What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

If you are home with baby…sunlight and fresh air. My daughter had diaper rash so bad it would bleed. Doctor said keep her diaper off as much as possible. It worked.

Mix a little milk of magnesia with some desitin. It what a pharmacist mixes minus the antibiotic

When my kids got diaper rash that was worse than i was comfortable with, id just let them go without a diaper for a bit after a room temperature baking soda bath. Then put a diaper on loosely and change it SUPER often.

It depends on the rash. All those are good for something easily cured but your baby might have a bad yeast infection. Which is caused by the moisture inside the diaper. You might want to call you childs pediatrician and ask if they can call in a cream for yeast. You can look up images on google is you are unsure this may be yeast. It usually has a bubbly texture and sometimes exposes the next layer of skin and may bleed from exposure and sensitivity. For any diaper rash it is good to let the skin dry completely after wiping so no moisture stays on the skin. Also use a gentle soap and baby wash clothe to lightly clean the area every other diaper change to keep it free from fecal matter that might be left behind.

Good old vasoline is the best put alot on the diaper rash the only thing i used on my baby’s our granddaughter had very bad diaper rash from teething. Nothing work told our son to use vasoline. It cleared it right up from then on that all they used

Have you changed diapers? My son could only wear Huggies because everything else gave him constant rash. It may be the actual diaper.

There is a tube of medicine called Calmoseptin that is used at Scottish Rite . You can get it at Red Oak Drug and Walgreens. We use that and Caldesene baby powder found at HEB. The combination takes care of any diaper rash in short order.

But paste worked the best for my little. Kept diaper off if possible and soaked in baths

Lotrimin, athletes foot cream, is the best thing for diaper rash. It’s the best. When my daughters as a baby she had diaper rash so bad she just cried. The doctor said to use Lotrimin. I thought he was crazy, athletes foot cream, but it worked. It was amazing how it cleared up. I tell everyone now. Some people listen some don’t. It doesn’t hurt to try it & make a baby happy.

Make sure the area is dry n place a barrier cream evenly over the area. It has to be dry or the cream will leave moisture in and continue irritation x

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Leave their diaper OFF for a while. You might have pee/poop to clean up, but it really does help to let fresh air get to it.

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I will tell you a miracle right now almonds foot powder is a miracle it will clear up diaper rash over night my mother used it on all of us are used it on my kids it’s in a red white and blue container and you can find it in the athletes foot file it is amazing

Zinc Oxide is the medication that helps the most with diaper rash. If you read the box find out the percentage in the different kinds the high the number the better. I have found the diaper rash cream at the dollar store works bezt its called Zinc Oxide

My mom said corn starch one time and it really did work!!! Like quickly. It was amazing. I never had a lot of problems unless they had lots of spices in things: spices like pumpkin pie. It was horrible but a heavy sprinkling of corn starch and it went away. Reapply after wets and dirties. It took me 24 hrs for it to be almost gone.

Try A&D ointment. I used it for all 3 of my children without a single episode of diaper rash. Best of luck! :hugs:

Make sure that’s what it is. My daughter was diagnosed with “diaper rash” and all the creams and ointments were making it worse. Got a second opinion and it was eczema

It could be a yeast rash and you need a to use yeast infection cream.
Ask the doctor first but I’ve seen this done many times.
It also works for Mama’s that get the bad rashes under the breast. My OB told me just use over the counter yeast infection cream and it cleared it up.

What I do is if the diaper rash creams don’t work I use oatmeal bath stuff from Wal-Mart and do the bath it always works for my kids

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Don’t use wet wipes, use cotton wool and warm water when changing the nappy / diaper. Whip up some egg white and dab that on to the affected area, when the egg white dries it leaves a clear skin over the area. Sounds horrible, but was the most effective treatment for my kids.

Imodium AD, corn starch and Vaseline. My daughter had the worse diaper to the point that it would bleed. This worked amazingly. Good luck!

Give baby a Luke warm bath with a cup of epsom salt in the water. Do it every time baby poops. Then put towels down and let baby air dry on the towels! Works for even the worst butt rashes and works quickly.

