What can I do to relieve morning sickness?

Ginger biscuits
Ready salted crisps
Ice pops
Only things that worked with me

I am pregnant right now. Due next week. Have had morning sickness EVERY FREAKING DAY (even today) and these Popsicles are the ONLY thing that cures my nausea and vomiting. I swear by them. My frezer is so full of them i can barely fit anything else in it. They sell them at walmart. I swear by them. The bars taste good but dont work for my nausea like the pops do.

These are a lifesaver ! I couldn’t hold anything down and these helped within eating 3 of them.

These are a lifesaver but you can only eat 5 per day so I also found hard candy that I could tolerate and used those when it wasn’t overwhelming. But also try some b6

My midwife suggested vitamin by for my morning sickness. I found lemon, ginger, honey chews with b6 at Sprout’s and they help a ton

Nothing anyone suggested worked for me, I tried every suggestion in the comments. I lost 12 lbs in a couple days. Even Gatorade ice chips came back up. Doctor prescribed me Reglan (metoclopramide). Literally a lifesaver. Also B6 with Unisom (yes the sleep aid) together at night, overtime they help as well. Good luck mama

I had to take 3 medications.
Sea bands for motion sickness. Iced Gatorade zero helped me. They have these things like a hard candy medicine that is called stomach settle. They help. Keep your acid reflux and heartburn down. Eat small portions. Avoid carbonation and sugar. Elevate yourself if you’re going to bed.
Make sure your prenatals are for you. Some will make you even more nauseous.

Ice pop. It forces you to slowly take in calories. Then a little while later you can eat. Worked awesome with me

Your doctor may prescribe something. There’s nausea tea, patches, suckers, hard candies, but usually sour and mints help a lot.

Water and crackers by bedside. I found greasy food is good for nausea. I was suggested fries which helps a lot.

Do your best. Don’t take zofran. It helps. Many recommend it, but many children get health defects from it.

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could be HG, i suffered my whole pregnancy. consult your OBGYN about medication, i was on bonjesta and it saved my life 🥲

Every time I would get anxious I’ll eat a hot Cheeto and it helped so much :rofl:

Sounds like possibly hyperemesis gravidarum. I suffered 3x with it. I started a support group for hg sufferers for support and help. Please if you or anyone is suffering from hg, feel free to join! We are an amazing support group.

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Zofran & time. Much love to you.

I was all fruit at the beginning

Lemonade and saltines

Sickness travel wrist bands are amazing!!! And safe!!

Oh also ZOFRAN is NOT FDA approved for use during pregnancy.

Whatever you do do NOT take zofran. Zofran causes birth defects. Consult your OBGYN. They can help you. Or smoke weed.

ask your doctor for zofran!

Smh I felt like nothing worked for me… I just let it pass🤦🏾‍♀️

Go to the dr and get zofran

Unisome and b6 together

Vitamin b6 and unisome

Zofran has kept me alive

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Lemons helped me alot

Honestly, everything made me sick in the beginning of my 2nd. I ate what I could, and stayed close to a toilet. Even ice chips, ginger, saltines, you name it. I lost 10lbs in a couple days but I also figure at least a teeny tiny bit had to stay down, especially if it took a while to come back up.
So, eat whatever you possibly can and keep at it. It sucks but hang in there!

Seaband bracelets, I had these on until 5 months day and night, they helped, didn’t cure it, but helped! And just keep eating as often as possible, small portions /snacks often
Also, dr prescribed anti sickness tablets that helped in part for a while to her me through worst of it
Hope it clears for you sooner rather than later :crossed_fingers:

Not trying to sound discouraging, but my first pregnancy was the same way, literally nothing in the book helped me. Not i.v fluids, prescribed pills, water, ginger ale, crackers, NOTHING! It never went away,.lasted thru my whole pregnancy. I pray that that’s not your case and that u find something that works for you! But it’s also completely normal if nothing helps


Orange juice, oranges and peanut butter crackers helped me. I had mild/medium sickness during my pregnancy I was more lightheaded. I was sick more when I was close to giving birth to my daughter I actually went to the hospital cuz I thought I was in labor… in the beginning I ate that stuff and it helped me…congratulations mama!

I’m currently pregnant and have battled morning/all day sickness for a solid 7 months. It’s miserable. The ONLY thing that has helped me is Zofran. I still have breakthrough vomiting and nausea, but at least there is a few hours of relief. Ask your doctor for a prescription ASAP! My doctor made me try Bonjesta and Diclegis first, but they did absolutely nothing for me. Have OB check for dehydration, too. You may need IV fluids.

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Peppermint chewing gum always helped me the most - really feel for you x

Spent 9 months with head in the toilet. 1. If really nauseated, stick finger in throat, vomit. 2. For persistent queasy feeling try lemonade. The more sour the better. High in Vit B which pregnant women are often low in. 3. Crackers/salt are good. 4. Ginger ale.

