What can cause HPV?

In case you don’t know:An infection that causes warts in various parts of the body, depending on the strain.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI).
Many people with HPV don’t develop any symptoms but can still infect others through sexual contact. Symptoms may include warts on the genitals or surrounding skin.
There’s no cure for the virus and warts may go away on their own. Treatment focuses on removing the warts. A vaccine that prevents the HPV strains most likely to cause genital warts and cervical cancer is recommended for boys and girls.Now you know.


Lots of misinformation on this thread . Please speak to your doctor .


I panicked too. My last 2 (yearly) have had HPV… no cell changes but just having to have yearly smears to make sure it doesn’t turn. Xx


They day 8 out of 10 people have it. It lays dormant. Can pop up and go away and pop up and go away. Most peoples bodies fight it. THAT is why we do paps. Untreated and your body doesn’t clear it itll still take years to get cervical cancer. Follow up, get paps. Just keep an eye on it. Sometimes it takes your body a couple years to clear it. Read about it.


It layaway dormant and can be triggered by several things. You or your husband either one could have had it for years and not known.


This is why you don’t ask Facebook medical questions. Some of the answers :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


HPV is very common you can have it for several years and not know. You don’t have to cheat to contract. There is a few different kinds. The doctor will just screen you regularly and if it becomes a problem they will have to scrape your cervix or possibly hysterectomy but that’s worst-case scenario and 9 times out of 10 it clears out on its own.


I have been with my partner 8 years I know hes not cheating and I have not. I have hbv 16. But I do have precancer cells. I have to go get a colpsocpy


Most people have it, and just don’t know it. You likely got it the first time or two you had unprotected sex. Try not to stress!

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If you’ve had your chickenpox vaccine or has chickenpox sometimes that can come back as HPV positive as well

I have had a irregular pap smear 4 years ago. I just went back and got a recent pap smear and it came back that I didn’t have HPV. They will keep an eye on it. I did get told that, if my recent pap smear came back irregular again that they would do more test to make sure it’s not cancerous. (Note the doctor I had was a total bitch and scared me to believing that I was going to have HPV and it was going to be cancerous). Even if you have 1 irregular pap smear doesn’t mean all your pap smears will come back that way. Just breathe and take it easy. If you have questions or concerns I would talk to your doctor about it more.

Has your hubby been checked?
No disrespect intended.
Just asking.


Could be the cold sores hpv. That will come up in Pap smear if you’re about to get one or already have one

Do some research 90% of people carry hpv so please don’t kill your poor husband. I had the same issue. Had some of my cervex cut out and had to get vaccinated


So HPV is in the base lining of ever women vag. Any tare rip or scratch can make it come to the surface and most of the time repair it’s self on its own.


A couple years ago my gyno showed me that stupid YouTube video saying you’re not cool unless you have hpv!

No but seriously, I got that booster shot when I was 13 for hpv and tested neg for hpv but the booster caused lesions and irregular paps. Look into that if you got it. More than likely has nothin to do with your husband :woman_shrugging:


Usually HPV is carried by men and they pass it on to woman. So it could’ve been at any time of your sexual life you could’ve contracted it by another partner and it’s been dormant since or your partner could’ve had it and he never knew. I’ve had that as well. My most recent pap came back normal but my previous 2 came back abnormal so I had to do it yearly. Def talk with your doctor. Write your questions down so you’ll remember. If you have questions call them or schedule a follow up appt. Don’t live with the uncertainty when you can know all the answers to these questions by calling your doctors office.


He very well could of had it & was unaware. I’m sure your Dr will explain. But there’s different forms of HPV. You just need to calm down & talk to your doctor.


did you get both your hpv shots?! My fiance did not when he was a kid from a neglectful mom and he had a form of it, and it resolved itself over time! but thats what he got his from, however i did not get it because i had both my vaccines

I had this issue at 19. Went through a Lap and a Cyrotherapy and I have been healed since.

I had my test results come back like that then they did the next test and it was negative

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Men do not have symptoms so they carry it unknowingly for long periods of time.
Most women have it at some point and it goes away on its own.
They monitor you to ensure it doesn’t turn into cervical cancer.

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I’m sure HPV can take 10 years before it shows sometimes x


Oh lordt, this is not a FB mom group question girl :roll_eyes:you gotta ask your gyno they shouldn’t be FB doctors in the comments. God only knows what kinda advice you’ll get here. They’ll probably scare you to death.


Hpv can sometimes not show up until 7 years later.


