What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

Wash with soap & water & air dry as much as possible, even with accidents

Go to the dr and ask for micream. It works instantly and only need a tiny bit.

Straight oatmeal and cornstarch are the only things that worked for my son.

All I have ever used is plain cornstarch. Use it just like baby powder. Heals usually overnight.

Also try some time without a diaper each day, help you clear up any issues

You might want to take her to see a doc. My sister was trying to get rid of a rash my neice had and she ended up finding out that she has thrush.

I use A&D ointment. It was recommended by a pharmacist

Aquaphor…& keep diapers off for awhile and don’t use baby wipes wash in the bath with water.

Equal parts of destin vasoline and yeast meds per pediatric physician.

Cortisone, Vaseline, & butt paste mixed altogether…it’ll be gone by next diaper change…best thing EVER!!!

A& d ointment or aqua pour. It’s used on tattoos. Also you could try making a paste of corn starch and Vaseline.

DR. SMITHS… I used to have to ask for it behind the counter but it’s made in San Antonio not sure if it’s on Amazon now because my kids are older but it beats the heck out a desitin

Isles (sorry for bad spelling) paste worked wonders on my 4 kids and works miracles on me too (I have Crohn’s disease).

I gave my kids a bath with baking soda… worked wonders

Zinc oxide, has always been my favorite go to for diaper rash.

Had to use aquaphor baby for my grand babies. Had to be the baby one.

I had a doctor tell me use the butt paste on yeast infection cream or jock itch cream and milk of magnesia and make your own paste out of it

I use to use Balmex.on my kids and it was great.

Desitin and cadasene powder (blue bottle is for babies)… it’s the best.

Keep the diaper off as much as you can maybe the heat irritates the skin sometimes the wipes can be the problem

Or if you have any yeast infection cream from yourself laying around usually comes in the box with the treatment

Cornstarch it works wonders and stop the pain and burn

When I know some one who is having a baby I buy about 3 tubes of it for a baby gift.

Browned flour is what I had to use on my daughter. Nothing else worked.

Bag balm, a&d, corn starche, but see a Dr. Might even be an allergic reaction. My daughter couldn’t use disposable diapers.

I’ve always use corn starch because the creams never worked for my daughter

when my greatson had it we used browned flour. and it cleared it up almost overnight

Are you making sure to change baby’s diaper more frequent? Do not allow baby to stay in a wet diaper on top of continued treatment

A Corn starch paste.
Mix some corn starch with a bit.of water and slather babys butt [in diaper]. Works wonders.

I use my natural shea butter. You can also infuse oil with dried calendula as well

Try Caldesene powder. Comes in a pink container with blue writing. I swear by it!!

breastmilk works wonders and you can also use Crisco the kind you bake with.

End it, from the pharmacy in Walmart in NC. It’s made here and only sold here

Bag balm at night, burnt flour during the day and make sure you let them air out after every diaper change

Resinol. You may have to ask your pharmacist for it. Sometimes they don’t carry it on the shelf so they keep it in the pharmacy.

If desitin doesn’t work its probably a yeast or something the baby is eating or drinking juice will do it too

Dont use desitin it is thick and wiping it off will make the rash worse. Use A&D ointment. And let air dry in between diapers

Cloth diaper wipes… my daughter had horrible rash from the store bought wipes

Be careful using otc diaper rash creams. It’s rare BUT there are allergies to zinc oxide.
My daughter is allergic and we only found out after a month solid of what we thought was diaper rashes. She would blister and her skin would crack open. Took her the ER, her pedestrian, got a second opinion with an out of state pedestrian and no could tell me why. It wasn’t until I refused to leave the ER after probably dozen visit that they they suggested an allergy to the rash cream itself. There is no zinc oxide panel on an allergy test so they went to the local Walgreens and got sunblock with it in and put a single dot on her arm. It blistered after probably half an hour.
The rash cream was the problem all along. I was using it every diaper change as a barrier and then she would have a reaction. Switched to corn starch at night (use sparingly because powder products can cause yeast infections) and A&D or coconut oil during the day.
That month was HELL. Was accused of abuse and neglect and told that I was a bad mom to leave her sit for so long in soiled diapers to cause such severe rashes. Told if the rashes got worse she would DIE from a staph or MRSA infection. That I was giving her the wrong (acidic) foods and to switch her diet completely. All the while it was a rare allergy that no one thought to check.
Best of luck mama. Diaper rashes are the pits and I hope you find something that works for your little one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cornstarch but that on baby’s butt for a while and we’ll get rid of the diaper rash

Make sure it is not a fungal infection. Many people mistake the two. I would take the child to a doctor.

