Why would you not go to court. ? This is about your kids future . It can’t go against you at work . I don’t understand why you would even question it.
Do you have a lawyer? They can just sit in for you
Contact the number at the top of the paperwork you received. Do not listen to anyone telling you what to do but the person from the courts.
You may be able to request to be over the phone
I would go for my kids,
Why would he show up if you don’t show up. It either you want it and make a serious effort to get it or you don’t want it (like I did) and get a lawyer to prevent it.
A warrant can be issued… and a judgement will be made without you
Why in the world are you asking fb? Contact an attorney.
If you don’t appear the state and the father will discuss a deal without you and the judge will rule. You should be there to decline any low balled payments he’s trying to get.
I never had to be there…just the father
You need a lawyer or state appointed attorney to stand in for you!
A warrant will be issued
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What happens if I don't go to a court hearing?
If you don’t go they can agree to whatever the respondent parent wants, just because it says child support doesn’t just mean that. The other parent can turn around and say they want custody or time with the chd etc.
Basically, you get screwed especially if they have a lawyer. It comes across as a lack of interest in the end result. I understand what you’re looking at in terms of missing work but it’s one day of work missed for something that will probably affect you for years to come.
Never skip court, ever
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What happens if I don't go to a court hearing?
I’ve dealt with this. Unless you where issued a summons and in that case an officer would personally bring you the paperwork you don’t have to appear. The judge is looking to deal with the father about payments. I’ve gotten dozens of these papers, I’ve never once showed up because I honestly don’t care. The judge usually raises or lowers support depending on the fathers work. I’ll get a paper via mail telling me what happened. Now if your wanting more money or having issues then you can show if you want. People saying you’ll lose your child are being ridiculous. This is about child support not custody.
I’d go to the majestrates office and ask what you can do in regards to the time and date and trying to avoid missing work. But if that doesn’t help, call a lawyer and ask, or just avoid missing the date and go. I’m sure your new boss will understand if you pull them aside and explain your situation
U could b in contempt depending on laws where you live, i would def show up
You may have gotten a promotion but the economy has also been impacted due to the high gas prices and everything that impacted by that. Don’t avoid things that are unpleasant. This is important.
It possible your attorney can go for you, but you need to seek proper legal advice because laws are different everywhere.
Children come 1st go to court.
I’m sure your employee would understand if you explained the situation.
You should talk to an attorney or someone in that legal area. You have a new job which could mean you don’t need as much support from the father. The laws are changing and it might behoove you to attend this hearing. I see several ladies who offer sound advice. Your state, the courts and the law all run differently. Talk to your attorney!
Usually the one who shows up gets what they want if the other parent doesnt show
Whatever the other party asks for. They get. It’s in your best interest to go
Best to just be honest with your boss and say you have to go to court. Should be a short period of time at court… then you can come in after. That or call and see if it can be rescheduled… but you’ll still typically have to take time off work. Go for your child!
I’m assuming either the court will rule in favor of the father or you could get charged with contempt of court depending on the exact situation.
I wouldn’t suggest missing it unless you have an attorney who can/will attend for you. You can ask if you can attend via zoom and do so from the parking lot at work or something similar, but I would always make sure to be present for anything regarding your child, including child support.
Yeah you need to go. Worst case you could lose child support and or have a warrant for your arrest if you miss a court date. I mean if you enjoy jail go ahead
You don’t show up they will give him whatever he asked for
If you can’t go then hire a lawyer to go on your behalf. If you’re a no show it’s a default judgment in favor of the other party most times.
My ex husband didn’t show up and the judge signed a warrant out for failure to appear. In my honest opinion though, you shouldn’t be asking the Facebook community and should ask this question to your attorney. There may be ways to have it postponed so you can take the appropriate actions with your job to schedule off for the hearing
The judge will probably decide on a default judgment meaning they will probably be in favor with your ex because you failed to do a court ordered action(meaning you didn’t show) or a continuance if your lawyer can change the judges mind. But don’t miss it!!! My court hearing took me two court hearings that lasted almost the whole day and me and my ex husband barely had any property or debt together. All we had was our boys and vehicles.
Call court to see if you can reschedule otherwise you need to go. Make sure you fill out financial affidavit and have all paycheck stubs needed. If you have a lawyer get it all to them. If you don’t make sure you have the paperwork day of. Do not skip date or they may drop your child support all together. You won’t get arrested or lose your kid
You need to go. It is top priority. Just explain to your boss!
I missed a court date for similar reasons and they gave him 50/50 custody … tbh if I wanted too I can prove he doesn’t have him that long etc or doesn’t get scheduled weekends/holidays but I don’t give an I still handle everything immediately pertaining to our son and he does what he can but every situation is different. What works for us doesn’t work for everyone.
