All babies are worth celebrating together. If they can’t or don’t want to bring something, you’re fine with that They are there to celebrate your happiness
First child or tenth child I think each time a mommy should get a shower.
I believe in hand me downs but also new things are always needed.
And each baby book needs the pictures of the group that got together to celebrate the anticipation of the new baby.
I had a shower for 3 of the 4 kids. The last one I chose not too since her bday is right before Christmas. All I asked was for diapers and wipes (which I got and I just have started buying and she’s almost 6 months) also might add. My first two were girls, so I didn’t get a lot for my second shower, and 3rd was a boy so I needed things, and this last one comes 7 years after my son, so I had nothing.
I always gave my daughter-in-law‘s a second shower but we called it a sprinkle. Nearly had close family something special for the baby even a box of diapers or sleepers. Just to make the baby and mom feel special. A little lunch balloons flowers little cake always a great day
This is way old school belief. I should know I’m old lol
I agree that every child should be celebrated and I’m going to guess you are probably catching flack from old people. If not, tell them to stay home. This Nana has celebrated hers each time
EVERY child deserves a baby shower. EVERY new child deserves something of their own!! It’s a BABY shower…for the BABY!!! YES…have a BABY shower for EACH child born…whether it be the first or the tenth!!! Prayers for a healthy baby!
Yes you should have a shower with each baby! Every new life deserves to be celebrated!
Ummmm I’ve never heard of that. Hispanics have a shower for every pregnancy. So I find it strange to celebrate one child but not another? All children should be celebrated.
I’m old, 78, back then you only got a shower for the first child. You were expected to save your baby items for the next child. There were no parties for gender revel. Sometimes second babies got a gift from family and close friends, but no party. Times have changed.
Every baby deserves a shower. The people who really care for you will not complain at all.
Do people give themselves baby showers these days? I thought they were for friends to do for their friend who is having a baby. If someone wants to give you a shower, I think that would be great for every baby you have. I think it’s very tacky to have a shower for yourself.
I think every baby is special, I threw showers for all 8 of my grand babies. I didn’t care what people thought, if they didn’t like it…don’t come. We always had fun, you can always say no presents needed just your presence to enjoy. Or ask that they bring diapers and have a raffle with a gift card. Make it fun. Use your imagination. Congratulations!
I had 3 baby showers for my first son… My family, Daddy’s Family and at work… For my second son, both families had a welcome to our family get together… For my daughter and last child was a finally “It’s a girl” get together… And it was given by Family and friends… I never asked for any, but my family loves to party…
I thought you got them for each child. Seems to me each one is a blessing and should be shared with friends and family
Wait till he is born and throw a diaper party! Traditionally that’s right you don’t get a second baby shower even if you say no gifts people might still feel obligated to bring one! A diaper party everyone just brings you diapers and then they get to see the baby!
My mom threw me a baby shower for each one of my 3 kids. I believe every child should be celebrated
You’re the mother you do what YOU want. If you deem it appropriate to celebrate the birth of your second then by all means go for it! I’m not a mother myself but my Aunt had a shower for both of my cousins and they were both boys too.
Well you don’t ever throw yourself a shower. But there is no reason you can’t get together with friends and celebrate your new baby. Maybe have a ‘Welcome Baby/non-shower.’
I’m throwing a shower for each baby, even if I don’t need anything except a little bit of clothes and some wipes and diapers. Each baby deserves to be celebrated.
In the Midwest it is common to only have one shower when you start your family, and the hostesses are not close family, but friends or cousins. It’s usually kind of bad form if your family invites people to give you gifts. Often the hostesses put in together and get you a big item you need and can use through all your children. That doesn’t mean that people don’t send gifts when you bring subsequent children home, but usually one shower for your first child, hosted by friends or not immediate family.
My late husband and I have 3 sons between us. When the youngest was 19 the courts gave us guardianship of our 2 yr old granddaughter by my 24 yr old. Knowing that we were ill equipped for such a drastic change, my coworkers gave us a toddler shower. We felt extremely blessed! We brought the gifts home and sat them in the living room and she went through them. She was delighted with everything. We eventually adopted her and when I recently told her about her shower she cried.
I had one for each of my children. We didn’t get “big” gifts for the last two since we had a lot from my first. It is still so much fun to celebrate new life
I’ve never heard of that I believe you should get a shower for each baby. Have your baby shower enjoy congratulations.
First baby I was given 2 showers. One at work and one for family and friends. Next baby a friend threw me a diaper shower since I didn’t need anything. #3 was 8 years later and we had nothing. Friends threw a really fun shower since 5 of us were due within the same month. #4 was a girl and since we didn’t even know she was coming until I was 32 weeks we had no shower although friends gave us many girl things to help out. She used all her brothers things no problem. No one ever mistook her for a boy.
