What are your opinions on having a second baby shower?

I adopted a 14 year old boy. My ladies Bible study group had a celebration for met. They gave me a corsage , we had refreshments. They gave me a gift of money that was enough to buy my new son a 12 speed bike. I was surprised and grateful.

My mother gave me one for my second child, a son as I already had a daughter, but my mother in law wouldn’t go as she said it was unnecessary. There were 5 years between my kids and I had no boy stuff. Oh well, her loss!

I had Baby Shower for my first (boy) and I had a baby shower for my 2nd (girl) with my 3rd and 4th I had Baby Sprinkles (they’re all about 2yrs apart) I had a lot of the big things and just needed small things with my 3rd and 4th so I chose to not have anything to big, expecting my 2nd girl (they are 6yrs apart) so I might have a baby shower for her, maybe just a baby sprinkle thou

You definitely get a second shower. I could understand hand-me-downs if the new baby is a girl, but seriously, even if that were the case how many baby clothes would you still have. I think every baby deserves a shower.

Who cares what other people think! They can hate! Throw the party! Do whatever makes you happy, it ain’t hurting anyone! We Filipinos have one for every baby! How can celebrating something be hated?! More food and karaoke!

My rule of thumb is if you have a different gender or many years between them. My first was a boy- I had a shower. My second was a girl- had a very small shower.
Then I got divorced. Then 8 years later got remarried. I now have a 5 month old and had a baby shower because my other two are 13 yrs old and 10 yrs old so I obviously have nothing left from when they were babies. Most ppl brought the necessities: wipes, diapers and a few outfits. I bought alot of stuff at garage sales to prepare.

And if no one is throwing you the baby shower, wait till the baby is born and call it a birth celebration and have a party.

Oh thats just silly…We always have one with any pregnant family member…


Family and friends will want to celebrate your next baby and should do so. Anyone that doesn’t feel that way has the option to decline the invitation.

I see nothing wrong with a baby shower for your second child especially since the second one is a boy and the first one was a girl…BESIDES we need to celebrate having babies!!!

My boys are 7 1/2 years apart, and I was given a shower for both. It was a double shower with a friend at church who was also expecting a boy, (her third). Her last 2 were 5 years apart. No one thought anything of it, and we had a great time. BTW, those babies are now 30!

I believe they are called Sprinkles-since you have a girl you have one to get boy stuff(mostly clothes) went to one a few yes ago for my friends daughter she had two boys and was having a girl

I had a shower for both. But my daughter was born 3 months early so she was in attendance at the shower. And with my second we had an actual before the baby comes shower.

I always believed one first shower that’s it, however I was lucky to have great coworkers who always did a little something for the others!

The second shower is called a sprinkle my daughter had a shower for her first baby which was a girl and her second was a boy and it was a smaller get together known as a Sprinkle

I never had a baby shower or wedding shower, no one in my family or any of my friends ever gave me a shower. Maybe you have a better family and friends and someone will give you a baby shower. Good luck .

I am old and so can tell you what used to be the tradition for baby showers. All showers were supposed to be given by someone other than the mother or grandmother. I had a few for my first born. The 4th was born 14 years later and a few church friends (none who would have been at the first) gave us one. By the time my children were having babies things had changed some. I along with my daughters hosted showers for their sister or sister in law’s first baby. One daughter had a second baby shower for her 3rd. It had been 9 years since her youngest had been born and this baby was her and her husbands first. I don’t really care for giving yourself a shower but it seems to be more common now. I think that another thing that has changed is that back years ago people didn’t know what sex their baby was and most shower presents were not gender specific. So every baby could wear the sleepers you got etc. After the baby came you usually got the more gender specific gifts. Now it can even be hard to find clothes for babies that are gender neutral. Whatever you decide, enjoy your baby.

I just tell people it’s a celebration of a new life and a new addition to the family

I had 2 baby showers for my daughter, work and my husbands job gave him a daddy baby shower. I also had 2 for my son. Work and the friends.

I believe that your friends and family plans 1 baby shower. I think that one couple should have one shower. You get the big items and you should keep them until your done with kids. If you only want one kid, dont save anything, if you want gender specific items than you’ll need to buy the stuff for the next kid. I asked every one to buy me gender neutral so I could reuse everything because I knew I wanted more than one kid.

