My family we had showers for every new baby. The parents would make a registration for things that they will need and if they don’t make one because they are using stuff from previous baby or hand me downs we would buy diapers of different sizes and wipes because every parent needs those things
I am old and yes celebrate the new little one! Every little one is special!
Do what you want. You can have a baby shower for all of your kids. Then you learn who your real friends are. Every baby deserves to be welcomed into this world with love and open arms .Congratulations girl
You do whatever you want. The people who matter will come. It doesn’t matter that you had a shower with your daughter. Most things are gender geared these days and probably not appropriate for a boy. Good luck and God bless.
Every baby deserves a shower…for the baby!!! Little new clothes, blankies, diapers, etc., plus perhaps, a few personal items for Mom or Dad, other kids…for example, a great bottle of shampoo, a hair cut coupon for Mom or Dad, dinner coupon for the family at a local pizzeria, books for the kids. It doesn’t have to be catered, just friends getting together to share in the joy of a new child!
You get a baby shower for all your kids in my family! Every single one. That’s to help the mom with all the things like diapers, wipes, baby cloths bulb syringe ect. Some of these things just don’t last till the next baby. Not to mention it’s fun!
Never heard that. I see nothing wrong with you want to have a party to celebrate your blessing of a baby boy.
You can include “no gift necessary” on invitation.
Maybe I am old and jaded, but I am sick of giving gifts and never receiving a thank you note. You had enough time to give someone my address for an invite.
It depends where you live. I had this explained to me on a parenting board. I am from washington State all the baby showers i have ever been to is a pot luck picnic where you play some games in someone’s back yard. You bring some gifts and eat cake. The gifts are usually home made or under 50 bucks and everyone has a good time.
I was told there are states where going to a catered baby shower at a hall is normal. You are expected to bring a gift between 250 and 1000 bucks and it sounds almost as expensive as a wedding. Your friends are supposed to foot the bill and that’s why people think it’s rude to do more than 1.
It used to be that you had one baby shower, normally for your first child. Now a days, as soon as the mother finds out she’s pregnant they start planning a baby shower. It’s not just for the first child, it’s for every child! Which to me doesn’t sound right.
I dont think there is a limit! Tho you dont normally throw one for yourself, its usually a friend or family member. I was given 2 with my first one, one for friends, one for family! Otherwise there would have been to many people! Almist 40 yrs ago mind you. Then with secind, it was just a huge family one done outside…bbq, camping.
Totally disagree. I think the pending birth of every child is special and should be celebrated. If someone chooses not to come that is ok. Most people are fine with it…
You have your shower it’s for your baby we have showers for all of ours .Besides they have showers that some just make up lol Bless you an your child
Definitely each child and mom to be deserves a shower. It’s not just about gifts. People are rude and mean sometimes. Shower you and baby in the way for sure♥️
My friends and I all had a baby shower for each baby. It’s a new baby and a new life. why wouldn’t you celebrate? do people say should I have a wedding for my second husband ? No, they have a f****** wedding
A baby shower is meant to get a first time Mommy most needed things like a stroller, bottles etc…that can be used on a second child…but times have changed and traditions change but some still follow traditions…I always thought for the second or third a shower could be held after the baby is born so friends and family could visit and bring gifts if they desired and celebrate the baby’s birth.
I don’t see anything wrong with having multiple baby showers. Each baby is a new life and every life, in my mind, should be celebrated. So, I’m all for a second child being celebrated with a baby shower!
A baby shower, for the 1st baby is customary. It is not to celebrate the upcoming birth but, to help the new Mother with items necessary, for a baby and, she would have available. It is not considered proper to have a 2nd baby shower as the Mother would usually have all the large items from the 1st child. If, there is a number of years difference in the 1st and 2nd child’s ages a shower is sometimes given.
It’s called a sprinkle and it’s a lovely idea to get together with close friends and family for a small brunch and get a few new outfits for the new baby. It’s mostly done at home with maybe 12 woman tops very low key. I’ve been to many and just love them . The people giving you negitive thoughts don’t have to attend . Just my thought
I think they call it a “sprinkle”. sometimes it has a theme, like childrens books, do whatever you feel. Don’t invite the “haters”. it’s about LOVE!
