There’s always some chance when having unprotected sex, even the pill is not 100% effective. If you miss your period take a test
If you weren’t ovulating then the pill should work fine. Most women ovulate a week before their period.
Any time you have sex, there’s a chance that you can get pregnant. Even if you’re on birth control
You should be alright there is always a chance though… and taking the plan b can change your period so I wouldn’t panic if your period doesn’t come when it’s “supposed” to🤷♀️
Totally starting to see why there are so many unplanned babies…no one knows how birth control works smh
The pill takes 30. day since the chain is broken. Hope your planning on reuniting with your ex cause there’s a really good chance you could pregnant
The pill can take upto 6 weeks to be fully covered but even if you are on the pill you can get pregnant this is what happened to me with my first child
I think people talk about their sex life way too much. What ever happened to keeping your personal life private
I mean if he stuck it inside you always a chance of pregnancy even if you are careful lol but it kind of sounds like you are trying to trap him
If you don’t know how sex and pregnancy works, ya probably shouldn’t be doing it.
It really depends on your cycle and what point your at.
Last I knew of the pill was that you need it to be in your system for a month before it actually takes effect
My first question is why on earth would you stop using birth control because you broke up with somebody? Aren’t the chances higher now that you might be intimate with someone new? If I were you I would get back on it religiously if you plan on being sexually active at all whether it be your ex or some guy you meet on match. com (just an example!)
Sounds to me like he’s not pulling out on purpose, well of course it’s on purpose, but you know what I mean is he trying to trap you? Be weary.
But to answer your question, of course there’s a chance anytime you have unprotected sex, but it’s been my experience that it takes your body time to adjust so you might be ok? Of course that’s just my uneducated guess. It probably depends on where you are in your cycle, you’re more fertile some days than others… the only way to know is to get off Facebook and go get a test.
Some can detect it earlier than others, they cost a bit more but you’re paying for peace of mind here!
I wouldn’t sleep with him again if he’s not gonna respect you and pull out like you asked.
If you have sex, there’s always a chance. Did you tell him you stopped the pill? I would never have sex with him again if I asked him to pull out and he refused. That’s wrong. It does sound like a very toxic relationship and I’ve been in one so I’m not judging. I’d just stop sleeping with him now before you wind up knocked up by someone who obviously doesn’t respect you.
You had sex. You could be pregnant.
Especially given that you stopped BC and then started again.
Definitely a chance
Pregnancy tests at Dollar Tree
Well since you can still get pregnant ON the pill when using 100% correctly…I’m sure there is a chance you can be pregnant now…time’ll tell lol
As the pill is only 91% effective when used correctly…that goes down when not used correctly.
Good luck lol
Wait another month see if you miss ya period? It’s only been a week
How about talking to your doctot
Talk to your doctor but yea you can get pregnant. Could anyone put a percentage on it?? No, but I know it takes more then 24 hours for the pill to get in your system and you have to take it like clock work for it to be effective. So yea, chances are pretty high.
If only most women knew how reproduction occurs…
you can’t fall pregnant while on your period! you need to be ovulating to fall pregnant, did you learn anything?
Okay. Honestly, the possibility of being pregnant is always there. With it being so recent, I don’t think a pregnancy test would be worth buying yet. Give it a couple weeks or when your next period is due. Even if you get your period, I’d test just to be sure one way or the other. And, if you plan on having sex with your ex still or anyone else, I suggest having him use a condom. Birth control is not always bulletproof.
Monday wasn’t the 7th if today is the 13th.
I was on the pill and just found out I’m pregnant. I’m 5 weeks along!
I believe it takes a couple weeks or so before the pill is out of your system completely so I’d say it’s unlikely that you could be pregnant but if you get any symptoms then definitely get a test or see your doctor (hope this helps)
Not likely but I wouldn’t stop birth control again until you decide what your relationship is.
Not likely at all the pill takes a little bit to completely be out of your system, plus you also did a plan b the next day. I’d say your chances are extremely low.
I don’t think you would be however if you have sex there is always a chance. Even if there was a condom. The stats are just lower.
I got pregnant while I was on the birth control pill
Were you ovulating around those days?
I believe its not as effective if you continue to have unprotected sex maybe look up the box it might say on there
I’d say slim to none. Especially with plan B still lurking in your system
I got pregnant with my son while on the pill but I took antibiotics for bronchitis. I was only on it for 4 days and was pregnant. Now that cancels birth controls pills completely. I believe a plan b stays in your system for up to 3 days, so taking your pills again you should be covered by both! If you’re able to buy another plan b, I would. And don’t stop taking the pills again, so they can stay in your system. I’d say you’re safe! But weird shit happens! Good luck.