Have a shower and if people want to get him a gift fine but make an option for giving to a donation station in his honor. Many mom’s have nothing and donations are their only hope. Later he can know he helped other babies with nothing
I have a 3 year old little girl and now expecting a boy in October. Had a baby shower for my first and will have one for the second. Every baby deserves to be celebrated.
That’s crazy, I had showers for each of my 4 children. I’ve never heard there was a limit.
If it’s a different gender from the first baby I don’t see the issue at all! Celebrate!!
Why do you need a shower to celebrate the birth of another child? If people are close to you, good friends, relatives, they will celebrate…they don’t need a shower to celebrate you and the baby. They need an invitation to come visit.
Every child gets a shower, each one is as important as the one before! Why should only the first born get nice new things?
I had showers for all 3 of my kids. For the first one I had 5 showers- work, friends, 2 from families and church. Second one, a cousin had, third one I had two. Neighbors and small family one. I think if someone wants to give a shower it’s ok but not in favor of giving one yourself.
I just had one thrown for me for my fourth, and last…because I have amazing friends, family, and church that loves us
Well sinces it’s a boy you have to have another one regardless. But things change every 2 yrs so you should have one for every child and none of this sprinkle crap a full on baby shower
The baby is a different baby than your first one.His birth should be celebrated too.If you want to celebrate then do it and dont invite guests that bring drama or their opinions to your baby shower.All children are gifts from God so just celebrate.
Personally, I feel that should be a matter of personal preference! In sending out invitations, you might want to say gifts are not necessary!
When did people start having their own baby and bridal showers? Your family or friends should give you a shower. And only for your first.
Have a baby shower. It doesn’t have to be as elaborate as the first because you probably can use most of the stuff from the first one. You can just request stuff that is needed because of having a boy.
I know in the south they have what is called a SPRINKLE… I think that is SO cute! It is for the 2nd baby!
Have a baby sprinkle! My sister did for her third baby because her second was one and she didn’t need much.
Honey throw yourself a lovely party and those who celebrate you will enjoy coming! Life is too short to make yourself miss any opportunity to share the happy events!
I had showers for all for if my kids. Don’t let people rain on your happiness. My daughter had a party for her second baby and called it a sprinkle instead of a shower
One baby shower. If your children are years apart and you have gotten rid of your baby essentials then it is ok. My family always took our immediate sibling a gift when they had a baby but no second shower. Yes while every baby deserves a shower, are you as well going to take a gift to every family friend, co worker neighbor or whomever that wants a baby shower for each kid. No one has money for that
Tell people to mind their own business. You can have as many as you want. I had one for both of my kids and they were both boys
I know several people who had second baby showers, including my DIL. I don’t think it’s a problem. Especially when the 2nd baby is a different sex.
I did a diaper party for my husband with my second pregnancy. It was more for him having his first baby…mostly his friends and our close family. My girls are 9 years apart. Otherwise, I probably would not have had a second shower.
All babies should be celebrating their day. He will grow up and look back at the people who were there. I still have the silver dollar taped in my baby book and I’m 71. Beautiful memories.
I had a small sprinkle shower when my daughter had her second daughter. It was a nice surprise for her. Just some of her close friends.
Every child is a reason to celebrate!! You can always use diapers. Have a party without gifts or gifts optional. Some people call it a “sprinkle” instead of a shower.
I had a shower for my first and a sprinkle for my second and last. You do what you want. It’s nice to have a reason to celebrate and a baby is the perfect reason!
I’ve never heard of this. Every baby should be celebrated. I’ve had friends I celebrated with for each of their pregnancies…one friend FOUR times. Each one may yield less gifts but still celebrated.
Baby showers are fun to celebrate the mom to be’s first child and to give gifts to help her. I have a lot of family, friends and co workers. I would be going to one every weekend. I go for one friend I go to them all. They share their baby clothes and accessories between each other. No need for another baby shower. Have a nice Christening. Bless the children.
Nothing wrong with it. I was given 2 showers but neither of them were my idea. Just kind family & friends who took it upon themselves to do this for me.
My sister threw me one for both my boy and girl. Do what you want and who cares if they don’t like it. Celebrate each child, they are worth it no matter how many you have. We should celebrate our children as often as we can.
Mine are 7 years apart, girl then boy. My mom, threw me a baby shower for my daughter then gave me a choice for my son. Have another shower or a week vacation for me the hubby and our daughter. I took the week vacation then I had a meet my baby after he was born so his great grandmother’s could see him as well as the whole family. It’s your choice.