Bag Balm is great when nothing else works. My sister used it on her kids. Any farm supply store has it

I recently had this issue with my baby, turned out to be a yeast infection. If it’s not going away take your baby to the drs & get an ointment that will clear it up.

Weleda calendula cream or bepanthen i found good ,Sudocrem is good but ver thick and in turn taking it of your wiping more .lots of no nappy time.

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It said in disclaimer… if symptoms persist consult a doctor… So please do so… mixing concoction of chemicals could just make things worse… cos the net is not a doctor who have assessed d wound…

corn starch but if its blistered and bleeding take to the dr. I have one kid that I thought had a horrible rash. turned out do be a chemical burn and hes allergic to certain brands of diapers as not all brands use the same chemical and materials

A very old fashioned treatment is:- Wash babies bottom, dry, get the white of an egg and whisk gently. Using a cotton pad, smear the egg white on babies butt. I know it sounds weird, but chicks are made from the white, so it’s good for healing. Just try it for 24 hours. Every change , wash and reapply. xx

Corn starch it’s an old school method that’s way better then the creams. And it’s safe. Just put a nice amount like you would baby powder and it will be gone in no more than 2days.

I used Aquafor Baby and it was AMAZING for my sons rash.

Let your baby sleep with no diaper on at night & if possible during the day for a day or 2. Mix A & D ointment, Vaseline and a little Destin. Sometimes the destin is to strong for babies skin. Check to see if your child is allergic to the diapers you are using. (My daughter and son couldn’t use Pampers brand diapers) But giving your baby a break from diapers is definitely the key to.helping the skin breathe.

A & D ointment is the best. You really have to cake it on. Let babies bottom air out as much as possible, use washcloths to clean instead of baby wipes as those can burn the little ones bottom.

A and D cream is the only thing I used on my kids and now my grandson. I use it for rleverything. It is amazing and only takes a little bit

The best cream ever is called Butt Paste! The rash will be so much better within a couple of hours. Destine us the worst. I cakes on and dries and so hard to get off especially is the rash is bad.

I always used lotrimin, it takes care of bacteria which is what a baby rash is.

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My kids were both allergic to desitin I used super duper diaper do from Walmart but that was also 27 years ago hope your baby feels better soon

My grandma use to scorch flour and use that on my younger sister when she got bad diaper rashes and it worked.

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Coconut oil… However if youre coming here for advice i suggest going to the pediatrician… It might be yeast diaper rash and youll need a rx ointment for that…

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Burts bees diaper ointment. Washing baby’s bottom with water when changing into new diaper instead of using baby wipes helps the irritation as well as letting baby’s bottom air out instead of instantly putting a diaper on, all combine helps a lot! :heart:

Yes also great for adult rash in crease between legs and inner thigh and under boobies. Clothing rubbing at these places gets skin irritated and with the sweat, turns into fungus. Also use the Cornstarch baby powder to help with sweat.

If it’s not yeast, I used neosporin antibiotic ointment. Used to clear up rashes in one or two diaper changes. If it didn’t clear it up quickly, it was usually yeast related.

Let them sit in the bath once or twice a day, and then leave their diaper off. It’s gonna be a long day of cleaning up pee and poop but it works!!! My son had it so bad it was bleeding. Left his diaper off (minus naptime and bedtime obviously lol) for 4 days straight and it was gone.

Have u tried something like kawa kawa balm it great for rashes or fory bubs I used to use calendula cream we used to call it magic cream cus it worked so well. Ours was homemade tho dunno what the ones like from the shops. But both good and natural option to

I always use A&D ointment. Make sure it’s the ointment the cream is water based and doesn’t work as good. I find ointments way better than creams for any kind of job. If I see the slightest reds going on I put it on and it’s protects the baby from it getting worse and heals it right up. But if it’s not going away it may be a yeast infection an anti fungal cream will work great. It doesn’t need to be a prescription and a little goes a long way just make sure u keep putting it on with every change after u wipe the baby clean.

A whole box of baking soda in warm bath water! Dont use any soap just let them play in it. Towel dry & keep the diaper changed every time they use the bathroom immediately after!

I’ve always aired my children out, and soaked them in warm baths. Let them play on a blanket without a diaper.

