What are your thoughts?

I agree 100 percent. I prefer a restaurant where the waiter are properly attired. I say this as someone who has worked as a waitress. Also, full pants protects you from spillages and falls. I once saw a girl burn her leg with hot coffee because she had shorts on… And yoga pants? Common… This is not a yoga studio :wink::rofl:


Their business, their rules.


He’s not wrong. Some customers don’t mind and some do.


I vote you find a different job. Your manager sounds like an ass with that comment. There are better ways to address a dress code.

He could have just left it at “No ripped jeans.”


I agree with the new manager.


sounds like your new manager is dumb but you should still follow the policy or find a different job.

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I agree with the manager.


It’s an appropriate dress code. At all of the places I’ve worked at never allowed ripped jeans or yoga pants :joy:


I agree with the no ripped jeans or yoga pants, but however don’t agree on his reasoning behind it.

I work at dirty plant and we aren’t allowed to wear ripped jeans or leggings either…I don’t own many jeans but I was heartbroken about my leggings :joy:

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ummmm follow the new policy…:woman_shrugging:t3::laughing:

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The reasoning behind it is a bit sexist.

It’ll depend if it’s a classy restaurant I’d like my waiter dresses nicely
If it’s a small cafe type or coffee shop I don’t mind
In Egypt they wear a uniform shirt and jeans in most cafes but in restaurants they dress in black and white smart always


New manger new rules.


I guess no more ripped jeans or yoga pants :woman_shrugging:


Listen more woman watch me in yoga pants then men :rofl:
Although I’m not sure I’d call heavily ripped jeans appropriate for work unless your at a bar, gas station or coffee house where they don’t care.
I definitely think if it’s a classier place or a restaurant that has older people he may have a reason


Here’s my thing on stuff like this:
Businesses exist because they have customers.
In a restaurant (particularly a small privately owned one) the only way they stick around is to make sure they’re perceived by the public in a favorable way and to make sure their customers are happy and satisfied.
When it comes to service industry like a restaurant this really can be complex.

If it’s a restaurant that is geared towards families…then the “audience” isn’t just men…it’s men, women, children. All of varying ages all with different opinions on what is or isn’t appropriate dress for the employees.
It’s better for them to take a moderate to conservative approach for dress codes than to risk loosing business.
And I think this manager just told y’all how it was straight instead of prettying it up.
And while in a general sense ripped jeans and leggings (because we’re now interchanging yoga pants and leggings although they are different) aren’t entirely inappropriate in and of themselves…they definitely can be.
I have ripped jeans and yoga pants.
Some of the rips on my jeans are up pretty high on my thighs.
Some of the leggings? Are pretty well see through when I squat down or bed over…which is why they’re in my PJs/housework/yard work drawer and not in my closet to wear around people.
Neither is appropriate when you’re an employee at a family setting…and while men may not complain it would definitely be uncomfortable for a lot of women…so it’s easier to just say no as a blanket statement…than to try to police which ones are or are not appropriate…especially considering if someone tried it would be asking for a lot more trouble than just being honest about the policy.


Nahhh he just can’t control himself from looking lol


Customers don’t want to see it either…


If the only change is no ripped jeans or leggings, be thankful they dont change the staff. Private or public restaurant policies set should be met.


I think ripped jeans in any work envious is extremely unprofessional. Especially in a restaurant setting.

You should be wearing slacks with a tucked in t shirt.


Either you like the new rules and the company you work for and will abide by them or you don’t and move on. There’s too many other jobs available to be treated a way you don’t feel comfortable with. There’s a certain personal responsibility for your comfort level.


Kinda of a strange way to say that but no more ripped jeans or yoga pants.

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They can keep their eyes to themselves. That’s sexist in a way.


Sexist! It’s a regular dress code but that reasoning behind yours comes from someone insecure and not aware of company policy


You should look neat and presentable.


Ummm…dress better. Lucky if can wear regular jeans. Everywhere i had to work you had to have a certain color of button up or polo shirt and either khaki or black cargo/ dress pants.I wouldnt complain about such a relaxed dress code.


