What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?

With My youngest, who is now 62, I didn’t know that I was pregnant until I felt life because I had missed so many periods, figured no use to practice birth control because I was pregnant which I wasn’t but then got pregnant when stopped being careful. GOD must have had His hand in that

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Stress will cause late periods. Change in exercise habits will causeva delay too.


Stress, change in diet, hormone imbalance, age… all can cause your period to change and be late.

What happen to private things being private. Schedule an appt. with a doctor


Ask a dr… There can be all kinds of reasons…

Vitamin defecince, a sisk or infection.

Did you by any chance take the vacvine cause if you did thats what happens …it throws your cycle off for a couple months

Stress, anxiety, change of diet, soy products, too early testing for pregnancy…all possible reasons.

I tested negative the last part of November, at my PCP, checking my urine. Went to my gynecologist mid January, did a blood test. I was at the beginning of my 2and trimester. I delivered mid June. Fastest pregnancy ever!!! :rofl:


Why don’t people ask professional who knows this stuff go see your doctor. Stress can cause late periods


Sometimes it can happen due to hormonal imbalance. 8 days could be normal but you could go see a Doctor for proper check just in case of any other concern you may not know of

Stress. I was once 20+ days late trying to conceive.

Birth control then fibroids…or stress

Probably got the vaccine

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Did you get the Covid shot? Lots of messed up periods from that


Check with your Doctor

I struggled to get pregnant when my husband and I were trying to conceive. We ended up needing some help after trying for a couple years and during the process we found out that I ovulate later in my cycle than most women. If I remember correctly I think by about 5 or 6 days. So it is possible to ovulate later in your cycle. You can always wait another week and take another test. If you are pregnant it could be that your HCG levels might just be a little too low to detect right now. If you feel you are, a blood test is always more accurate. Hope this helps! Good luck on your journey!:grin:

Took me 21 days after my missed period to get a positive with my 2nd :woozy_face:

It’s probably stress related. I can go a month without mine at times and the doctors have no issue with it. I’d give it a few weeks and retest if it doesn’t come

I sure hope you are pregnant.

I used to ovulate two weeks late. That’s how I got pregnant twice by happy accident. I got cramps when ovulating and would think I was getting my period. The second pregnancy I had two negative pregnancy urine tests. I didn’t find out that I was pregnant until 4 months. I then went on to have 4 miscarriages, due I think to have irregular hormone levels.

Over thinking it,
I know that’s hard not to do when trying for a baby… I’d see a Dr simple blood test will tell you most things including any hormonal issue’s… goodluck with it all :v:

What I will tell you is yes it is too early to find out if your pregnant or not I will give it like a month before I was saying that you’re pregnant but sometimes your days are going too rough or you’re too tense and you’re just like fighting up on your menstrual menstrual periods and your periods are not they’re changing and they will come out later than you think and if you’re going through a lot of stress that will take effect on your. Too if you know what I mean sometimes when you’re anxious to get pregnant too and that will take a toll on it too does if you’re trying to get pregnant don’t think about it that much and stop stressing yourself just eat healthy and take care of yourself okay good luck

Go get a blood test will show right away

Go to your doctor. FB is not a free medical clinic!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?

dont stress out and wait a week or two then retest or go get a blood test

You would need to wait a week or so and test again :woman_facepalming:t2: it won’t pop up right away if you just conceived.

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I agree with her :point_up_2: same thing happened to me. I spotted took the test and nothing. But waited probably 2-3 weeks took another and it was positive. I was pregnant the whole time :grinning:

Test again soon. Hgc levels would be low right now and the tests won’t read

Hcg levels might be down. I would wait a week or 2. This happened with my daughter. I took 4 test all negative 2 weeks later went to doctor and was 6 weeks.

wait another week or so and test again with your first pee in the morning

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Stress can also cause the problem you are seeing!


PCOS, Hormones, Stress,& change in diet, weight gain/loss etc.

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Stress, hormones, weight loss, weight gain… many reasons besides pregnancy can cause a period to be late

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Wait 9 days at least

Wait about a week && if no period try again
Sometimes when it’s super early the drug store pregnancy test can’t read the HCG hormones cause it’s early
So try again next week

Try a test again in a week if you haven’t started your period before then good luck :crossed_fingers:

Give it a couple more days than test again

Spotting is normal after conception and it may be too soon for an at home pregnancy test. You should make an appointment with your doctor for a more precise test


Maybe see a doctor…i had this happen in 2003 and found out I was 6.5 months pregnant with an etopic pregnancy it could be a million things but this is just what happened to me and to be aware

You could be pregnant

Depends when you ovulated. It could be too early to test.

Wait two week an then test again

Try this regimen
A lot of women are getting pregnant off of this
Baby dust :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:to you !!!

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Wait n go get a blood test in a week

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Try reading the actual directions and follow them, especially depending on your age, familial history and such

If your normally regular and this is weird for you then I would consult your gyno. Usually women take tests too early because of the excitement and get negatives. Wait atleast a week late on your period to test. If still nothing pops up call your doc and get blood done.