Of course you should. Every baby is as important as the next. Welcome that precious life just like you did the first one.
I’ve never had a baby shower for either of my kids. Honestly if you’re not looking for presents just have a celebration of life after he is born.
When you belong to a Church and so many of the young couples are having babies very close together, and you are invited to second showers, plus you are expected to send the couple’s a meal to help them out for the first week, it gets very expensive.
You should have a shower for each baby…each one is it’s own blessings…it deserves to be rewarded …
It is only a gesture of love. There is no Baby Shower rules. Someone sees a need and gathers up a bunch of giving souls and helps the baby’s mom and dad out
I gave my stepdaughter a second baby shower on her fourth child because she already had three girls and was having a boy this time. Nothing wrong with that.
I didn’t get a shower with my first because she came so early (10 weeks). I would love to get one for my second, if I do have one.
Not that it matters, but the term for a baby shower after your first is referred to as a “Baby Sprinkle” now a days! Have attended three and hosted two!
Nothing wong with a celebration, in fact I encourage it. Each child should know how excited everyone was. Along with inviting, just specify no gifts if this is what you want. Congratulations to you and your family:heart:
I was GIVEN a baby shower for both of my pregnancies. I have never heard of the “Only One” rule. Etiquette states you should not host your own shower, however.
In the south it’s a tradition you get a shower for your first . Usually - unless it’s a huge number of years between kids like 8-10 years .
And now with COVID it’s even more dangerous to even consider having one .
Typically the mother to be doesn’t have a say - it’s done by friends and family or church group .
NOT having a baby shower for this little boy doesn’t mean You will not be celebrating his birth. I’m sure You will receive many good wishes & gifts as soon as he’s born . Stop worrying /thinking about it - enjoy the time preparing your daughter to be a big sister . Have a big sister gift from you as parents ready to take to the hospital to give her when baby arrives . If it’s not about the gifts then relax . With COVID it’s best not to even think about a gathering for your baby’s safety anyway . I’ve read stories of pregnant women with COVID and it’s dangerous . Please please stay away from folks and protect yourself and BOTH of your babies
You do you and the people who love and support you the most will understand you have no boy items. You can also add on the invite that’s gifts are not necessary but welcome.
Do not call it a baby shower. Maybe your daughter is welcoming her new brother celebration.
I don’t know if it’s proper etiquette or not but I believe each new life that’s brought into the world deserves a new things so you want a baby shower have when the people who don’t approve of it don’t have to come
I had a sprinkle for my second daughter. It was not only a celebration of the new baby to be but we also included my first daughter since she was about to become a first time big sister. It was different from my first shower in there were the big gifts but just some updated gifts and diapers and such like that. However if your first child was a different gender than the next one you may not have a lot of “boy” stuff. I know a pack n play is a pack n play but some people are funny about having boys in girl colored things and vice versa. There could also be an option for a sip and see party.
Sprinkle is a shower that is more of a get togethet to celebrate the ecpected child with smaller gifts. I have attended these.
Who says that a new baby isn’t a new celebration and why not gifts
How about a “Welcome to the World” party and put on the invitation that gifts aren’t required if it’s just really about celebrating your son’s birth?
Its a boy and all babies deserve baby shower whether how many you have. Its a celebration with family and friends that love and care for you and the baby.
How do you explain to baby Bobby that Susie got a big welcome into the world and a s*** ton of gifts but you you were just an afterthought so you didn’t get a damn shower. that’s like the most messed up backwards way of thinking I’ve ever heard of in my life. I don’t care who says what have a friend through a shower give yourself a shower but celebrate your kid and let them know they’re just as important as the first one. All these older people saying no probably got middle child syndrome, or jealousy issues
I think its a tough one. I believe the reason for the first shower is for the new parents. The expense of a baby is exorbitant and the shower helps to get them started. My own daughter has one child. He’s five. If she has a second, I would throw her a party/shower/sprinkle because they’d need all the big items again. There was no good place to store big items. They had to go when they moved 3 years ago.
No judgement. It’s dependent on the situation
Some people may not agree but should have one with every child. Especially if 1st was a girl and 2nd a boy or vice versa
Each baby deserves some thing of it’s own
Not all hand me down
I’m from the Midwest. I had two showers. The one for my first child(girl), my mom threw and it was huge. Family, friends, work people, church people. It was a lot of fun.
