What can my kids call my partner?

My bfs grandma raised him and we call her Momma2

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Maddy. Like mom and Daddy put together. It’s gender neutral.

Maybe an alternate of your name? Like mine would be lolo

Male= Dad, female =Mom!

Maybe ask “Dad” what they want to be called :blush: or a team decision

Could always use Madre

How bout by her name

HerShey…as in kiss :wink:

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My sister went by modaddy🤷‍♀️

Your kids should be taken away from you. Why would anyone want to bring their kids around a transsexual and tell them that sort of behavior is ok?


My exhusbands grand baby calls me memom

Matka :slightly_smiling_face: (mom in ukrainian)

Bonny (bonus mom)

Just call him dad lol


Mere ( French for mom )

Moema (like mow-ma)


The world is in trouble
Tammy Murdock


Meme said like “ meh-may “

My friends call their same sex parents mom a and mom b (but the letters are their first letter of the names)

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What can my kids call my partner? - Mamas Uncut

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Whatever the child is comfortable with. This is a big change for her and she’s gonna need to adjust to it depending on her age. I went to school with a girl who’s father was trans and she continued to call her dad because that’s what she called her her whole life. She tried several times to change it but always went back to dad.


I raise my great niece (4) and have always referred to myself as Aunt Deb. For the past year she has takin on calling me mom. She doesn’t kno her bio mom (or dad). I am all she knows. Pediatrician told me not to correct her let her call me what she wants.

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Honestly, it is truly up to the kids when they or create names for their beloved. Can’t really force children to call people the names that person wants to be called.


To be honest if it doesn’t bother your partner what they call her, then just leave it as what they already call her. My father is Trans. She/her pronouns. But didn’t transition until I was almost 18. We had a conversation about it, shortly after, and we agreed that Dad was what I’d always used. And regardless of “gender” my dad would always be my dad.


A wonderful elderly woman just recently started her transitioning. Her grandkids want nowhere to do with her lifestyle. And she asked that my kids call her Grandma J. We asked her what she would like and what she was comfortable with (my oldest is barely old enough to talk) so thats what she goes by and she absolutely loves it❤

If they prefer to call your partner that. Why not.? Does your partner not like that?
I would say maybe sit everyone down & ask & talk about this , but it does seem like your kids already chose


My daughter calls her step dad daddy Dan and her bio dad daddy/daddy fox. She calls her step mam by her name… it’s all about what the children are comfortable with and what your partner would prefer.

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My boys call their step dad by his name. Love is love, a title doesn’t matter. I’d let the kids decide.


Talk to the kid. This is a personal conversation your partner and kid need to have and you just accept what THEY decide. My son calls his step mom subie (her name is susan) hes called her that since he was 4 and hes 11 1/2.

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Whatever they feel comfortable with why would you chose for them im a step parent they can call me whatever they want as long as it is my name or mom and respectfull


What’s wrong with her name? I’ve been in a relationship with my now fiance for 3 years. My children call him Mike. His name. It’s really dependent on the kids and what they feel comfortable with.


Ask your partner if they prefer a name. If not, depending on how old the kids are, let them decide/ figure out what to call that person.


I’d let you partner choose what she wants to now be called :blush:

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My son calls me mommy taylor, my fiance daddy anthony. And his real dad daddy chalmers and step mom mommy peggy. Not ideal, but I know it works and he understands who everyone is. Hes also 5 now too if that make a difference, and started calling us all this on his own when he was 2


I had a friend who was transitioning and she still wanted her children to call her dad it all depends on what your it all depends on what your partner wants and what your children are comfortable with I know this solution isn’t for everybody I was just Sharing

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Do they have a bio father in the picture? I wouldn’t want my kids calling their step parent Mom/Dad. My son calls my husband (his step Dad) by his name. He also has a step Mom of his Dad’s side and he calls her by her name.


Aunty (if hasn’t been in the picture long)
Or mama (with her first initial)

I think daddy is just fine! They’re children, whatever they feel comfy with I’d go with. As long as they love them, and your partner loves them back the title isnt important :heart:

my mom and I co parent my son because his dad bailed. He calls her mom or grandma and I am mommy

(Nothing to do with the trans part, just different name)

My stepson was 4mo old when I came into his life so he didnt speak (duh lol) his dad would call me “Lady”. Before I met his son its the name he would call me when talking to his dog “Lady’s here” or “go get the Lady” and it stuck. When my stepson started talking we pushed Lady when hed say mama. I am ok with it because even though she doesnt “like” me Im not his mom and Id never let him call me that. Im his “Lady” :heart:

They could shorten a name, add a cute nickname to it, or anything. Let them all talk about it, make it a fun family night honestly. Do like a dessert buffet and make the livingroom a comfy pad (all pillows and blankets!) and talk. :heart::heart:

Ask your partner what THEY want to be called :woman_shrugging:


Why not both be mom and they can add your name or initial when trying to get a specific Moms attention…?

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Their name. It doesn’t have to be mom or dad.


You should be asking your kids what there comfortable with calling him first…


Madre or another nickname that the person chooses for themselves.

You could ask your partner what they would like to be called or they can call em by their name. It’s something you can all sit down and talk about depending on age if they understand, Or you can come up with your own nickname for her/him to be called. As long as everyone is comfortable with it😊


Mom in another language.

I have a friend who is transitioning and her kids call her Maddy.