I definitely got pregnant when I stopped taking the pill for 3 days. If you ovulated during that time then absolutely. Also idk what your weight is but plan B isn’t as effective if you are overweight. By overweight I mean for instance I’m 210. I’m considered obese by clinical standards. So plan B wouldn’t work for me
Throw the whole man away
I had been on the pill for about 3 years then missed 1 pill and got pregnant with my 1st
Very unlikely. Most birth control requires time to get out of your system. While plan b has a huge fail rate, unless you IMMEDIATELY ovulated after getting off birth control which is HIGHLY unlikely, then there is zero chance
You can get pregnant even on the pill
Depends on if you were ovulating or not (or when your last period was)
Pill takes 3 weeks to work, yes you can possibly be pregnant. Plan B is not to safe to take multiple times in 1 week. That’s made to use in freak accidents. So yes you can be pregnant
I took morning after pill and that failed. So always a chance… low but there
I have the implant and still got pregnant… so I mean there’s a chance! If you don’t get your period next month or this month id go to your Dr for a test
Definitely a chance no matter what.
I’m just gonna say… I took plan b…twice (2 different oops occasions) and it did not work… I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant lol Not really funny I guess but you’re on the pill too so maybe it’s a smaller chance.
If you took the plan B ur fine but taking ur bc pills isn’t helping at all for that since you missed a week of pills.
Guess you’ll find out next period.
I’d say slim chance.
Most birth control pills work the day you take them, to the next day. That is why we take them everyday. Chances of you being pregnant are slim. But if you are not sure. Go to the doctor
I’m just saying if after ALL of that and you do end up pregnant than that baby is meant to be.
The plan b pill lasts for 3 days so ur probably fine
I got pregnant twice on the pill 2005 then 2017
If you had sex then the answer is yes……
Short answer yes…
Our youngest turned up despite me not having a period for seven months due to a hormonal treatment for a gynae issue and took the pill within three hours of an “accident” any only did a test because the packet said to after two weeks, had an early scan the next week and yep, there was confirmation I was five weeks pregnant
We thought the world was ending….she’s the absolute light of my life….what’s meant for you will not pass you by and you’re never given more than your hands can carry….you’ve got this good luck!
Plan B only stops you from releasing an egg…if you’ve already released an egg you could already be pregnant. Just test.
Any time you have sex you could end up pregnant. He’s your ex for a reason quit sleeping with him. If you insist on having sex with him make him wear a condom. Why risk pregnancy and worry every time you have sex. If I were you I’d be pissed he didn’t pull out when he said he would. Again practice safe sex there’s no reason not to. Not to mention who knows if you’re the only girl he’s having sex with now that he’s not with you anymore
I just read that plan b is less effective if you weigh over 155 pounds. Not sure if that pertains to OP, but someone else may need this information!
Just keep an eye out for your period. It’s possible with or without your birth control. I got pregnant and I was taking my birth control regularly.
It all depends on how soon after stopping the pill you ovulated or if you did at all. However, Plan B gives that hormone boost to stop ovulation, which is how it prevents pregnancy. So if, for example, you’ve already ovulated, it won’t work or do anything to prevent pregnancy and it’s all up to whether or not those spermies can fertilize that egg. So yes, you could be pregnant. That is why I know you know you should not stop the pill just cuz you and you’re man broke up. Honestly, you should’ve just stayed off it until you got a period and that’s my advice. Stop taking the pill until you know one way or the other. Since you aren’t wanting kids yet, I’d recommend one of the low hormone IUDs like Kyleena or Mirena. Nice and low maintenance!
So birth control takes 2 weeks minimum to start working so no birth control will not be effective in this situation…however given that u took the plan b on the 8th (the day after the first unprotected sex) from what I understand so I could be wrong but wouldnt plan b still be effective on the 9th
The pill needs 7 days at least to start working as a contraceptive.
I can’t be the only one who knows that there’s ALWAYS a chance to get pregnant regardless of birth controls, condoms or day after pills…?
The only way to not get pregnant is abstinence. Soooo… duh there’s a chance.
I Did Same thing 5 yrs ago nd I have a 5 yr old
So I’d say everyone one is different so its depending on your body ready or not
I’d also say speak to doctors they no professional
Get a pregnancy test. You have a better way of finding out
I will be the first rude one … If it’s a girl baby hopefully she will know if she’s coming or going!!!
So my stance on this is… just work the shit out Y’all apparently still have feelings and attraction so just stop the childish play and really be there for one another.
Was on the pill AND I took the plan b the morning after and this little frigger still held on. I’m glad he did though because now that he’s here I absolutely adore him and could not imagine life without my King
Even if you’re on birth control there’s a chance. Plan B isnt guaranteed either. It’s not likely you’re pregnant but still possible. We can’t tell you the chances due to so many factors.