My second shower, was for my 2nd child, my son. It was small, just a few family and friends, after he was born. Everyone got to see and hold him (my aunts were thrilled!).
Traditionally, only one baby shower. But that’s not really the case anymore.
Theres things like “sip and see” baby showers, that are like brunches for people close to you to celebrate your newest child. Diaper parties, where people only bring a pack of diapers ( and each pack gets them a raffle ticket to a prize). Theres also a “2nd Hand” party, where people bring a beloved book, outfit or toy for newest baby that their own children loved.
Most of the time other people are supposed to host for you.
If someone is offended, fine, dont come. Other people just love you and your baby and it wont bother them.
Then don’t call it a shower, wait until after the baby is born then have a get together to celebrate your new addition to the family.
In my opinion all babies need a celebration, but showers are.for firsts, unless there is many years.between babies, or the parents suffered the loss of the first child.I
I know people also have had a shower for the first baby of a gender that no one had for generations too. Again another first
However, you can always have a reveal party and leave it up to the guests to bring a gift or not. Or just have a gathering then announce your new life coming in.
Also, again in my opinion, showers are given by other people. When it is given by the parent it feels like give me presents.
Since you want to celebrate this child, maybe, write on the invite it’s a celebration of the new life and no gifts are/will be expected.
Redefine friendship. If you just want to celebrate, don’t call it a shower. Call it a celebration or something. And make it clear that gifts are not expected.
I’m due with baby #2 in October. My first is three right now and he’s from a previous marriage. Didn’t think I would have a second so in the divorce we sold most of the baby stuff so we are having a second shower🤷♀️
You kidding…in this family one for each baby!!! Its a celebration of life. We do it family style, guys and gals …and kids!!! Its a great excuse for family and friends to be together…
I’ve seen lots of women have showers for more than their first. Don’t ask for gifts. Tell guests you only want to celebrate. Don’t break the bank and celebrate with us
Second baby you get a sprinkle,they drop a gift by at a certain time and date.
If you want to celebrate this child do what you wish. Someone always has an opinion. I have seen women have showers for all their children.
Every child deserves to see picture and new stuff each child is SPECIAL !!!
Yes have a second baby shower it’s fun and the new baby is a boy but I don’t care if you have 10 kids have a shower
Every new baby should have a baby shower that is a new life just as important as the first one
Second showers are just a pleas for new gifts!! Why can’t you use first babies equipment!
Mothers never give their daughters baby shower!
I had a shower for all of mine except the one I’m due with any day now because of covid. Didn’t care about presents, I think every baby should be celebrated.
Thatisa new one on me. I thought each baby was separate,however I had four four children and never had a baby shower for any. Do what feels right for you.
A baby shower is just like a gender party and if someone close to you chooses to throw you 1 that is fine there is nothing wrong with stay happy and good luck with your new baby
I then around an awful long time period I am afraid I have never heard of a baby sprinkle.
Tell your friends not to bring gifts, just come! At least you’ll have photos to show the new baby!
I disagree with most. Showers aren’t necessarily celebrating the child. It is for mom to get the things she needs for baby. Nowadays I see moms selling items and clothing as soon as a child outgrows. Then they get pregnant again and expect a shower to get new things. I think if it’s a different gender then a small shower for clothes or if it has been many years, but not just because, they should have saved their things.
Every baby is special AND if it is a boy u can’t use a lot of things from yr girl. A boy after a girl is Still a first to Me… first girl- first boy🤷🏻♀️some different things needed
I had a baby shower for my second child…he was a surprise and pluss I got rid of my baby stuff being it was 3 years after my daughter
I say whatever you want. This day in age why not? Celebrating the birth of a baby is a wonderful way to welcome a new baby.
Everyone, go back and look at the original
question, it is the Mother of the pregnant daughter asking if she should give a second baby shower for her daughter! The answer is NO!
I am old school, do not believe in showers for babies. After the baby was born we gave our gifts. Not a good idea to have all this in the house before baby is born.
