What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

3 parts of water, 1 part of organic apple cider vinegar, soothes and prevents infection

Neosporin weird but really works. I use the equate brand and it works perfect for my baby.

Small amount of corn starch dries it up fast and change diaper often

Athletes foot cream. I know it sounds gross, but the main ingredient is the same thing drs prescribe

Calamine lotion (the pink bottle)
Medela cream
Our pediatrician prescribed a burn cream for our daughter due to her being super sensitive and will almost have a burn like rash instantly

Bare naked butt. Let it dry out and chnage diapers frequently. I use Desitin Extra Strength on both my kids, boy and girl. Both got diaper rash and I let them go a day or with no diaper. Have lots of tiwels handy to clean up messes. Their rash cleared up after 2 days after some airing out and lots of desitin

Calmoseptine, ask the pharmacist, its over the counter but you need to get it from them. Also just use warm soapy water to wash bottom after every bowel movement. Make sure bottom is nice and dry.

An old wives remedy is cornstarch! I used to try all the fancy creams but in the end that helped the best. Hope it helps xx

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I use a&d ointment and the pit cornstarch on top. Works faster than anything. Just make sure it’s a diaper rash and not a yeast rash or cornstarch will spread it

My girls are 13 and 11 now, but “butt paste” that’s the name of it was amazing!! I just don’t know if they still make it.

I have used Aquaphor Ointment NOT cream on both of mine because it’s the only thing that has worked. Highly recommend it!

If desitin doesn’t clear it than it’s likely a fungal infection due to moisture. Use lotrimin cream.

A & D ointment & corn starch. If that doesn’t do it then it could be a yeast infection as babies can get it & it does look like diaper rash

I used to put coconut oil on his diaper rash. It makes wonder😊and finding the right brand of diaper is important.

My kids were all allergic to all diaper rash creams. I used A&D ointment and Renew lotion, along with some open air (diaper-less) for a bit.

First make sure its not a yeast infection. Boys can get it too.

I always used Saratoga ointment. Expensive, but it works great!

Do you have a boy or girl. My daughter got a major yeast infection when she was teething and had to use yeast infection cream for her

I dont know whether u get this brand in your country or not,
Cotton tree nappy crash cream does wonders in my kids case.

A&D the white cream in the blue & white tube first, then put a layer of A&D the Vaseline colored ointment in the brown/yellow & white tube over the top of white cream. Worked for us all the time with 4 kids. Sometimes gone over night. If there’s a fungus type rash, the doc had us put a layer of lotrimin something first & then the A&D ointment (Vaseline colored one) over it as a barrier.

.brown some regular baking flour… Let it cool and put it on the bottom …my grandma taught us that… Works every time

Check with doctor to make sure it’s not a yeast infection or allergic reaction. Ad&d works well because it is a barrier but also has vitamins A And D in it for healing, Breast milk, or neosporin work well too

Back in the day browned flour worked…i used it on my son twice and it worked…just put a little flour on a pan and slowly brown it…let it cool and sprinkle in on the rash…

When this happened to my daughter it turned out to be type 1 diabetes. (Not to alarm anyone) but it’s best if you take the baby to the doctor. Because I couldn’t get rid of her diaper rash no matter what it just kept getting worse and it turned out to be type 1. Just to be safe I’d take em to the doc.

Do you use disposables, it might be worth trying a different brand…or Terry (reusable) nappy maybe try a different laundry soap a gentle non bio… sometimes its a reaction to certain chemicals we are not aware of and you can go round in circles trying to get on top of it.

Also, when my baby has a bm, I only use natural care wipes, and I put them in a little bowl of warm water and a tab of baby soap.

Maizena it’s amazing my daughter is 13 now but I loved by that

Dr. Smith’s was the only thing that worked for mine. Worked wonders and it is sold in Walmart and other otc retailers!

A&D. Diaper Rash Prevention with A+D Ointment, also, Diaper Rash Treatment with A+D Zinc Oxide Cream

I’ve used warm soapy water and air dry. And just let them run bare ass for a little bit. But when the diaper goes back on I’ve used aquafore or and but only enough to spread on like you would a tattoo.

