What are your thoughts on your kids returning to school in the fall?

Well, the president talks a good game but he’s not sending his kid to school

I hope they don’t send my grandkids back safer at home

Let the parents desire. Have internet at same time as regular class.

Great get them back in school

No. I’m still paying their student loans!!!

Just not safe. Doing at home

On line school is my option

My daughter is staying home

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Nope mine staying home


Not sure yet but leaning hard to no

Go to school. Full week.

My kids aren’t going

Yes. I am sending mine full time. Im ok with it

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In Kentucky, my school district is doing NTI the first 6 weeks of school. Whether or not those of us who are support staff return in capacities not related to our jobs is undecided.

They need to go back… studies have shown the spread of COVID among children is slower that the spread of The flu and it has a survival rate of almost 99%. Those are my thoughts

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I want mine to go full day. My husband n I don’t have the luxury of not working n I can’t work a fulltime job from home with no childcare anymore with kids n do elearning. Its just not realistic.


Need to open. No masks. All test have shown that kids are not getting it. Also showing that it really isn’t being spread by them either. Have teachers wear masks if they want. 99.9% recovery rate. Also the truth is already coming out about the. Number being all wrong with this so called “second wave”. There is no reason not to open everything. They have been lied to about all of it. They have manipulated all the numbers on everything. Why are there not thousands of homeless dead in the streets? How have no government people died? Why where hospitals give financial incentive to call all things covid. Financial incentive for every vent they used. Why would nursing home people that go to hospital for none Covid reason with a DNR be put on a vent? This is about many things but none of them have to do with the health and well-being of the people of this country.


I want to send them back. Keeping them isolated does more harm


My kids will be doing distance learning via google classroom from home as of right now. My youngest isn’t in school yet anyway, so my dad babysits while I work. He will continue to do so through the fall semester while they do distance learning. We’re also not likely going to send my youngest to preschool this year as we had planned. I’m high risk and pregnant, so it’s not something I’m willing to risk.

Please listen to the story of the Ashley’s!

My lo is only 2 and my intention is to home school her from the get go. I am torn many kids need the social interaction and the structure of public school (my nephew is a prime example), but on the other token it scares the shit out of me.

I physically and mentally cannot do remote learning. I’m sorry but I’ve got way too many things to worry about and do than to make my son sit there and watch a video on a computer. But I’m scared to send him back also.

While I would love to meet my students in person, it just isn’t safe to do that right now. I’d like to see the district commit to online learning only for at least the first trimester so there is stability in what everyone expects. All this online only until off a watch list for 14 consecutive days is so uncertain.

I pulled my child from our local district and enrolled her in online school. They weren’t making decisions and our start date was rapidly approaching. My daughter also doesn’t do well with change or a lack of structure so starting with distance learning and then going to in-person, and then, most likely, back to distance wouldn’t work for us. I am lucky though that I can make that decision since I work from home 90% of the time and can take her with me or leave her at home (she’s almost 12) depending on why I need to leave.

Im not sure what to do honestly. My oldest did great with the last few weeks online. So i know he can do it. But I’ll be having his baby brother soon and I dont know of I can juggle all 4 boys plus helping with his school work.

We will have to see when it gets closer time. I want whats safe but I also know he needs his friends

My child is doing non school district online. For their safety, for my families safery, for the teachers and their families safety, for other students and their families safety. If you are planning on sending your child to in person school you should have a plan b because there is a very large teacher strike brewing and you need teachers who run even the in district distance learning.

I’m in alberta Canada. I’m still unsure. And our numbers are substantially less than state side.

Mine will b safe first & homeschool or online I will do it even if it hard plus I’ll b learning more with my kids :muscle: :+1::keyboard::books:

Been homeschooling since common core started cause it makes no common sense

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My kids arent going to school.

My son will be remote learning from home. We don’t know enough about this virus and don’t have a handle on it. It’s a risk I’m not willing to take with my baby. His education can recover, his life might not. That is not something I could live with.


I’m against it. The schools were shut down & work was sent home in March where I live and the cases weren’t nearly as high & now they’re exploding so it doesn’t make sense. I feel they can always catch up on their learning but if they get majorly ill or die we can’t take that back. And i don’t feel the teachers should have to risk their lives either. It’s too soon, IMO.


I am sending my children back. I do not want my children to live in a bubble out of fear. Education is key. I am teaching them proper handwashing, face mask and distancing themselves. They use hand sanitizer all the time. Remote learning long term causes so many delays for children. They need interaction with others. Who knows how long this new “norm” is going to last. I will alter our behaviors and actions but I will not put our life on hold.

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On line learning was a total disaster last semester for my boys. I have 2 in high school. Only a very FEW teachers made things easier. They need the social interaction school provides


My grandchildren will be learning from home because they live with us and we’re both high risk. Also the teachers are afraid to go and also the staff what if a teacher gets it than they affected their students and others I feel for them and even school nurses are afraid to. We need to think about others and ourselves.

