What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

Aquaphor! Promise you’ll see the difference in a few hours or by next day!

Our doctor always told us to use neosprin and the but destin over it

Ive always used cornstarch, and nystatin cream!

Try cornstarch baby powder be careful not to shake in the baby’s face

Paladin cream it is made in Rockford, IL.

Corn starch I found was the best for my 3 kiddos. Drys it!

Corn starch and air drying/no diaper time

Try corn starch instead of powder.

Are you using Huggies? Might be a yeast infection.

Wash it .pat it untill it dries And use cornstarch…

Is it diaper rash, or yeast rash?

Use coconut oil in baby wipes

I used to use sudocrem and then put powderor cornstarch on top to give an extra barrier.

Cornstarch mixed into vaseline

Try changing diapers brand or even cloth ones

Corn flower it will clear up fast

If your breastfeeding use breast milk

Brown smoe flour in a frying pan itll be fine by tonight

Let the child run around naked and let the skin heal on its own.

Mix desitin, calamine, and cornstarch. Nystatin too if you have any.

Burnt flour use on rash it works

Fairly thickish layer of vaseline and baby powder

Used on both daughters and many adopted kids

HPA Lanolin…the same stuff for cracked nipples during breastfeeding

1\4 tablespoon of corn starch mixed with a 1\4 tablespoon of vaseline jelly. My grandma taught me this when I had my first kid and it is the only thing I have used for diaper rash on all 3 of my kids. You can start to see it working in a couple hours. Typically only takes 24 hours and the diaper rash is completely gone.

Could be the diapers… Change brands.

Corn starch is the 8

Dry it out with cornstarch

mix cornstarch with Vaseline petroleum jelly :relaxed:

How about changing to cloth diapers and drying in the sun?

Go to the store and its either in the cosmetics or bany department and you can get what’s called an “oatmeal treatment” i used it on my son when his diaper rash would flare up. What you do is fill the bathtub with about 2 inches of water mix in 1 packet of the oatmeal treatment film up the tub to where its mixed in and let you’re baby sit in there for about 15-20 minutes dry them off and put the desitin and or baby powder on before putting the diaper back on

Ive always just used cornstarch

Try bath in pinetarsol to help then use vaseline

I use aquaphor it’s like a vaseline

Have you tried Aveeno oatmeal baths?

Or anything with colloidal ingredient

Corn starch!! I will never use anything else on Any type of rash.

Jock itch powder or cornstarch and possibly change diaper brands…

Wash it with warm water then put Petrolium jelly…

I use Lotrimin as first layer and a thick layer of butt paste on top…

Butt paste is the best!!! Target or Walmart!!!

Destin was not helping anymore and they recommend me this one and it works miracles

Some good ole fresh air OUTSIDE of a diaper can help too.

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Cornstarch work wonderful I still use on my great grandchildren now good luck

It’s called BAG BALM. Only thing that works on my daughter.

Bains avec fécule de maïs chage les couche souvent et laise le bébé nue souvent le temps que sa guérie

My daughter had a horrible rash and Calamine lotion worked well on it.

If you have a toddler, let them go without a diaper.


I used Burts Bees on my kids. It was the best for them🤷‍♀️

Balmex worked for my oldest dauhhter but didnt work for my little ones. Corn starch too can help

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Calmoseptine ask for it at the pharmacy.


Brown some white flour in a brown in a cast iron skillet then use as a power #grannymode❤️

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I used utter balm for my boys, a tip my Grandma gave me

Monkey butt works really good too and air drying too after bath let it air dry works good too

Our Dr had us use milk of magnisa under the rash cream worked great

Go to a Dermatologist. No joke, my son was allergic to his own sweat

Desitine actually made my son’s diaper rash worse. I used a and d or butt paste

The sun and air is best also when it’s diaper change I do warm baking soda baths and again air dry

Corn starch works great

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I’ve used pure cornstarch from the baking aisle… Sprinkle on… Amazing!

Cornstarch,it works as a barrier.

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Pure corn starch baby powder.


Take him outside and let him run around naked. Fresh air does wonders

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Good old Vaseline that’s all I ever used when mine were babies

Coconut oil works like a charm. Cleared my kids up almost overnight

Bag balm works miracles seriously

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Soak in Aveeno oatmeal bath, pat dry, let them go diaper less for a bit

Ask dr for the medication ointment it works wonders

Yes, going without the diaper helps, it’s hard to do though

Burts bees diaper rash cream. It works for all types of rash

Desitin is awful. Ask pediatrician i had prescribed cream

2 tbsp ( yes tablespoon) of corn starch in every diaper! Sounds crazy but it works!!!

I love DR. SMITHS it works wonderful

Good old fashion corn starch. It works!!!

Aquaphor! I have used everything else and it works the best!!!

Corn starch…although…

Corn starch. Bath, air dry, corn starch, repeat as needed.

Ammens medicated powder. Hard to find but it works wonders!

Resinol is the best thing my grandmother ever showed me for any skin rash… works like magic

Earth Mama baby bottom balm is the best, and its all natural. Love that stuff

Jock itch cream works great!!! the 88 cent one at walmart

Corn starch has been the best that I have found

My pediatrician said a&d ointment and desitin. Fragrance free wipes.

Bag Balm is a miracle worker it healed all my kids.

Shalom cream. They are out of Minnesota and the stuff works perfectly. They have a website

Triple paste. You can find it at target. It is amazing.

Mix shea butter with cornstarch I think that’s the best

calendula oil always worked the best with my two girls

Cornstarch works fast


Desitin isnt strong enough. I use A&D cream. Blue and white tube

Corn starch. Gently patted on affect area

Soak him in a baking soda bath and then sprinkle corn starch on him.

Bag balm and corn starch!!!
Works like a charm

I soaked my little one in a bath with baking soda. It works wonders

Put baking soda n the tub of cool water n let him ir her set n it n play for awhile it clear it up evertime

Triple paste is the best
It also dozen stick to there skin

Metanium is amazing. It works wonders within 24hrs.

Caldesene Powder! It’s the only thing that’s worked for both my kids.

Might need a steroid cream. Speak with your pediatrician.

Corn starch works great.

Pure corn starch.applied liberally and changed often