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It’s been said a few times and I agree, ask your partner. Though I would add may e it should be a discussion with the kids as well (depending on age). That way everyone can come up with a comfortable name

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I’m against this whole confusion

But to confuse the kids even more . How about other mother or meemee. Or mama and first name like mama Susie…


Another version of Mom, you have Mum, Ma, Momma, etc.

Are you married to this person?

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Call step parent by first name or make up your own family name for you both 🤷

Let the kids choose.

Talk to your partner.

Mum ,mam ,mummy,Marm, mama, momar

This world is fucked


Dad. Caitlyn Jenner’s kids call her dad.


Dada, mama, mom, mommy, mada, mum, da, ma. I would personally let my kids call me or my partner whatever they feel most comfortable. A lot of kids continue with dad, some of the younger ones come up with their own name. Parents usually accommodate their kids because it’s hard enough for everyone during a transition, and trying to remember a whole new name is a lot. Most kids come up with something on their own.

Well how does your partner feel? Just because you want the kids to call your partner something else, doesn’t mean your partner wants to be called anything different. What does your partner want to be called?


Bruh😆 Cause that’s what they end up calling mom when they hit teenage years anyway.
Mommy, mama,
In polish it’s Mamo


Call them by their name. They are not their parents!!!


She a man get with it😂

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Let the children choose if they are old enough, if they are not use their first name and let them choose when they are old enough

My friend’s daughter calls her mommy and her partner momma

I think you should let the children decided what to call your partner. If they have known this person as their dad their entire life, if you suddenly spring on them that that’s not their “dad” anymore it might hurt and confuse them. I know plenty of trans women who have children and are still “dad”. They just have their kids use correct pronouns like “my dad, she got a cool new boat!”
You don’t want them to feel like they “lost” something. And telling them that’s not their dad will cause a sense of loss since he’s been dad their whole lives.

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i think Dad is still perfectly acceptable as long as they are okay with it! as someone else stated, Caitlyn Jenner still goes by Dad. i don’t really have any other ideas other than the basic mom, mama, etc :sweat_smile:

Majka pronounced like Mikah (I think.) Croatian for mother. Google translate has a button to hear pronunciation.

If they are trans quit calling them her lol. Talk to your partner and then the kiddos. Maybe make up a name for them or just have them call your partner by their name.

My nieces call theirs “Maddy” m2f


I have a trans parent also (m2f) whom I call Mon or dad (because she is technically my biological father)… My advice is always to be completely honest with your kids, they will always understand if so. :100:


Mama then first initial, example Mama D


I. Don’t understand trans. Not saying anything. Bad.

How about her first name

They should call that girl by her birth and stop confusing the young minds of those children

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Mimi? Mum momma mama (first name or initial)

My son is in a poly trans-parent relationship and their son calls them poppa, dad/dy, and da.

My kids call my mom’s wife papa.

My partner is mtf and her kids call her Dad. Ultimately though, it’s not your decision. It’s between the children and your partner. If you want to support her, it should be whatever she finds affirming.

Id give a wild few answers and say if he’s a bloke then, continue calling him dad, or pops, their old man, pa. Ect

Does she have an opinion? I’d ask her first.


My aunt has helped me raise my daughter her whole life. My daughter calls me Mom and my aunt Momma. No one ever told her to she just started calling her that on her own when she was little

I’m a step mom and we do it the bio mom is mommy and I’m mama. I know it’s not the same situation but that’s all I got

My step daughter calls me by name but my son calls his aunt Mimi and my cousin has always called my mom Aunt Goo Goo since he was a toddler and he’s 30 now lol. I agree with what others have said, let them call her whatever they chose

My oldest calls their dad mapa, we’re not sure why lol and I know kids that call their dad dot. Variations of mom that I like are Mima, Mimi, Meems, mum, mumsy, lovey.

Depending on how old the children are, I would talk to them and see what they would want to call her, and see what she likes herself.

My suggestion is let them choose. Whatever name fits to them will be more meaningful in the long run. The older kids in my family called my mom nan Nan. But when my middle daughter(12) came along she had a Convo with my mom and told her, " I don’t wanna call you what everyone else calls you, so can I call you nana?"! Since then she’s been Nana
We have a large blended family, and my children’s siblings on their dads side call me manna.

How old are the kids? How do they feel? What is their opinion? What about your SO? What would they prefer to be called? Are you guys legitimately married? If not why not just use your partners name…
IMO sounds like it is their father that is transitioning to a female? For me I would really need the answers to these to help but I’m definitely team children comfort first

They can call her Deedee/Didi. Doesn’t reflect gender, but still kind of pays homage to it being their dad and it’s cute lol

Look at titles in other languages like “parent” in German or Portugese etc…

The real question is what does your partner want them to call her?

My friend calls her mom’s partner dommy kinda like mommy but as the male role in the family

I call my parents mom and mum and my kiddos call them Neela and gmum

I called my mom Smoozers growing up. Make it your own :heart:

I’d go with Mimi. It’s cute and sounds close enough to mama!

My step kids call me Aunty :joy:

For some reason my 6 yr old step daughter calls me mom tom lol

She has a name. Use it!

How about "Transparent "



How about since your partner rejects their gender you call him
Tranthey or tranthem

Why are you forcing a gender assigned role for a person literally rejecting their gender?

Seems pretty stupid to me

Talk to your partner, being trans I’d want to know what they would be comfortable with. She could go by Mama, Mimi…

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