My friend kept plain Unbuttered popcorn on her nightstand and ate a handful before getting up. My mom would have a few sips of ginger ale. Remember that the sickness is a sign your pregnancy is progressing well but make sure to watch for signs you are dehydrated

Honestly I had it my whole pregnancy and in my week 31 I found out it was because he wanted pancakes only (I hate them😂) it’s the only time I ate them religiously and now it’s that kids favorite food lol I also had a strong craving for salmon but I wouldn’t give into that one (I’m in the all fish is gross vamp)

my first was the same! crackers salted tops!, watermelon lifesaviors ahahah but with my second child was the same nd i went to see my dr nd they gave me dylention could be spelling it wrong but omg thats the holy grail that stuff :joy:wish i known about it with my first

My doctor told me to keep crackers by the bed and eat one or two in the middle of the night if I woke up, so my stomach was never truly empty. She also said to eat one or two right away in the morning before I even got up. Sprite Zero and Saltines were basically all I ate for about 12 weeks! Greek yogurt with granola also helped.

This sounds crazy but I had sickness morning, day and night with both my pregnancies up until I delivered and Apple slices helped calm the nausea for me.

I was sick almost 5-6 months during my first pregnancy, I was the same way couldn’t keep anything down, it would all come back up, always was in the hospital for fluids and the only thing that actually helped with the nausea was Reglan, I definitely could keep my meal down when I took that so I definitely recommend that you try that medication!

so my dr went through two different oral medications and when it came to not being able to even keep those down to try to help, it turned into a suppository option (I was not thrilled), you may wanna ask about that

Not sure why ladies are telling you how they were sick the whole time since that probably doesn’t make you feel better… Here’s some thing that work for me!

-Ginger ale
-Lemonade (small glasses though and I juice myself some of the time)
-ginger candies

  • eat SMALL meals the entire day that’s bland. I eat crackers first thing in the AM.
  • starburst are always in my scrub pocket and when I feel like puking that seems to curb it a bit. They say the saliva it produces in your mouth can help.
  • find a food that seems to be ok. For me my go to is Mac and cheese!
  • don’t chug fluids! Smaller sips can help!
  • you can try unisom +vit B6 as well
    -sea bands on those really rough days and honestly I don’t go very many places and just hang out on my couch
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I’m 16 weeks and still struggling. My Dr switched me from zofran to diclegis and it has helped a bit. Also chewing cinnamon gum they told me helps with dry heaving and it has for me a bit

Not to scare you - I had morning sickness for almost 7 months. I couldn’t even take a sip of water without it coming back up. Crackers didn’t work. I ended up with 6 or 7 IV’s by the time I gave birth. My advise? First, don’t force it - just keep trying different things until you find something that will stay down. Try some B-6 or ask your doctor about something safe to take for nausea.


Try dry cheerios before you get out of bed. Also drink warm jello.

Saltine crackers by your bed as soon as you wake up eat a couple. Your doctor can also prescribe medication for nausea if you try everything and it doesn’t work. Carry snacks with you when your out of the house not eating can make nausea worse. Good luck!

I was like that’s the first five months of my Second pregnancy with my daughter. The only thing I could keep down was orange Gatorade, saltines, flat Gingerale, and oyster crackers. I wore the motion sickness wristbands which honestly I don’t know if they helped or not. I was sick from the moment I open my eyes in the morning till the moment I was able to fall asleep at night. I also had good luck with sour hard candies and the ginger chews from Whole Foods. Best of luck to you because I know how God awful it is.

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Sickness bands for your wrists and small sips of fruit juice I found helped. But ofc I was taking anti nausea meds the whole time as well because… hyperemesis is a bitch.

My doc had me take unisom at bedtime and it helped with daytime nausea.

You can try crackers when you wake up, sea bands, ginger gum, preggie pops. I had really bad sickness my first trimester and honestly nothing helped, just had to go with the flow and wait it out. Thankfully the second I turned 13 weeks all the nausea just disappeared

Cheese and peanut butter crackers, I just nibble at them and it helped having a little something on my stomach.

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Have saltines by your bedside and eat a few before you barely raise your head off the pillow

Nibbles on soup crackers. Eat small meals. If taking the maternity vitamins try taking them before bed instead of the morning

Unpopular opinion but honestly …weed…CBD…

I was sick from day one and hospitalized many times for dehydration. I was loosing weight as my pregnancy went on…also Ondestron (cancer meds) helped more than any prescribed medication. I was a weed user beforehand and tried to quit when I was pregnant but it was the only thing that let me keep food down and kept the naseau under control

FYI my daughter is perfectly healthy etc

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I ate ginger/mint chews from the health food store. Only thing that seemed to help when it was bad.


