What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

Crazy you have over 500 comments and probably 300 different answers. I agree with taking their diaper off and letting them go bare bottom it always did wonders for mine. As for the 300 different creams all I can say is I wish you the best of luck. Every child is different. I am confident you will figure it out. You are a great Mom who cares enough to reach out and say I just don’t have an answer but I need one. You got this.


Time to take the baby to the pediatrician, may need more medically prescribed considering it may not even be a diaper rash.


I always used cornstarch especially when the boys were teething they would have bad diarrhea and it would and cornstarch take care of it


Triple paste ! Will be gone in 24 hours or less ! Swear by it . Boudreaux’s butt paste makes the rashes worse !


If you feel it’s not getting better with what you have been using might take her to Dr. I didn’t take my Daughter soon enough and she still has scars on her area. Poor girl was allergic to the diaper cream we were using on her.


In South Africa there is a product called Bepanthen which clears Nappy rash after just 1 clean nappy change. My daughter used it for her son when he was a baby, and it was recommended to me for my late bedridden mom before her death. She died without a single bedsore!

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Aquaphor Healing Ointment . I used this on my son when he had a reaction to the wipes. It works as a barrier and helps heal.

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It’s probably a yeast infection. Get some monistat Apply it morning and night for a week Sorry that’s spelled horribly. But it works every time for my girls.


Maybe it’s not a common diaper rash maybe a fungal infection go to a dermatologist maybe


Our pediatrician said to mix equal parts desitin, lotrimin, and hydrocortisone cream. Worked like a charm!

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Half Maloxx half ponds cold cream. My Grandma used it on her kids and it’s been passed down and has always worked on our kids!

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First off, ALWAYS make sure their skin is completely DRY before applying anything or it will trap the moisture. My ONLY remedy for diaper rash with all of my kids was a mixture of boric acid powder and Vaseline. Best thing ever!!!

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I used to put my baby on a disposal diaper pad or an adult diaper and air out his bottom. I learned it from my mom. It always worked for my kids when they were babies. Maybe it can work for you too.

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Corn starch powder . Works wonders I promise


When my oldest was almost 2, he had 4 molars coming in at once, which gave him horrendous diarrhea. That, then gave him horrible diaper rash. I tried everything, then someone said to try using corn starch. It worked wonders!

Might be a yeast infection or irritation from the diapers. Desitin always worked for my kids so when it wouldn’t go away I would take them in.

Miracle Butt Paste!

A tablespoon of otc diaper cream, a tablespoon of Aquaphor, and 5-6 tums crushed to a powder. Mix together and apply. It’ll create a barrier and prevent further irritation while helping to heal.

This is what we suggest to our pediatric patients. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The purple tube of desitin was my very favorite with 4 children!!! It’s very thick and recommended by my pediatrician. I promise it’s an easy and inexpensive solution!

Sometimes its not a diaper rash but a yeast infection…one of boys would get them. It needed special ointment from doctor. It was all over his butt and the diaper creams made it hurt more.

The best cure is oxygen! Let them air out and dry properly before diapering. And change more often. Also Aquaphor lotion forms a great barrier against wetness.

I tried everything and nothing worked that great for my son except a colloidal silver gel. He’s 9 now and I still use it on him whenever he gets a rash, too much sun, or mosquito bites, etc, anything with his skin really. Usually by the next day, whatever it is will be amazingly better.
I would get mine at The Vitamin Shoppe.

I used A&D ointment every diaper change to prevent a rash. It worked.

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Some times diaper rash is a yeast infection. My son had one I couldn’t get rid of and it was yeast infection from being on antibiotics for reoccurring ear infections. The doctor gave me something and cleared right up.

Lotrimin clotrimazole and hydrocortisone ointment. Alternate it in between diaper change . Doctor told me to use on my baby diaper rash . Turn out to be yeast infection. It works!but double check with her pediatrician .

So, if home remedy doesn’t work go see the pediatrician. My daughter when she was two had a rash so bad. Tried everything. Went to doctor and she had a strep rash. It was awful.