(Butt Paste) works wonders for my rear! I wish it was around when my kids were babies. Best thing since sliced bread in my opinion.

Resinol. The best ointment I have ever used. I just had my 5th biological, also had 2 bonus kids in diapers at one point too. Tried a lot of ointments in my day. Lol. Resinol works the best. If baby has diarrhea keep Vaseline on baby’s bottom between changes to prevent a rash. But, resinol is best to treat a rash.

When none of the diaper rash stuff worked for us, it turned out to be eczema.

Coconut oil worked wonders for my child. The rash would be gone by the next day. If I used your regular butt cream, he would get more rashes.

I used Aquaphor. It was the only thing that worked for my son. It was suggested to me by a wound care nurse.

Like my baby was literally in the hospital because of a terrible diaper rash and he had a colonoscopy. A nurse told me to use pink bottle of powder and it worked. I tried everything…

Baby powder!!! Don’t use liquid! My kids had such bad diaper rashes they had scabs and bled. Dr always prescribed ointments. Dry! Baby powder all the way!!!

Mine used to get bad rashes and i used everything on it spent alot of money on products the only thing that helped more then any of it was cornstarch I could put it on each diaper change and within a day or less it was mostly cleared up.

Cornstarch. My mom used it on me and my siblings. I used it on my son. Nothing in the world works better that I have found. Quick relief and healing!

Fresh Air! No diaper at nap time and whenever else you can. Advice from dermatologist when my son had it bad!

Boudreau’s paste is garbage! It has a cute name but does nothing! I agree with the A and D ointment. It helps!

Get some flour and put in frying pan, brown it a bit wait until cool sprinkle in diaper and the heat from the rash will cool down and your rash will go away.

Try A&D ointment it worked when my boys were babies.
If you use cloth diapers, put white vinegar in the final rinse, it neutralizes the ammonia in the urine. It was recommended to me almost 50 years ago. It did work.

Corn starch works well I used it 60years ago when my first child was born also on the other three

Old fashioned but my kids never had diaper rashes . First make sure you clean that bottom then use pure cornstarch . IF there is a chance rash vitamin A&D ointment . Whatever you do make sure that diaper is changed often and they dont sit in it too long and air their little butts out with no diaper time

liquid antacid (mylanta) mixed with aquaphor or ponds cold creme (this one did the best for my kids but their diaper rash was from teething and looked like burns). Burnt flour. A&D. Calmoseptine. Instead of using rags or wipes, rinse baby’s butter off each time they go.

I would ask your Dr. They can give a prescription if nothing else is working. Many people have their own different ways of doing things. Vasilne is a healing ointment if it’s a viral infection that’s causing it then it may need a script.

Stop with the home remedies take the child to the doctor my daughter had a very sensitive but to and I had to take her to the doctor and get a strong anabolic

Yes, the Lotrimin is a good cure. There often is a component of yeast or such that makes the regular creams not work.

My entire family has used cans of Crisco for diaper rash. Works great and fast!

My son had diaper rash so bad it was bleeding. I tried everything. Then I used baby powder that has cornstarch in it and he cleared up in 3 days.

If you’re breastfeeding, breastmilk! Clean rash area gently and let air dry, put some breastmilk and let that air dry also. Works wonders!

Try the stuff for yeast infections, some times that’s what a diaper rash is, a yeast infection. It’s warm and damp in there…

Sudocrem has worked for all 3 of my kids who all had super sensitive skin. I found it to be magic

Aquifor is amazing! It can be used for dry skin, rash, cuts, and anything that needs to be healed

Lotramin AF…you find it in the foot aisle. Diaper rash is the same fungas as foot fungas. Clears it up real quickly. I have 6 children and used it on all of them

Has your child recently taken antibiotics? If so, it could be a yeast infection.
You can use yeast infection medication and also have the child eat yogurt while taking antibiotics. Yogurt will help prevent the rash.
If it’s not related to antibiotics, you could also try aquaphor.

Burt’s bees diaper cream is amazing the best thing i found x on Amazon or boots in UK

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Mexsana cornstarch powder is best I’ve ever used. It clears diaper rash and heat rash up super fast. They used to sell it at Walmart in the foot care aisle but I now I buy it on Amazon. It works when nothing else would for my kids. I keep it for heat rash now.