I had two baby showers and not one of my family and friends had an issue. I had a girl and boy, with the girl they(gave me gender neutral colors) that I used for my son but, they gave me pretty girls things also and for my boy all baby boys clothes.

All children should be celebrated. Perhaps you can mention you have all the necessary stuff. Clothes and diapers greatly appreciated!!

My granddaughter had one for her second. Smaller scale and called it a Sprinkle.:blush:

Have a smaller scale shower for your baby boy, things like diapers and little boy clothes since you already have the big items and a daughter. A diaper shower is also much appreciated.

Daughter is due in December 2nd one grandson will be 5 Xmas eve they may do one because we have nothing left from grandson and its a celebration, they are slowly buying stuff preparing…

Try a “sprinkle”. Had one just a
Couple weeks ago for my daughter. Not a big major thing especially with our lockdowns. But nice to get together and talk and laugh and hang out

I didn’t know the sex of my first child. I had issues with my second and found out it was a boy. I didn’t have toddler clothes suitable for a boy, so my SIL threw me a second shower and registered me for toddler boy clothes. Otherwise, second, third or later showers celebrate each new child and helps mom find replacements for well used items

I was invited to a “sprinkle” and it was a shower for a 2nd child. I thought it was a great idea!!

Yes, you get to have a baby shower If you want to have one for your second child arriving in August! Don’t listen to the haters. Do what makes you happy!

I only had 1 out of my 4
He was my last and kind of a surprise. But I know people have multiple showers. Usually depending on age gap and gender. But I’d do a diaper party or something similar if it’s close to the same age as previous child.

Every baby should be celebrated! My family has always had showers for each child.

I think you should have a baby shower for each and every baby a person has. absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating each beautiful baby.

Sure you do , but don’t throw the party for yourself. A friend should host the shower in my opinion. Since you have a lot of baby items, maybe a diaper and wipes shower would be appropriate.

You get one with EACH child! Each baby is a gift to be celebrated.

I wouldn’t do it yourself but I think a second child is ac exciting as the first. It’s not about presents you said so you could invite your peeps for lunch in the park or something they can bring older children along.
Pandemic may prevent any real contact.

First of all, I don’t think you initiate your own shower! feel it is only necessary to have a shower for the first baby.

Each child deserves to be celebrated from the very beginning!!!:heart::heart:

Someone should throw you a baby shower with every child. We always give an expectant family member a baby shower!

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a second baby shower I personally had not daughter almost 4 years ago and I didn’t think I was going to have any other kids I got rid of everything and when I say everything I mean everything. I’m 2 months out of having my sec and I’m really know kicking myself in the ass for giving everything away so fast but I’m all about hand me downs weather in giving or getting . But I’m about to plan my second one now .

I had a shower for my second first was a boy. Second a girl so I needed girl clothes. Had all the big stuff just need the clothes. So Pooh on the people that day that they don’t have to come!!!

Do what makes YOU happy. I didn’t want a baby shower for my first. Kinda got pushed into it by my mom. But with my second I made damn sure I didn’t have one. But that was my choice. I’m not big on crowds and being around alot of people so for me it was a no brainier.

You usually don’t but your having a boy this time. Why not have a small one. People always like a party. Congratulations :tada:

Why not celebrate friendship? All your friends are excited for you, but gifts are not always appropriate.

You can have one for each child you have. There’s no limit. N if you don’t wanna call it a shower then do a diaper and wipe party. Depends on what you have and need. People should just be happy for you and your family.

Yes that is tradition. But who cares. I wish i had baby showers for all of my kids. I was told to save everything from my first child. Thats what i did. I had 5 kids. Have yourself a baby shower!!:wink:

I didn’t get a baby shower for my second baby, mostly cause people were mad because I didn’t want to find out if I was having a girl or boy till birth. So because they didn’t know to bathe another baby girl in pink (we found out with our first and I asked to not bathe my girl in pink and they did anyway) or buy blue for a boy they didn’t want to buy anything. I didn’t feel like we needed that many things for a new baby but people don’t want to go to a shower and only bring diapers and wipes.

