What qualifies as abuse?

Lady you sound a lil jealous


I feel it’s just play time🤷‍♀️


Whatttttt tf did I just read?!


It sounds like your man wants to be mister fun guy but hasn’t set clear boundaries! She doesn’t know when he is serious so him pushing her down out of anger was abuse in my opinion. Intent is everything! The kids need to know there’s a time and a place and when it’s time to get serious. However, it sounds like he threw a grownup fit instead of actually parenting.

You can’t use something as fun time then use it out of anger though. It is his job to create those boundaries and use his words. If he wasn’t mister fun dad all the time and did some of the hard parenting, she would know when he is serious. He pushed her down because he was pissed, that is not the same as roughhousing. I don’t step in when my husband is dealing with something and he doesn’t do it to me. It is important for both parents to establish some boundaries.

Sounds like your kids might be an issue
Sorry not sorry but your are nit teaching them to listen or be respectful
What happens when tbey do this to another kid or grandparent JS


Your kids are pushing it and need to learn how to stop. Your guy seems good, and it’s normal to get annoyed with kids who won’t stop.
This sounds standard for some rowdy kids and their dad.


My dad used to tell us to lick square batteries :battery: :rofl: just saying it’s probably abuse but at the time we probably found it quite funny


You need them to establish what is playfighting and when no means no to stop. It’s not abuse, at least he’s being active with them.


It sounds like the kids have to settle a bit . Make it known that once you say stop - it means stop .


This is totally normal behaviour, and the kids will be both loving it, and learning from it. It’s like when kittens play with mum and then she bites them… they always go back, but they’ve learned a boundary. It’s great to know that he’s a playful but firm dad, that is exactly what alot of kids are missing these days xx


Lol. If playing with his children is abuse…wtf is he supposed to do? Ignore them? This is not abuse. If you are worried about it, then the conversation you need to have is with all three of them. Sit them down and tell them, I dont mind if you rough house. But if someone gets hurt, you stop. when someone says no or stop, the rough housing stops, immediately. As the adult, you and your husband need to set that boundary. Your kids need to understand the words no and stop, and take dad seriously. It’s fine to play and rough house, but that’s also how people accidentally get hurt. I told mine, if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. If you get hurt, it’s your own fault for antagonizing each other. They should be able to recognize when dad has had enough, or they have had enough. And it’s important for them to make that connection. But when daddy says no, it stops immediately.


Are you kidding me? Abuse? Oh girl please. My husband and I both rough house play with our kids all the time. My husband will “trap” one of the kids while the sibling helps free them. They act annoyed and say stop and let go , and come right back for me. It’s part of the game.

You’re mental capacity is the same as as a 12 year olds.

This whole question is pathetic.


I gotta leave this page…:crazy_face::clown_face:


Explain to the three of them that stop means stop. If they ask to stop, he does. If he tells them to stop, they do. Your kids would irritate me and apparently I have the patience of five saints (according to my line manager). Your five-year old was being very silly and throwing things. Are they your kids (“my kids”) or the kids of both of you (our kids)? You make it sound like he’s no right to manage the kids. Take a firm front as a partnership and show where the boundaries are.

That is so ridiculous normal. Your blowing it out of proportion.


I feel sorry for the dad. This post is stupid!


Omg you need Facebook to sort this shit out?
No it’s not abuse.

The only issue I see is that the kids don’t listen when they are told to stop. The small shove probably startled your kid enough to realize they need to listen. I have four kids and we rough house and have tickle fights all the time. But I have taught them if someone says stop they have to stop. It teaches them to respect other people’s boundaries and that their bodies are to be respected if they don’t want to be touched anymore.


Your kids in my opinion are still so young, I personally don’t like “rough play” because what I have seen with my friends kids is one of the kids always gets hurt. Maybe when they are older? There are plenty of things to play with a 5 and 3 year old. Like I said this is my opinion. Your post is not stupid, your being a concerned parent.

This post is literally annoying af. Your child doesnt listen when boundries are set and was pushed back onto the couch and you want to ask if he abused the child!? Wtf.


Well you definitely need to teach them that stop mean stop especially if you have a little boy because he could run himself into a situation with a girl where she says stop and he just doesn’t get the picture just saying :woman_shrugging:t3:
He’s not abusive to the kids sounds like he plays with them more than my husband plays with my kids. They need to understand boundaries and that everybody has their limits and to respect those limits and boundaries.


Wow. If that’s abuse, I’ve been abused many times by all my siblings and both my parents. Ffs :woman_facepalming:t2:
Teach your kids that no means NO. And stop means DO NOT CONTINUE. I’d be pissed off if I was their dad and they kept doing that shit too. Maybe now she will listen and realise daddy said stop so I need to stop :stop_sign:

You would have a fucking aneurysm if you saw how my husband plays with the kids. Body slam on the couch, throws them around. They all gang up and jump on him, they wrestle. Yes they need to know stop means stop but to think him playing with the kids is abuse? Unreal

Yes your kids are abusing that man! … Teach them NO lol like he is trying to do.