Corn starch and clotrimazole cream its anti fungal and works pretty good

Aquaphor if it’s from diarrhea make a paste out of aquaphor and maylox don’t use baby wipes the alcohol in the wipes burn them cool wash cloth is best and let them soak in aveeno baby oatmeal bath and pat dry more air the better

I always use Vaseline, but if it is a yeast the you need to take the baby to her doctor and believe this or not cloth diapers between the skin and diaper

Neosporin with pain relief, Has never & I mean NEVER FAILED ME.

Triple antibiotic ointment with zinc cream over (assuming fungus isn’t the cuplrit).

Triple paste swear by it when everything failed it came through on the worse rash

Triple paste is the only thing that ever worked with my 4 sons.

If you breastfeed , ive heard that breast milk works wonders on rash

If it is not helping, it could be an infection

Pharmacy ask for paladin or amazon has it go right away!!! All we use

Neosporin with pain relief cream. Its not jelly like the other. Its am actual cream.

Gentin Violet. ( spell?) It is very messy and will turn everything purple, but really bad diaper rash usually has yeast. It will kill yeast. Or Lotrimin, as another lady said, although I never used it.

Cornstarch. Sprinkle it on like baby powder. You will be amazed how quick it goes away . The pastes keep it too moist. Need to dry it out .

Resinol! You can get it at any pharmacy, just have to ask for it! Works magic!

Camomile tea always worked wonders with mine then slap over with sudacream x

Brown regular flour in a skillet. Take it out and let it cool down and put it all over the rash. It looks nasty but usually within 8-10 hours it is completely gone!!

1 part yeast infection cream 1 part destin… Only if its thrush or caused by yeast

Use a blow dryer… put ur hand in front to make sure it doesnt get too hot… run it back & forth… will be gone in a day

Maybe it’s a yeast diaper rash? If so those creams won’t work.

Try to wash the baby bum with lukewarm water and then use metanium nappy rash ointment its a yellow paste.

Cornstarch and air 4 kids it worked on all of them, with different skin types from my fairheaded redhead to my dark skinned

Desitin with corn starch over it … I usually shower my baby before applying both.

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Not Vaseline it holds the moisture in cornstarch is what my mom used on us

Mustard oil drop if water and baking powder mix them well and apply magic

I used to use desitin, petroleum jelly and corn starch powder. The jelly and desitin was mixed together goes on first and the powder goes on last to lock in the moisture

Check with pediatrician could be fungal and need nystatin if Butt Paste isn’t working.

Try changing the brand of diapers, baby might be allergic to the diaper

Need nystatin if it’s fungal which requires a Dr visit because it is a prescription

I always used Balmex…it worked the best on my kids

I only used petroleum jelly and it works :blush:

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I always patted bottom at every diaper change with corn starch. I never had a child with diaper rash and I had 4.

I have used what the old timers use to call Cow Salve. It’s protroulem based. It comes in a tin container.

Its an old wives tail but it works cornflour just sprinkle it on and the rash will go

I brown flour and use that. It works amazingly

My grandma told me to use burnt flour on my babies it works wonders

Make sure its not a yeast rash, all the ointments will make it worse.

I slathered mine in Destin and cornstarch! It works wonders.

Use corn starch old recipe but it works

Use dermadew its the best rash cream I have seen…works like magic

Barriere Silcone skin cream works amazing.

How about plain old corn starch and maybe some naked time

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Air out as much as possible and apply Triple Paste heavy with diapers

Corn starch. Let air. Get to it. No diaper.

I would call your doctor you might need a prescription medicated cream

How old is the babe? And are you breast feeding? A little breast milk and that diaper rash is a goner :heart: helps so much

I would contact your doctor, it could be a nappy rash or it could be something else, I would get it checked out to be on the safe side

The best remedy for a diaper rash is baking soda in the bath water! I have 4 kids and have tried just about every ointment, trick, ect and that has never failed me, ever!!! I would sit them in the bath with the baking soda, let the area air dry and put a thin layer of butt paste and by the next morning it would be almost gone! Works magic on baby butts.

Mix up some corn starch baby powder with some Vaseline & make a paste with it… watch next day it’ll be gone…

A&D ointment or aquaphor. Or even Vaseline. Acts as a barrier to moisture

If you are breastfeeding use some breast milk. I had my doubts but it helped my granddaughter

I would also consider their diet. Possible something they ate or drank is causing a reaction.

put a towel under them and leave them naked for a while . douse in baby powder… always worked for my girls

You want natural?
Baking soda and water mix (equal parts). Thick layers 2-3 times daily. Wash off and reapply!!!

Cheap fungus cream (athlete foot) and cheap rash ointment. Put fungus cream on first and then the ointment. Put ointment on like frosting, thick, don’t rub it in. Guaranteed to work.

Neosporin works, Vaseline works , a &d ointment works too.

Triple paste is the only thing that worked on my son.

I would avoid cornstarch if there is any chance it is a yeast type rash.

If you are using cloth diapers, it may be the detergent. You may also try a different brand of disposal diapers.

Vaseline and cornstarch mix then rub on infected area and on diaper