Could be a reaction to something also. I’d check with your doctor, especially since what you’ve tried is not working.

My son used to get horrible diaper rash, what I use to do was put him in a warm Aveno oatmeal bath, let him air dry then use A&D on him, cleared him up within a couple of hours :heart:

Do aquaphor ointment!! Not the rash cream It does miracles!! Also if ur baby is sensitive like mine…
Try to use Vaseline on his bottom with each diaper change even if he doesn’t have a rash…it helps!

Also it could be allergic reaction to the diaper brand.

After you do a diaper chg put a towel under baby and take off diaper.
Bottom needs nothing in it.
Maybe call Dr and get a special creme.
If baby get these alot chg diapers.

Brown flour and cornstarch in an iron skillet. Works great on diaper rashes!!

Resinol!!! It’s in the pharmacy area but it is meant for rashes best thing ever

A&D. You want the blue tube that says “treatment” on it. The brown one is a little different, it helps to prevent.

Petroleum jelly. Do not use wipes. Use baby washcloths or cut up pillow cases with baby shampoo or soap with lukewarm water

It may be a yeast infection. Try Lotrimin athletes foot cream.

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Super Duper Diaper Doo if you can find it it’s made in Lockwood Missouri I used to get it at Walmart’s

Bag balm

If its yeast infection pediatrician should call in prescription ointment

If none of that stuff is working … Air is the only thing that will help. Been there

My daughter got a really bad one when she started pushing her third and fourth tooth. Absolutely nothing helped, called her doctor and got niastatin(can’t spell it) cream… Was gone in three days

If you have tried everything use burnt flour. Burn the flour in an iron skillet. Let it cool and use it instead of powder.

Udder butter its sold at local farm n home works overnight used on my twins when they were little other name is bag balm

Triple paste…best ever…And when the rash is really bad baby powder on top of it it doesn’t move clears up the rash fast

If rash cream from the drugstore doesn’t work, go.to.the pediatrician. They cab prescribe something better.

Are you sure it’s not a yeast infection? My daughter had one and the doctor had us get monastat otc and with in a week it cleared up…I would definitely contact the doctor tho

I swear on cornstarch. Takes it away in a few hours depending the severity of the rash.

For diaper rash justt take little bit mustard oil mixed with little cold water and apply on child 4 to 5 times a day he will feel relax and rash will go thanks

NYSTATIN!!! get it from the pediatrician and the rash will be gone in 24 hrs at most

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Bag balm is the only thing that really works on my daughter. I had the same issue as you!

Plain old corn starch always cleared my kids up…poured it on thick like powder everynight!

An apple cider vinegar soak can be helpful. Just dilute some in water in a bath or a wash cloth. It inhibits the rash and/or yeast. Also, if you are using cloth diapers, maybe there is residual detergent in the diapers. Its recommended to boil them to ensure that all detergents are removed and germs are killed. Hope it helps!

My daughter was always getting diaper rash and fresh air always helped.

Good old corn flour, my parents and grandparents and so on used it, I used it and it clears it up fast, cause it absorbs urine and keeps it seperate

Might wanna make sure it’s a normal diaper rash. It could be a form of yeast infection and you will need a Rx for that

Aquaphor ointment. Excellent for rashes. I sometimes use it for rashes.

We have always used Vaseline and then desitin layered on top. It worked every time and pretty quickly for both of my kids. Reapply between every diaper change.

If it appears worse or just as bad after diaper rash cream it is likely yeast. Clean, dry, use corn starch. Keep dry free from sweat, urine etc

Equal amounts of bagbalm and balmex learned this from a physician mix it up cake it on usually clears up in a couple days sometimes only takes one day

Call your local compounding pharmacy and ask if they can mix up some “butt paste” for you. It’s all over the counter stuff. It’s been about 15 years since I needed it but seems like it has desitin and maybe lotriomin and monostat

I live by A&D. But not the cream kind the Vaseline looking one.

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Brown some flour and put it on the babies bottom. It sounds crazy but it works overnight.

Vaseline works great! And use cornstarch after it clears up a bit

Aquaphor worked well for both of my littles. And if its really red it might be infected…call your pediatrician.

