Definitely see your physician. I had same problem and mine was fibroid tumors. Had a hysterectomy (left ovaries), best thing I ever had done medically!!!
What feminine products do you use? I used to be the same way until I switched to a diva cup( my old product of choice was tampax pearl) Something about store bought pads and tampons increased my discomfort. Since I have switched it has changed the whole game for me.
after had my children (6) got sterilised and mine were terrible bad cramps n poured like a tap. I spoke to gp and they put me on northestorone (honey moon pill) 3 a day and stops ur periods. Also was referred for the coil but covid stopped it…there are ways if u go to ur gp n express wot its doin to u. I was tired all the time no energy or anything n single momma. Make sure ur persistent n dont give up asking for the help till u get it X
So you are having physical problems that could be or not be life threatening and you ask Facebook! THIS SHIT is for amusement of the bored, unfulfilled lives of social media junkies?
See a Dr. kind of sounds like fibroids but could be worse. Learn as much as you can and make an informed choice about what to do.
Check with the doctor, but what usually helps me when my periods get out of whack is a month long course of evening primrose.
It’s a sign of PRE menopause. My doctor finally cauterized my uterus to stop the bleeding It worked for me.
Have you tried pamprin… My daughter had to take it. It helped her a lot. Talk to your doctor.
I don’t know a darn thing about periods, probably because I’m a guy, so my question is… shouldn’t you be discussing this with your doctor?
Don’t guess at what it could be get to a doctor.
I wound up having fibroids, but they did a D&C, had a cancer scare with the D&C, but it turns out I always have had a abnormally thick uterine lining, it wasn’t cancer. They did Prometrium, and a pelvic ultrasound before my hysterectomy, because I was in my early 40’s, and they were thinking of my bones. Started in 2008, when I had straight very heavy, painful periods with no breaks for months on end, I think I had 10 days when I was period free. They called me Casper the Friendly Ghost where I worked, because I was so pale, when it started happening again in spite of the strong Prometrium they gave me a hysterectomy in August 2010 or 2011. I can never remember the year for some reason. They took my cervix and one ovary as well, because it was stuck to my uterus.
Hysterectomy. You will not be sorry. I suffered for years after my third child. Just get it done.
See a Dr, could be menopause, my family start before 50
Please see your obgyn sounds like endometriosis but could also be other serious female problems.
Did u get your tubes tied? I noticed the same thing after I got mine done . You might want to call your doctor.
Not trying to scare u but uterine cancer, that’s the only issues I had.
My daughter I love was just going thru this exactly as you described. She was pregnant in her tube. Had surgery Wednesday to remove the tube.
I finally got Tylenol with codeine. It was the only thing that helped. See your doctor.
I don’t u derstand why people post these personal questions on FB instead of asking someone who will know like a dr!!
Endometriosis. I had a hystroctomy and my ovaries taken out. I would go see the gynecology dr.
Talk with your OB/GYN. I had very heavy periods and mine helped me get back to normal.
I know you said you tried midol but did you try midol complete? I’m telling you it’s a big difference.
How old are you? When I turned 35 everything got worse.
Did you have your tubes tied? If so this can cause it
Infection. Go to the doctor he will do a pap to see the infection and you and your husband will both take medicine
Are you on antidepressants? My antidepressants caused some serious menstrual problems.
Have you had your tubes tied?
Did you get your tubes tied?
I had the same problem only I’ve always had painful, heavy and 7 very long days on my period. Birth Control helped me a lot. Which was great before I had my tubes tied. Afterwards, I stopped taking them. I didn’t need them anymore! Yea!! It all came back with a punch! Back to my GYN, I was prescribed a BC pill w/ low estrogen because I didn’t need it to prevent pregnancy. It helped so much! So talk to your GYN or PCP for help. Hope ya get the help you’re looking for?
Having a Uterus
Glorious Life Changer For Me When They Removed It
Depending on your age? How you are feeling.
What is an ablation?
Have your thyroid checked
Endometriosis, quite possible. Very painful. Should see a gyn.
Go to dr i had same problem could be many things
I had an ablation too, best thing I ever did
You need a Dr.'s advice.Not advice off facebook.Be safe.See your Dr.
Sounds like fibroids to me
Endometriosis. It took 12 years to have a doctor listen to me. Had to have a hysterectomy
You may have fibroids…check with ur doctor.
Endometriosis causes pain and heavy bleeding.
Definitely take medical advice.
Sounds like fibroids. Go see your OB-GYN. There are lots of options to help.
The best thing I ever did was have a hysterectomy! Kept my ovaries…GREAT CHOICE FOR ME!
Take te of Chamomile take it hot of posable that we take cramping away take 2a day
Time for a hysterectomy. I was that way too, I got one and all better now.
You need to go to the doctor and get help .
Fibroids in uterus will cause that… Check with Dr
You need to go to the dr. Now. That is not normal
I think the word for today is “Doctor”
For me it was endometriosis
My doctor gave me Alieve and it worked
Talk to doctor. Could be fibroids.
Go to the doctor! This happened to me. Simple procedure.
I have a Iud I have literally periods
Heard cbd oil is good
Could be an ovarian cyst
All of the above plus soak in a hot bath with feet up.
Sounds like fibroids. I had them
I recommend you to go to your gynecologist as soon as you can.
Go back to your doctor right away
Mefanamic acid helped me in my teens.
Heating pad with your feet elevated.
Lots of reasons…… ck with your doctor
Ovarian cyst can do that. Go to doctor
You need to see a doctor. This is serious.
Please talk to your doctor. Be honest. Suggest you keep a record of how many times this happens daily.
Get checked out by your OBGYN
See Dr, make sure its not endometriosis
The more kids you have the worse your period pains
Menopause The Beginning of it…It happened to me .Thee most heavy flow of blood at start…then gradually down to Nothing for me :: Whatta relief !!!..
Please seek out medical attention. Your ob/Gyn is your best bet.
You could have fibroids have doc give you 800 MG motrin
Ask obgyn about ablation
I would go see your Doctor.
Hot tea and a warm towel over the place of cramps
Ask your doctor what to do
Maybe need a d and c
Fibroids can do that.
You need to let your doctor know ASAP it sounds serious,
Get thee to an obstetrician….fast!
See your Doctor now not later.
How bout a Doctor!!!
Go to your Dr.asap and make him/her listen to you…
My advice is see your doctor!
See your doctor ASAP
Sometimes it’s your diet
Go see your doctor … run don’t walk!
Did you get your tubes tied
You need to see your gyn!
Have a blood test for your Thyroid!
Three words…Go to doctor.
I ended up with a hysterectomy ! It was the best thing I ever did. Had an ablation first but that didn’t work. Woke up one morning with heavy bleeding and massive pain so my doc did the hysterectomy . It was a godsend !
Could be anything. Women face many dangers with the productive system. You might have fibroid that only doctors can see. A doctor needs to see you don’t hesitate. Early detection is key… good luck.
You should go to your doctor or find you one.
Stop , right now and go to the ER! Then be sure to keep the follow u[ appt with your Gynecologist! Run, don’t walk! Hope you get the care you need!
Get to a obgyn and get a check up ASAP.
Sounds like fibroid. I went through the same for years, finally had a hysterectomy. Best thing I ever did.
Please go see a GYN. This isn’t normal for you, so something isn’t right. Find out. Go!