Sounds like a good time honestly. My dad use to do this with me as well when I was a kid. Playing around and wrestling all of that. They’re playing. Kids often get into it and dont understand when it’s time to settle down and often have to be told to stop more than once when playing around. It sounds like the kids are just getting carried away to be honest. Abuse though?no. Hes just being a playful dad. Pushing your kid down on the couch? Well shit. I must be abusive too :woman_shrugging: I think when it comes to stuff like that, it’s not so much about what happens as much as the intent behind it. Was he pushing her down so she didn’t fall? Was he saying enough! And pushing her down as an assertive parent or was he just being a bully? See the difference?

You’ve got a father that actually spends time with his kids and you’re worried it’s abuse :rofl::rofl:. Your kids need to learn to listen to dad when he says no and they’ll have many great memories of playing with their daddy. Chill out and let dad enjoy his kids and the kids enjoy their dad.


Them playing together is great that will make for good memories.

I wouldn’t be too concerned with the push just sit down with all of them and say when daddy means it you need to listen and don’t keep trying to play. Tell get it.

I was like this with my stepdad we used to play around rough house and play games and stuff, we have the best relationship. The kids just need to learn boundaries.


You need to train your kids what happens when they go to school and do all this with other kids and the teacher not ok

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Sounds like your husband is the one getting abused!


Folks please stop being mean to this lady. She may not have grown up with this sort of play time. You haven’t walked in her shoes so please stop. Maam, this sort of play time was okay with me. Same with tickle time, screaming stop and going back for more. Did we get bumped and thumped, sure. But as someone else explained you learned unspoken boundaries :blush:. If you are frightened by this, have a talk with your S/O, and see where he’s coming from. I’m thinking this is harmless. Your kids will grow out of this anyway!


Wow. People are freaking dumb anymore. You need a reality check. Your kids need to learn when it’s time to stop, we stop. That wasn’t abuse. You are being ridiculous.


Abuse is with the INTENTION to hurt. Dad sounds like a great man- he plays with his kids and teaches them boundaries. Roughhousing is fun to kids. But as long as no one is hitting on purpose to do actual damage, then no, this is not abuse. An occasional spank/ swat when child is out of control is not abuse in my book either (bc these kids need it sometimes) If you’re teaching a lesson & not purposefully breaking an arm or leg, it’s not abuse.


Sounds like the little girl was getting to much to handle and she needed to chill. I’d sit my son’s little butt down too. Lol. Abuse is ment to hurt verbally or physically.

He sounds like a really great dad that his children adore. Maybe she was getting a little out of control and needed it. This does not qualify as a abuse, it’s just parenting. You two just have different styles and dads are usually more rough than moms anyhow.

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People are upset because stuff like this really downplays abuse. It’s like everyone wants to be convinced they are in the midst of a crisis and they are not.


Omg are you and this question serious I have all girls and they all rough housed like this and never thought it was abuse and I grew up without a father so get a grip on reality and get a life

I would have spanked her. Get your kids under control.

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Kids are axs holes, sometimes they deserve a good play roughhousing, or even shove!! :relaxed::joy::joy:

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Be a parent not a friend…their not gonna take you serious in anything you tell them later on…hopefully it ain’t too late to straighten them out…kids are like trees if u dont keep them straight when young…they gonna grow crooked then it’s too late…good luck…

Sounds like you need to teach your kids when enough is enough


He sounds like the Poppa Bear. If you’re really concerned go to couples counseling or a parenting class with him. From what you’ve described it doesn’t seem abusive. If you think he’s being too rough discuss it with him.

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I don’t think its abuse. My kids father is rough w them sometimes when they’re horsing around. I feel like I have to parent him and the 2 kids by saying when someone tells you to stop something or they are saying something hurts or they don’t like something you stop doing it and listen and respect what they are saying. Also, that this applies to them too. If they don’t like something, they need to be firm and clear about it no matter who you are talking to.

Definitely not abuse. They just need know when to stop my kids fathers rough housed with the kids they knew mama wasn’t the one to do it. They enjoy it. Memories being made. Don’t be concerned just let them know you are him when to actually stop

Not abuse in my opinion. Sounds like the kids need to be taught to stop when they are told. He didn’t hurt them. Maybe you could step in when this happens to help get the kids to understand that they need to stop when told to. Wishing you all the best.


Geez :roll_eyes: really?? Sounds like you want to make a case for the police and it’s just playing


Young one - no this isn’t abuse - look at it like puppies- you have to teach them when it’s okay to rough house and there’s a time to behave like lil’ ladies and gentlemen. As far as the adult - he sounds like a big puppy - he too has to learn - his strength - also how to change his voice and put hand up and say “stop” in his adult voice. I am not calling your family Dogs by any means sweetie- but in the course of my Career( worked with “high-risk” students 6-12gr) - it’s a little easier to relate about the lil’ ones.

