Well I got pregnant while NEVER missing a pill, No sick days etc so Yes you can get pregnant of you forget the pill!
If you miss for three days im pretty sure you’re not supposed to just keep taking them so irregular like that, could be more harmful than good. Also the longer you been on them better chances of your body adapting and less chances to get pregnant but any missed pills is still a chance you will because you can still even get pregnant on the pill. If you forget like that you should probably just come up with a better one for yourself. Stop taking these dont have sex , go to the docs get a pregnancy test if you miss your period and if youre not pregnant , get on something that you can manage better.
Tell me your 13 without telling me your 13
There’s always a chance.
I’m on the pill im 37 and have 4 kids im so obsessed with not getting pregnant that I set an alarm to make sure I take the pill the exact same time daily also I track my ovulation so I don’t have intercourse when im fertile but also 4 kids is good birth control we r never alone
I got pregnant on the depo shot
Sounds like you’re kissing the pill for a reason almost
You might as well just stop taking the pill…it’s not gonna work if you don’t take it like you’re supposed to and you could potentially hurt your baby if you get pregnant and are still half taking them. Serious question…
are you trying to have a( another )baby or wanting one? If not(now) I’d recommend a different birth control I had an iud for years. There are quite a few different bcs you can get that you don’t have to remember every day.
Shannon Smith Jade Smith when you’re trying to sabotage your birth control on purpose but claim it as an accident
I missed one pill and took the test for the rest of the month and got pregnant with my 2nd child
Wow, all you judgemental women out there. Maybe she was unwell, or maybe there was something going on in her life that lead her to forget.
I can’t take the pill because I have issues with memory. I used to forget all the time before things like the depo and implanon were readily available.
I would suggest that you get on another kind of birth control if you can’t remember to take it and don’t want to get pregnant. Maybe an IUD would work better for you since they can stay in for a while and can be taken out whenever you want.
Definitely get something else. I never remember to take the pill so I got the ring and I love it
If you’re screwing around unprotected and not being responsible with taking your pills, do you really think that you can handle taking care of the child that will result from your ineptitude?!
There’s still a 1-2% chance of getting pregnant even when you take them right.
I feel like sexual education has failed a lot of people.
Unless it was anal sex, the answer is yes…
Did that same thing and ended up pregnant
Just admit you wana be pregnant lmao
You can get pregnant taking birth control perfectly, so if you were ovulating I would say it’s a pretty good chance.
Just take morning after pill, or plan b or whatever. Then get a new form of birth control. The pill leaves too much room for mistakes.
She ask yes or no…not your comments about not been responsible
That’s really not responsible! Do you want a baby or you just plan on having an abortion? He is not going to be happy!
I got pregnant with my first child on the pill so I guess missing it is a higher chance? I’m on the injection now touch wood it seems to work
Sometime I wonder why admins allow people to ask such nonsense questions…
Like do u know anything about what u r taking? Are you aware if u have taken an antibiotic or anything in that nature that can also affect your birth control… some people r so stupid… I was always told there is never a stupid question but damn every day these question get more stupid… im almost guessing that admin just make shit up to post
Well yeah. Theres a reason u have to take it everyday at the same time. Its not a once a week pill.
Extremely high chance. If not taken around the same time everyday, it’s not effective
Lmao I got pregnant and I missed ONE pill… and still continued and finished my bc. Still pregnant. So yeah high chance.
So. Maybe the pill isnt the best option for you. I’d look into other birth control. Every single day you forget it it increases your chances of getting pregnant.
Yes- that’s how I got pregnant. I forgot to take it for like 2 days . my daughter is 12 now
Well yeah no shit. You had unprotected sex, no birth control, no condom. So yeah congratulations I guess
No… No chance at all
Unless you took morning after pill chances are you could be pregnant, if your next period is late id take a pregnancy test…
There’s always a chance
I was never on the birth control pill BUT I never knew you had to take it at the same exact time everyday. Wow. You learn something new everyday. Good thing I’m on the depo shot!
It’s a 50/50 chance, just take a test or go to the drs.
All the ppl on here judging her. Like if they never done anything like this. Pshhh f**k ouuta here if your like that. I myself missed a pill before too and ended up pregnant. Some ppl , my gawd!
How tf is fb supposed to know if your pregnant? If you don’t know how to check for yourself maybe you shouldn’t be doing the dirty. Who tf asks these really unintelligent questions? Smdh
Of course it’s possible. Anytime you have unprotected sex you can get pregnant.
Extremely high chance.
Yep! That’s exactly how my firstborn got here lol
I have pill baby’s so yeah the potential is certainly there x
You can still get pregnant on birth control. But no they don’t start working that fast.
The plan b was for Sept 7th only.
The pill takes time to kick in, so yes you could be
I’ve got pregnant on birth control twice
I believe it takes a month for the pill to be in full effect
I got pregnant after taking the morning after pill. I was not on birth control but I took Plan B the day after sex and tested positive 4 weeks later.
Id say you still have alot of the hormones in your system. You’ll have to wait it out.
Where about in your cycle were you??
Because you used plan b 2 days prior, your uterine lining wouldn’t be strong enough for implantation so It’s highly unlikely.
And if he didn’t pull out like he said he would, that is assault!