You’ll know by how your body responds. Keep an eye out for anything abnormal, and respond to that accordingly
They say take plan b within 72 hours because the sperm can live that long. Implantation can take up to a week depending on when the sperm gets to the egg. So you could have tool too early or not soon enough.
Regardless of contraceptives there is always a small chance the condom broke and I thought I was good since I’m also on birth control but now I have a two year old.
However, your chances are small. Just keep taking the birth control and be on the lookout for anything abnormal
If you were ovulating then I’d say you probably will end up pregnant… Because I had taken like 3 plan B’s in one month and still got pregnant now I’m 5 months…
Wait a couple of days & take a pregnancy test but don’t stop taking your pills
Pills need a couple days to start working again if you missed a pill, which is a bitch with pills and I switched to IUD instead and haven’t had any problems with it so far. And usually the after pill works wonders if you has unprotected sex twice. So let’s see in a couple weeks shall we lol
I don’t have any experience with using plan b, but I’ve always been told by a health provider that you have to take the birth control consistently for at least 2 weeks for it to be effective. But birth control isn’t always 100% effective so I would say there’s a good chance you will be
I’m just here to say that pulling out does not work.
I took plan b before and now I have another son lol. So nothing is really certain, the o ly way to be sure is wait about a week and test or go see a Dr.
Birth control doesn’t really beco.e effective until a few days after taking it on time. You could be. You’ll find out in a few weeks. All you can do is wait.
You had sex so yes you could be.
I stay on this group because of stellar questions like this one. Love the brainiacs that posts.
The pill prevents u from releasing an egg (ovulating). If u stop the pill there is a chance u may ovulate so there absolutely is a chance u could’ve gotten pregnant. It takes more than one or two pills to begin to be effective that is why it is important to not miss any. I used Nuva-ring for birth control and loved it. U put it in and take it out 3 weeks later, have ur period then do it all over again . It’s a once a month thing bc I kept forgetting my pill. Maybe look into that.
Any time you have unprotected sex there’s always a chance of pregnancy…
Depends on where you were in your cycle. If you had sex unprotected, there is always a chance. I guess at this point , wait and see and pray.
Don’t stop taking bc just cuz u don’t think ur gonna have sex. It takes awhile for the stuff to get in your system and start working. If you took plan b right after sex you should be fine but there’s always a chance….
When did you ovulate? That info isn’t enough to really tell.
Also you don’t stop taking birth control because you’re not having aex, you have to continue to take it as you’re now not protected for another week or 2 until the chemicals balance again!
But based on the info you gave you did all you could to avoid pregnancy using plan B, you just gotta wait now
I know you mentioned people being rude, and I am defs not being rude but please begin using condoms it sounds like you really don’t want children now or ever (unsure and don’t like to assume) so I think extra precaution would be ideal
Good grief…any time you have sex you take a chance of becoming pregnant…pill, condom etc, only abstinence is effective!
It takes birth control pills 1 month of being in your system regularly/daily/same time daily to work. So no they are not working yet. You didn’t take plan b after the second sex soooo… yeah there is always a chance you could be pregnant.
No your pills are not effective and yes you could be pregnant
I got pregnant on birth control however it’s sposed to take more than a week to lose its effectiveness. Idk it’s 50/50 I’d say quit fuckin around lol
Fyi Plan B pill will not work if you have already ovulated.
You weren’t off the pill for long enough for it to really make a difference, if it was working the way it’s intended. Low chance in my opinion
Use pregnancy checking strip to check results. It shows even one day’s pregnancy.
The pill usually takes a while to get fully in your system if you take it regularly so it’s entirely possible. You did take a plan b so that lessens the possibility a bit. But I’d wait 2-3 weeks and take a test just to be sure.
You could have a chance yes.
I got pregnant with my second baby using the morning after pill nothing Is 100 percent, if you are pregnant after using the morning after pill make sure you get an early scan because it can cause ectopic pregnancies, best of luck to you
Pill takes a week to get in your system so yes there’s a chance but it depends where abouts in your cycle you are … I’ve fallen pregnant whilst on the pill and I took it religiously and was on for 3 months when I fell pregnant although I did miscarry … I’ve fallen pregnant on another pill but was on antibiotics and I’ve fallen pregnant on the coil … there’s always a chance … you won’t know until your due your period but the pill could mess that up too so don’t panic if you’re late, wait till you’re about 4 days late then take a test …best of luck xx
Birth control is not guaranteed. I missed one day and got pregnancy rights away. Stop taking birth control until you find out if your pregnant.
Buy a Pregnancy test.