What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

For ours we used just plain petroleum jelly… The desitin can be very uncomfortable when you wipe it off, the petroleum jelly will protect the skin without any unnecessary perfumes that can burn the rash… I’m no doctor, but I’ve had five… Hope this helps :heart:

Antibiotic ointment like you use for a cut on your finger… My kids had the worst diaper rash and that’s what worked.

For both my boys i used corn starch. My grandmother said thats what they used back in the day, i thought it was nuts but it actually works very well.

Mix any of your butt paste with corn starch and neosporin change often but don’t wipe just dab and use water vs wipes keep butt covered in the paste for a few days even if it goes away this will act as a barrier to let it heal fully

Many years ago…My daughter had an allergic reaction to disposable diapers and latex so I put her in cotton cloth diapers, lukewarm baths with baking soda and or ground up oatmeal, and since none of the diaper creams worked Dr said to use Monistat women’s yeast infection cream. It worked! About 4 years old discovered she had food allergies to corn, tomato, peanut, soy so maybe check to see what she is eating that might be a culprit for the rash.

Penauten cream! I’ve used that for all 5 of my kids and it works really great. It’s made in Germany. Been using it for 17 yrs

Butt paste. I used to use it on my son. He got yeast infections bad. But it also worked on his normal diaper rashes

Let her/him have their diaper off several times in the day and we used baby gold bond worked great for us

Coconut oil. Helps my sons rash’s & cleared up diaper yeast in days.
Clean area, dry, put on coconut oil, dry then put diaper on. Also try to let them go without having a diaper on as long as you can. Air is the best thing for it and to prevent it.:slightly_smiling_face:

Brown some white flour in a cast iron skillet. Put it in an empty seasoning shaker. Doesn’t stick to the skin and works ten times better than paste

Sprinkle baking soda on the baby every diaper change and it’ll be gone in a day or two

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I mix desitin and a&d and it works perfect.
My son had major issues when he was born and when he could finally poo the rash was unbelievable and this was the only thing that helped

I found A&D ointment worked best when both of mine were babies.

My 8 month old has been prescribed an oral medication for his (they said it was a yeast infection) caused by teething…then they said after every diaper change to put petroleum jelly on it…

Old remedy: Irish spring soap! I put water in the tub and put the bar of soap in the water and swish it around. Put the baby in the bath. Keep the soap in the water. I would also use the Irish Spring bar soap on a warm wash cloth. Dab the area and then dab with a wash cloth with warm water on it. This works!

Triple paste is amazing! Best thing I found aside from Pittsburgh paste -a script from the doctor

Petroleum Jelly. $1 jar of this will have irritated skin healed faster than any other; as quick as over night. With 3 kids tried all the brands and waisted a lot of money before a neighbor told me about this.

Boudreaux and corn starch powder… it forms like a Barrier… hard a heck to get off but works great

use bethapan germoline cream not baby one I use it on my ulcers brilliant stop stinging straight away and clears up also I found wit my boys I couldn’t put Pampers on them went very soggy and wipes very dry

It could be a yeast infection. You can buy over the counter athletes foot cream. I didn’t know babies could get yeast infections. Everything I used made it worse. His pediatrician recommend athletes foot cream.

We use triple paste and I will always recommend it to parents. Also depending on how old your child is if you have breastmilk putting that in their bath also helps

Brown up some flour in a frying pan and then sift it and use it like you would use baby powder when changing the diaper. Works great.

Powder helps alot. My son was so sensitive I had to make my own concoction from time to time, desitin and petroleum jelly or vaseline. Spray him with a water bottle then clean up with paper towels, my aunt used to rub them together and get the rough stuff off so it wouldn’t hurt, yeah we went that far to make it less painful, then when he was clean and dry, put the concoction on then baby powder. And to make sure you clean him as soon as he soiled himself. Or she.

Use cornstarch, mix with water , make a think paste and in a hour all gone. All the creams do is make a barrier to skin. So you need something to dry it out. I’m 55 and did this with my children and now grandchildren.

Only thing I could use for my son was baby powder. He ended being allergic to diaper rash creams

I’ve used this on all 3 of my kids and my mother in law introduced me to this great trick…corn starch. It has NEVER let me down.

Calmoseptine ointment beats anything I’ve ever used. You don’t have to mix a concoction of other stuff, this one is it! Its prescription strength and cures numerous rashes and skin irritations.

The best thing ever is actually corn flour/corn starch. It’s amazing! Dust some over baby’s bum and bits and then dump some in the nappy and it helps keep them dry and it’s sorted out the worst diaper rash mine has whereby their skin was red raw. It instantly soothes. It’s amazing! My mum was told about it when we were babies by another mum in South Africa over 30 years ago. Can’t fault it

Triple Antibiotic cream/Neosporin. And only reapply in the morning, at night, or if baby poops. Change diapers frequently, don’t let them sit in the wet at all until the rash is gone.

