What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

Desatin, mylanta and Nystatin from the Dr. Magic butt paste

Bag Bam. Green tin can in any store or pharmacy. Love that stuff.

Dixie thinks my post is funny :zipper_mouth_face: wow.

Old school cornstarch

Corn flour Hun or paw paw ointment

You’ll thanks me if you try it. You’ll see, it’s like magic

Butt Paste & A&d. Paste first then A&D.

You can use monistat cream.

Balmer. Hope it helps.

I use to use desiring also

Aqua phor …thats all I ever used on my kids and grandk I do

Cornstarch or AD ointment

Yellow matenium cream

Corn starch… No lie!!!

Warm bath and run around naked

Use the purple desitin

Aquaphor also breastmilk

We use vasiline and destin

Try neosporin or even plain yogurt

I use to use baby power on my son

Coconut oil is fantastic

Vaseline and cornstarch

Athletes foot cream!!!

Nothing better than vaseline

Vaseline, Vaseline and more Vaseline.

Nystatin cream from the doc

Benson’s bottom paint

Take the baby to the dr

Buttpaste. The yellow one.

Bepanthen 2 days its enough at clicks/ chemist

What diapers u using

Regular old cornstarch or vaseline

cornstarch after every change

Zguard or Calmoseptine ointment

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Cornstarch will help

take diaper off fill your baby bathtub with warm water let baby soak as long as tolerated put some playtoys in for distraction. when taking baby out of tub, place baby on towel,dry them off,then leave open to air 10-15 min.wihout a diaper on.when diapering baby,coat butt with vaseline.any recent change of diaper brand,any new foods?water and air. helps alot

Try drapolene cream momshie😊

I know you are going to think Im crazy but my mom used corn starch and water, made a soft paste and covered the sores. Every diaper change needs to be thoroughly washed away and freshly applied

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Pasta de lassar,óxido de zink

Google baby monkey butt. My girlfriend uses monkey butt for herself and when her granddaughter broke out in the heat rash she put it on her and it went away in a day So her son went ahead and ordered baby monkey butt to keep it his house.

Call the pediatrician & ask for Happy Hiney. It’s a cream compound mixed in the pharmacy & one of the ingredients is a burn cream.
My son would get some pretty bad diaper rash, but this would clear it right up. I also used this powder over any kind of diaper rash cream. It has a cooling effect & helps to protect the skin. I could only find it in store at Walmart.

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This is the only thing that works when my son gets diaper rash, tried everything else. Was desperate and google suggested it, I’m amazed at the results everytime.

I had meds from the dr once and it burned my baby when I put it on him. Bathed him poured a generous amount of this on him. Let him nap with no diaper wrapped in a towel and laying on another towel in case he wet. Woke up and it was 90% gone after nap

Go to the pet store or local TSC. Some Wal-Mart’s carry it too. And buy bag balm. It’s intended for dry and sore cow utters but our family has always used this. (Great grandma had cows lol) It also works great for drawing out splinters. :blush:

I used this… and it actually worked… I was totally surprised… I used it till it was gone then 3 days after, and it hasn’t came back … I usually use this for my kids Eczema…

Go to your local pharmacy and ask for this. For this little jar, I paid almost $15 for it. I swear the rash will be cleared up in 1 day, if not 2. It’s the only thing I use on my children.

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It sounds weird but this was my magic cure for diaper rash for my daughter, it always cleared it right up

My little boy use to get a bad one sometimes and nothing worked but I bought this and it worked wonders … it is great :+1:t3:

Aquaphor works great

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The chemicals in diaper wipes can burn a baby’s bottom. My dr prescribed this to my son when he was lil. Cleared it right up!!

I use healing elements or desitin and I try to leave her without a diaper as much as possible so she can air out. Also warm baths :bathtub: but definitely consult your doctor if it’s bad. My daughter only got a little red with teething.

This works wonders. If your lucky you can ask for it in the Walmart pharmacy and they’ll show you where it is or use amazon like I did. You can get a big tub for the 8.99 that last awhile. Cleared my daughters rash up in a few days

I use this and the oatmeal bath stuff …I know it says eczema and I actually used it by accident, but it works GREAT! My baby had a rash so bad she would bleed and I used this and it was clear within 2 days

Best stuff I have found …its amazing

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Butt paste to get rid of it and Aquaphor keep it at bay. I swear by it. I’m 70 years old used it on my kids and their kids and myself. Its the best!

This!!! My son gets the worst diaper rashes!!! This helpsimmediately

My son was pooping liquid so bad he was raw and almost bleeding. We tried everything and nothing helped. My mom’s boyfriend said they all swore by amens powder. He said his great grandma, grandma, m, and him all have used it and it works almost instantly. Talc free. We used it and next day he was completely cleared it! We ordered some from Amazon the next day so we would always have some! If he gets red at all we use it and it’s gone by next diaper change! We will never use anything else ever again!

I don’t remember using any other,infact whenever I used to change the diaper,I would use some,so rashes never took place in the first place n when it did once,it healed them.

My son would get a chemical burn on his bottom from using Senna. This is the only thing that helped to treat and prevent the rash. You can order it from your local CVS or pharmacy. Its about $8 for 4oz. It really is amazing stuff.