I had a scare once. So I talked to my ob and she said if I had HPV that my partner and I would pass it back and forth to each other and our bodies would create natural immunity and would eventually resolve itself since we are young. My advice get the HPV shot that’s what I did when I had a scare. I’m pretty sure you can get it if you have it too

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I had the same thing happen about 2 years ago, my Dr said it’s more of a warning that something was going on in my cervix. Decided to wait till after I delivered my daughter and now my pap was normal, everyone is different! Also HPV is very common for anyone that’s had 2+ partners.


Many people have it and never have any signs for years and years. It is the most common STD, after all. Either of you could have had it for years before even meeting one another, unless you were both virgins in your wedding night, which would be extremely rare these days. Don’t worry too much about it, hon… just talk to your doctor and follow treatment options. I’m sure it’ll all be OK.

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Almost every woman has had or has it.


I think you should read up on hpv and go from there


Could have had it for years… I wouldn’t immediately assume he was cheating

You have have HPV cells show up in a pap. Usually they’ll have you come back and do another one in a month or two and see if they’re still there. After then it gets addressed

Your husband could have it and not known and passed it to you or you could have had it and not known

You can show positive for HPV for SO many reasons. Even the number of children you’ve birthed (vaginally) can attribute to it. Don’t freak out…just get your scrape done and move forward from there when the results come in.

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Don’t panic until they give more tests. It’s a good thing it was caught early. Take it one step at a time. Your cells do what they do for no logically reason.

It can be picked up anywhere. Literally.

Have you taken the vaccines? If so how many did you get?

An extremely high percentage of people have some form of HPV. Nothing to stress about. Just get your paps regularly and you’ll be fine!
It can also lay dormant for years and years before it pops up.

They might do a colposcopy to determine what exactly is going on. It’s not the most comfortable experience but you’ll be able to get answers after.
You could’ve had it for years and it was laying dormant all that time.


It can be passed thru skin to skin not necessarily sexual.


I tested positive for it one year but my doctor wasn’t concerned and then the next year everything was fine.

HPV is very common and they say that 80% of females have it in their 20’s. It was scary when I had it. There’s no test for men. It took 2 years to get a negative test.
It’s ok. It’s not dirty. It’s not like an STD and there’s no way to get rid of it besides boost your immune system. Please don’t panic :heart:


Ashlee Will is solid. It can happen. You got this. If something comes back. I would appreciate being told. Please

There’s also groups devoted to it that may ease your mind

HPV can be positive for many reasons, I tested positive for it but mine were abnormal cells on the cervix, they said my partner didn’t have it but it was probably his sperm that triggered the abnormalities… I went for more tests then had them Lasered off before they turned serious and now I test negative :woman_shrugging:t3:

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease and you could have contracted it from any sexual partner at any time. Your husband could have contracted it from one of his previous partners. Usually, it clears after initial exposure, but it can be dormant in your system for years before it shows up with symptoms.


Most people have it in some form or another. It can flare up from stress or even a hormonal change from the menstrual cycle.


My doctor said it lays dormant in your body so sometimes you test positive and sometimes negative. And one time I had to get colposcopy done just be sure it wasn’t anything. That was scary to go through


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HPV is only transmitted through skin to skin or bodily fluids. That being said, it can be dormant for years, so any previous partners that the female had could have been the carrier

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I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13799 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.

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quite normal. everyone has hpv in some form. don’t stress. like other people said lots of people can get it through hormone changes or fluids. doesn’t mean anyone is cheating. seriously don’t stress.

That happened to me when I was 20. I had abnormals every 6 months 3 times and then normal ever since. I’m 31 now

I think pretty much 90% of the sexually active population has some strain of HPV. Don’t sweat it, get your paps done regularly from here out.


It can lie dormant for years. It can also come and go. Every person is different. Each situation and severity of case is also different.


It can be dormant for a long time. It doesn’t mean anyone cheated. Just follow docs orders and you’ll be ok


Mine came back abnormal two years ago. They say it will go away on its own. Last year it did it again and we redo it at the end of the summer my fingers are crossed. Mine came after or at the start of pregnancies. Dont freak it happens.

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I was told I had it right before giving birth, it’s nothing to really be worried about. Just keep up with your gyno and you will be fine. It’s actually normal and most women have it honestly and they don’t even know it. Nothing you did, nothing you could of done to prevent it, your gunna be fine. And for the women talking bad or judging you, they prolly have it too or will end up having it anyway. Your good


Sometimes it’s an underlying disorder that just pops up. Or you can get it from unprotected sex. If your partner has a pimple down there it can cause hpv

It good to get it checked out because there are different strains of it that can cause cancer


I found out that I am carrier of HPV, and I was born with it. Just relax and wait which I know is hard, and request a C125 blood test, you may have to pay for it but it is worth knowing.CA125 blood test sorry


How long have you been married? Then one of you had already. STD

With my first pregnancy they told me the same after the baby was born they retested me and it came back normal

Mine came back abnormal like this when I was in my later teens. I thought the same thing, my boyfriend was cheating. But I was reassured this is very normal and doesn’t indicate cheating. After a couple months, it went away on its own. Try not to stress!