I think you take every opportunity to celebrate and a new baby is definitely something to celebrate!
My family hosted a baby “sprinkle” for my other two boys! It is a celebration of life!!!
I had a shower for all 3 of my pregnancies. My daughter had a baby 2 years ago with a baby shower and is pregnant right now and we are planning her 2nd baby shower. All new arrivals should be celebrated.
I do not believe in a baby shower for each baby. I do believe in celebrating each child , we always had baptism /christening parties for the new baby , some folks that don’t do ceremonies such as that have baby welcoming party.
Baby showers generally in the UK is for every baby…good excuse to get together all those who love and support &you celebrate new life…
It doesn’t matter if yr friends or family wants throw u baby shower let em… it’s a celebration of new baby. It’s like it’s their birthday party. Every lady I’ve know that has more than 1 child has always had a party. I think its wonderful.
I had one for my second because my mother in law organized it. My kids are 3 years apart and when the second came, I had nothing baby. I didn’t care about the gifts and even said if they had something second hand it was okay. I think every baby deserves to be celebrated.
In my family each child gets one. It’s about the love, support and celebration! People don’t want to bring gifts then don’t.
Since when can you not have a shower for each baby. Have your shower… back in the day of sketchy ultrasounds, they were in their infancy when my kids were born, my daughter came first, and when pregnant with my second child we didnt know boy or girl, we had my sons welcome to the world shower after he was born.
What some people don’t understand it’s not really about the gifts it’s more about celebrating life and your new addition. All baby comes different way why not celebrate all of them. Me I have 3 kids and I had 3 baby shower and I even organize the 3rd one because I wanted to celebrate my pregnancy . I also had a baby reveal for the 3rd baby so if you feel like you want to share your happiness for giving life just do it. We’re living in a different time now
Times have changes and many people have showers for each baby, it really helps. We has a diaper shower for my niece the second time and she got enough diapers to last well over a year.
She also received many other nice gifts…
I see nothing wrong with a shower for each child if they are two years apart. It really helps.
My best friend has 4 kids! people put on baby showers for all 4 of her kids! In my opinion each child should be celebrated obviously you probably won’t need as many gifts for 2nd third or 4th etc or it could just be a party to celebrate and gifts being optional
I have 2 daughters, they are 19 months apart and I was given 2 showers which was great because one was born in summer and the other was winter.
A friend of mine had two kids. Didn’t think she would have any more so she got rid of all the baby things. Surprise! Number three came along and we held an “emergency” baby shower for her!
Second shower? Why not. I never even had one for the first child. I was pregnant before I was married. This was back in the mid 60s and it was thought, at least in my family circle that I didn’t deserve a shower or baby gifts when he was born. Even though by then I had been married for half a year. No shower, no gifts, told not to even send out birth announcements. My mom told me “You’ll pay for this the rest of your life.” I think she was right. But, this isn’t done anymore is it? A baby should be a celebration. So many things are needed. I had nothing, not even a crib cause we were so poor. Finally got a used playpen when he was four months old. Have the shower, even if you give it yourself. Good luck and congratulations.
I’d say have one. I have two sons. I’m 67. My husband was in the Air Force and when I was pregnant with my first one, we’d just moved to Homestead AFB, FL, and we knew only two other couples, so no one gave me a baby shower. Four years later I didn’t have one because if your previous child was less than 5 years old you didn’t have a shower for the next one. So, I missed out both times. Nowadays, I think they have them for every pregnancy. So, go for it. If some of your friends think its not necessary, that’s their opinion. But, I’d still invite them, as well as the ones that agree its a good idea to have one. Who knows, the others may change their minds. And everyone could have a good time, enjoying a Sweet social event.
Our family had this very thing last month. My granddaughter first child was a girl and due a boy in July…the immediate family had a shower for her, and she was showered with diapers…no invitations, just a text and party was on…our family has had several diapers showers with only the immediate family members.
If a friend or family member chooses to host a shower enjoy it. I had a meet and greet with my first because we had just moved hours away before he was born. Same with my second because he came early. Both girls had baby showers because they were 7 years apart.
People do it more and more these days. I’m having one but my children will be 12 years apart. I also never had one so I figured why not? But when I was a child, I was taught one baby shower. People have more all the time these days.
I don’t know who told you that but that’s not true. Why should the second baby have to have only hand me downs. Every child deserves to be celebrated❤️
Each baby needs celebrated. The types of gifts may be smaller and it may be more about a party and being happy than to get more big gifts.