Desitin and sprinkle caldosene powder on top. Using powder is frowned upon because it can cause respiratory distress if used too much. This was the only combo that worked for my son. Also let him/her go without a diaper for a little while to help dry it out a little bit.

go onto amazon and order Endit, the stuff is amazing. It was developed by a pharmacist in Shallotte, NC. We used it on the kids in daycare and I bought some for my grands. When my hubby was in rehab I had the nurses use it on him also. If you can’t find it on amazon just search Endit…this stuff is the best

My daughter had such a severe reaction to Pamper’s Regular Baby Wipes as a newborn (once I figured out and got control of what was causing the painful rash, I switched to Pamper’s Sensitive Wipes). I set up my kitchen sink as a changing area and only used warm distilled water to clean her until it healed. I swaddled her bottom w layers of Vaseline as skin protectant and left the Newborn Swaddler a bit loose until it healed. It was awful to see her in so much pain! It took a good week to calm down and I continued using Sensitive Wipes on her and her brother until they were both out of diapers. Hope your baby is feeling better very soon!

Aquaphor 3-1, triple paste, anything max strength. The higher the % of zinc oxide the better.


Triple Paste worked the best for our guy. Pricey but effective.
Also we found our guy was allergic to a chemical that is in most wipes except for Pampers. We saw a huge improvement after we switched to the Pampers wipes.

I had a horrible time with diaper rash with my first son. We tried everything! Even prescription creams and nothing worked. I had gotten some dollar General brand cream at my shower and just tucked it away. But that was the only thing that worked! Everything else made it worse. With my second son I use hello bello cream when he has a rash but baby powder every diaper change to prevent the rash.

What I have used on my kids, actually my whole family has used CORONA ointment. Rash gone or better the next day. Now its a horse ointment so u will have to check with western supply places. Dillions used to carry it. I SWAN IT WORKS!!!

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Desitin and a little bit of cornstarch on top of it. My daughter’s pediatrician recommended it.
It works great and it heals it quicker.

Agree if diaper rash isn’t clearing up with the creams/ointments the. Pediatrician. We used the aquaphor. Would wash baby in sink instead of wipes and pat dry with towel. Even leave diaper off for a minute to air out. Then aquaphor. And change diapers even if it’s a little itty out of pee.

Mix aquaphor with mint Maalox, you want it too look white and creamy. It works miracles to the point that my pediatrician is now recommending it after I told her what I did to clear up a flaming red yeast infection with diaper rash that nothing even prescriptions were not clearing up. It was all gone within 72 hours

Pink Sauve it works. I used it on my boys when they were little. Just make sure u wash your hands really good because it stains your clothing. My boys pediatrician was who told me about it. It use to be a prescription but now u can buy it over the counter. Try Marc’s that is where I got mine.

Sometimes if you notice regular ointments aren’t helping it’s because it is a fungal diaper caused by yeast, and yes boys and girls can get it. This is where you would use the plain yogurt or get a prescription for the fungal rash from your pediatrician.

Use vaseline maalox and desitin mux together its messy but works really well keep in fridge a nurse gave that to my daughter for her son the best stuff ever always keep it on hand

Shortening as in Crisco is the only thing I used on my kiddos, pat dry the skin after the diaper change. Apply shortening all over rash and replace clean diaper, change and reapply as necessary till rash becomes less irritated. If your using medicated cream such as Desitin sometimes this makes the rash more inflamed. :disappointed: using the shortening till it clears up worked wonders on my 3 kiddos. :+1:

It depends on the ph factor in your child’s urine and your choice of diaper. I used Desitin on all my babies with the exception of one. His urine was so acidic that nothing helped. He had bloody welts on his bottom. The acidic urine and the chemicals in the diaper didn’t react well together. The only thing that would help is Vaseline. It acts as a shield between the bottom and the diaper. Warm water. And air drying the bottom as much as is possible for a diaper wearing child. Whatever you use will depend on the urine’s ph factor and the diaper’s reaction to said ph factor. The only reason I know this to be true is because I tried hundreds of different diaper brands and a dozen of diaper rash and other type ointments. Nothing worked. Hopefully this may help you with your dilemma.