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I own a business in Educational Services and I am totally against it. While the policies/procedures look good on paper, I don’t think it is a feasible reality for our children, teachers & support staff. However, I don’t judge anyone for making the best decision for their families at this time. Remember, we are all in the same storm but we are NOT all in the same boat.

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I’m debating. Seriously debating. We go for kindergarten screening Tuesday. I’m not sure how comfortable I am with the guidelines our schools have in place for right now. And it’s nothing to do with the virus. It’s more of kids not going outside for recess, not leaving classroom for meals and not really being able to play with friends due to social distancing.


We were just told the kids will be doing on line classes which I agree with.Right now it’s not safe to go back to school with the cases rising like they are.

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I’d rather keep mine working remotely from home.
Considering the way adults have been carrying on when asked to practice safety, who’s to say kids of such parents won’t replicate them?
I’m not prepared to sacrifice my kids for a social experiment, they’ll return to school when there’s a proper handle on the situation.


I don’t have school aged children but if I did I would not send them to school. I think that school will have to be shut down before very long.


Mine are going back to school. Its best for OUR family.


Our Governor just decided what is best for our kids yesterday, no school openings. He had said he would leave it to the local districts to know what is best for their area. Such control issues this man has.

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Great…let’s get back to normal . I’m sure after the election it will all be fine🙄


I think all elementary kids should do remote learning and middle amd high school kids should go back to five days a week do to the older one know what they need to do and let’s face it little kids are gross coughing n sneezing n touching everything


There probably would be a safe way but nobody on either side of the fence seems to be moving in this rather whine as usual ! Mandate masks everywhere in school plexiglas areas keep kids distanced! You know teachers athletes and other workers are scared to return to their professions and I understand but nurses doctors dental workers ( which was my lifelong profession ) need to do their jobs period how bout the rest do yours!!! Kids need to go back to school it takes 2 parents to afford running a household kids need their schools for socialization and educational growth Figure it out and soon🇺🇸

I think everyone needs to put a lot of thought into it and do what they feel is best for their own family.

I’m a teacher. Both my daughter (Pre-K3) and I will be going back to school. I respect those parents who keep their children home. In my opinion, it’s important to try to not spread the virus. At the same time, if we continue to isolate, when we are finally cleared to resume our normal lives, we will have zippo for immune systems and something is basic as the common cold or a sinus infection will have everyone laid out. Also, I’m betting that many of us have had it already before we knew what it was. I know MANY people who had flu-like symptoms and laid out sick not able to get rid of the cough and such and yet were negative for the flu.

My daughter has been in online school for awhile. I’m glad I don’t have to debate that decision. My 70 yr old mother lives right next door and I wouldn’t dare put her at risk anymore than she has to be. While I feel the virus may be blown out of proportion or misrepresented in statistics, I truly don’t know and it’s better safe than sorry.

I believe every parent needs to make the choice that is best for them but I have a few questions: 1 I live in a state that now has several reds. Even the white house that is pushing for returns recommends we go back to 10 people or less. How is this possible?
2 if they are notrequiring masks for young ones who knows any young child (kindergarten etc) who wouldn’t take off their mask stay away from others , not hug that teacher they’ve been missing so much?
3 ok masks optional and not needed, so if they really believe this why are they on the required school supply list?

Only a parent knows what the child needs, what is important in their families. I would send my child back to school if all safeguards were in place. But with every family household members which includes a teenager being high risk. NO, I would not send my child to school.

I believe it’s not an easy decision for anyone and we need to be able to respect each others decision. As for me my youngest will be a senior with 6 dual credit classes. She has ADHD and ODD and really struggled at the end of the year with remote learning. Luckily for her due to her 504 plan she has study skills and those teachers checked in with her several days a week.

She has said that if she cannot do in class classes she wants to take a year off (which I’m sure isn’t allowed) so since the school is planning on opening up for in class option she has her face masks and will be going to school

My grandchildren will be staying home and being home schooled until it’s safe. With the numbers so high with the Coronavirus nobody could convince me that it would be safe right now!

Kids will be kids. You have kids that would keep the masks on, kids that will take them off and then the kids that will take masks off another kid. Covid-19 is nothing to play with. Look at the number of people that have died, the number that have it vs the number that were cured. Use your brains people. There are also families that don’t have computers too. What are they having to do? If their schools are supplying the computers then keep the kids home. Most homes have at least 1 parent on furlough. It’s a no win situation.

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I am on the fence as far as what to do. On one hand, i have a child who has a heart condition so would not be good if she got it, on the other hand, that same child gets special services education wise at school that she does not get homeschooling and she needs those services because she has trouble with learning. So, I’m between a rock and a hard place here.