Contact your lawyer and get advice from them.
Yes you will be contempt of court and you can get in trouble. But follow it up with any legal personel that you have for your case and see what can be done about it.
Please dont rely on random people on the internet for this kind of information. We dont know your state or county, or how your court functions. Ask a local attorney, or call the court. You might be able to get the date changed
Court of any kind can have so many variables that come into play. The best thing you can do is get the advice of an attorney authorized to practice law in the courts where your action is going to happen. Don’t just ignore the matter or you may get an outcome you do not want.
Reschedule. I’ve rescheduled these dates many times. You could possibly do it over the phone too, on your lunch break, I’ve requested that also. Not sure what state you’re in but Oregon is way cool about life and rescheduling court stuff.
You usually don’t get lowered child support if you get a promotion or raise. Child support is figured on what the person that is paying child support is making. There is a formula they use. When I got child support years ago it was 20% of their net pay for 1 child, 25% for 2 and 32% for 3, now if you are getting alimony that could be reduced. Go to the court hearing it is in your best interest
If it’s a summons, yes, you have to go.
You’d be in contempt of court and possibly could face jail time.
You can possibly get a warrant out for your arrest and they can deny anything you are asking for your child. The case could go in favor to your kid dad.
Yes you will, you can loose your child, he wins gets what he wants if your a no show. Courts will feel your jobs more important than your child, .
Dont want to miss work to go over your kids finances?.. even dealing with it for over a year?..pro tip: see it through to the end, and settle it, if its inconvenient for you, you should have gotten married before you had those kids, and it would have been settled in the divorce.
First I would call the court and try to change the date. If not possible I would definitely explain to your boss and go. If your boss says no I’d go anyway. If they did issue a warrant for failing to show up you might miss more than 1 day of work
You will be found in contempt of court, they’ll send out a warrant for your arrest (depending on how much you or him owe) and he could go after you and demand he stop paying because in his eyes, you really don’t care. He could also use your promotion against you and depending on how much you make now, can tell the court that you make more than enough to support your child.
Your best bet is to either call the courts and see if you can reschedule, or tell your boss you need that day off for court. In some cases, with some employers, you can take a paid day off.
Try to ask for them to call you when it’s your turn in front of the judge. Then you can step away at work for that time or take a lunch. But I’m my state, if don’t show up then you don’t have a say. They can make decisions without your input and could also just push the date back again. Best to go in some way shape or form.
Please talk to your attorney…I would not ask legal advice on here if your core audience are not lawyers. The most they can tell you is from their experiences. And that’s just that, their experiences
I quit going to mine in TN. The father usually never went and there was never any reason for me to be there other than to say no he’s still not paying. Nothing happened to me and they continued to enforce child support.
Call the day before and ask if your appearance is required, most courts only really need the obligee there
Most likely. When the Judge sends you an invitation,he expects you to attend.
If not going to work because you have diarrhea shooting out of you is a good enough excuse to get the day off work, going to something like this is a no brainer. If you don’t think the employer will be receptive to going to court to get the day off, tell em you have diarrhea
Explain the situation to your boss. He/she most likely would understand. Besides, employees are summoned to court to serve on juries all the time. Legal matters take precedence.
It’s different everywhere, there were some Court dates like that for me, that I wasn’t required to show up for because they had my financial info, but he was required to show or be in contempt
My ex didn’t show up to court and Child support got suspended until she did. And because she was scamming the system, and not very well, she didn’t go for years
Speak with your manager at work and they may allow you time off to settle your court hearing. If not, definitely speak to your attorney ( you’ve been dealing with this for a year). Every state has laws and may be different than some of the random advisers.
My attorney would just go to court for me with stuff like that so I didn’t have to miss work its worth a shot to ask
The judge will rule in the other parties favor, you will be in contempt and that could possibly land you in jail. Show your boss the summons, employers usually don’t fool with it, and it demonstrates responsibility on your part. ( Even though it’s obvious that you aren’t). If you think just going over the financials is a inconvenience, then try a contempt, you can wave this promotion goodbye. This child should be top priority, but anyway… good luck
You could forfeit everything, and have to start the filing process over, that’s what happened to us, we didn’t know we needed to be there at all
Generally speaking… you don’t go, he gets his way. Cool thing is that many courts allow you to ‘ Call-in’ and represent yourself via phone call—- especially during this pandemic… you just have to pre-arrange it with the court.