My grand daughter in law is having one for just females, one for couples, and a babymoon. This is their first baby. So if it’s your second baby and you want one, I say go for it. Share the joy.
You can a “sprinkle” instead of a shower. That’s just when a few close friends and family have a get together with some small gifts, wipes, an outfit, box of diapers, picture frames etc. some finger foods.
I have two girls less than a year apart so I only had one with my first. Technically that is the proper etiquette but if my second had been a boy I had planned on having another bc everything I had was girl stuff. I think if they are different genders then it’s fine, I just wouldn’t register for the big stuff bc you probably already have all of that. ( I got a gender neutral car seat, pack n play, bouncer, etc. anyway the first time around)
I think now days more people have baby showers with each one. And I don’t think there’s any thing wrong with it. If they don’t want to come they don’t have to. But all the girls I no had they for all there babies.
Had 4 kids my first 3 got 2 showers and my last one had 3 showers (each side and wirk) You can host if you want to but sounds like you have a lot of negative people around you that probably wont show up anyway.
When I had my first baby I had two baby shower ond from my side and one from his side of the family my no 2 baby was my girl and I had one for her also yes why not
I say do what u want its your friends your family and your baby…for those who dont like the idea they dont hsve to come
I’ve heard people these days having second baby showers but they are calling them “sprinkle showers”. I guess they are smaller in comparison to a regular baby shower but still a shower nonetheless
there is nothing wrong of having a baby shower! no matter if it’s your first or sixth!!
Call it a “sprinkle” lol All babies deserve to be celebrated and it is a different gender. Things aren’t as gender neutral as they used to be before unltrasounds. Plus, baby stuff gets old and isn’t as safe to use after awhile.
A baby shower is for the 1st child Maybe have a girls get together request no gifts.
My understanding is you can have a second shower if there is a lot of years between having kids. I have also heard of a “sprinkle”. which is like a shower for a second baby
I think each child is special. It goes in their baby book and I see nothing wrong with one for each child.
Baby shower for each new baby, especially if it is the opposite sex the second time. Friends should host it though.
She wants to have a “get together” to celebrate her expected baby…That does not have to be a baby shower.
I had a baby shower with my first born child. but not with the second one. That was considered a no no back in my time.
My daughter had a second one. It was called a “Sprinkle” instead of a “Shower”
Recently I’ve seen most moms to be having a “baby sprinkle” after the first- no big items, but still clothing, diapers, etc, especially if baby #2 is the other gender.
Yes you should get a baby shower for each of your children!
Yes, it’s perfectly fine to have a shower and celebrate your sweet one don’t listen to some of these idiots it’s a celebration for your little one . And those saying tacky are full of it !
The rule is usually if the 2nd child is 5yrs after 1st or a different gender. Anyway who cares have a shower. This baby is as important as the first. Dont worry about other people
Whatever someone wants to do for you. My babies were almost five years apart and it’s like starting over again.
Usually just the one for first child. I’ve never been to a second one, But everyone is different.
I’ve also seen where dads now have a thing too. Like a poker night where part of the buy in is a box of diapers then cash. At the end of the night half the money goes to the dad to be the other half to the winner. Either way keep it simple and enjoy family time. Some families only get together at special moments so why deny any special moment or family time.
The second one is a celebration called a Sprinkle.
We did something small for my second due to also having a boy after a girl. I had got a lot of crap for it too but let them hate
We refer to a woman’s first baby shower as a baby shower beyond that we refer to them as sprinkles because we sprinkle them with things for their new baby but we don’t shower them with things that they don’t need because they have them from their first baby
Today every child gets a shower , especially since some are now years apart .
Have one it’s a celebration!! If you don’t need the gifts donate them or ask for ppl to make a donation to a foundation!!
do what you wanna do! celebrate this baby just as you did the first one!!
I think you should do what you think is best the fact first one was a different gender is another reason to have one because first stuff isn’t relavent to the second and most likely most of it wore out so couldn’t be saved kids are hard on clothing and other items good idea to let your guests know what you don’t need for the second because you already have it
Rule of thumb in our family has always been if the second child is the opposite sex or there are several years between, but really it’s whatever you want
Why not the second one is just as important as the first one. What’s the matter with people. Maybe selfishness.