In CA there are over 1,000 cases of covid in daycares. They are not as crowded as schools. So how can schools SAFELY return? And is it worth your childs life?
This just might be a new way of learning. Aren’t we told children adapt much quicker than adults? So maybe distance learning is for the best.

My thoughts on this is RESPECT the teachers. It’s not just about the kids. Teachers (my own kid a teacher) would step between an active shooter to protect your kid, but teachers cannot fight an unseen virus to protect themselves and their families. Parents medicate sick children and send them to school and when the Tylenol wears off their illness shows. Yes I understand parents need to work, yada yada. Just what will you all do if teachers get sick, some will die and their is no one to teach your kids until college kids graduate with a certificate to teach? Case in point, my kid has to go into the classroom to teach or lose her job. No option to stay home. You do what the school decides or you are out of the equation. My daughters school has an open floor plan, germs, viruses just float from classroom to classroom. In case of active shooter it does no good to lock the fake classroom door. A shooter just needs to get higher up and shoot over the fake cabinet walls while the teachers have their students huddle for protection. And for those who think the walking talking petri dishes can’t spread covid or get sick, then have your family relatives watch them while you work.

Kids will be in daycare if schools do not open!! Thus being exposed either way,! I hope schools open with precautions in place!! Kids Need school!

Mine will be returning to school. Current scientific data shows children have little chance of being a vector, or illness. My kids have no comorbidity.

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Made the decision today to online school for the first 9 weeks at least. If things are going well, I’ll feel more comfortable sending my youngest back. My older 2 will stay all online per their schools choice.

I no longer have school age children at home but as for my grandchildren and as a retired educator I would definitely say NO WAY. It’s too much of a gamble to place them in a room, full or half full, with children and a teacher that has been around other people whom we don’t know who they have been around. I would do my best to teach them with the help of online courses and if I didn’t have a good education I would learn as they learn being their teacher.

If forced to send my children and virus is still out of control, I will pull my kids and home school. Would rather not but also wish govt would not put economy before children’s health and safety.

Many children will have no teaching if not in school, They need the structure, and discipline.

In my district we are having a zoom meeting to discuss this.

If you have to have a zoom meeting because it is to dangerous for parents and teachers to gather AS ADULTS. How are we gonna make sure our kids adhere to the rules and restrictions that are set.

You are the parent(s). It’s your decision to do the right thing based on your beliefs of what is good for YOUR children. PERIOD!
Haters are going to hate, people are going to blow up on both sides! No matter what you decide, people are going to bully you for not sharing their beliefs! Screw them. Tell them to mind their own business! (Not enough people do) Make your choice, stick to it!

Asked a doctor from the children’s hospital and he said it’s fine just tell them to sanitize and take precautions.

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As long as the rate of infection is low they need to be in school. Schools need to have plans to keep all who enter safe.

Children need socialization during this time many have not had that. Mine will be returning they need to feel that some things are returning to normal.

Remote learning … my child had cancer when he was 4… he received 30 months of chemo … He is 14 now , but I have no idea what effects chemo have had on his immune system vs this virus … last year he had pneumonia from just bronchitis so I’m worried. I trust that the Lord will take care of us . I just don’t want to force him to get sick and go through it .

As a teacher I would like the first 2-3 weeks with reduced students. This is a new world. Rules will be very different. Showing 12-15 kids correct spacing, intro to new lunches, non sharing of items, walking down hallways, new correct bathroom procedures. Cleaning procedure, new arrival and dismissal procedures. This will take time and patience. After 2-3 weeks they can be brought together depending on the way the virus is heading.

Being a grandma and having a grandson who will be a senior I am afraid that he will not graduate if he isn’t in school but that being said I still am not sure it is safe.

My daughter is doing e-learning. No way will my girl be attending school. Rather be safe than sorry. Also my husband is high risk for the virus.

If the children could stay in one class room and teachers rotate. Either bring their own lunch or lunch be brought in from the school cafeteria. Mask at all times. Maybe!

I am a pediatrician who is above 60,and have continued to work with proper protective clothing. Two of my 11 grandchildren live with me. They will not be returning to school since their district has been put back on lockdown. One of my grandsons in Israel has Covid ( he’s 5). So his entire family of 9 is now in quarantine. Here are the facts. Most children under10 do not get COVID, but if they do it’s quite mild. My grandson had no fever and only one day of mild headache and sore throat. However the junior high and high schoolers can indeed get it and get sick with it. So if anyone should be returning to school, it should be the elementary schools. That said, my grandson got COVID from his preschool teacher. I am less worried about the little ones than the teenagers and adults who are exposed to them. If caution is necessary, so be it. Previous generations have been through worse. So let’s be British and have a stiff upper lip.