It may not be a diaper rash… My son had what I thought was a diaper rash that wouldn’t clear up, it was a yeast infection.

Instead of washing with baby wipe . Blot diaper area with Maalox anti acid . let air dry and apply triple paste ( zinc oxcide) .
There is a ointment on the market that is this formula. Works amazing.

It’s called bag balm comes in a green can. Best I ever found to cure it. My daughter had it so bad she started bleeding dr tried everything finally he told me about it and within three days it was gone and she never had a rash that bad again. First sign I put it on

Mix calomine lotion (pink) with a high zinc ointment…
don’t wipe it off, that disrupts the skin under, has Vaseline yo wash off gently. And best healer is AIR… leaving them without a diaper and use light film of polysporin.

Yes jock itch cream! Works great and fast. Usually after the first or second application. I never mixed it with any other cream but im sure that would work to

This is just what I have heard and that it works wonders, but if you cook just flour in a pan ans brown it and then put it in their diaper (once cooled, obviously) it supposedly helps. Just what I’ve heard by a couple or so people that I know.

Neither of those ever worked for my kiddos. I use a&d ointment

Also in between add a tablespoon of baking soda in a cool bath tub for some relief and it will help dry it up.

Our pediatrician said mix Malone with the diaper cream to cut the acid

Crisco ( the lard kind) cooking grease. It’s a blue tub like… Works amazing

My old dr said pepto or mylanta put it on and let dry and put more on it helps on acid in stomach if u coat butt it will cut that acid too

Nystatin from the doctor is all that worked for my baby. Good luck!

Paladin diaper rash cream… its a little white container with a pink label and blue writing. If you cant find it in store ask the pharmacist. This is a long time miracle product, my grandma used it for everything. Weve never used anything else. I just looked, Amazon has it too. But Walmart RX and most drug stores have it.

Crisco shortening…my mil used it on my son 22 years ago and that has been my go to. Never ever purchased anything else. Used it on my 5 kids and now on my grandson.

I thought my son had diaper rash once and nothing helped. Took him to the doctors and he had strep. I had no idea it was even possible.

The problem could be that it’s actually not diaper rash. It’s probably a yeast infection, my son used to get raw on his bottom to the point of bleeding nothing helped to soothe or heal it. Finally went to the dr feeling kinda foolish thinking who takes a baby to the dr for diaper rash only to find out he had yeast infection. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Hands down, for diaper rash, Triple Paste for sure. Came across that gem early and it made Such a difference!

Paladin. I ordered mine off of Amazon. It cleared my babies rash up overnight. I was amazed.

Put some Vaseline (any brand) in affected area then apply diaper rash cream whatever u use or Desitin, rashes will be gone next time u change the diaper it works so faster

We ended up getting an Rx from our dr. The creams we were using were actually making it worse because it was locking in the moisture not drying it out.

My daughter suffered from diaper rash that was so bad she would blister and bleed and needed prescription creams from the dermatologist but once it cleared up I would use triple paste daily and that works like a charm. My son gets it every now and then and with some triple paste and it’s cleared up before next diaper change!

We do an mixture of aquaphor ointment (clear) and A&D or destin to heal. My son gets really bad soreness and you do it every diaper change.

Sleeping with no diaper on and using viva paper towels damp with warm water to wipe.
Make sure they are dry and antibiotic ointment and butt paste!!! Took my daughter away in 24hours and she was bleeding it was so raw!

I have three kids… i recommend washing the area with mild soap then leave the baby without any form of clothing or diapers for atleast 10 min…while lightly blowing air on the rashes… and tht my dear will work magic… rashes will have changed colour in front of ur eyes… dn lightly put on nappy cream and thts it.

A baby will have rash if his stomach is upset when u fix tht u fix the rashes… when my kids r nt well i apply nappy creams otherwise i dont… and have no rash problem… gdluck

Aquaphor and oatmeal baths. Worked so good for a co worker she brought me lunch 2 days later

Baby Aquaphor is what works best for my little one, maybe you can give it a try.

A&d ointment after every change and i would change more frequently for the time being until rash is not so tender

Pour a warm bath and put a cap full of fabric softner! My baby use to get rashes so bad she would bleed and one bath would take it right away!

Each diaper change soak baby in warm water, dry bottom with hair dryer. Gone in a day

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Aquaphor is the only thing that ever helped both my daughter’s diaper rash

Our pediatrician recommended a drapolene cream it is very effective…

The only cream that worked for my kids were A& D ointment. It worked every time.

Aquaphor or A&D Ointment or
Lanolin (typically used for chapped nipples during breastfeeding also works well). Also, if you’re breastfeeding, breast milk can also be used as it has incredible antibiotic and healing properties!

My childrens pediatrician recommended olive oil. And it helped a lot.

I used aloe vera juice squeezed directly from the leaves of the plant. It disappeared over night. It was a desperate solution which really helped.