Baby just went potty give a bath and then air dry time when my were allergic to certain diapers and nothing I mean nothing was working to get rid of it even after switching pampers I gave bath as recommended then air dried them out let them run around naked for like 15 20 min

We use something called bag balm. It comes in a green metal square container and it’s the best thing we’ve ever found for my super sensitive kiddos

Resinol, available at Walmart, you have to ask the pharmacist, but no prescription is required. I have also bought it on Amazon. Amazing, overnight relief. Good for not only diaper rash, but chaffing, bug bites, even poison ivy. We still keep it on hand and my daughter is 15

Metanium ( the thick yellow stuff) no lanolin which can cause rashes my little boy rarely had nappy rash even when he was teething. Its bright yellow and smells very medical but it works wonders

It could be a reaction or my children got sores all the time and the doctor told me it was a form of yeast infection and had to use a medicated cream just for that. Within a few days of using it the sores went away and the kids werehappier.

Baking soda bath and then air out for a bit whenever you can. Use dampened cloths as wiped for a time too. Corn starch helps keep moisture out. This is all temporary stuff tho. It can be a yeast infection if none of this really clears it up. Or even an allergy/sensitivity to diapers/wipes, even if they’ve used the same brands since birth.

My son use to get horrible rashes, later in life learned he had eczema. I clean him with just a wet washcloth, no wipes, lay out a big blanket and just let his little butt air out. Afterwards, put on a thick layer of a&d and repeat as necessary. It didn’t make it disappear overnight, but definitely made it less angry

Go to a pharmacy, maybe even Wal-Mart, and get some peri-guard…its butt cream for adults…we use it at our nursing home…stuff is golden !

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Has this with my daughter and granddaughter. It could be the wipes you are using. Had to use the original wet wipes. My daughter went for 6 months bleeding and rash. Didn’t matter what kind of wipes we used. Finally figured it out and no more issues. Hope you find something that works.

A&D ointment worked best for my daughter.
If you can’t find something that works, you may need to talk to your pediatrician and get a prescription. There were a couple times my daughter’s pediatrician would have to prescribe Nystatin cream.

I think the best is putting Vaseline every time you change the diaper … my son used to have very bad types of diaper rash … I tried quite a few numbers of rash cream which were prescribed by his paediatrician. But finally Vaseline worked the best

I did not read 1.9K comments, so if this has already been mentioned, it bears repeating. Many, many years ago, my 3 month old daughter had a horrible diaper rash that would not heal. I tried creams, letting her air, but nothing worked. One doctor told me that babies are easier to make than to take care of. Finally, found a doctor who did allergy tests. Her diaper rash was an allergic reaction to her allergies. We were able to cure her diaper rashes by eliminating the things she was allergic to.

I always use triple paste from Walmart. It’s a little more pricey than desitin but always clears up the rash in a few used.

Put baking soda in the bath water… my go to cream was always aquaphor and all purpose balm from the honest company

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Lotrimin and hydrocortisone mixed together heals rashes quickly. (Yeast based) and calmoseptine (hard to find sometimes) but works amazingly for the stubborn rashes. It says it’s a burn cream and used for poison ivy etc but ped. Recommended and it really works. But I always try the lotrimin and hydrocortisone for a few days first then moved to the calmoseptine if needed. Good luck.

When all else failed even when the doctor had no clue what kind of rash it was…I then used a little vinegar in bath water. I knew there was just enough when my little one looked uncomfortable bc vinegar stings. So I just had her in there long enough to get her bottom wet and then I sat with her and blow dried her bottom till her skin was completely dry. The rash was cracked and broken skin so I made sure no rash was left wet or moist. I did this a couple, maybe 3 nights in a row til the rash went away. And after that that particular rash never returned.

Just regular Vaseline one of my nine used to get really bad diaper rashes change the diaper or pull up more frequently even if it’s not full and there’s just a little bit of urine make sure they’re cleaned well pat dry with a towel and then apply a lot of Vaseline to protect the skin and heal it I found it works better than any diaper rash cream

If the rash is really bad wash baby’s bottom and dry completely well and apply A+D ointment.It’ amazing and really heals in first use all my kids used this and now my grandkids use it too.