If you are the one that filed and dont show up, they will most likely just close the case and you get nothing. Just go
If you do not show up without contacting a judgement can be made which may or may not be in your favor.
If it concerns your child why would you even risk it? I’m not judging you, please seek legal aid.
They will rule in favour of the person who goes … very important to go … or send a lawyer on your behalf
It all depends on the state you live in, I would definitely call and
ask the proper procedures for a hearing of that nature
Really? Go to court if your work cant understand your child comes first you probably shouldn’t work for them. But maybe work is more important
What’s more important for you? Court, your child comes first. If you have been given a promotion work obviously like you and you are good at your job. Just explain to them and tell the truth.
You may forfeit your right to object or accept the support payment amount, and you may be fined. An easier way is to get your attorney to reset the hearing, or you could just go and get it over with. Or you could ask your lawyer if he could attend on your behalf w/o you being there.
Call the enforcement office who is handling your case to see if your presence is required. There had been several hearings that I’ve attended, missed a days pay just to find out ny ex wasn’t even served. If he has and you don’t attend they could end up changing the amount to something you don’t agree upon.
If you just got a promotion then take the day off and go. Never not show up. It’s not like you just started the job in your on a 90-day probation.
Hire an attorney. You need legal advice and someone who can show up to these things on your behalf. Comment sections are not the place for legal advice.
If you have court, most (not all) jobs will excuse it as long as you have the appropriate paperwork. Personally I would call the courts and speak to someone in administration to confirm if you have to attend or not. I know some courts in NJ allow you to attend the hearing over a phone call or via zoom. I’m not sure about other places.
Short answer: yes
Why: you’ve been demanding the father to support the child financially and NOW that your child has the opportunity to receive it, you don’t wanna go? Seriously?
Yes you will but you can call the JA and ask if the judge can conference you in because you can’t risk loosing your JOB
You guys are obviously not in any kind of agreement if you all are summoned to court. If you’re fighting/disagreeing with anything then the other party may just get what they want.
Don’t miss it without at the very least making sure your attorney is there and them telling you it’s ok. If you do not show up the judge will not be happy. You will likely lose by default so whatever changes your ex is trying to make he may very well get without you even knowing. Take a vacation/personal day or switch shifts with someone. Your child deserves it.
Don’t show, lose your case. Also, this has to do with your child, which should come above all else.
Sorry but if you make more money than the court adjusts it. I’m from Texas and if you do a no show they will adjust it. Did you think it would negate the child support? Seek counsel or lawyer from your state and don’t miss the court date.
You won’t be, but you’ll not get the money he should be paying so the fight was for nothing
Go to court. Seriously anything could happen if you’re not there.
Talk to your lawyer, but if it were me I wouldn’t just not go especially if I had been “dealing” with the issue for a long time.
Yes. You may be held in contempt and a bench warrant may be issued for your arrest.
Been through this too many times! Call them & tell them u can’t make it bc u have to work & and the stuff they need to them
Not sure if you’d be in contempt. But, they will impose a child support amount on you if you do not show with proof of income
You need to show up. Even if your ex doesn’t show up you need to show up. You may not be in contempt but you won’t know what is happening with your case and you need to be informed. Anything you need to do for your child is a valid reason to miss work. Your child is the most important variable in this equation and you need to show good faith to the courts and yourself.
No they will make a BRUTAL ruling on the other parents Favor. U should pay child support. Why go to court? Grow up. It’s not about u. It’s about your CHILD.
Sounds like you don’t have a choice you’ll be in contempt for not showing. Seek an attorney.
the judge will probably rule for whatever the father and his lawyer want… You can ask the court if you can sit in via telephone (I’ve had that happen) or if you can send your lawyer or family member to represent you.
Always do what you have to do for your children!!! They come first!!!
I lost my child support not showing up. The said child was sick with tbe flu and they dropped every dime. And then it took me almost a year to get a judge to even have another hearing to even get child support. Then they take into consideration you didnt show up, so probably feel you dont care or dont need the money. If you’re not going to go just drop the child support and go on your merry way. Stop wasting people’s time.
You have to attend or the judge almost always finds in the other party’s favour…
I believe you can hire a legal person to represent you like a lawyer or someone in your lawyers office that your lawyers designate.
He’ll be granted whatever he’s asking for. Get ahold of the courts and ask to be contacted via phone if need be. I’ve done that before
You won’t be in contempt but you may not get the support you’re entitled to. Ask your lawyer
Well regardless if you are in contempt or not, no judge will EVER think highly of you…
I would definitely have an attorney and MOST DEFINITELY SHOW UP FOR COURT.
I never go to mine… Because its through the cs office. They handle everything and im not required to be there