at all. She’s not stating she wants full custody either, just residential. One of the kids is 7 yrs old, meaning they are school age. What if the father lives a 30-45 mins drive from the school and doesnt feel like driving one day to drop the child off and pick them up? It happens. I’ve seen parents who live around the corner from the school but because they didnt feel like getting out of bed so early, the kid stayed home. This goes for daycare as well. While a 50/50 may seem great and is ultimately up to the court, there are certain factors that play into it. Kids also need a routine and if they are in one already, distance complicates things, job opportunities, etc are all factors.
Stop jumping to “the dad deserves his rights…” There was never any implications that she didnt want him to have rights to his kids.
After a divorce majority of states it’s automatically joint custody 50/50. You will be the primary custodial parent and him secondary with visitation. You have to request full custody at that time and have good reason for it, (unfit parent or extenuating circumstances) not just because you think consistency will be an issue (going back and forth). Been dealing with custody issues for a long time and it’s draining mentally and especially financial depending on your situation. Good luck to you.
They’re just as good being with dad as they are being with you.
A lot of courts are going to that and kids are fine
You sound like selfish bitch how about he has them full time and you only see them on your days off. The father has same rights as you if he’s good person and good dad. You will only hurt the kids and they will resent you for life I do my mom for pulling that shit
As a mother doing this with my oldest for summer, it is very INCONSISTENT and overwhelming for the child especially if their lifestyles are different at each household. it’s not about the parenting style it’s about the child having a routine as consistent as possible. Going back and forth that often will not set a good routine and be hard on mom and kids. Idk why everyone in the comments is butthurt. If it’s about the child then dad needs to understand that at a young age teaching them routine and consistency is more of a priority, as they get older it will be easier for them to understand and better explain to mom/dad if they do get overwhelmed, or prefer more time at one household over the other. Also change, even small change is very overwhelming at times. I said what I said.
I don’t know where you are but where I am 50/50 custody passes as young as age 4.
He has a high chance of getting 50
If he takes care of his kid whats the issue lmao. Its not about what YOU,want
Me and my ex husband basically do 50/50 x the kids love it x stop playing god
Welll it’s not about what you want, it’s about what is best for the children. And what is best is having equal time with BOTH parents. I hate the term custody. We need to loss that term and refer to it as parenting time.
It’s called primary custody for you, with the father having visitation and 50/50 legal custody. That usually is what is done in my state anyway. You can decide the visitation schedule beforehand and hopefully you’ll have a good enough relationship that you can both work together to make sure the children get ample time with both you and your ex
My boyfriend fought for his rights as a father and won 50/50 custody with his two year old son. One week on and one week off. His ex and him were not married. He is an amazing father and the little one is thriving. He deserves to see his son just as much as the mom. I had to watch it all go down from the fathers POV and to see how much he genuinely cared and how much it upset him at the meer thought of not getting his son that much, hurt me to witness it. This is coming from a mom who has full and sole physical custody of her own 9 year old son and having his father give two shits less about his every other week visits. If that daddy wants to be a father then you let him be a father! We don’t live in the 1950s anymore! Kids need their dad’s just as much. Dads can form just as strong a bond if given the chance with their children.
This is disgusting. Fathers are Just as good parents as mothers. There’s absolutely no way the children are better off just with mom and not with dad. This is about the kids and the kids need both mom and dad. 50/50 is best!
Dads should have equal rights too
I grew up 50/50 as a child and had no issues I’m glad my mom didn’t stop my dad from having time with us when we were younger. if the dad wants to be a dad let him it’s his kids too
If you don’t want them going back and forth then why don’t you just see them weekends then
What’s the issue if he’s a good father? You don’t have to do one week with you and one week him. My ex husband and I do a 2 2 3 schedule. 2 me, 2 him, and 3 me for the weekend. Then it rotates. So many mothers out there think they are the only parent who can care for their children. It’s just not right. So many fathers do an outstanding job with their children also.
My children were 1 and 4 when my ex and I split. We have had 50/50 week on week off since the day dad and I split. They are now 8 and 12, perfectly adjusted kiddos and never have issues with structure/rules/knowing their schedule…
When I got my divorce, we had joint custody. He was 7 and stayed with me during the week and went to his dads on weekends. And there never was a problem. You have to do what isgood for youe children not you.
Never seen a man that could fo 2 things at once…just saying . Moms are made to multi task…comes natural.
50-50 is what’s best for the kids unless there is abuse involved or other reason he shouldn’t have them
If he’s a good dad and you guys live close enough that 50/50 custody works, then that’s what it should be. The children deserve to spend just as much time with their dad. Seems pretty selfish to me.
Most courts will deff go 50/50
Normally they do 50-50 custody unless they consider one of the parents to be unfit or they don’t have the proper living conditions to have the children 50% of the time
I have joint custody with both of my ex husbands and my 2 oldest daughters who are 17 and 15 love it and my you best who is 7 loves it. Besides we all get along great.
Is there an actual reason not to have split custody? Or is it just you being selfish? Why is dad entitled to any less time than you are?