My just desserts was having my boy wear pink because that was the clothes I had for him more than once when he was little.

If you want another baby shower then go for it. Every baby should be celebrated not just the first.

Absolutely celebrate that child. You’ll need “boy” clothes and toys for him and ALWAYS diapers! Another great not-first-child shower is a casserole/restaurant gift card shower - meals you can freeze and use as needed

I don’t see any problem. With my first both my schools, switched jobs during pregnancy, my church, and my friend/SIL threw me a shower. For my son my school and church threw me more of a diaper shower- which was amazing we didn’t buy diapers for a year- and still got some other stuff.

Especially considering the lockdown we’ve all endured, I think a get together would be nice. Maybe ask that people just bring a card, or maybe a kid friendly easy recipe. If you were expecting all new things, that would be different.

If the kids were farther apart (my friend’s girls were 11 years apart), a second complete baby shower would be in order.

Usually you don’t have a second shower unless your children are really far apart in age and then it is called a baby sprinkle. However, if you want one, go for it.

Where did they hear that. Of course you should have a baby shower even if you have a dozen. You should have shower for each one.

I’ve always thought somebody else throws you a shower. Like friend. Sister in law etc. and I see no reason why you can’t have a shower for each baby. If their close in age then you probably won’t need big things like crib etc. I had a boy after 4 girls , 6 years after the youngest and I didn’t have anything for a baby my coworkers gave me a beautiful shower

I did a “sprinkle” for both of my daughter’s second children! Celebrate your baby!

I had a shower at my home for my daughter. Two people wanted to do the shower so they provided everything. My Mom had Alzheimer’s and did not do well out of her normal living area, so I did not want her to miss the shower,

Yes you do!!! Sometimes people give the clothes after their baby outgrows them away!!! Besides it’s a boy!!!

Every birth should be celebrated friends won’t have a issue with it.

When I had my daughters, you had 1 shower, you kept your things for the other children or people had clothes & things they didn’t need anymore. My niece had a 2nd child 2yrs after her first one. There was 40 people at her shower & I know there was atleast $2,000.00 in gifts. Plus gift cards.

A baby shower is a celebration of a new life.A blessing on its way.Their are no rules.Its a time of celebration with family and friends.

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Have a shower! I have attended many showers that was for 2nd and 3rd child. I have even been to wedding showers that wasn’t their 1st wedding.

You can have as many baby showers you want. You need things just as much for the second. And the 2nd is just as important as the 1st. Don’t listen to anyone. Life is short. Do what ya want that makes you happy

In my family and friends we mostly have a diaper and wipes get together. Nothing too big, just cake, snacks and drinks. Especially if the second baby is a different gender.

I think it’s wrong to throw a shower(bridal or baby) for yourself.

If your friends or family want to throw you a shower it’s great. You deserve a shower for your son. Celebrate the child every way you can. Don’t let the nay sayers get to you.

My children were 6 years apart. I had given some of my baby cloths away. My church gave me a shower and I was so thankful.

If you want to celebrate the pregnancy, then do it.
Call it a New Sibling Celebration or something. Tell guests gifts are not needed.
That you are wanting to celebrate your pregnancy.
I did a 2nd because my girls are 17 yrs apart and id given away all my baby stuff.

If someone wants to give you a shower let them nothing wrong with that doesn’t matter if you have one or two three you always need new things.

I once babysat for a family with three kids. For their third (who was 6 years younger than the others) they simply asked friends to shower him with books. Being a reader I thought that was a cool idea.

I had a shower for all three of my kids . Every baby gets a baby shower in our family.

Please don’t attack - she asked for opinions. I don’t think a second shower is appropriate unless there’s a huge age difference. Showers/ Parties are very expensive. I think a small sprinkle with a few close family members and friends is ok but usually when the
2 Nd baby is born they are bestowed with sex appropriate gifts, ie boy clothes if first child was a girl. I would not want a shower if I had a second baby.
P.S. the purpose of a shower is not to celebrate the birth of the child it’s to help the young couple prepare for the birth of the child with all the needed equipment.
Of course every child’s birth is celebrated as it’s such a miracle.


