What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

Dirt dobber nest crushed in power form then apply 2x dY

Lotrimin! This was recommended to my niece and now I use it in my daughter. It works !

Go to the pediatrician. If desitin isn’t affecting it, its likely a yeast infection. My daughter was very prone to them (and yes, boys can and do get them too)

You can use corn starch. T works good on mytwo boys.

A&D ointment is the absolute best… my babies broke out with most creams so my grandma told me to use a&d and it was a life saver

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Soap and water, keep clean and dry and A&D ointment, no creams!

Hello Bello diaper rash cream is the best I’ve found so far. It literally clears my daughter up in hours! (She gets rashes from sugar).

I used aquaphor diaper rash cream. It was the only thing that worked for my youngest. Found it at target next to the regular baby aquaphor, not with all the other diaper rash creams.

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Resinol mixed with antacid liquid or
if its yeast you need a dr.

No no no!!! USE BUTTPASTE!!! LITERALLY called BUTTPASTE! It’s the absolute best thing in the world and more times than not it heals the worst rashes OVERNIGHT!

And if your baby even just has dry skin/eczema on their booty, then Aveeno Baby Eczema moisturizer is a miracle as well!!


Back in my day we washed the area and then left their diaper off for awhile .

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Clean area and put baby powder with corn starch… needs to dry out

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Air. Good ol air. When my daughter had a super bad diaper rash we had to let her run around naked to help clear it up.

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Buttpaste is my go too.

Buttpaste and Vaseline together.

I always used antibiotic ointment & pure cornstarch

Triple paste and corn starch are life savers. My youngest is extremely sensitive and we couldn’t find anything that works except that. I know target and cvs sell it, I think Walgreens and Walmart do as well but not 100% sure.

Personally I like Desitin

Leave the diaper off for a while if you can. And put Vaseline on every diaper change. Some times destin will smother it if too much is put on and that will make it worse. Destin didn’t work well, the aquaphor diaper rash cream worked very quick for my child.

Try aquaphor. It’s the only thing I found that worked on my babies rash. Her pediatrician recommended it and it was like magic. Edited to add that I usually use Desitin super strength but when she started daycare she got a bad one that it would not work for.

It may be yeast. You can try clotrimozale which is basically lotromin the ringworm medicine , you can find the generic version at the stores. I would really call your pediatrician, my daughters wouldn’t get better and I needed something stronger. Try to stick to aquaphor and desitin and the lotromin if you can

If nothing over counter works might need prescription ointment I had to get prescription for one of my girls I also aired there little but out for little while with out diaper and if eczema look for those ointments.

This plus some a&d ointment worked best for my daughter. Made her diaper rash go away same day. Desitin would make her diaper rash worse.

Athletes foot creme is the only thing that has worked for either of my daughters. It was recommended to me by their pediatrician!!! I won’t ever use anything else again.

And old Nurses trick that works AMAZING- Make a “goop” mixture of your diaper cream/paste with MYLANTA! It sounds crazy, but I’m telling to try it for a day and you’ll never go back!! Trust me on this!!


My mom has 5 kids and said Flanders is the best stuff. My older sister also used it for her 4 kids and 2 of them have sensitive skin and it worked great for them. Its a little more expensive but its totally worth it.

Keep it clean (use water and washcloth, not a wet wipe) and dry. Let the baby go without a diaper for a few minutes in between changes. A&D ointment, (not the creme). Hope that helps a bit.

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Brown flour on the stove top. Let it cool before applying. It works wonders

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Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Maximum Strength Diaper Rash Cream.

A&D and air it out. If it won’t go away, call the doctor. It could be a fungal infection.

This is what I used on my kids

Mix equal parts

  1. Destin - protects
  2. Maalox- neutralize acid in stool
  3. Nystatin - treats yeast
    Keep in fridge.

Clotrimazole was recommended by my son’s pediatrician when he was a baby and it worked awesome!

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Aquaphor. I used for everything for my boys and still do til this day. Nothing works better for chapped skin you can get at Walmart Walgreens ect.

Butt paste works amazing

My daughter just started sprinkling corn starch on the rash each diaper change & the rash was gone in a couple of days.

Bath with aveeno sensitive skin, let the baby run naked until dry; then use Hydrocortisone cream only once a day a very thin layer but completely rubbed in, and the penaten cream the rest of the time!

AD worked for mine with nothing else did after soaking in the tub for a little

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Wash Butt w Dial Soap bar with every diaper change too

This is what we use on our girl

Corn flour air time with nappy off and nappy changed more frequently

Nurses cornflour is the only thing I use…

Most creams make nappy rash to moist

Liquid malox for diaper rash. Prescribed by my pediatrician 18 years ago, never used anything else. Still use it to this day for babies with diaper rash.