I disagree that only one baby shower was the rule back-in-the -day. If your family or friends want to give you a baby shower, then go for it! A new baby is always something to celebrate!
It should be your friends or family wanting to “shower” you & baby to be, with love and gifts. It’s usually a gift & not an expectation from you.
I have 3 sons and was given a baby shower for each one. For the 1st it was before the birth and for the 2nd and 3rd it was after they were born. Smaller gifts were given after the 1st baby shower. I had an aunt that adored babies and she gave me the showers.
Sometimes friends do a sprinkle shower with close friends. My daughter’s best friends went to dinner and gave her little gifts like an outfit.
I was given a baby shower for my second baby by my co-workers. It was a surprise, and I definitely needed everything I received! Many were hand made like booties, and a knitted baby blanket.
People who say that don’t need to be invited. I had one for both of my kids. Everytime one of us is pregnant, my family and friends want to celebrate and support.
I think that’s old school. Have a shower! Celebrate your baby with family and friends. If somebody Doesn’t want to participate ( maybe they cant afford a gift, or maybe its fear of the virus). Tell them it ok, and to still love them.
I never realized how old I am. In the old days you had one shower. It was to get the basics, crib, stroller,high chair, etc. Most of us didn’t even know the sex of the child. When baby born close family and friends gave gender related items. Second baby recieved gifts after born same way. So many things have changed…
My youngest is 30 but I always had showers for each…5 altogether. It’s a celebration of life for each individual baby
Who says things like that? That is so rude. I know people who have multiple showers for the same baby
i.e. one for the church ladies, one at work, and one for friends and family members. Anyone who feels like you only get 1 baby shower for your lifetime just should not attend
(Because if it was me and they said some crazy b.s. like that, they wouldn’t be invited)
I wish i had been able to have one for my son because my kids are nine and a half years apart so i had nothing left, but my situation was unsure in regards to where i was going to live thanks to my stepmother. I was able to get plenty of clothes from a friend and a car seat for free. I think if i were able to have another child again i would for sure have had my cousin set one up for me (she planned my shower with my daughter and really wanted to do it for my son but i couldn’t let her). I think every baby should be celebrated and not having a baby shower is my one regret with my son.
Traditionally you only get one wedding or baby shower. The idea is that you have the basics of what you need after having been married once or having one child. My personal belief is that a baby shower is not about a baby, it’s about the gifts.
I believe each child should be welcomed the same way and what an opportunity for family and friends to be together and celebrate a new life…however, I also feel that sometimes baby showers are taken to such extremes that they take away the real meaning of the event…
Where my daughter lives they call a second shower a sprinkle you just get some new little things that you wear out and celebrate the new baby
My family says the tradition is one for the first, and nothing for every child after. If people just buy stuff, acceptable, but baby shower, no. But that’s our family. After every grandkid gave birth to their first, we got nothing after that except one outfit. we range from 2-4 kids a piece now. We are expected to handle the children’s belongings ourself, not to ask friends or family. But again, our family. I don’t think there’s any real rule to it.
In our area after the first one the parties are called Sprinkles and especially if the second child is a different gender or several years past the first one are totally acceptable
Back in the day I think this was true but it seems very common for people to have “ sprinkles” with their second child especially if it’s a different sex, with a different partner, or many years later
I say do what you want. I’m currently pregnant with my second and plan on a baby shower since I no longer have anything from when my first was born. With how tough times are right now, people shouldn’t judge.
I didn’t get a baby shower for my second, but same gender…I did belong to a singing group and they each brought me a bag of diapers…helpful and appreciated for sure. When I was pregnant with my third…same gender, a woman who also had three boys said this lady will need some clothes and the ladies at the church initiated the shower. Does everyone know you’re having a boy? If you haven’t told people, then have a gender reveal celebration. I never asked for a shower, it just happened…someone decided to do one for me.
girl I had baby showers for all 3 pregnancies. well the last one we called a sprinkle and we had twins lol. my first and second were 5 years apart and my second to my twins are 3 years apart so each time I didnt have tiny baby stuff anymore, so everyone understood why I had one everytime.
We always had a shower for the first child and a sprinkle for the second, third, etc. It is a different child, they deserve to be loved and spoiled as much as the first.
If its needed or if your family and friends want to do it then I think it’s ok. I feel it’s not proper to plan one for yourself after the first one.
When I was growing up, we were taught that a baby shower or wedding shower was given by a relative or good friend…that we do not give ourselves a shower. Times may have changed, though.
What? It’s a new baby he gets his own shower, what kind of friends do you have, you need new ones. He might like his own stuff.
Of course a baby shower for each baby! If someone doesn’t do it for you which is the tradition, do it yourself.