What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

My sister heard from an older elderly person when her daughter had diaper rash to put a tea bag in the diaper and it would work

Vitamin A & D Ointment

Soak a rag in buttermilk and put it inside the diaper. Also use the desitin with zinc oxide in it. It works wonders.

My daughter use to get diaper rashes a lot… we used Bag Balm and it worked great for her.

I was using regular bourdreaux’s with no results. I switched to the one with aloe in it and it works wonders.

Walmart has a cream behind the counter $10 works like magic just takes tiny bit!

Also when soiled wash with luke warm water instead of wipes. Wipes are painful if irritated.

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First soak their butt in a nice bath, then I use desitin max strength paste

At Walgreens they have a paste called triple paste, I swear by it

Our doctor told us to mix jock itch cream and hydrocortisone cream together and put on it. It is the same as an antibiotic that is prescribed and the same ingredients. If our kids got bad rashes that what we used and it was cleared up the next day

Had to get prescription cream for my girl. Only thing that works

You’d be surprised
It will go away fast

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I used pure cornstarch on all mine when they had real bad rashes and it worked like a charm

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Put corn starch in their diaper… it works miracles!! I used it with both my babies and it keeps the moisture away from their skin…

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Diaper rash cream mixed with a little hydrocortisone. Works wonders.

This is the only thing that clears up my sons diaper rash. Works quickly and amazing

My mom used it on me and I use it on my kids.
Amazon carries it

Sometimes it’s a yeast infection and it needs prescribed medication. You may have to make a Dr appt.


A&D all day. It’ll be gone in the morning.

Calmoseptine. U can get it at Walgreens. It’s the only things that works

Probably a yeast infection.
When my kids were babies their pediatrician had me mix my own cream. It sounds crazy, but it works. 1 equal part of all ingredients.
Hydrocortisone cream
Malox- no mint

Breast milk worked great for mine!

Unrefined organic Coconut Oil has worked the best for me always!

Coconut oil… I use it on diaper rash and mosquito bites. Helps calm the inflammation and heal it faster in our case.

Sudoku cream or micream . But good cold corn flour does the trick with a little bit of air time :slight_smile:

Naked! Seriously, right after baby wets let them be naked for 15 minutes. Also, A&D ointment is good.

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Cornstarch is the best thing

Change the brand of diapers that you are using, and butt cream, you can get it at the dollar store

Aquaphor is the only thing that has ever worked for us

Vasoline, best butt cream I’ve used. Our son had terrible diaper rash that wouldn’t clear up, the doctor recommended petroleum jelly and he hasn’t had a rash since.


It very well could have turned to a yeast infection if it’s lasted more than a few days. Lotrimin or athletes foot cream will clear it up.


When babies are teething they produce acid in there saliva to help soften the gums and more when cutting molars. They can have acidic poops aswell as heart burn and acid reflux. I used destined maximum and my son could only use huggies cause he had sensitive skin…my neice was allergic to desitine and baby powder so she had bag balm and corn starch. Best bet is clean often and keep dry and free of anything that could cause severe chafing.

One thing…that’s tough, is let him go without a diaper as much as possible. I always had the best luck with rash cream that didn’t have zinc! A&D Original Ointment always worked best for me.

There is a medicated ointment that you can get from behind the pharmacy counter at most pharmacies that our pediatrician recommended. It’s called resinol, I swear by that stuff. My son had a stomach bug and ended up with a terrible rash that almost looked like a burn. I only used it twice and the rash was almost completely gone.

Aquaphor is what we used. I used it to help heal my tats and it worked amazing so when i had my daughter and she got bad skin irritation/diaper rash (she also has ezcema) i went straight to aquaphor. Its always helped her heal. If it got bad, some nights it did, we got a presciption for nystatin cream. Both those combined at night and just aquaphor during the day were life savers for us!

Corn Starch right out of your pantry! Clears a rash right up and prevents diaper rash if used regularly. I’ve used it through 7 children never disappointed!!