I did destitin with cornstarch. Worked amazingly. I really loved calmoseptine ointment and caldosene powder too

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No diaper. Let them go free for a while to help heal up. Thats what I did with my two boys

Also switching diapers might have to be an option. I was using pampers with all my daughters and noticed once I used huggies on my girls they started breaking out with diaper rash and eczema.

Change him often. Make sure hes super dry before putting a paper on. Give his bun some air time .

Desitin first then sprinkle cornstarch on it…works like magic with the quickness!!!

A @ D ointment mixed with Neosporin with pain aid its amazing


My go to is A&D mixed with cornstarch…

You might need to go to your pediatrician to get script butt paste, i had to with my LO a week ago

Sudocream, coconut oil with cornstarch, zincofax and if all of those fail prescription cream💕
Going through this right now and we’re at the prescription phase :grimacing:

Bag balm… green tin can at Walgreens

This stuff is miracle cream for diaper wearer issues. It will clear up anything. It only takes a very small amount.

Walmart brand is best. It has more zinc oxide than any other diaper rash cream. It always helped my grandkids better than anything else.

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Cornstarch. Use it like baby powder

Aquaphor and allow the baby to be diaper free as much as possible. Also try staying away from scented diapers and wipes until rash clears up. If nothing is working at all try hydrocortisone ointment it could be eczema in the diaper area

My son has only had diaper rash once since he was a new born, and it cleared up with cornstarch within like 12 hours. Also used it to prevent rash when my son was a newborn and pooping a lot from the breast milk.

Desitin seemed to keep the rash going so I used triple antibiotic cream like you use for cuts.

Aquaphor or Neosporin, then sprinkle corn starch.

Oatmeal baths… also really air out from wet to real airdry before putting pampers back on. And after poo really use a spray to really bathe kid clean. Don’t use scented tissues. It’s a bit of work but put all on your station.

One time my baby had bad diaper rash that wouldn’t go away , ended up being a yeast infection. Lotrimin does wonders, so does regular foot fungal cream.

Alternate powder and cream you gotta give it time to dry

I used calmoseptic for my babies. I hadn’t heard of it until my 4th child! You have to ask for it behind the pharmacy counter, but it works. But just like anything you use on baby, test it out first.

Dr.smith works magical overnight… Help on all 3 of my kids. Oh n on my elderly father too

My baby had one. We just let her be naked with a towel under her for about an hour and kept her butt covered in baby powder. It was gone within two days.

Clotrimazole rubbed in and ointment to protect

We use baby aquaphor, Boudreaux, or I’ve used straight lanolin in the past as well.

Bepanthan first aid. Works like a charm for me

Call your pediatrician, it could be fungal or bacterial.

Equal parts:
Desitin (the clear one)
Lotrimin (yes, for jock itch!)
A&D ointment
Mix together.
I have worked with infants and toddlers for 20 plus years. This is what I recommend to our parents. Works wonders. Also used on my mom when she was in hospice care and she never had a rash!! Recommended by a pharmacist to us!


I put my son in the bath tub with some baking soda and let him sit in there for at least 15 mins. By the time he’s out of the tub the rash is almost gone. Then sprinkle cornstarch in his diaper. Works wonders every time.


25 years ago my sons pediatrician said to use “Lotrimin”-yes it’s an athletes foot cream.
But the tiniest amount cleared his diaper rash literally over night.
I had 4 kids, I used it on all of them. My nieces and nephews too.
Smallest amount clears it up asap.


Are you sure it’s a diaper rash?? Babies can get yeast rashes. Try a little of micanazole. You know, creams for yeast infections. Ask your local pharmacist also. They are very knowledgeable. Good luck!


Our pediatrician recommended Calmoseptine. It is typically used for bed sores and I’ve only found it at Walgreens. Worked wonders on our daughter. Also Desitin Maximum Strength, Maloxx and Vaseline. Mix equal parts and I kept it in a small Tupperware container. If it happens to be a yeast infection have your babies doctor call in a Rx for Nystatin.


Mix Desitin cream, corn starch, Mylanta and antibiotic ointment together in a bowl. Needs to be about as thick as toothpaste. My son used to get it sooo bad that it would appear and bleed in about an hour, especially when he was teething. His babysitter used it on him. She probably babysat 200 kids over the last 20 years and she always used it. It literally goes away in an hour. I kept mine in a bowl in the fridge.


I’d advise contacting your pediatrician… If those aren’t working it could be a yeast infection and you might need a special ointment… We went through this with our youngest


Well it may not be a diaper rash. It could be a yeast infection. So I would go to the pediatrician first. But corn starch also helps big time with diaper rash.


It sounds stupid but depending on the age of the baby you could go without a diaper for a period of time. I had to do it with my youngest daughter a long time ago because nothing was working and the pediatrician recommended going without a diaper on her for a little bit. It worked.