Every restaurant I’ve worked in has had a dress code… if you’re in the front of the house, dress appropriately. Same in the kitchen, hair, apron, chef coat, pants,shoes… you’re not scrubbing toilets, you’re serving and hosting guests :wink:

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As long as your butt cheek aren’t hanging out and I get my chicken tenders in a timely manner I wouldn’t care if I was a customer there lol

I don’t like his comments but I would respect the dress code.

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TYell them 2 make sure all workers have a copy of current dress codes & that all employees follow it. if women can’t wear that item, neither can men- or they can be sued for discrimination (gender).

I don’t think it’s bad. He’s trying for a look more appropriate look for the employees serving food

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You Have to follow the old rules now néw rules! But meanwhile some bars half Hal naked women walking around…if the women are so insecure don’t hit to those spots and maybe the new manager just doesn’t want to see ripped jeans

Personally, good for the new manager. I don’t appreciate his wording by any means, but ripped jeans don’t have any type of place and hospitality type jobs anyway. I think that’s a health code violation. Wearing jeans is appropriate if you’re allowed to wear them. However, I wouldn’t be having a fit over not being able to wear ripped jeans anymore or yoga pants.


he’s the manager. he doesn’t need to say that but it’s his rule so follow it or leave :woman_shrugging:t2:

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The reasoning they gave is crap but the no ripped pants or leggings is understandable… I do wear leggings to work but I would never willingly wear ripped pants to work…


Follow the new rules or get a new job. It’s that simple :relieved:


I understand the dress code from a professional standpoint, no ripped clothing makes sense… but to phrase it like that is :face_vomiting:


All down the years people were in a proper uniform and should still be Lots of time otherwise to wear torn jeans Tgey are disrespectful to customers A proper dress code is a proper dress code Grow up and learn to abide by rules Others will without any nonsense or complaints Dressing properly shows your standing in life and respect for yourself and others


It’s completely understand to enforce dress code, what is not understandable is to say that… if those men can control their eyes, they shouldn’t be dining out.

I think when your dealing with peoples food . You have to be clean and neat looking and smelling.


Maybe what he said was inappropriate but if there’s a dress code abide by it. I think most places do have dress codes for a reason.


The comment from your manager wasn’t necessary—he didn’t have to mention that part in quotations, regarding husbands who can’t control their eyes and gawk at women.
The dress code changes are typical.
If similar comments from your manager continue, or is bothersome enough for you now, talk to the HR rep.

I absolutely agree. Some of those ripped jeans have holes where you can see the wearer’s underwear.


Simple, he is the new manager and is saying don’t wear the ripped jeans or yoga pants, so don’t wear them. Ask him for an updated copy of the employee handbook showing the change in dress code though.


Wear what they require or find a new job.

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It’s called professionalism. Theres a place for ripped jeans and it’s not in a restaurant.


Ripped jeans don’t belong in the work place


If you was hear you would not haft two whair. Aney thing.

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Comments went to far. The opinion of management wasn’t necessary. Just blow it off. It’s a good indicator of their personality

New management. If you want your job you must follow their requirements.

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Comments here are focused on the wrong this. OP doesn’t care about the dress code. She’ll wear what she’s been told.

The manager’s comment wasn’t just “unnecessary,” it was sexual harassment plain and simple. Report his statement to a higher up and watch your back. If his behavior keeps up, you’re going to have a very toxic environment before too long.


Follow the rules of your work place or leave.

Misogynist :upside_down_face: “looking professional” is a fallacy anyways, but using male behavior to blame a female is misogynist.

My thoughts, nothing wrong with the new rule or his comment. It is what it is, don’t wear ripped jeans or yoga pants.

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I hate rules like this. But it is what it is

I work at a Petro and we have the same rule; no open toed shoes, no pants with rips, no dangling jewelry or rings (unless it’s a plain wedding band), no visible facial piercings (they let that one side since we are so short staffed…
Now, his way of approaching the subject is totally wrong. He definitely could have found a better way to tell you.

I dont agree with ripped jeans or legging etc but nothing wrong with just black jeans
Black jeans look smart

Sounds like common sense to dress appropriately for your job.


Honestly i wouldn’t go to a restaurant if the servers are wearing ripped jeans it’s trashy looking


I agree. Looks trashy to me


Ripped jeans have no place at work. They are for casual attire.


I just think he/she could have worded it better.

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Their restaurant, their rules.