Go to Tractor Supply & go to the dewormer/horse isle…look for Corona…this stuff works wonders. Old timer home remedy for diaper rash.

aquaphor is good for that

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Bag Balm used it on all my kids!!!

Unrefined coconut oil is really great

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Try this it was one of the only things that worked for my daughter

This stuff was my go - to cream. Always worked. When I move out to the middle of nowhere I had the pharmacy order it in just for me!

this one is really effective…

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Works within a day, been using it in my family for 15 yrs

Worked great for my daughter!

Use only this and thank me later moms!

Best thing ever for diaper rash

This!! The best to me so far…

Boudreaux’s butt paste

Resinol at walgreens

This works wonders for my baby

A&D ointment AND cornstarch. And leave the diaper off as much as possible (put a pee pad underneath them a couple hours a day). My 14yr old was allergic to her own urine and it would cause severe diaper rash that could turn into cracking and blistering if a diaper was left on for more than 10min after urinating. That’s the only thing that worked.


My first child would get horrific diaper rash and nothing OTC worked. Even some prescriptions didn’t work. My grandmother recommended Bag Balm. At my wits end, I tried it and my daughter was cleared up 100% a day later. I told my pediatrician about it and she now recommends it to other patients and none of my children ever had diaper rash again.

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Hello. Wound care nurse here. A lot of times diaper rash can turn into a fungal rash. Remember fungus loves warm dark and moist. I know it’s crazy, but take that diaper off for while.

Go see the pediatrician and get an anti fungal cream (Nystatin or Triamcinolone).

The zinc based creams can be drying to the skin. Best option is frequent diaper changes once the skin clears.

But get that diaper off and let some air and light get to it.


Fresh air does work aquaphour it’s a clear cream expensive but it worked clean baby butt with mild soap and water instead of using wipes sometimes they make it worse then again I would use the purple desitin I always used a big glob so that the irritated part was covered and make sure baby hiney is dry

Bag Balm!!!@ (green square tin, sold at Walgrens, Walmart, HyVee, etc). Works fast. Creates a barrier and heals.

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Never found anything better than butt paste. It performed miracle healing so quickly on diaper rash, but try the other types they make now for different skin issues and skin types … Also athletes foot cream or Rx yeast meds if you think it’s gone that direction.

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It depends if it turned into a fungal infection. You can try lotrimin. I used it on my 18month old when the rash started looking really bad, and didn’t get any better. It’s the same thing used for jock itch.

Wink naturals makes an awesome product called bum balm, its made from all natural ingredients, it works on all kinds of skin irritations.

A&D Ointment is the Best! Use it after bath and at every diaper change and no more diaper rash!

Cleanse with plain water only (not nappy wipes) and give nappy off time several times a day in sunshine if possible. Sudocream (zinc based) will sooth and heal. Rule out thrush… check baby’s mouth for white plaque. Treat if present and miconzole cream if thrush rash is present. Visit www.Newbaby101.com.au for more reliable info.

If it’s dry I would use a zinc based cream like sudocrem. If it’s wet, then caldescene powder. And definitely let as much air at it as possible, ie nappy off. And extreme cases could need an antibiotic or steroid or fungal cream x

DO NOT MIX THE ANTI FUNGAL CREAM AND CREAM DIAPER RASH… IT WILL BURN. you need to use an ointment like a&d. i used the target brand antifungal cream and then put an ointment over it. I used a&d ointment for my daughter. you need to do it for a few days and make sure the skin is very dry between changes. I usually just give up a phone for a few minutes. you can use coconut oil but it does take longer. you can also go old school with corn starch. but this really works the fastest and best. especially if it is really bad. usually much better by the next day. and keep skin clean. if pooping a lot give more baths.

Pinxav that’s what my ped recommended with baby #1 and it worked so well I never used anything else with him or #2 & #3

I have a friend who used Young Living diaper rash cream and works great!! I can send you a link if you would like.

First find out what is the cause of the rash, watch out the diet and the type of diaper they are using, if the the urine turns too acidic and the gentle skin of the baby cannot take it.then skin would break out.consult doctor about the consistency of the formula you are using, and the food that they are eating.give more water and diluted juice, and vit c for fast healing.i hope it helps.

you gotta keep the pamper off it and let that start to dry…that’s why nothing is working…as long as it stays covered & moist it wont heal…

CORN STARCH! before creams and powders with the advertisement companies, corn starch soaks up moister and bacteria up. Its CHEAP and EFFECTIVE. No chemicals no dyes. Rashes is moister that needs to dry.

a and d ointment. or triple paste


Penaten, best german diaper cream ever, you can get it on Amazon

Aquafor works amazing for butts, dry lips and chapped cheeks.

Monastat cream for yeast infections works wonders

We’re huge fans of Auquphor 3-1 for treatment and prevention

“Butt Paste”. Hands down the best ointment

Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Diaper Rash Ointment

I use tubby todd diaper paste…It work for my kids…or tubby todd all over ointment… Sweet Cheeks Diaper Paste

A & D ointment heals quickly

Triple butt paste works overnight