My kid is out of school, but now in college. I am concerned for her as well at the college level. There are SO many variables here. I get k-4th grades may not understand or will be willing to keep a mask on all day and social distance. It definitely depends on each school district on how they will navigate through that. But jr high and high school students should have the ability to understand why masks are required. Its uncomfortable at first but you do get used to the. I work in healthcare and we have been wearing them since March. Now I feel weird without one. And wearing one in a store is a breeze. I feel for parents having to make that decision for the the younger elementary age. Stay safe everyone!!

I am sending mine back I have no choice if I want them to get an education there is no way mine can do virtual learning it was so hard for my youngest to even complete his work from march through the end of the school year he can’t keep up and learn the only way he got through it was for me to figure it out and just tell him what it was he was up till 1am most nights struggling to do his work he needs a structured school setting to function and get through at home there is always to many distractions and he doesn’t pay attention to anyone over a computer and my oldest is high functioning autistic he needs all the extra help from his teachers so yes I’m sending mine back they need an education and not going back means they fall through the cracks and just slide by distance learning is ok for those who have kids without learning disabilities that hold them back but for children who do have disabilities it is essential for them to be in school and get the help they need to get an education it has nothing to do with parents being careless and not putting their kids first it comes down to giving them a future so weighing the odds its keep them home to try to prevent them from getting sick (which they can pick up anywhere they may go) and have illiterate children who have to rely on government assistance for the rest of their lives or risk sending to school (where their is a possibility that they can get sick) and let them get an education for some it’s not a question of choice or a case of lazy parents that don’t care it’s a must from parents that do care about their children and want a future of possibilities and a life of independence rather then welfare and a lifetime of depending on others to take care of them so for those children that can learn at a distance by all means they should but for those who can’t then the schools should open and help those who need them the children are the future and it is our responsibility to make sure that they are provided with every opportunity to make the future greater

I’ll be keeping my 11 year old daughter home. She will be doing distance learning. She has a weakened immune system, we aren’t messing around.

My grandchildren have been in Daycare throughout this whole pandemic. No one has been sick. No one at the daycare, no one in their home, no one anywhere. Children can test positive for Covid but it’s rare that they are sick from it. It’s also rare that they transfer the virus. They need to be back in school. This virus isn’t going away. We probably will all catch it at some point. By the way I’m a nurse in a school.

My children have graduated, but if they were school aged they would be homeschooled.

So if the schools are open and kids can return to learning in a classroom what repercussions will happen to the parents who decide to keep their kids at home?

If I had the financial ability I would keep my kids home.

Maybe it’s time for some to retire and get on with educating children.

Our Schools are not opening back up the kids will have to learn from home

Send them back…they are out running around with people all the time so school should be no different. Why keep them home from school but take them everywhere else…

Why is going back to school such a problem if they are Reducing the restrictions opening up beaches, opening up bars, opening up hair salons, opening up daycare’s, why can’t these kids go back to school!

Better safe then sorry, my kids life is not worth the risk…

My son has an emotional behavior order. He just finished the 8th grade (more like they passed him). I am a single mother of 3 teenagers and I was considered essential so I have worked the entire time. I couldnt be there to help my son with his school work and classroom meetings. He didn’t do any, and I mean any school work. I even was able to get paper homework along with the his chromebook, but nothing got done. My son NEEDS to be in a classroom, he NEEDS his IEP teachers, he NEEDS structure I can’t give him when I’m working. So my opinion is they need to reopen

We will be returning to school when they open.

They need to go back. Only a few of these children will be schooled at home.

Kids need to be back in school. It’s know that kids don’t really get
the virus and don’t pass it on. Therefore they don’t need masks or social distancing.

My son needs to go back so soon as they allow it he will go.

Kids are going back most likely in our state but final decision isn’t in yet

I think they need to go back to school.

Well my kids WON’T be returning. This is sick. So you need to stand in a line to get into a supermarket, or a store or anything because the max capacity is 4-5 peoe at a time but it’s ok to shove 20+ kids in one classroom?? Doesn’t that smell fishy to anyone else? And educators are naive to think these kids will keep their PPC’s on all day. I’ll homeschool my children that doesn’t bother me. And from last year’s school work, I have done an amazingly better job than what they were doing. It’s a no brainier for me.

Ours will have to go because we work not really wanting to send them

We will be homeschooling, no virus fears here. I refuse to put my child through the mental torchers of not being able to behave like a normal child.

So what we send kids back to school so they can carry virus home to parents…grandparents ? But then again you can get a beer with food and not get Rona…but if you get without food your screwed…so who knows :woman_shrugging:

Keep 'em home ! They’re learning clamshit in schools, especially Chi !

Idk yet… but I know my kids miss school so much and they can’t wait to go back !

Mine is not going back not a chance… All parent’s should prepare a shutdown will happen. I think all school’s should start virtual…

I want the kids in school. They need to be in school.