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I had a male server one time with his pants hanging like some young men do these days, I asked for someone else to serve us. Some things are not appropriate for the work place.


I agree. I hate ripped jeans in general. Yoga pants have become common attire, but some are very tight, like leggings. I feel like both are unprofessional. If it’s a casual restaurant and they are still letting you wear jeans, or other regular pants, I don’t see a problem. I worked at Target and had a dress code. You don’t like it, find somewhere else to work.


I agree with no ripped jeans but not for his stupid reason

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I agree - besides the boss is the boss. He signs your paychecks!


I want no part of a server in ripped jeans

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So y’all be judging people for their jeans :joy::grimacing: I guess I missed the revolution where jeans completed ones DNA make up. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Being in management in the food industry for years I agree with the rule,I don’t agree with how it was stated which is very misogynistic but I do agree that ripped pants are not acceptable


Professional dress codes at a place of business seems pretty reasonable to me… But call me crazy I guess. Is this even a real post?


You’re supposed to be earning tips, so those guys need to look.

I agree. Jeans are fine, but they should be clean, neat, and intact. It’s more professional and looks cleaner.


Ignore the stupid comment. I have to ignore a lot of stupid comments my mangers make here. Just wear what they want you to wear. Ripped jeans can get caught on anything and you can get hurt. So I agree just not for the same reason your manager does.

It depends on the type of restaurant. If it’s Hooters or a cowboy place with peanuts on the floor then ripped jeans is fine but yoga pants would be a little weird. If it’s a smoothie or froyo place, yoga pants sound fine. If it’s upscale I’d expect black pants.

For sure the REASONING is daf tho

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He should have not been such a masoganist about it but it depends on the workplace on what dress code is acceptable.

I dont think ripped jeans or yoga pants are appropriate for the workplace either. If there is a dress code in place it’s your choice to follow it or find other employment.


Like I wear yoga/active leggings to work everyday. Though I clean homes & vacation properties…like WHO GIVES A F**K. as long as said person is wearing pants idgaf. Ripped or not.

Ripped jeans and yoga makes a restaurant look trashy… if the staff can’t take pride in their look than they are not going to care about the food either .sounds like the new manager is going for a more classier look .but his comment about wives / husbands was unnecessary…


Most men look at women the more you show and being nice gets better tips

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It is what it is. Either comply or
look for a job elsewhere


I can’t stand when I go into a restaurant and the waitress pays only attention to my husband. Only fills his drink. They do this because men normally pay. But their wives sure need attention too. Right. I don’t mind ripped jeans or even a sleazy tank top that shows her boobs. I want the same service as my husband gets! Dangit! Call me Honey or babe too. Lol I’m not playing😅

No ripped jeans or yoga pants in a workplace…& only yoga pants if you’re a yoga instructor.


My thought is that if your boss tells you what he wants you to wear than you should wear it.


Whatever dress code work has set is what you have to abide by-- however his comment is wrong. I can assure you if someone’s husband is trying to check the staff out, he’s not looking at “ripped jeans”, he’s looking at a$$ no matter what kind of pants the girls are wearing, through no fault of the girls.

Abide by the new dress code or find another job that will allow you to dress as you please.


Wear regular jeans it’s not that much of a difference.


Women should leave their husbands at home!:woman_shrugging:


The boss/ manager is right

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You must work at a place and work for tips, I thinking that ripped jeans will make people think that’s all you can afford and leave you a bigger tip. Go buy something that looks nice

If those wives feel so damn uncomfortable about their men LOOKING (all he is doing is looking) at other women, they should quit going out. They should probably leave their men at home.

There’s nothing really you could do about dress code. You either abide by the new dress code or look for a job else where

His comment is unnecessary. Follow the dress code update.


I had a boss that despised ripped jeans and yoga pants. She said they weren’t professional. Fact is if you are being paid you must follow the dress code.
Time to get some work approved attire.


Agree on the attire. Totally disagree on the reasoning!


You knew the dress code from the beginning. Having a lax chain of command doesn’t change it.
Yes, his comment was wrong. No, his enforcing the dress code isn’t wrong.


No ripped jeans… those are for your personal look … yoga/stretch type pants are that just pants… :woman_shrugging:


Sounds fair! Not a good look. And yoga pants don’t look good anywhere except in the gym.