Double check with your pediatrician and make sure it really is just a diaper rash. My younger daughter always had diaper rash and I tried everything. Turns out it was actually a yeast infection and the dr had to perscribe her a special cream for it. Cleared up right away.


Don’t use wipes try a wet washcloth and the rest wash with water to get clean. Let them air out as long as possible diaper free. Don’t buckle up onesies, leave the area free. Make sure the house is not too hot either. I use the maximum purple Desitin and it works well.


I know it sounds crazy but years ago my son had a bad diaper rash and the pediatrician told me to go get Lotrimin, for athlete’s foot, I cleared it right up. It even talked to the pharmacist before buying and he said yes that it works and it did.


Your baby could be having a reaction to that particular cream. For my youngest I can only use the $general brand of diaper rash cream. All other make her skin worse. Unfortunately you just have to work your way through the different creams to see what works for your child.


I called my sons Ped when he had bad diarrhea and his rash got out of hand quick and started to bleed. He was seen and turned out he had a yeast infection as well as a rash. I would check with the Ped to make sure just a rash and just try different things. My son took a bit to figure out because he has sensative skin. Best of luck!

It may not be a diaper rash it may be a allergic reaction to the diapers my youngest son no matter what I did he had a rash and the Dr said its a yeast infections and kept prescribing 40 dollar cream ended up taking him to a different dr and the nurse told me she would save me some money its a allergic reaction to the diapers we changed them to luvs diapers and his rash cleared up in 2 days


Sudocream is great for very light diaper rashes. Zincofax is for your medium type rashes and pentatine if for you servere rashes. I have also used a piece off my aloe vera plant which has also helped


Aquaphor! Best thing ever. If ointments and creams aren’t helping, it could be yeast. In that case moisture makes it worse or at least won’t clear it up. Be careful using the suggested yeast meds. They can help, but honestly we’ve always just used medicated baby powder. It dries it up and prevents moisture sitting on the skin. Usually clears up within the week and is much safer on baby’s bum.


Are you sure it’s not a yeast infection? If your go to creams that have worked aren’t working it’s likely something else entirely. I would check with baby’s Pediatrician to make sure you’re treating the rash correctly before trying anything else.

One of my Pharmacists recommended resinol for diaper rash and that really seemed to help my daughter the most. Hers were allergic reactions to diapers though. She did have a couple of yeast infections too, and they look like a normal diaper rash, but destin and resniol didn’t work so I knew to take her to the doctor to make sure


Best treatment I ever used was a mix of aquaphor, liquid cherry maalox, and Desitin, mix all three in a bowl then apply to affected area, it what doctors use for chemo rashes, used it on my kids also allow plenty of airing out when possible! Good luck


If you’re certain it’s not yeast rash, let air dry (go naked as much as possible) and before diaper slather with plain petroleum jelly (gobs of it!) esp overnight. Our ped said to do that after I’d tried everything and took him in. It’s the only thing that worked for us. The other creams soak in actually creating more moisture but the petroleum jelly acts as a barrier to keep moisture out.


Get a cream that has the highest amount of zinc in it, i use the extreme butt paste. Try to air the bottom out & soak in a warm bath, if it doesn’t go away it could be a yeast infection & would need a prescription from your pedi. Good luck, my oldest used to get awful diaper rashes & started when he was in the nicu after birth…poor things!


Cornstarch! I put a few inches of water in the tub with some cornstarch and let them sit a little while then put some cornstarch in their diaper after. Works really fast.


I had my daughter sleep without a diaper for one night when she had severe diaper rash and it made a HUGE difference. She was on prescription rash cream at the time that wasn’t touching it but one night no diapy and almost cleared completely up


Resinol. Usually behind the counter at the pharmacy, but you can get it without a prescription. If you can’t find it, the higher zinc/overnight formulas of Desitin usually work best. That’s all I can suggest that worked for my baby. Good luck!


Agree with A&D ointment. It acts as a barrier for moisture while helps to heal at the same time.


I always used plain old Vaseline. It created a barrier to let the rash heal while keeping the pee and poo away. It also was easy to apply and remove without a lot of harsh wiping. Worked well for my 4.


It could be the diapers. My son kept getting diaper rashes until I changed diapers. I went from cheaper to more expensive. My daughter didn’t do well with expensive diapers and needed generic. Bag balm works wonders. Good luck.


Milk of magnesia just wipe it on and bam rash is gone! The milk of magnesia takes the acid out of the rash allowing it to healv


No diaper. My mom taught me this and it works. Sometimes the rash needs to air out to go away. Also, she would use corn starch, no baby powder or rash cream.


At the hospital we mix A&D, desitin, and Maalox. You mix in any Tupperware like container… It helps remove the acid that burns their bottom.