What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

Crisco I swear by it my son use to get the worst and it cleared it up within a day

My family has used Bag Balm. You can get it from a IFA, Cal Ranch, or a store where you buy farming supplies.

A&D ointment. I used it on both kids.

natural diaper cream that has calendula in it

40plus years ago I used good old fashion Vaseline!! By. Glory it work 4 me!!!

Mix baking soda with water. Use white cloth. No diaper while sleeping. Put a pad under

Corn starch, to keep dry. To soothe, can use lard instead of Desitin.

sprinkle cornflour its a magic dont use diapers for few days n change the brand of. diapers … cornflour is magical

It maybe fungal so ask your doctor for nystatin powder or cream

always wash your baby’s private & behind with water instead of using just wipes & pat dry with clean towel. apply vaseline creamy on the affected area every time you change the diaper.

Wash the baby’s butt every change with soap and wash cloth, porters salve and call the dr for suggestions.

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I always used castor oil and zinc mixed together at a clinic or pharmacy.

Corn starch.used it on all 4 of my kids

Corn starch. Ointments keep each moist. Corn starch dries it. Im a true believer.

Here in Texas we have Dr. Smiths diaper cream. Miracle.

I use bag balm. Its the best and easy to wipe off!

Bordeoux EXTRA strength. My son didn’t really react at all to regular strength, only extra strength

I just always used vasalene it always worked well

I would use aquaphor after oatmeal bath and coconut oil

A&D Cream. The blue and white tube. Always worked for us.

My twins used to get them bad. I used lotrimin (seems weird) but it worked!

Only and only Coconut oil… The nearest remedy for diaper rash…!

Pentane is the best l even use it on myself for heat rash​:wink::wink::wink:

Yes a yeast infection will just get worse with creams.

Plain old corn starch does wonders take it from this granny

If its fungal use clotrimazole aka lotrimin foot cream. Sounds weird but it works like magic but only if its fungal

Apple cider vinegar, like a tablespoon in a cup of warm water. NOTHING ELSE worked on my boy.

If its raised then it’s yeast so use lotramin covered in a&d ointment

We used straight a&d ointment and it healed right up first use

Mylanta, if it’s from diarrhea. An old lady told me while I was searching for diaper rash cream at the end of the rope!


Open to air as much as possible. Damp wash clothe to clean, air dry and some corn starch.

I used to put corn starch on my daughter along with desitin.

Tincture of benzoyl, desitin, and mineral oil. Equal parts of all 3.

My doctor told me to put vagisil on my little one and then desitin to create a barrier

Try monistat. It may be a yeast infection

Air dry and sometimes it’s the brand of diapers

Sounds like a yeast infection. Try taking baby in

Use butt cream it has a cow on front it also might be called utter cream

Anti-fungal cream. The type you would use for athletes foot. Kills that fungus quickly!

Try using caldescene powder. It’s in a pink bottle it has zinc in it and it’s water proof

Triple paste is the only one that works for my baby

it could be fungal… in that case Nystatin would be prescribed

Do not wipe unless he went #2. Reapply rash ointment and top w/powder constantly.

Resinol usually behind counter at pharmacy but does not need RX

Might be an alergic reaction to food also.

Coconut oil, you see a difference over night. I guarantee it

Desitin and cornstarch then leave diaper off and lay child near sunlight

When you bathe the child after a bath rub baby oil the rash

Cornstarch and enough water to make a paste. Then apply to area, should be gone by next day.

If your breast feeding i used my milk worked well

I always mixed cornstarch and Vaseline, worked really well

Vaseline, it repels moisture and doesntstick to skin like paste

If it’s a yeast type rash you can use plain yogurt on it, if regular rash you can use cornstarch

Try corona u buy it at tractor supply it is made for cow teets but it works wonderfull

Blow drying the area at each diaper change. It will clear up quickly.

If nothing working call doctor could be yeast or something else

Wash wd salt water and I always use fissan the everyday use it wrks wonders every nappy change I use it n bby stays comfy in it

Vandalize or aquaphor and then cover it in corn starch.

Make a paste of liquid antacid (Maalox or Mylanta) and cornstarch. Smear it on the rash in the morning & bed time.

Corn starch and that stuff that smells like fish.

Go to tractor supply and get some Corona cream good on any rash

Used pampers wipes and Vaseline only for my son.

Corn starch I know it sound crazy but put little on it

Lard, sounds funny or crazy, but it works! When my kiddo had a rash we put that on her butt and within a day or so it cleared up. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Resionl. Ask for it behind the pharmacy counter. Depending how bad it is it will clear it up in a day or two.

Crushed up oatmeal and make a paste. I use witch hazel instead of water.

If it’s not going away it may be a yeast infection

Metanium from pharmacy it’s the best I’ve ever used on my baby, bare in mind ive used 5 different ones till I’ve discovered metanium

Use corn starch just sprinkle it on

A & D ointment will clear it in 1 day. You’ll see a difference in 1 diaper change.

We used corn starch and no acidic drinks or food.

Ok help me on this one my kid’s mom abused and abandon them at cps now she shows up trying to take me to court even though she fled state to avoid being charged.asking for custody and that i get the summer with them!?:confused:

Bag balm if you use disposables, coconut oil if you’re using cloth :slightly_smiling_face:

I always used Balmex, but my baby is now 15.

I used corn starch it’s cheap and works

I have always just used corn starch. Or I get a compound butt paste from my doc if it’s really bad

Corn Starch it’ll be gone by the next diaper change

Zinc oxide always worked for my kiddos

Wash every time when u change the diaper it wont appear ever again

Corn starch will take it away usually over night

I always used a German cream called Penaten. Always did wonders.

Retinol. It’s in a jar at our local pharmacy.

Use milanta .it’s an antacid.old remedy,it really works.and it’s cool on there little bums.

I always use an ointment base like Vaseline or a&d on mine

I used cornstarch on my kids and all the granbabies
Cleared up in no time

Probably yeast so nystatin mixed with butt paste. Or like an athletes foot cream

Corn starch by itself.Just be sure to wash it off between changes!!

Tell Tom walking naked every so often helps!

Get the oil capsules of vitamin e stick with a pin and apply

I use cloth dipers and baby powder for a few days and it works for me

Try maalox mixed with aquaphor…

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Zinc and castor oil ointment and clotrimazole( this are SA guidelines) use to use the combination with my daughter and worked wonders

Breastmilk works the best that’s if you have it

Calmoseptine works well. But id take the kiddo in just to make sure its not yeasty

Brown some flour and put it on.

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Diaper Doo. My youngest has really sensitive skin. She would get diaper rash so bad with yeast the only thing that would clear it up was prescription nystatin (and I swear she was changed immediate after a bowel movement).Then I found Diaper Doo and havent had to go to the doctor since. Worked wonders.

Brown u some flour in a pan let it cool off and apply it on the rash

Burnt flour. My S-I-L swears by it. Google it.

I’ve had to use stuff for a yeast infection…

Canadian nipple cream is my go to