What can I use to heal a diaper rash?

Air. Clean fresh water… apple cider vinegar and baking

Are you sure its not yeast infection?Have they taken antibiotics lately

Corn starch is awesome to use after it’s healed. It keeps all moisture away from skin. And it’s not baby powder, so there no perfumes.

Diaper rash is kinda like a yeast infection, I used to use the topical ointment you buy for athletes feet. My pharmacist said it’s exactly the same as the prescription version

Anti fungal cream. You probably have a yeast infection going on. You can use athlete’s foot cream;) it’s really red and itchy. Hope it clears up quickly. (Ps raised 7 kids)

Calmoseptine (spelling) is what I used when my son was a baby. But I’m not sure if it’s still a good one to use

I had a Doctor tell me about Caldesene powder. It work for all 9 of them. You can get it at Walmart.

When my daughter was a baby i used gold bond baby powder then turned it into a paste. Worked like a charm for her.

Camomile tea let it cool down Everytime you clean your baby use that water . Also always pick 40% zinc diaper cream .

If the creams are not working then be careful with what you are feeding your child.

I used A&D ointment for my boys. They all had reactions to Destiny and anything that had zinc in it.

Believe it or not. Phillips magnesia, apply with cotton ball, let it dry and apply any paste

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Vaseline it works that is the only thing I could use on my son

CORN STARCH CORN STARCH CORN STARCH. All a diaper rash is is moisture. Adding any more type of moisture (creams) isn’t going to help. You need to dry it out. No diaper… and eventually you will see scabbing. Scabbing is good. Its drying and healing.

Corn starch also works… It’s an old school remedy

This is what my OB told me and it worked miracles. Bag balm, hydro Cortizone and Lotrimin. Mix equal parts.

It could also be yeast. You can use plain unflavored unsweetened yogurt leave them in a diaper with that on it for about it 30 minutes then clean them and keep them dry. You can also use yogurt for yeast like thrush in the mouth.

Some rashes can also turn into yeast infections they look the same but I always noticed a difference when the diaper cream wasn’t working you might need an anti fungal cream can grab from just about any store usually in the foot care section

Coating it with Maalox helps but make sure NOT to get the minty one

I used neosporin. Worked within an hour.


Oatmeal bath let them sit in the bath for 15 20 minutes then let them air dry for a little bit then use some baby powder

A&D Ointment is the only thing that ever worked for my kids.

Butt paste or monkey butt. Sounds weird, but I found at tractor supply. Bought as a joke, works great!!

If its bad I used monastat yeast medicine, then when it starts to clear I use diaper doo. Best stuff ever

I use normally A&D ointment and air it out for a bit so it doesn’t get worse

Corn starch !! I swear by it ! Used it with all 4 babies of mine ! Use a fair amount for each diaper change not like you use baby powder!

Triple paste works wonders. I’ve also seen people use bagbalm and I’ve gotten a dr to prescribe something called ilex i believe.

Nope coconut oil and switch diapers … promise it will work. Organic coconut oil and dont let baby sit in and soiled diapers.

Make sure babies everything is dry before you apply cream, otherwise it just makes it worse. I didn’t learn that for a couple months after my first was born.

My daughters ended up being fungal. She needed athletes foot cream. I was red and bumpy

A bath with about 3 inches of water-mix 2 tbsp bi carb of soda into the water & mix around-put yr child in their to sit in the water-works wonders :grin:

Aquafore. If nothing over the counter works… u need to go to the doctor and they will give u nystatin which is the best but requires a script

From a pharmacy technician. Mix equal parts aquaphor and maalox. Some compounding pharmacies will whip it for ya.

Triple antibiotic ointment works wonders on my son one or 2 applications and it’s gone

I use A&D for babies and nystatin cream is amazing as well!

Honestly I know it sounds crazy but I use a little Vaseline on my babies bottoms when nothing else worked it actually helped.

Just leave the diaper off for about 2 hours. The air will heal it.

Resinol, you can get it from behind the pharmacy counter. When all else fails, this is what we use plus it has an analgesic in it that helps with the pain.

Put your diaper ointment on and then use aquaphor on top of the ointment. The aquaphor helps to “seal” the diaper ointment so to speak. My son had this problem a lot and that really helped

Would try A&D. I can’t use Destin on my son, only A&D. I put it on every change, he has a sensitive bum. But for instant relief, I’m not sure myself what would be good. Reading these comments are super helpful!

Switch diapers. They obviously are not pulling the moisture away from the ski. Change more often. Wipe with witch hazel, and air it out.

Corona is the best stuff ever! You can get it at a farm center, or atwoods, places like that. Its doctor recomended also.

I had to change diapers. I tried a couple brands and found Pampers the best.

Have you tried Boob milk or raw coconut oil?
Also, have you changed to a different brand of diaper? My son Brook out in a terrible rash with any Pampers

Lassar Paste, I don’ t know if you can find it in US, it’s very good to heal diaper rashes, I bought in Tijuana Mexico.

If its bad and you tried everything or severe make sure the dr checks it out, might be an allergy .