Maalox and
Aquaphor equal parts mixed together. Best for diaper rash and even for cuts. 20 years ago, my pharmist use to mix it for me and sell it. They can’t anymore since it wasn’t fda approved but it worked.

Sounds like a yeast infection. Even could be a sensitivity to a certain food. I battled my daughter’s diaper rash for weeks. The doctor kept prescribing steroids and it turns out that it was bananas causing her rash.

PS: If it is a yeast infection barrier creams will not help.

Equal amount of desitin diaper rash cream,corn starch,and neosporin mix together and make a paste it worked great on my son when he was a baby

I use Corona Ointment I used it on my kids and now my granddaughter. Also her pediatrician said to soak her in baking soda for 10mins and that seemed to speed up the healing process

The reason many of these combinations work is because the ingredients target different forms of diaper rashes, therefore making their recipes effective against all rashes.
To treat a diaper rash, you have to know what kind it is. Some need dry powders like cornstarch but would be irritated by creams, some need cream to heal dry skin, raw skin needs extra cleansing and antibacterial treatment and extra efforts to keep baby dry, and diaper thrush thrives on moisture and is treated with the same type of ingredients found in antifungal foot treatments, because it is a similar fungus.

We use aquaphor with my daughter only thing that works with my son the desitin extra strength worked for him, but it did nothing for my daughter. :woman_shrugging:

Coconut oil. It breaks down the yeast enzymes and has healing properties. Thats what I have used for the last year and continue to do so.

This is going to sound strange but I promise it’s the best cure for diaper rash. Brown some flour (yes the kind you fry chicken in) in a cast iron skillet until it golden brown. No oil brown it dry, stir constantly to prevent burning. Once brown let it cool completely. When you change the baby put it on like you would baby powder. Rash will be gone within 2 days for sure. I’m not kidding works wonders.

We used a damp washcloth, not wipes. Then a blow dryer on cool to dry the area completely. Then Desitin, triple paste, or the like. Baby may be allergic to something in the wipes (which was our issue). Lotriman is also good if there is a yeast issue (you will smell it). Doctors said the blow dryer is very good but few people use is. Must be on cool! It will help the area dry completely before putting on the diaper cream.

Aquaphor. My daughter gets diaper rashes easily and had them all the time until I tried it. I thought the buttpaste was good until I tried aquaphor.

I use anything corn startch based. Or just sprinkle a little over it during a change. It takes out the moisture and let’s it heal without further rubbing

Sometimes a severe diaper rash needs a prescription. That happened to my son.

Definitely try corn starch that works very good n u can always have the baby with out diaper for a few hours so his or her bottom can breath hope he or she gets better poor baby

I always like A and D ointment. You may have to take her to Dr. In summer my daughter use to get it and the skin peeled and blistered. I cleaned it with antibacterial soap and water, PAT dried it and used A&d or bag balm stuff they use on lambs I got from TSC. I did this 2 to 3 times a day. It worked🤷 but I did take her in to Dr first

What worked for me and one sister for our boys was the Johnson’&Johnxon’s white baby cream. Nothing else we used worked and we both tried AD&D, Vaseline, and other diaper rash cures sold at the time.

change their diapers often then use bag balm and just place the diaper under and over them let air get to their bottom. put a pad down but its worth it

Go to the pharmacy and ask for Lactobacillus to add to the baby’s feeds. The pharmacist can tell you how much to add. Allow air drying when you clean, use only washcloth. Mixture of crisco (grease used for cooking), baby lotion, and cornstarch when you put the diaper back on. Everytime the baby poops, they are passing the yeast out which causes the rash, The Lactobacillis replaces good bacteria (which is suppose to be there) in the system to rid the yeast that has overgrown. Check with the pharmicist and the pediatrician (to see why your baby might have yeast growing).

Aquaphor. We used this for eczema after trying everything and my sister used it after trying everything for bad diaper rash that was bleeding and weeping for my niece.