Cornstarch when wearing a diaper and baking soda baths. Worked wonders for my daughter (extremely sensitive skin) and all my nieces and nephews.

I used to use the little baby wash clothes. Make them warm, gently wipe, let air dry and lather with Vaseline. When u think u put enough on put on more. It repels the pee and keeps :poop: off of the rash. Always worked.

I wasn’t sure if it was a diaper rash or a yeast infection so on one side I used diaper rash cream the other side a cream for yeast infection. It could also be the brand of diapers. I would suggest no diaper for a while or try cloth diapers If the rash doesn’t clear up

Unfortunately, I’m unable to help with this one. My son never had a diaper rash, he had eczema and a little Vaseline and aveeno worked wonderfully for that. Are you sure it’s a diaper rash?

Add apple cider vinegar to bath let them soak for about15 min. ( pediatrician told me this when my youngest would get bad rashes and it’s the only thing that would help. Also works fast)

It could be a yeast rash which needs special treatment…we always did a+d ointment first then corn starch on top…

Check with your doctor. It could be yeast infection. Don’t give the baby anything acidic like orange juice, that can cause a break out.

I used to let it air out. I would lay them on their belly with a blanket under them. I found out most of the time it was the diaper that was doing it. So maybe you should change brands

I used calmoseptine. It is in a green and white tube but only sold behind the counter at pharmacies. You have to ask the pharmacist for it. It is amazing! The only thing that worked for my kids. It prevents and heals it. You can order it online too I just saw.

My middle son had a problem with rashes. My pediatrician recommended Phillips milk of magnesium and we used it.

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I used A&D ointment in between changes. I also used damp washcloths to clean and sitting in water. Then let their hinney air out as often as possible.

I use to use corn starch, I still do with my grandkids, creams keep it moist and that is why there’s a rash to begin with, and corn starch was soothing and absorbent

Don’t use baby wipes, they hurt! Use a cloth wet with only water or wash the bottom in a bath. I use coconut oil with zinc oxide powder. Mix it into a paste. It works for any regular diaper rash but won’t for a yeast rash. I’ve used it on all eight of my babies and it works within a couple applications, depending on how bad the rash is

A lotion is there in market called Calapure …it’s a aloe vera based lotion specially for kids n it works very well :+1:t3: …I’m using it on my kid since 7 years

I had to stop using baby wipes because one of my kids was sensitive to done if the ingredients. Started using cloth wipes that were soaked in water and baby wash and put in the wioes warmer.

Make a doc appointment bc one time i tried to clear up diaper rash and it was some sort of yeast infection…better safe then sorry…

If regular ointments arent working its probably a yeast rash. And yes use athletes foot cream. Yeast rashes are diff than diaper rashes my now 6 yr old son had one rash his whole life desitin didnt work on. It was a yeast rash

It may not be a diaper rash. If you have been using diaper rash ointment and still nothing. It may be a yeast infection

Pure corn starch. Apply it, let me it dry well and apply.cloth rag or diaper a few time in a row. The more you can apply it and let the air dry it, the better it will heal try it would work better. Good luck

I used bag balm. It’s for cows I think, but it was the only thing that worked.

Triple paste is the best I have ever tried. Alot more pricy but worth it and it lasts forever. They use it on premie babies.

Use soap and water to clean bottom. Sometimes alcohol bothers the rash more. Air dry bottom if u have to diaper off for a bit. Then add cream. I sometimes put cream on diaper if placing on . Butt paste is good or destin .

My sons only had a rash while wearing Pampers. But when they wore other brands they never broke out. To heal the rash, I used a cream called Monkey butt cream. It was wonderful, cleared the rash in a day.

The best remedy I found was dumping a bunch of plain corn starch in the diaper. It absorbs moisture away from the skin and healed my son better than any medicine.

Diaper rash is a form of athlete’s feet fungus. It works well but, I also used corn starch and airing it out. It can be tricky with a boy but, you can do it.

Unflavored liquid antacid. My mother in law gave me this advice almost 30 years ago and it works. You will see a noticeable improvement with the next diaper change. It’s the only advice I ever got from her that was useful.