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I would go in a week or so to the Dr and get a blood test. I don’t trust home tests. I took one every week the month I got pregnant with my oldest son and they all came back negative.

Go to a doctor and find out. That’s the only way to know for sure. Signed, a cancer survivor.

Infections or stress can cause a late period

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It’s probably too early to test. As someone who is also trying to get pregnant, my doctor said to wait two weeks before testing. It gives the hormones time to build up in your body enough for the test to pick it up

Too early to pop up on test or stress

I was always told to wait 10 days after a missed period to do a pregnancy test.

Could have ovulated later, could have had a chemical pregnancy and didn’t catch the hog levels when testing. Or could just be a late cycle. Cycles can change every now and then.

Just wait a few more days to be sure. Good luck!!

A negative can still be a positive. Give it a couple days and try again

Wait a week and retest

You are pregnant then wait it out. Get one of the cheap dollar store ones . what the hospital uses and only one works for me.

Stress, weight gain/loss, not enough hcg yet, possibly didn’t ovulate this month (which is perfectly normal) it could be several things. Just wait and take another test.

Don’t trust those store bought test, go to the doctors, speaking from experience. I took 3 store bought test and they all came back negative but I WAS pregnant

Stress will do it!!! I once skipped a cycle for 3 months and definitely wasn’t pregnant, I went to PCC to test.

It’s going to take 2 weeks to see a positive test , that’s if it’s positive

I spotted and took a pregnancy test the same day of my expected period and the test came back positive. Maybe you need to wait a little longer? Good luck :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Stress, hormones, infections they’re a number of things even age your best option is consult your doctor

If you’re unsure get blood work done. I took a test the first day of my missed period and it was BARELY positive. Like you had to squint to see it. I thought I was in the clear and imagining the faint line. I waited and took one a week later and it was positive almost immediately.

I didn’t know I was pregnant with my 2nd child until I was just about 5 months pregnant because the test kept coming back negative!!! When I finally got a positive test I was just about 5 months already!!! But that only happened with 1 child! I have 4.

Hcg levels are too low to read on a pregnancy test. Give it a couple more weeks and check again


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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?

Maybe you tested too early


I spotted and had negative results also, I went to doc and was definitely pregnant!! There can be false negatives

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Wait another week or 3 lol take tes again. Stress and weight can also factor into it


Go to a doctor. Early menopause? Stress?

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Stop keeping track you’ll get pregnant then :wink:


Its too early , test back in a week

Could be implantation bleeding. Usually occurs around the time of your period when the egg implants. Wait a week and test again. You have to give time for hormones to build


Too early. I took my test too early, came up negative, took it again a week later, was positive

Stress, just let it be. Whenever it’s meant to be.

I’ve had false pregnancy tests before. Went to the doctor and showed in my blood work that I was definitely pregnant

Are you testing right in the morning that is the best time to test for pregnancy your first pee of the morning.

I was gonna say stress too

Implantation spotting maybe!?!? I had to get blood work as my home tests were jegarive but blood was positive but took longer for it to show up then usual.

Stress makes them late and weight has a lot to do with your period flow as well

Trying to hard,relax it will happen

Stressing about it can make it take longer and throw off your cycle. Even if you don’t realize you’re stressing about it you could be subconsciously but typically implantation can take up to 12 days and then it can take a few days for hcg to build to detectable levels so that’s still a possibility. Also use fmu to test with. If you haven’t gotten a positive test or your period within the next couple of weeks go see your doc. Some people don’t metabolize hcg like normal so it doesn’t pick up on pee tests or blood tests. I know someone that had negative tests until they were 9 weeks along.

Alot of things can cause that. Stress, hormone changes. I suggest seeing your doctor…

Wait a couple weeks test again!

First time I got pregnant this happened to me. Read where the spotting can be normal in relation to the embryo attaching itself to the uterine wall. I’ve had 4 kids and it only did that with my oldest.

Omg. This is asked once a week. Get a clue.



Ask a doctor or your hair stylist

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First of all wait one week of missed period. Then take the test with the first urine of the morning. This happened to me. I did this exactly and got my positive.

Just went through something similar. Didnt get a period for almost 2 months, which is NOT normal for me. Doesnt always mean you are pregnant.

Wait 1-2 weeks then test again. Its possibly implantation bleeding. I had the same thing happen to me. I thought it was a period :joy: boy was i wrong lol

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Implantation bleeding?? Wait a little longer then retest.

Perimenopausal, I went 3 months no period, then had it, then 2 months none, had it, then 3 months none…it happens

I’m going on my 4th month without my periods. still waiting on it…and I’m not pregnant.

I tested negative twice at my drs office and had to get blood work because I was so early but was in fact pregnant… when in doubt get blood work then you’ll know for sure!

I had to actually get a blood test both times I was pregnant, the home ones always said negative even after I was like 6mths pregnant I tried it and still it showed negative