My Son use to get diaper rash so bad it would blister when he had teeth coming in. I used A&D ointment and cornstarch and within a week it was on its way to healing.

CORNSTARCH in the diaper! Works great, much relief! Works for adults with chaffing too!

Bag balm is the best. You can get at TSC when my daughter was baby she really had trouble with diaper rash and nothing worked and her pediatrician told us to get it and slather on real thick.

Throw away the wipes and wash their bottom in bathroom sink with soap & water. For quicker & easier potty training get the shower head that the child can hold themselves and show them how to clean theirselves especially boys. I’d get my son potty trained but then he’d get so involved playing that he’d revert back. So I got the shower head and had him start help cleaning himself and helped him to take the time to use the potty because it was faster than having to clean himself up.

Bag Balm. It works like magic. When my boys were little the got diaper rash so bad, nothing worked, even prescription meds.

If his diaper rash isn’t going away there’s probably another problem. I’d take him to another doctor to try to find out. Also maybe try a different type of diaper and wipes for a while.

Learned this from my great gram, lay a towel down when it’s nap time put pepto bismol on it, keep the diaper off lay baby her her belly let it air dry while they sleep. (Old school tricks work)

If baby is breastfed it could be to much acidity in the breast milk. My son kept getting rashes despite wipe, diaper and rash cream changes. I talked to his doctor and he asked about the drinks and foods I’d been consuming. I weeded out the more acidic foods and within days his rash got better. Good luck.

My step sons used to get really bad diaoer rash especially during the summer. Their pediatrician, may he rest in peace, was an old traditional Cuban doctor. He encouraged us to wipe the poop, if any; then clean their bottoms with dove white bar soap and water in the sink; pat then dry and apply desitin over the area. His wife taught us the proper way to hold the baby or toddler over the sink. I’m right handed so I would basically place the baby against my left side while bracing his back with my forearm. My left hand would hold his left thigh so I could lean forward and wash his bottom in the sink without dropping him. This worked great for us. When I had my daughter, I did this and thank God she never suffered from diaper rash or an infection.

We would use a&d for diaper rashes. If the diaper rash cream isn’t working that you use and it usually works it could be a yeast infection. You can some medicine over the counter. My grandma would use monistat and we’ve used it too in case you can’t get into the doctor.

Paladin is what I used to use. Not was amazing. We also used A&D ointment, but the Paladin was amazing. We used to have to ask at the pharmacy for it.

Going real old school here… Take a pan. Put corn starch in pan. Heat corn starch til light to medium brown. COOL. SERIOUSLY COOL. I would make some up to keep on hand so I did not have the wait time…I can not tell you why it helps but, it does. And, it’s cheap and usually in your kitchen already. Good luck!!

I used A & D ointment years ago…also keep their diaper changed…a great preventive.

How old is your baby? My best friend found out that her daughter couldn’t have juice because it was too acidic and burned her when she urinated. She quit giving her juice and she quit getting bad diaper rash

My daughter had the same thing happen. No creams were working. My mom told me to add corn starch and baby powder. Or just plain corn starch. It worked! Very quickly too… I hope you find your baby some relief.

I also used lotrimin works great. Diaper rash is a yeast infection just like foot fungus so it works wonders.

With cornstarch and zinc oxide, Caldesene Baby forms a protective barrier to repel moisture and help keep skin dry…plus aloe and chamomile to soften and soothe baby’s delicate skin. Caldesene Medicated Protecting Powder Recognized as safe and effective by moms and doctors in treating diaper rash, prickly heat, and chafing. Hope this helps.

Here’s how I naturally heal my baby’s diaper rashes, I let her go without a diaper for a while usually until the rash starts clearing the amount of time depends on the rash, before I diaper her again I apply baby bee MultiPurpose ointment as a barrier and to her the skin continue healing. If airing out does absolutely nothing then I know the pediatrician is needed the one tome I cont get the rash to fade the pediatrician had to order her a special ointment. In the end you need to trust your instinct.

With my daughter it was an allergy to the diaper brand.
When we changed the brand the rash went away.

