What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

I used bag balm…worked great

Balmex was the only thing that worked for my son

Aquaphor 100% I used it on all of my kids, my tattoos, etc!!!

The avino diaper rash cream is Amazing

coconut :coconut: cream is what my daughter uses and it goes away fast

Backing soda bath, works wonders

Soak in oatmeal bath…put oatmeal in a sock, and put it in the bath water

Jessie Mochty. Nova isnt the only one having this issue. There is something going on. This is horrible these babies are miserable.

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Mix Lotrimin and hydrocortisone cream works wonders

Lukewarm water with baking soda!!!

Go to the grocery store and get some pure corn starch

Super duper diaper doo is awesome!

Resinol is a very good diaper cream to use.

Butt paste is good to.let them air dry for a while no diaper on

Corn starch is best for diaper rashes

Aloe Vera helps to soothe and clear it up.

I used to allow my kids to go diaper free

I had good luck with a & d ointment

Could be a yeast infection. Go see pediatrician

Bag Balm…hands down the best!

Triple paste always worked best for me

Baking soda baths. Just dont let it get in the face.

Vaseline work wonders for my babies

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CORN STARCH! By the next day it will be so much better

A&D ointment worked best for mine

Use water wipes. Butt paste worked well for my kids.

Honestly, from my Mexican mother-in-law, just use corn starch. Doesn’t have to be a fancy brand. My son now 14 suffered from diaper rash. He was my only mostly formula-fed baby and even had multiple yeast infections and constant thrush. One day I brought him to my mother-in-law’s house and she put corn starch on his bottom. I looked at her as a crazy woman, but within hours his rash was so much better. I later found out that baby powder is literally just scented corn starch. I used it on all my kids after that and haven’t looked back.


A and d with athlete foot cream heals very fast pharmacist recomended

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I have used a tiny amount of bag balm or vaseline.

CORN STARCH no chemicals and the best

Udder Balm works really good

A@D ointment has always been my go to for rashes.

A&D worked for my children

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Maalox/mylanta works great from a peds nurse

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I use A&D ointment. It works amazing

Corn Starch best old fashion Remady

Calmoseptine is the best!! Ask the pharmacist, next day the rash was basically nonexistent

Corn starch worked for my babies

Corn starch. Overnight healing. You’ll be shocked!

Magnesium and zinc powder works wonders

Vaseline mixed with Cor starch. Make a paste works great.

I use butt paste. Name says it all. I love it

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Baking soda baths and triple paste.

Yes Lotrimin works good. Clears it up fast.

Mylanta and Desitin togather . And then we use triple paste.

If their wee backside is really sore try a white of an egg - it gives a layer of skin then after a while (1hr) wash with lukewarm water and then apply sudocream … hope this helps as it worked for my kids

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Sudocream is absolutely the best

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I always used Pinxav. Works like a charm!!

Aquafore maybe. It works better on sores than neosporin

Bag balm works wonders

Cornstarch works miracles for my little girl :heartpulse:

We used a product named Butt Paste. Works. Every. Time.

Its probably a yeast infection

best thing I ever used was corn starch

AQUAPHOR!!! trust me you won’t be disappointed…

Corn starch or baking soda paste

Lotramin/athleetes foot cream and a little corn starch! Works every time.

Go to the dr. Maybe its more than just a diaper rash.

Corn starch works good

bag balm works wonders !!

Kenacomb worked for my baby but every baby has different skin type.

Baking soda baths and diaper free time.

A&D Ointment worked for my kid

Bag balm, that stuff is amazing on everything

Keep the diaper off for awhile. Let air hit it.

Aquaphor ointment is the best

Make sure it’s not a yeast infection

Visit a pediatrician I used for my baby A+D ointment

We use bag balm and it heals up real quick

Aquaphor, my youngest nothing worked except that

Dr Smith always worked for my daughter.

Cornstarch was always my go to.

A&d ointment, not the cream one!

Cornflour works great. Nappy free time

Bag balm or A & D is amazing

Cornstarch , otc fungus cream

Corn starch. Just sprinkle on affected area

Baby cheeks wonderbalm … apply and yhe rash is gone by morning even if its a yeast or teething rash …

Paste and power and then may be switch what kind of diapers you use

Ever tried “Butt Paste?” It’s awesome!

We use Aquaphor for baby it’s amazing

Aquaphor is amazing!

Make sure it’s not a yeast infection.

Triple Paste…it works WONDERS!!!

Bag balm, in a green tin, its awesome

Corn starch. Works every time.

Triple Paste was a lifesaver with my 2 babies

I have used triple paste, works so well

I used utter butter. Worked wonders!!

Aquaphor cream works wonders

I mixed Balmex and destin with a little Vaseline

Pinkaxe!!! (Pinksalve) ask at Walmart or cvs! Works overnight and it is a miracle

Cornstarch! Be generous with it!

Egg with cornstarch
Keep the diaper very loose

Go to the doctor
Desitin should work

some baby wipes burn tender skin

A&D ointment worked for my kids

Sudocrem & metanium it’s the best …the yellow one

Aquafor…its the only thing that helped my two

A&D ointment everyday every diaper change