Try pickles. Worked wonders for me when i was pregnant with my 3rd boy

Pickles usually calm the nausea

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Sour candy like lemon drops helped. Small meals not large ones.

Try eating some crackers before you get out of bed. That helped me a lot.

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I remember eating just plain lettuce it helped me my daughter loves salads always has it worked for me .

Talk to your Doctor. There are several different meds he can prescribe that are safe to prevent severe nausea.

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Only thing that worked for me was a little pickle juice here and there and those seaband bracelets with the balls that hold a pressure point in the wrist

Sea band! I was the same way and after I got mine I’ve been doing so much better! plus they are reusable

For me it was sucking on peppermint candies. I felt a lot of nausea but I would suck on a peppermint drop and never ended up actually throwing up except for once or twice

Ok so I was sick till 26 weeks pregnant… then the last week i was sick again…i just had to eat right after throwing up and just keep going especially during work. None of the remedies worked for me… everyones different tho…

I was sick my whole pregnancy both times🤢 but my go to (but to be honest wouldn’t always stop it) to help was nuts. I had small boxes of nuts at my bedside, in my bag, car, pocket, everywhere lol.

lemons raw. i eat 3-4 wedges at a time and take famotidine in the morning. then I go throughout the day eating wedges. I also use generously it in hot peppermint tea with honey.

My second was the same as you. Then I read that I was low in vitamins and minerals so I used them and my third pregnancy was a breeze.

Prescription anti nausea meds was the only thing that helped me.

Have a dry cracker before you get up in morning leave a container beside bed at night for morning .Then a cup of tea .Worked a bit with my 6 …

Try a couple of arrowroot biscuits in a morning to line your stomach :blush::blush: avoid cream cheese and some diary! Try skim milk instead of full cream!

Unisom sleep tabs and B6 - only thing that made any sort of difference as I was sick the entire pregnancy :upside_down_face: good luck

Eat crackers, keep them on your night stand and eat so.e before you get out of bed

Try cooled boiled water a couple of times a day & plain biscuits you don’t have to have them together

Ginger ale, sea band and sour candy helped me.

Ginger ale, ginger candy, saltines, and don’t be afraid to call your doctor if needed!! Sometimes you need medicine

I was suggested sucking on a handful of lays potato chips every morning. That seemed to help me a lot. They also had put me on unisom…

I lived on crackers and flat 7 up. It gets better when your second trimester begins. Hang in there! Eat protein in the part of the day that you aren’t so sick

I was severely sick with my first 2 children the for my 3rd I was told to put a bandwidth over your belly button it worked a treat no sickness at all

Ginger candies or preggy pops

I had horrible morning sickness until 14 weeks. The only thing I could ever get to work was to eat a little something (usually crackers) and then after the inevitable throw up, I was able to eat something better for breakfast.

It could be hyperemesis gravidarum, or severe morning sickness, where you have more morning sickness than what’s considered normal. I’d ask your dr if this is a possibility!

I found dry biscuits by the bed and eating 3 or 4 while still in bed helped a lot.

The best thing ever is to suck on peppermints. If this doesn’t work get some sea bands.

Ginger Candy! It came in a bump box I got

Crackers help and anything with cinnamon…used to live on cinnamon toast!

Buy some travel sickness bands they work a treat

Ginger beer, it was the only thing that remotely worked for me.

I could not keep anything down even water for much of my first pregnancy . I threw up my prenatal vitamins and I gained 100 pounds and I couldn’t eat . It was horrible. There was nothing I could do I slept as much as I could and rode it out . At the beginning of each trimester it would subside for a bit and then come rushing back . I would eat anyway for the nutrition at least
Some and just wait to throw it back up . I’m
Are going through this it isn’t fun . Just think about that baby in your arms . That helps
A lot ! Chicken broth is your friend and saltines and watermelon

I took unisom at night

Sip ginger ale an eat saltines they helped me

Ginger, ginger pieces, or Murray’s ginger snap cookies.

Were all the sick pregnancies boy babies???

My daughter did same thing,but it was twins.

I survived off up n go poppers with my first pregnancy.

Ginger… not sure what food aversions you may have that will make it worse. Try ginger or coke

Try Sea Bands. You can get them at Walmart, Walgreens or CVS. They really work


Flat 7up
Drink it before you get up out of bed
Yes as you’re laying down
Use a straw to get it down

Ask your midwife for the sickness bands it puts pressure in your pressure points in your wrist to stop you feeling sick even sea sick bands work and sea sick pills give them a go

The only thing that would settle my stomach was slurpees! Least it would help!

Peppermint oil, put on wrists, temples, and if not better dab or two under nose.