It’s highly the birth control pills will not work with only taking them once, you have to take them regularly for several days for them to get in your system.
I guess you just have to wait and see. If you miss your monthly. But you would have alot of hormones in your system so the chances are slim.
The chances are high since you are engaging in unprotected sex. The only way to be 100 percent not pregnant is to abstain.
Personally i think this should be a question for a dr or nurse. Especially since you can still get pregnant even on birth control
You had unprotected sex = there’s a chance of pregnancy
Stay sober and monitor your cycle. I have gotten pregnant on birth control. It’s possible. But you don’t have to get back together with him if you are.
Stop sleeping with your ex
Do not rely on broth control. Almost every time I got pregnant I was on birth control… Gotta be smart if you don’t want the babies
Birth control stops working upon first missed or late dose, but takes about 2 weeks to kick in depending on where you are in your cycle. Definitely a chance, but on the low end. You should consult your gynecologist ASAP.
Got pregnant 3 times on the pill…always a possibility.
Find out how long it takes for your bc to take effect. They are all different. When I had the iud my doctor told me it started working that day but now the pill I’m on now takes two weeks to start working
I wish you’d be a little more selective on what you post on here. This is the most ridiculous and unanswerable question.
We’re you ovulating?
I’m also failing to understand why more females can’t force condoms. If you’re that worried about it, use a condom. People who refuse to use condoms drive me nuts.
You always could be, but taking Plan B was a good step against it.
No judgement at all …weve all made mistakes. This one could be costly though
Pill is only 99 % even when taken properly and takes time to work.
Plan B would mess up your hormones though so
I guess its a wait and see situation really…
Pretty low. The Plan B stays in your system for 3 days
Take blood test it more accurate
gotta ask if hes a EX why you be sleeping w him?
Are you ovulating right now? Where r u at in your cycle?
None. Take a test.
Well sorry to say but it’s too early to tell anyways. Regardless if it was a stupid choice or not it’s your life so your decisions will affect whatever you do good or bad so. Also stopping birth control or missing birth control does increase your chances. Just cause you took plan b doesn’t mean it’s going to work either. It’s going to be a waiting n see thing for you and see if you get your period or not n if not then take a test a week after your period suppose to come if negative try again in a couple days n if still negative then you prolly not pregnant.
The pill takes a while to get in your system and can leave it way faster.
Was it right around your ovulation time?
Stop sleeping with the ex for one and two the first month back on birth control, the pill, can make you extra fertile. I learned that the hard way. Wished my doctor told me that before becoming pregnant. Don’t get me wrong. We were married at the time and are still married. I do not regret my daughter either. Just relaying what I was told by my doctor. Word of advice is pulling out never gives any guarantee you won’t get pregnant. Pre-cum has sperm in it too.
I mean, it’s always possible, likelihood just varies. I’d test in a few weeks if you’re super worried. Also, I was advised AGAINST taking Plan B in addition to my birth control. It can REALLY mess with your hormones. I know what’s done is done, but if there’s a next time, ask your doctor or the pharmacist before taking Plan B if you’re already on BC. Best of luck to you!
If you live in Texas then yes, you’re prego.
Pulling out does not work…
Congratulations momma
My first born is a plan b baby so idk about that🙃
I got pregnant several times on birth control and condoms were used as well. There’s ALWAYS a chance you could get pregnant.
You had unprotected sex, you could be pregnant.
Generally it takes 30 days when first starting a birth control, but depending on how many days you had missed it before restarting it plays a factor and I’m unsure of the percentages it drops as it varies from pill to pill. Plan B has to be retaken after every time you have unprotected sex, is not reliable if you weigh more than like 130 pounds based on information from recent studies, and it royally messes with your cycle and hormones. It also depends on where you’re at in your cycle; if it was around the time you’re due to ovulate in the time frame mentioned and when you stopped birth control. If you were already ovulating when you had unprotected sex, the Plan B pill was useless as it will not abort an existing pregnancy. It’s definitely possible you could end up pregnant though.
i took a plan b & i got pregnant bc i was ovulating
Nobody here knows, ffs. Take a test.
i believe birth control stops immediately with the pill, and then they tell you to wait at LEAST a week before having unprotected sex when you’re starting it up again. so i’d go take a test and keep an eye on it lol cause it’s definitely possible
I mean there’s always a chance to get pregnant even on birth control early for you to tell quite yet but best of luck!
Why are you screwing your ex?
Take a pregnancy test
Everyone’s body is different
No one here can tell you if your are pregnant. Or how high of a chance you have at becoming pregnant.
Your best bet is to wait and see. Take a test when the time is right
Hope you’re not a resident of Texas!!
So I learned this the hard way the won’t stop you from getting pregnant if you already ovulated !!!
!! I’ve had two birth control Plan B pregnancy
not that I don’t love and feel blessed to have them in my life everyday I thank god but man on man if someone would have told me that sooner then later I wouldn’t have felt so stupid going in for my six week post delivery check up finding out I’m pregnant
Did you have sex? Do you have a uterus? You can be pregnant.
My first is a Plan B baby so….
I would def wait a couple weeks to test bc plan b cancels out birth control!
There’s ALWAYS a chance.
You had sex…always a chance of pregnancy. Two of my three kids were born on birth control.