A old Dr told when my daughter was little to use lard. I was willing try anything , it really worked, sounds nasty but when your baby is in pain Mothers will do what it takes to help them.

my friend introduced me to this treatment for diaper rash: Put some all purpose flour in a cast iron frying pan. Turn the heat on (do not add any oil) and brown the flour. Cool then Sift flour to make a fine powder. Apply to baby’s butt…it clears up the diaper rash in no time.

If it isnt diaper rash and is more like small red bumps the pediatrician can rx Nystatin cream
It always cleared my kids up in a day!

A&D ointments is what worked best for my kids and grandkids

Ok sounds strange but use yeast infection cream on it yes it is the one we women use it works really well.

Also clean gently. Most of these remedies are meant to be like a second skin. DO NOT WASH OFF!

A&D ointment. Old fashioned would put baby in sunshine with diaper off. Inside, next to window

Take a Viva paper towel fold it an run it under hot water once it’s warm place it on the rash let it sit there for about a min then let it air dry then put the thinnest layer of destin on it should be cleared up in a day or so. I did this on my daughter. Older lady told me this truck I live by it :relaxed: hope it helps

It is a old fashioned way to get the rash gone my grandmother taught me that

My son one time had strep on his butt and I thought it was a rash. Never even heard of that before

cornstarch bath and use cornstarch as a “powder” on their bum helps soothe and dry out the rash. aquaphor or the Destin Maxim strength

Bag balm worked for my girls hen they were babies

It could be yeast. Athletes foot cream is great or a baking soda bath. Their ph is out of wack.

Maybe actually be a yeast infection. You may need to get an antifungal like Nystatin to try.

Epson salt baths, some naked time and corn starch. I really high percentage zonc oxide cream works really well too.

Got to let them air it out for a few hours works wonders

Take flour and put in pan on stove cook it till Its a little brown and when cool put in diaper supposed to work amazing.

I let my sons get diapers breaks and used vasiline or a&d ointment when desitin didn’t work good

Bag balm is what i always used when my babies had a rash. Works like a charm

Try changing the brand of the diapers, air it out a little before putting desitin

A&D Ointment, not the Az&D cream. It is wonderful!

Bag balm. It is in a green can. Little goes long way. It has so many uses

If it’s a yeast infection then dry, dry, dry and an anti fungal like for athletes foot.

Some rash’s are yeast infection… boys can get this too…bright red. Put monistat on it.my sons had them when younger

Corona ointment you get from a veterinary

Bepanthen… this is the best. Even for adults. It’s heals so quickly… can even use it for nappy rash…

Use mustard oil pour few drops on palm and few drops of water and mix them well until it turn into white paste and apply

For my kids vasoline worked and if it was a bad week get anti fungal cream(atheletes foot cream)

TRY CORN STARCH. worked for me.

try to switch your diaper. you can also use calmoseptine ointment to dry out rashes.

Try changing the diaper more often

Paladin u find it at walgreens only … simply the BEST out their

Get some sun and fresh air on that bottom.

Corn starch drys it up!

If severe put= Iodine then mebo then baby powder every diaper change will heal in 2 days.

I use ZINC OINMENT to paste on the rashes it helps.

Destin with zinc oxide 40% purple label
Aveeno oatmeal baths pat bum dry then apply THICK layer of the Destin purple label with zinc oxide

Sudo cream not to much or won’t work clears up in 12 hours

Corn starch on top of a thick coat of Desitin

My mother used flour by Browing flour on the stove and it does work. You put it on the rash. We used it on are babys when they had a diaper rash. Remenber make it golden brown

Bag balm is the gift of God for that! It heals fast too!

Change the brand of diapers. That might help.
Mycolog cream from the doctor. Fantastic!

Half baby lotion …half Maalox …shake well…works great!

Baking soda in a bath tub a soak the baby’s bottom in it

I used it for my children and it worked great

The best are Aquaphor and Balmex they work instantly