Tell all the haters to jump in a lake. A baby should be celebrated it dosen’t matter if it is the first or the fifth.
CONGRATULATIONS on your little one

I had a boy first then 4 years later a girl and was told no shower you had 1 should’ve kept everything since you wanted more kids so no shower but family did help with big items

Boy are the younger generations getting cheap or what? In my day we got a baby shower with each child. It was a time to celebrate this child coming into the world.

Never really understood baby showers to start with but I don’t see why you would only have one for the first child. I thought it was just a party for having a baby.

Well it can be called a pamper party! You should not need all the big gifts, it’s like diapers, wipes Boy clothes, onesies, small things. And have someone else plan it for you!

I would not hold my own baby shower , maybe a relative or a friend could host one

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I had a shower for each of mine. I think all babies should be celebrated! First or fifth. I say go for it!!!

My daughter has 3 kids and we did a baby shower for all 3…same with my niece her 3rd is due in Sept and we will shower for her too…

I think that would be fun. If you wanted you could put "no gifts"but I wouldn’t. your friends would love it… Just a suggestion, don’t invite the hate people. Your friends would enjoy the chance to get together. I googled it and seems it is quite in now to have one for each child.

I had a baby shower for my first girl and my first boy but my third child was my second boy I didn’t think it was proper to have a shower so I just did a meet-and-greet but it’s pretty much the same thing minus the same old decorations

2nd baby shower is called a “sprinkle”, I say celebrate that babies life. Especially if the gender of your babies are different.

You can have how ever many showers you want. If folks are invited, they don’t have to come if they don’t want to. Just like any other party you hold. If you really don’t want any big presents or need much, you can tell the attendees that.

I had one all 4 times…each baby deserves a celebration

The one baby shower idea is from old days. It was 2yrs ago. Safety standards are constantly changing for one. And 2 this baby is another gender. So go for it. Have another shower.

My family always have a shower for each new baby!

In our family we have a shower for each new baby!

Dont pay attention to what people have to say ur never going to satisfy everyone i f u wanna throw ur own baby shower then go for it like they said every new life deserves a celebration if throwing ur own baby shower makes u happy then so be it. I threw my own baby shower

Absolutely yes
First baby through fifth baby
Each needs to be celebrated

I had 3 out of 4 kids. My first a son second came 22 months later no shower a girl both adopted. 4 yrs after that pregnant had shower 5 yrs later pregnant had shower. Both girls. In the 50 60s they threw only one shower it was the polite thing to do.

I’ve never heard of that not giving you a 2nd shower. Just give yourself the shower and celebrate his life.

Maybe I’m wrong but i was always told that a baby shower is to celebrate the new baby. So every baby (1st,2nd, 3rd, etc) get one. It is like a wedding you get a new one with every try. Lol

Back in the day, people had a baby shower for the first baby only. Then, with subsequent babies they brought a gift to the hospital or home (but no formal baby shower). Over the years people quit buying gifts for the subsequent babies, so now mothers want a shower to celebrate…particularly if the second baby is the opposite sex as the first.

Just when I thought I had heard it all. Wow you don’t get just one baby shower. If you are having a second child you need one for that baby also. What planet are these people from who are upset about it? I mean really!

In my days of having babies you had one for the first especially if they’re only two years apart. In my case I had one for each daughter cause they were 18 years apart.

Yes a baby shower it’s a different gender , I had baby showers for all 3

Every baby gets a shower. Period. But if you don’t need anything you can have an announcement celebration…

Why call it a baby shower? Just invite a few friends for a ," just a get together ," after noon tea or morning breakfast?.it can be at your home and this time around you can be the sponsor of all the catering? Soon you won’t be able to have such a get together for a long time?

If you want to have a shower then have one. Enjoy every moment you have of the pregnancy and the birth and etc of this baby

We always had a shower for each child, have another , either way this was 2 years apart, things change. Go for it girl!

What ever you want to do is what you should do
Plus could also do a kitten/puppy donation from shower too

Well since you are expecting a boy this time, you need to have a party to get things for him to ware, since all you would have is girl clothes. It may not be big of a party as you were given the first time, but I don’t think it’s wrong to have another party to celebrate your son and give him gifts.

Go ahead and have the second baby shower don’t invite the negative people. Every child deserves a baby shower