Wait and give it some time
Wait till your 10 days late
Wait a little longer perhaps
See ur gynecologist.
Spotting can be caused by implantation
Stress, anxiety etc…
I was 18 weeks with my oldest before I peed a + and 11 weeks with my second
It can take up too two weeks to test positive
I had negative tests till i was about 12 weeks get a blood test to know for sure.
I came out negative for 6 months. I was 6 months pregnant .
Sounds like stress! And that’s not going to be helpful while trying to get pregnant.
Stress, hormones. Pcos. Most likely you could be pregnant but might miscarry
Just relax. It’ll happen
Try a test next week
Too early for a test maybe xx
Periods can be unpredictable. Anything can throw them off. A hormone imbalance, stress, a change in diet, a new medication. Some women are so regular you can set a clock by them, but others are all over the place. If you are showing symptoms of pregnancy other than a late period, make an appointment and have it confirmed. Otherwise, don’t worry. Trust me, it will show up eventually. Aunt Flow never fails to rear her ugly head.
If you ovalate and the spotting usually is the egg implantation but you will not get a positive test you have to wait until the process is complete about a week or so. But the at home test also does not work for some women like me who have alot of hormone problems I took about 20 of them over a period of time all negative well after almost 2.5 months of no visit from aunt Flo I went to the Dr got a blood test and was positive. So I didn’t find out I was pregnant until almost 3 months with my first child. After I got the confirmation I bought several over the counters throughout my pregnancy trying the last one at 9 months and still negative. So when I got pregnant with my daughter I new right away cause I knew I missed my period and as soon as I seen the home test was neg I called the Dr to confirm and blood work was positive again.
Could be too early. Could ask for a blood test… I was pregnant with twins and I found out with a blood test… interestingly I didn’t have a positive urine test until I was over 20 weeks… doctors Could never tell me why
Did you get a Covid vaccine? My period has been off since getting mine. I’ve heard lots of women saying the same.
With my third child I had my period the whole time. After three months I just didn’t feel right went to the Dr and I was 12 weeks such a surprise
Repeat test in a week. We don’t have to know the moment we conceive.
It’s time to see a doctor, after 2 pregnancies, you may need some help? (Nurse in obgyn)
I was 30 and had issues similar and was found to be going through early menopause, so do see a doctor
Could be implantation bleeding and too early to take a test. Wait another week then retest
everyone keeps telling you that it to early to test you are getting a false positive. not true. once you miss your cycle even the day of there would be high enough HCG levels that would be detected. you are 4 days late so you most definitely should see a positive test if you were prego. I don’t think you are. i bet you had an early lighter cycle. not enough info to really know exactly what’s up.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Are you breastfeeding? It causes irregular periods postpartum
Breastfeeding, pcos, thyroid
Almost anything and everything, really.
Stress (hormones), diet, major mental or physical changes, fibroids, cysts, time period following miscarriages, sooooo many things
even after pregnancy, periods are trying to get back to normal after not having one for 9 months. it’s normal to have irregular periods after a baby! i still have irregular periods and my son is about to be 2 in november!
Have you had the covid vaccine?
Yeah I’d be making a Drs apt for some bloodwork and a test.
Can take a year for periods to get back to normal after baby and breastfeeding can stop them
Because you just had a baby and it takes a while for things to get back to their new normal.
Go see a medical doctor, or the closest thing to one you can find Good luck
hormones are still out of wack, don’t expect things to be normal.
It takes time after birth for your body to regulate- that’s why they say no sex if ya don’t want another right away bc there’s no telling when you will ovulate and regulate
Nothing to worry about…it takes 6 to 12 months for your period to come back or get back go normal bit you should use protection cause you can get pregnant again.
After a baby your cycle has to adjust.
My 2nd didn’t show up on a test for several weeks after he should have. Also, I’ve had one period since I had my 2.5 y/o. I wasn’t on birth control for the first 2 years. I was fairly regular before that. But, be careful because I ended up with a surprise pandemic baby I didn’t even think the system was working enough to be able to do that lol
It took me almost 2 years to get a period regular again after I had my son
I have PCOS and have gone years without a period. I would talk to your doctor about it because there are several different possibilities.
Pcos, endometriosis, cysts, growths, hormone fluctuating due to other illnesses, stress.
Just got body going back to normal after having a baby.
Go to a Dr.
It definitely isn’t caused by a vaccine.
Chemical pregnancy, my daughter had this
I was in the same boat and found out I was expecting again. Go see a Dr.
If you’re breastfeeding they’ll be crazy. I had my baby four months ago and my hormones are INSANE. Last two months I’ve been five days late each time and had a lot of pregnancy symptoms but never were. Hormomes are crazy after baby
1.) If your breastfeeding/pumping that might delay/stop it you should get it again once you stop, also hormones, stress, etc.