I used Resinol and didn’t use wipes until the rash went away only used wet wash cloths and pat dry.

Nothing cured my son. It was yeast. Check with your pediatrician. Now I use anti-fungal cream.

It depends on if it’s a yeast infection or fungal you could be causing more damage with everything your putting on. Don’t use any type of wipes. Lotrimin for fungal type and plain corn starch from the grocery section for yeast.

Put regular flour in a pan, “burn” said flour until nice and brown. Let cool. Sprinkle on and rash should be gone in 24 hours. If not go to Dr as it’s not just a rash

A&D ointment works really well. A light amount of Vaseline jelly also works.

Try bathing the baby once in the morning and once at night using oatmeal bath. After when baby’s bottom is dry dust baby’s bottom with a light dose of cornstarch! Works every time. Try not letting baby go long time with wet dirty diapers! If that doesn’t work out, the other thing that would help me was Balzac. Baby care isle. :heart::hugs::pray:t2::purple_heart::rabbit2:

Niystisin works relly well my grand daughter is allergic to all diaper rash cream but this cream recommendation from doc is the best it’s called nystisin cream

Try giving your child an oatmeal bath to help their skin. Put dry uncooked oats in and old sock or nylon and put it in the bath with them.

Zinc oxide from cvs. Just the cvs brand. Works miracles overnight

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PureLanolin works best it stops urine from sitting on the skin ,and soothes the burn i use it all the time and never had to deal with nappy rash again its thick but make sure you spread it out.

Super dooper diaper doo.used it on all 7 of mine and we also used it in nsg.home i worked in…good stuff

If it’s not going away check for a yeast infection,

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My daughter use to get the worst diaper rash I’ve ever seen…we used Caldecen powder.

There was a 72 yo nurse that worked at my OBGYN office and I loved her dearly for all her advice and not to mention the fact that she was the only one who could ever draw my blood the first time she stuck me. Her name was Dot and when I went in for my 6 week check up my baby girl had a horrible diaper rash because her formula gave her diarrhea. She told me to stop using butt creams and to use Malox or Mylanta. I thought she was nuts but I trusted her. No joke, I dabbed malox on her bottom with a cotton ball everytime I changed her and within 2 days the rash was gone. She had even started developing blisters on her bottom. So I always kept Malox in the fridge. Try it!

Also find the “culprit”…that may be a task but think of what could be causing it since you’re Cleary changing diapers regularly…good luck, its not easy

Flour! Brown in a skillet and sprinkle it on like baby powder! Works wonders and better then any cream I have ever used!

Heat a skillet & brown some flour… let it cool & use at each diaper change… store in container with lid for future use… :100:% works

Drapolene cream. My eldest has sensitive skin and sometimes allergies. She’s using it for 8 yrs.

I used plain yogurt on my son’s rash…it was bleeding and sooo red…but the yogurt was soothing and cooling and cleared it up fairly quickly.

One that surprised me was crisco: It worked like a charm:

I’ve used bag balm for my child’s diaper rash and works great.

Put corn starch in a pan and brown it. Let it cool, make into a paste with some water and rash will be gone in no time. Worked every single time for me

Vaseline Neosporin and A&D mix together, an apply to affected area, we use it at our daycare .

Use soap/water to clean and then use Vaseline (or Aquaphor) under your regular diaper rash cream.

I browned Flour in a skillet couple diaper changes and she was good as new

Warm wet cloth to clean the area, let it dry, and then pure cornstarch!

Corona udder butter worked for us. I apologize for recommending something with a less than flattering name.

Nudity. Lol. It would just let me kiddo go natural as much as possible to have the fresh air and light on it.

Decades ago when my baby was a baby, I used the herb golden seal. Made a paste with a little water and in about 3 days it was completly gone. And he never got another diaper rash.

It probably needs to air out if neither of those are working.

I used calmoseptine when my daughter had bad rashes. Its otc but must ask the pharmacist for it. Also great for minor skin irritation/ cuts. I’m in home health & I use it on my clients. Even got a nursing home to use it.


I dunno if you get Bennett’s where you are but their bum cream is great!

I’ve pour straight milk of magnesia and let it drop. Then diaper. It worked well for a bad rash