What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

TRIPLE PASTE! Works quickly!!!

Calmoseptine Ointment by Calmoseptine - Tube, 4 OZ - 1 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O840Y6Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_C5doFbX41T3YN

Zinc butt paste. Works on everything


Crisco. Swear to god.

Triple Paste…the best.

Penaten, clears up over night

Canesta cream works great

Fresh air helps, too

Butt Paste is a good product.

Good ole corn starch

Vasogen cream from chemist

Calmoseptine. Its over the counter

Curash powder is great

No wipes + soap free wash + bepanthen .

ZINCOFAX!!! Works in hours!!! Love it

Lotrimin and triple paste

Monistat clears it up quick

Honest healing balm is amazing

Lotrimin is the BEST!!!

Dr. Smith’s diaper rash ointment

Monkey Butt works good

Aquafor. It works !!

Boudreax’s Butt Cream

Balmex is all you need

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My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, we’ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know it’s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977

Just the lotrimin works great

Johnson’s baby powder.

Bepanthen. Works perfect

Bepanthen diaper(nappy) care ointment

Dr Boudreax’s butt paste.

Sodu cream is the best

Pinxav… best stuff around

Aveeno oatmeal baths

Aquaphor or pure aloe vera

Balmax worked on my kiddos

Calmoseptine ointment

Call your pediatrician

Pure cornstarch powder

Calmoseptine. Absolutely the best stuff

Baking soda in the bath.

Motherlove nipple cream works great

cornstatrch. will help it

Balmax worked best for us

Allison Birmingham Marota

Lotrimin will
Work wonders!

Plain milk of magnesia

Triple paste works great

Goog old fashion cornstarch

Butt paste or aveeno oatmeal bath soak

Metanium definetely recommended

Burt bees butt cream

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Calmoseptine is the best

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Travocot or hydrozole

Vaseline and cornstarchmixture

Triple paste works great

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Calmoseptine the best

Baking soda in the bath

Triple paste works very good

Vagisil works amazingly well on diaper rash

Aquafor or Butt Paste.

Vaseline or butt paste

Butt paste works awesome

Bag balm is the best

Fresh air does wonders

Calmoseptine. Walgreens.

bepanthen is the best one ive found :blue_heart:

Samantha Reichensperger

Balmex…works wonders!

Aquaphor works amazing

TriplePaste always worked for us

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Butt paste you can get it @ Walmart

A& d ointment with cold cornstarch… make a paste and legit works overnight

Cornstarch, it literally works the best and it’s the safest choice too.

I always used petroleum jelly for protection and corn starch as the powder. My two never had rash

Cornstarch and vaseline make a paste over night . If it does ease up a little its yeast get you some buttermilk and pour it down there . Depending on the age if the the child and not allergic to milk or anything get you some yogurt let your child snack away . I know it sounds a little crazy but it worked with mine and my mom’s and mema told me about this .

Corn starch works great

Keeping the baby with a clean dry rump. You’re gonna go through a lot of diapers.

Bath and use lotion if at all possible let the booty get some air as in no diapers for as long as possible. Which means if you don’t have to go out don’t. In my day they had thickcloth training underwear that as soon as wet take them off use warm wash cloth to clean and repeat baby lotion and air dry .

I always put some Vaseline on my baby’s butt after EVERY change, and the kid never had it. Preventative measures that worked. I also heard corn starch works

Bepanthen cream is magic

cornstarch which was recommended by my family Dr .many years ago

Corn starch,and if possible leave diaper off for air to help dry out.

Corn starch, is best for diaper rash

Egg whites it protects and seals. Just beat whites a few minutes and put on the babies bottom.

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Might be a yeast rash especially if they are or have taken antibiotics recently. Other than than cornstarch helped.

My son just had the most horrendous diaper rash recently from diarrhea. Wouldn’t even sit. Screamed during diaper changes. I mixed vaseline, extra strength butt paste and lotrimin together and slathered it on. Was fine the next morning. But kept the butt paste and lotrimin on till the next day. Even put him in training underwear to air it out.

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Triple paste brand is like magic. It’s expensive but is worth it. Starts healing after the first application.

Baking powder works the best and leaves a coating that the pee runs off faster also leaving the diaper off as much as possible helps

Most likely a yeast infection. Use an anti fungal

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I’ve used aquaphor and I’ve used petroleum jelly and I think I like petroleum jelly better lol

Desitin should work. Keep the diaper off and plenty of baths!!!

If it take more than 3-4 days after using cream and airing it out you might want to see a doctor. It could be yeast or bacterial. My sister just had this issue with my niece. This the link I sent her.

Aquaphor and coconut oil

A&D. Or coconut oil.

First call your pediatrician. Personally, we use Aquaphor. My daughter used to get bad rashes and it cleared it up every time. We tried literally everything else before getting it.

If it gets sores and bloody go to doctor could be a couple different things.
When my son cut teeth he would get the WORST poops and sores on his butt doctor prescribed a cream and it went away

Triple paste works wonders!

A doctor told me to use monostat cream and it really works .yep I said Monostat typically used for women’s female parts

And if nothing works after a few days if you have a little girl please get her checked my daughter had a yeast infection at 3 months old I was treating as a diaper rash for days