If you’re breastfeeding they can be wild and not regular. Hormones postpartum are all over the place.
Ask your doctor not Facebook doctors
Breastfeeding will do that
Are you breastfeeding? That affects periods… with my first I nursed her til she was 23months old, I didn’t get a period at all and found out I was pregnant when I was 4/5ish months along with my middle child… than with her I didn’t get a period til she was 8months old. With my third I didn’t get one til he was 10months old.
If u r breastfeeding, that will do it
Are you breast feeding I breast fed for 2 and half years and did not get a period. Google it is because of breast feeding.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Being stressed, not sleeping well, diet, breastfeeding, medication & many other reasons can cause it. I would contact your obgyn and see a doctor to see why you haven’t had a period
Are you breastfeeding? Stressed? Underweight? All are factors. Do check with your doctor and schedule an appointment to discuss birth control.
sometimes u develop cyst due to hormone imbalance get an ultra sound
If you’re breastfeeding that can cause missed periods. Stress also has tendency to interfere with your cycle. Just go to your Gyno and explain what’s going on. There’s a chance you may be welcoming baby number 2 in 6ish months too.
Stress, diet, medication, not sleeping well. I would call your obgyn and ask them.
I took neg tests for 4 months, then took a positive one. Thought I was 13 weeks, went in to ob and found out I was 19 weeks.
Stress, diet and exercise changes all mess with periods
Are you breast feeding? That can delay your period
See your OBYN could be endometriosis. Or false negative
Stress etc, but it’s normal not to get one for awhile some women can wait up to 6 months.
Why would you be having unprotected sex when you just had a baby 7 months ago.
I didn’t have a period for 6 months after I had my son. Maybe call your Dr. Just to be sure.
Id talk to your obgyn…
Have you had the covid vaccination?
I has this with polycystic ovaries. Best ask your Dr
PCOS maybe? Can be diagnosed with a ultrasound usually. Talk w your Doctor.
Are you breastfeeding?
If you have breastfed it could he why
I had 5 pregnancy and 4 of them I had miscarriage in the first trimester. I was not normal. If I had a cycle once or twice year. So I did not know I was pregnant until I was laying losing my babies. I was young with endometriosis. I had hysterectomy at age 21. Go to your Gyn.
Go to your doctor and gyn
I know from personal experience that no period does Not mean, no ovulation, if you aren’t trying to get pregnant, you might want to start using birth control. I had 1 period after my 1st born, baby number 2 came 18 months after baby number 1
If you are breastfeeding that could be it. Also hormone changes and stress of a newborn…
You could have developed PCOS, endometriosis; you can have a cyst, stress can cause you to miss your period.
You need to try a blood test you can be pregnant and the other test show negative
Are you breast feeding? That can keep them at bay as well.
Stop having unprotected sex:rofl:
You CAN get a false negative.
Mine came later each month. And when my son hit seven months we did get pregnant again.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes late periods but negative pregnancy tests?
Could be your hormones are still messed up so your not having a period. If your not having regular periods then your probably not ovulating to get pregnant.
Stress can cause it. Also, I’ve heard if you are breastfeeding, that may delay your period after birth
Hmmm it could maybe be your body still adjusting to just having a baby? I know it takes quite a while for your body to return to normal after having a baby so that could be it. Or if you go for a check up to your OBGYN soon this could be something to bring up.
Are you breastfeeding? I didn’t have a period when I breastfed.
If you breast feed it can cause you to not have or skip periods… also hormones could just be off or you may have cysts on your ovaries … lots of different things
For me, it’s taken a while after I’ve had a baby for my periods to regulate. You can still get pregnant though. So be careful.
Cysts, tumors, breastfeeding, irregular hormones.
I’m 2.5 years PP and no cycle yet. Still breastfeeding on demand. SAHM
Stress can cause late periods.
Your pills could be to strong
Your doctor should of let you know it can take a long time for periods to return to normal after you had the baby. If you’re nursing it can take longer too. Stress. Hormones. PCOS. Alot of things could be affecting it, I’d check with your doctor if it’s concerning you.
You just had a baby it can take up to I have heard 2 years to return to normal/regular after having a baby it doesn’t always take that long but it can. There are many other things that can cause it too. Definitely wouldn’t hurt to go talk to your obgyn they can help rule things out.
Go to the doctor and discuss your issues. Also have her do bloodwork to test for a pregnancy. I’ve known people yo never test positive on a pregnancy test but it will show up in bloodwork and an ultrasound.
Go get a pregnancy test with your blood instead of your urine. You may be pregnant. Those test arent always 99.99% accurate
Are you breast feeding? Sometimes it stops periods
Are you regularly nursing? If you have consistently nursing on the regular that can put your period on hold.
If you’re nursing it can stop your period I didn’t have mine for almost a year!