Hun i got my first pap smear last year and turn out I have it… we don’t know who had it first and the doctor said there’s no way of knowing who got it first so all we can do now is keep an eye on our health and for me to get a pap smear every year the doctor said most people have/have had it and not to be freaked out about it.

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It could’ve happened a long time ago. Could have had it since you were even born! Don’t stress yourself out, once you get further results just take it step at a time.

You could have had it along time ago. I got it at 16. Also my dr said my girls couldn’t get it from me giving birth, just keep up seeing your dr.

It can be passed from the baby to you

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I had the cancer causing strain of Hpv. My doctor told me that I could get a biopsy done or wait a year to see if the levels drop or it goes away on its own. I chose to wait, and it did go away on it’s own. I didn’t experience any symptoms that I’m aware of.

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You can get it from using public restrooms


I wouldn’t worry about it

Another of people are carriers of HPV I have it also. In women it can cause abnormal PAPS. I highly recommend keeping up with your yearly paps because I went years without one and mine turned pre cancerous. I had to have a chunk taken out of my cervix. I will find out in September if the abnormal cells have come back or if they stayed away

Its a sexually transmitted infection


“How do you get an STD without cheating?” The answer is you don’t lmao


You can get it without having sex too

It’s a sexually transmitted disease.

There are THOUSANDS of strains of HPV. Of those thousands, there are 2-4 that can cause cervical cancer.

You’ll need to have a “Colposcopy” (not a colonoscopy) which is a test that grabs a piece of your cervix to view the cells under a microscope. It does hurt. It will make you bleed. But it is how they test to see what kind you’ve got and to see how it is affecting you.

Best of luck <3

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This is something that lies dormant. We never know. Just take care of yourself and do whatever you need to do.

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Over 80% of sexually active adults carry it. Your body usually clears the virus and many times the virus never activates. Wait to find out what strain and make sure you get a follow up pap.


You can have hpv and it not show. You could have gotten it from any sexual partner at any time. It can come and go like a cold sore


You don’t just get hpv from cheating


Did you get the HPV vaccine? Girls who havent been sexually active have later tested positive for the virus after receiving the vaccine.


You can get it without bodily fluids being involved

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Wake up and smell the std…that you have…


It can clear out on its own, depending on which one it is.

Idk how your figuring no one cheated but either you or your hubby did. Js all sites say its sxually transmitted and we even learned that in health class in school


Why ask for help figuring it out if you’re going to dismiss what people are offering???

HPV isn’t just hanging out in the vagina/cervix like normal flora SO… it was likely INTRODUCED there some kind of way. AND (for the record) it IS a sexually transmitted infection (STI), so it probably happened during sexual intercourse with someone.

I’m confused… is this rhetoric?

Cheating has nothing to do with it, but sex is the most common way of contracting it, and it could have been from any of his previous sex partners or yours. Just get your colposcopy done and go from there.

Birth control can do it too


I seriously cannot believe the amount of ignorance, misinformation, and just plain Tin foil hatery from adults that have reproduced. Wow. Some of you need to go back to school or actually take the time to do some research before spreading all this nonsense and trying to make this person feel bad for no reason at all.


Also could be someone either fucked up to 10 years ago so yeah totally could happen with noone cheating

Best to talk to your doctor about it as everyone seems to have different truths and opinions :person_shrugging:


It could have come from any sexual partner you have had. I had it many years ago and it shows up from time to time in my paps but not always. Also I had the vaccine as a child and still got it. That vaccine is to protect against the cancerous strains of it not necessarily protecting against it all together. (Side note most men don’t know when they have it. I don’t believe there is a test for men but I could be wrong on that.)


Hpv can lie dormant for years. So those of you that wanna look down upon her husband or her learn your facts. A lot of women have it and don’t even know it.


Men can carry it and not even know it. Men and women can both get it and spread it to partners. HPV can cause cervical cancer. I had to have part of my cervix removed because of it. Your body can heal on its on, however, sometimes intervention is needed. There’s a procedure called a colposcopy where they biopsy the cervix to tell what grade it’s at. This lets your docket know if further treatment is necessary. I had to see my doctor every 6 months. It will be okay sweetie. Take a deep breath. HPV is very common but silent. I’m glad you are taking care of yourself. If you have any questions message me privately :heart:


These women on here that you think you get HPV from cheating. No you do not. I got HPV when I got older. So quit jumping the damn conclusions

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Guess it depends on how many years they’ve been together, can it lie dormant for 20+ years?