They aren’t really young … good thing most judges go for 50/50
Imagine if your ex wanted full custody and only allowed you to see them on the weekend or your days off he’s just as much their parent as you are
Petty baby Mamas with this shit… How about since you want the kids to have consistency, you take them on the weekends and he has them full time. My husband got full custody no visitation of my step son, before we met. He was a single dad in the MILITARY, when my husband would deploy, my step son would go to grandmas!! I call Bullshit on “there being inconsistency” in your theory.
I hope they decide 50/50 woman with the court system are always on such a power trip…. It took 2!!! To make a baby
Why is it more important for them to be with u then him. If u dont want 50/50 then let him have them primarily and see how u feel about only seeing your kids on weekends. #KidsNeedBothParentsEqually
How about Dad gets primary custody and you get every other weekend? Does it sound fair to you now? What gives you more rights to the kids than their Dad? 50/50 all the way! Kids need both Mom and Dad equally!
The girl friend or his mother will b looking after them make sure to stipulate that he has to look after them… you don’t want anyone else too or u may as well keep them yourself and just give him access…
Why do moms like you exist. You are not more important then the dad!!!
We had shared custody as well. One week on and off of two girls , 7 and 15 months. It was difficult but the judge also stuck a Tuesday in there, so that on my weeks, dad got them on Tuesday and vice versa. We didn’t have to go 7 days without seeing them. He did a pretty good job of taking care of the 15 month old. Today they are 22 and 15. Well adjusted and both made great grades.
I will say as someone who was granted primary custody back when my son was little around 10 years ago, we ended up switching on our own to 50/50 because that is where our son thrived the most. Having that equal time with both parents is honestly the best for them emotionally and mentally growing up if both parents are involved and capable. I mean yes I would love to still have as much time as possible with my son, but as he got older, I would be the one he would look at and ask why he can’t see his dad or siblings or stepmom as much as he does me and our family here, and I would be the one that would have to look him in the eye and not have any valid reason to give him other than because I wanted to make the decisions and wanted the most time. Didn’t sit right with me and I have zero regrets about switching to 50/50. It’s a relief knowing he gets both of his parents and family equally. And he is 100% thriving because of it
It will be 50/50 as it should
You broke up with your partner, those kids didnt break up with their parents, if he isnt abusive and finacially capable he deserves 50/50 you dont deserve them anymore then him.
If he’s a good dad and y’all live in the same school district it’ll probably be 50/50 unless he lives outside of the school district your in
I am going to my final hearing for my divorce and child custody next week. I wanted full custody, but my ex wants shared custody. I think since they are young children (a 3-year-old and seven years old), they should be with me primarily and have a little more consistency than going back and forth one week with me and one week with her. I have no issue with her seeing them on weekends or on her days off.
Sounds pretty shitty right? Your relationship with your children, is not more important than dads. You may do things differently, but children need all of their family equally.
Ummm very high. Don’t be shelfish.
50/50 is the ideal arrangement when there’s 2 parents capable of caring for the children. Your being selfish they deswrve to see their daddy as much as they see you. Dads are not 2nd class and the way some get treated is disgusting. Grow up
High chance of 5050 if he is stable and an active parent
I think since they are so young they should absolutely be with him full time and maybe visit you when time allows…. seriously wtf
Umm, no, unless there are safety issues, there is no reason they can’t go back and forth. My boys, one of whom is autistic, were 5 and 3 when we divorced. They went back and forth almost every single day for the first couple of years. Middle of elementary school we finally went to one week my house, one week dads, except I had them every Wed for a little bit after school because I missed them so bad. I just wanted them a couple of hours, they still slept at dads house on his week. Thankfully, Dad was fine with it. They’re now 16 and 14. The 16 yr old has decided to live with me full time. The 14 yr old is with me for 2 weeks and with dad for 2 weeks.
Kids need relationships with both their parents. One is not more important than the other. Also, it’s important to be flexible with the schedule. Do what works for both families, especially around the holidays.
My husband has 50/50 with his son. He is 6. They just switched to week on/off and it works out great. There are different ways to do the schedule without week on/off but the kids definitely need both parents. He is just as much their father as you are their mother.
My granddaughter was 4 when her parents got devorsed. The judge said one week each but they thought that was to much. They decided between the 2 of them do to 4 days each and it has worked great for the last 4 years. Plus no child support since its even split. They just pay whats need at their own place and split cost of school meals, books, school supplies, any activities she dose and dr. Bills
Depending on the state, it’s 99% chance. He has to be unwilling or unfit for the courts to rule against 50/50.
I have soul physical custody and 50/50 legal but in the end, my 6 year old pretty much stays between the 2 of us when she wants. The kids know where they wanna be and if there’s no threat for the child safety, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be allowed equal time between the parents! Just because we can’t be together as adults doesn’t mean the kids should have to be fought over! Co-parenting is 100% necessary though! Being on the same page for pretty much everything helps tremendously. My daughters dad and I definitely lacked that and it took almost 4 years to get there, but now that we have it’s amazing! Honestly I like his wife more than I do him now haha and we’ve gotten to the point we can all do things together with both of our families!