Monastat 7 and triple antibiotic ointment. My daughter got diaper rash that looked like a road rash everytime she was cutting teeth. It would happen from one diaper change to the next.

Sometimes we get too carried away with the ointments and pastes and it starts working in the opposite direction. I recommend changing the diapers right away and frequently. Washing their area well with soap and water drying well and leaving it open to air (lay towel down and diaper down open to catch if they go while you let them lay open to air for bit (use alittle wipe or washcloth on little boys part so doesn’t spray.) Make sure in between changes and open air treatment you clean area well with wipes and discontinue the paste/ointmet for a bit.) Most skin issues, wounds etc need oxygen (air) to heal…think of it that way.

I make a combo of zinc, a&d, a few different buttons creams. Mix together in a jar. Works like a charm

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Put flour in a pan and cook it in the oven until brown…not burnt…some people use cornstarch. You can also get a prescription for a compound cream from the doctor…it worked in literally a day.

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Walmart has one that is amazing. Cleared in one day. Used it 3 yrs ago on many of my foster babies. do no know if they still have it building blocks on label.

Maximum strength desitin and pure corn starch was always my go too! We also had decent luck with Aquaphor.

Out home town pharmacist made the best cream ever called fanny cream. Have to get it by prescription only now but within an hour the rash is gone. Best stuff ever. Reidsville Pharmacy is the best.

My pediatrician said athletes foot cream mixed with cortisone they are both very inexpensive and worked miracles for that stubborn rash that would bleed and burn on baby!

Dr gave me this one, and it works. Rub a thin coat of Crisco on skin and cover with corn starch. My daughter was allergic to milk, and was a raw piece of meat. Cleared her in one day.

Corona ointment. It’s meant for horses however my doctor recommended it to me and it worked great

Always used cornstarch when my kids were babies over 40 plus years ago
Works great. Just don’t put on to heavy

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You should try to give a bath, instead of wipes when the baby has poop. And then let him/her air dry as long as possible. Sometimes keeping it covered with ointment too much can make it take longer. I’ve even used a hair dryer on like “cool” setting to dry the lil booty too. For the ointment - I swear by A&D, it’s a miracle

Let them play in the tub a few times s day. Lots of Clean Water and then fresh air. Put on a loose cotton diaper that will allow air to circulate. Put on soothing cream with a water proof protectant at night (not Vaseline!). Liberal amounts of desitin at night worked for mine!

Mix half a cup of Vaseline with a tablespoon of corn starch. It should be close to a milky white in color, Rub it on diaper area. It’s cheap, simple and it works. I used it on my son the one time he got a bad diaper rash and it was cleared up in no time

So my daughter would get bad rashes when she had citrus anything and my grandma browned some flour and put it on her it worked and my daughters rash was gone over night!!

My pediatrician said Vaseline and it worked every time.

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Vaseline. I use the generic brand from dollar store. Works right away and isn’t half the price of diaper rash creams. I use the regular one but saw at Walmart they have a baby one.

We have used A and D cream from walmart in the baby section across from the diapers for 4 years on our twins and after 1-3 days it’s all gone. Try that.

Cadasene powder - my kiddo was unable to use creams (clears tremendously after 1 change as the powder absorbs the moisture. You can find it in the baby aisle. Also let the rash breathe. If it’s a yeast infection type rash it will also help this as well. This was recommended by the nurses at both Cardinal Glennon and Children’s.

I use cornstarch! Both my babies couldn’t use any diaper rash cream but cornstarch works for them!

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We battled what we thought was chronic diaper rashes for about 12 months with our first born. Tried everything and nothing truly fixed it. We took her off dairy and switched to soy formula/milk and all rashes literally disappeared :confetti_ball:

My son would get rash like that when we used huggies diapers or any other brand that wasn’t pampers. Try changing diaper brands and also we used a mix of aquaphor, Bordeaux butt paste and cornstarch. Good luck.

my son had diaper rash really badly and as soon as it would clear up it would come back. the thing that worked for us was actually using manuka honey on the rash. it worked for us and cleared the rash up and as soon a it started to get back we would put some on with a diaper change and it would keep it from getting bad.