Letting the baby be naked as much as possible, cornstarch…my son would get a diaper rash that would bleed from huggies diapers and wipes

Don’t use wipes to clean. Warm water and soap for every diaper change, dry well and then use cornstarch.

I would take them to the doctor if desitin isn’t working. It might not be a diaper rash.
My son had a sudden and SEVERE rash that I thought was caused by an allergy to diapers which caused me to switch to cloth diapers. It helped a little, but the rash never fully went away. We tried all kinds of creams and steroids from the doctor for various issues they thought it might be (yeast, fungal, etc.) which did help, but it still never fully went away and I was getting super frustrated. When he was about 4 I noticed something weird happening to his nail and the doctor sent us to a dermatologist. It turns out that he is one of the very rare incidents of child onset psoriasis. Its heart breaking, but at least we were finally able to put a name to it and get the right medication.

Mix a tube of lotrimin and desitin add in 2 tablespoons of Maalox OR mylanta. It’ll be thin. Mix teaspoons of corn starch until it’s a little thicker than toothpaste. It works, it works well!!

Once you put the diaper rash cream on, put a little bit of baby powder on top of that so it doesn’t absorb into the diaper.

I use corn starch works great for kids

Fresh air. Wipe the area clean after every change. Change baby before and after feeding…wash diapers and do 2 rinses. Use Vaseline to coat the area well… all this should help…

Wash the bottom with water, pat it and let it air out. Let the bottom air out many times during the day. Change diapers after every pee, do not let the kid sit in the wet and warm diaper. Take the child to pee instead of waiting on him to do it in a diaper. I have three kids and had a red bottom only once on the first one because of the 3 hr car ride - she slept and I did not want to wake her up. I never allowed my kids to have a diaper rash.

Air dry it completely. Apply a&d liberally. Leave diaper off as much as possible. If it still won’t go away, may want to have it checked to make sure it’s not a fungal rash that will need antibiotics.

I used Bag Balm. I know it is for Cow Teets but clears it up in one day. Used on both my kids

A &D is all I’ve ever used for my four kids! I use the ointment not the paste… it keeps it dry and allows it to heal and use to prevent after.

Go to the grocery store and get some corn starch it works wonderful! Used it on my kids and now on my grandkids

I switched to diapers with no wet indicator and Vaseline. But to clear up I went to a dermatologist and got desonate gel. It worked so fast

I put my boys in a Luke warm tub with corn starch and let them soak. Then I would let them air dry/ go rogue for awhile. Vaseline on rash before diaper. Next morning it would be gone.

I find some bi carb powder (not sure what it’s called in America) and Chamomile infused olive oil (easy to make) in a bath helps my girl.

I mix maximum strength desitin and a&d ointment. Also, my pediatrician prescribed a powder before that really worked wonders too. Nystop 100,000 topical powder 30gm.

Sometimes is allergy to the diaper brand change the brand! Hope it works!

A and d worked good for my kids sealed the rash so it could heal

Triple cream! I get it at Target in the baby department! It is terrific!

I always used A&D. Every time diaper changed. My son never had a diaper rash. FYI Desitin stings!

Try corn starch, that is all my mom used on us. You will be amazed at how quick it will clear up. Mom kept ours in the fridge.

Pinxav. The products you are using contain water. Will not help a diaper rash. You can find pinxav at any drug store. Just a little and works FAST.

Put some oatmeal in a sock & run warm water through it. Let the baby soak for atleast 10-15 minutes. You also might need to change the brand of diapers you’re using.

Corn starch works change diapers more frequently and wash wipes out with warm water sprinkle corn starch every single diaper change and rash will be gone within a day or so.

If it’s not going away bring baby to the dr. Could be yeast infection,(if they’ve been on antibiotics recently) allergic reaction, and/or many other things.

My doctor years ago told me to get monistat… it was yeast on her skin… it was gone in 2 days… i just told my sister in-law Casey Haynes about this

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The only thing that helped my daughter was Aveeno diaper rash cream. Everything else just made it worse. I swear by that stuff.

I was using huggies natural wipes & it caused a rash…switched to water wiped & it cleared up immediately with my newborn…

Corn starch
Using diaper rash cream over a period of time makes the skin peel

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Resinol paste. It’s at the pharmacy but it’s for rashes and bug bites, poison ivy, etc. works great!

Air time with no nappy on baby where possible, it coukd be due to teething also. You will have to try differen creams good luck!!!

Brown some flour and put it in something like a stocking cap and dab it on the rash area. All natural and heals.the rash very quickly. #ThankMeLater

Cornstarch works wonders. I used it on all four of my children, and use it on my grandchildren. Don’t waste money on some fancy creams.

Burn flour, put it in a pan and brown it, smells gross but only thing that works for my son

My second boy would get it so badly that he’d bleed. I used to let him go butt naked when I could. Like naps and such. You might have an accident to clean up. But the air will do him good.

Magic barrier from the doc is amazing! I had a bunch left over after my baby ans my husband used it when he got gaulded from working outside. He was like damn thats good can you get more lol