Maybe be allergic to formula. You can use domboro solution to make a paste to coat. Change diaper often.

Corn starch, desitin and aquaphor healing ointment for babies, is really good.

i used burnt flour cured from one change to the next old fashioned

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I use coconut oil and cornstarch mixed together works awesome!!!

Clean with running water on the area, pat dry, then I put baby oil with alone vera then put baby powder with cornstarch

I swear by bepanthen, I would never use anything else, 6 kids and not one of them have ever had a sore bum, i use it every nappy change.

If child has been on antibotics It is probably a yeast infection Talk To pediatricatian

Doctor visit. If its not going away it could be a yeast infection.

A&D ointment. My mother used it for my brother and I. I used it on all 3 of my kids.

Half a teaspoon mustard oil add 2 to 3 drops of water. Rub on your palm with a finger to make a mixture. Apply it on the rash. And try to give a little time without the pamper.

I used to make my wipes…they cleared up quick …coconut oil,water & baby soap the recipe should be online for exact measurements

Don’t use wipes - wipe them with water and paper towel. The wipes are irritating it more. Then try Aquaphor or A&D

Mix together hydrocortisone and Neosporin is excellent for Diaper rash i use to used on my kids

I used Balmex it was Docter recommend my sons diaper rash was so bad.

I use to use Uder Balm yes it’s for cows but it works.

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Try balmex that is the only thing that worked on my second child!! Or aquaphor!

My son was allergic to disposable diapers. Try changing the kind you use and keep your baby as dry as possible.

Make sure it’s not a yeast infection and not just a diaper rash. Try lotramin or a doctors visit!!

get something for a yeast infection because it is possibly that

A woman’s yeast infection cream works well also!

Heat up water. Bring to a boil. Put 5 tea bags in there. Let it cool to room temp. Take a tea bag place it on the babys bum. If its diaper rash it will clear it up

If it’s an yeast infection corn starch will aggravate it

When my babies were in diapers I used coconut oil

I used petroleum jelly for diaper rashes and wash the area with luke warm water and let it try.

If a regular rash bag balm, if it’s yeast infection any kind of athletes foot cream

Try putting baking soda in cool water and letting your baby sit in it for a little while. That will heal up soon.

Leave diapers off. The air works wonders. Plaasruc pad on the bed and let baby do its biz. The diaper holds it all against the skin. Makes it all worse.

It can take a week or two. Pure corn starch baby powder with aloe can help too. Sometimes it’s a moisture issue.

Get the 7 day yeast infection cream from the feminine needs isle at the drug store, if diaper rash methods aren’t working.

Brown flower works amazingly and all natural

Sensicare it’s what they use in the NICU. When you do a diaper change you just dab it and leave the sensicare on.

Resinol cream will heal it in a matter of a couple days. Old fashioned but won’t cause an allergic reaction.

Blamex not sure of the spelling but it was the only one that worked on my daughter!

Resinol works wonders. You have to ask the pharmacist for it but it doesn’t require a prescription.

Brand Vaseline works without all the extra steps and money. You can even brown flour and put it on their bottom. Simply.

My mom would let my babies lay on a blank butt naked and let air hit the rash for awhile and that helped along with the dragon creamy(not the regular desiring).

Apple Cider Vinegar Diluted With Water… No Wipes… Dip Your Wash Rag In It To Clean Their Bottom For A Couple Days… Rash Will Go Away…

I use coconut oil and my little guy hardly ever gets rashy

The only one that ever worked for me was called Lil Goats Milk by Canus

Bag balm… have it at the co op/ farm supply if you can’t find it in Walmart

I used desitin and if it didn’t work I switched diaper brands or I used make shift cloth diapers from the receiving blankets.

I’ve tried every brand of diaper rash creams and remedies, corn starch does wonders.

Put some flour in a skillet and brown it cool it rub it on we done that to our kids

Caloceptine comes in a tube or jar. Cvs, Walgreen and rite aid. Check the pharmacy if it’s not on the shelf

My pediatrician recommended Resinol I used that and switched diaper brands. I have two sets of twins and a bonus baby.

Coconut oil or A&D. I always had better luck with the coconut oil with my girls but both work

Bag Baum.my grand daughter would say to me get the bag balm Grammy.itsused on cows bags.works wonders.

My doctor said he could prescribe a expensive ointment but he said equal parts of this should work and it did.

Let the fanny in question go without diapers for as often as you can.

The only thing that worked on my oldest was pure corn starch. That and some “naked baby butt time”

Check wipes and diapers if contain an ammonia or bleach compound…until then…clean with a baby soap, soft cloth and water…A&D ointment…fresh air…

Milk of Magnesia, dab it on and leave it. Use at every diaper change, it will cool it and heal it fast.

It may be a yeast infection. Ask the dr for nystatin powder.

My kids were lucky that they don’t get diaper rash. I usually change their diaper as soon as they pee it once at daytime . coz diapers are very hot, prolong on their skin if wet will irritate their sensitive skin. I just buy the cheapest diaper, but change them always as their get wet or poop.