What? Not abuse… lord

It sounds like YOU dont know how to put your foot down with your kids or correct them. Im on dads side :woman_shrugging:t2: once i say its done its done. Im the parent. Not the kids


Kids NEED rough and tumble play!

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It helps them develop their sense of physical boundries. They figure what what hurys, whats appropriate. Dad if fulfillinf his biological roll on their development! Sounds like youre both playing your rolls well😊


Need to teach ur kids when an adult says it’s time to stop then they stop. They are little and need to learn. Also dad needs to know when he says he is done to be done. It’s definitely not child abuse.

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Sometimes kids/dads don’t realize when enough is enough. Sounds like some boundaries need set when they ruff house. No one should get hurt.
Relax momma bear. Join the fun!

I don’t think it’s abuse but I feel like this from experience, my husband and daughter roughhouse all the time and I don’t see it as abuse but what concerned me was the fact that when they say stop he doesn’t and when he says so they have to comply!! When my husband did this I told him that was confusing to her cause he when they say stop he still plays so how should she, learning child, know what’s what??? There is a ton line here and boundaries need to be set! I spoke to my husband and explained it like this, when she gets older and someone is doing something foul, no matter what the case, and she believes that saying stop won’t work, because that’s how she grew up? He understood and when they play and she says stop he stops until she’s ready again… and he still does the whole get upset when she doesn’t stop when he’s done playing but he just tells her no mas in his serious tone lol

My youngest child wrestles my husband all the time. From what you’ve described, it’s not abuse.

Sounds like the kids are abusing him! They may think it’s all fun because you and him are allowing it, I’d be frustrated as well, have a sit down with the littles!


Men are supposed to be the rougher parent!! Jesus you’re too sensitive!! That’s the way they bond don’t ruin it! If you keep treating him like he’s doing everything wrong, you’re going to end up alone, with rotten kids… Karen.


They are playing. In my opinion he is being their father. My kids and their dad do this all the time. He is a wonderful man. Please don’t make this a big issue. If you do,you are the problem.


Is this a serious question :interrobang: like , honestly :woozy_face:


Sounds like he’s just playing to me.

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Girl that sounds funny and cute. Go make breakfast and enjoy your family lol


:joy::joy:… Relax, Babe. They aren’t abused. Omg.


For the people coming at her, she’s a learning parent. She doesn’t know. She genuinely is asking for advice. Not for people to bash her. It’s supposed to be a safe place for us


he pushed her on a couch from standing up to sitting down and you think that’s abuse after saying the kids don’t stop and hurt a lot with knees and elbows? what is wrong with you


I roughhouse way worse than this everyday with my 2 young boys 6and 2 and they LOVE it!!

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Not abuse at all it is called making your children mind. I am a frim believer in spare the rod spoil the child. If it would have been my son he would have been spanked and have to pick up the cards


Not abuse. They need that kind of play also to learn when to say stop. You’re way too sensitive. :helicopter::helicopter::helicopter::helicopter::helicopter::helicopter::helicopter: good lord. If they get hurt from playing, they will learn to not do it again.


You are reading way too far into this. Is he slapping them? Punching them? Degrading them? Beating them? Saying super hurtful things?
Nothing you said here constitutes abuse


It’s not abuse. It’s how they play. But the kids have to understand when it’s time to stop and be serious. Don’t be so sensitive mama. :black_heart:

All of it sounds like regular horseplay between kids and dad :woman_shrugging:t2: you’re over reacting.


Not abuse at all. My husband plays the same way with our kids, and my dad played the same with with me and my siblings. I think it’s just a dad thing :woman_shrugging:t2: my boys will literally be screaming for him to let them go but then run right back to jumping on him. It’s just craziness but they love it :joy::joy::joy:


Idk if this is abuse but he is teaching them to use their hands to solve problems instead of talking it out.


No it’s not abuse. Abuse is where you are using a fist on them are using a object. He sounds like he is playing with his children and that’s all.

Children roughhouse with their dads. That’s very very normal. My bio was abusive to my mom growing up BUT I remember being body slammed on the bed and being chased around the house, while laughing screaming and running, being held down and tickled and my dad would also put me in these arm holds and tell me to figure out how to get out in case someone was to ever hold me like that. If I said “stop” or “quit” he would. My son also plays like this with my step dad. No matter how many times he squeals he goes right back :sweat_smile: it’s normal

Are you asking if your kids are abusive or your husband?:sweat_smile:

In my opinion it’s just rough housing/ horseplay lol


How old are u ??? 22 years together and have a 5 and 3 year old …this letter sounds fake to me


This part of childhood is actually one of the many values dad’s bring to children. Lots of character building and boundary learning. This right here is one prefect example of why kids need fathers as much as mothers. You’ll know when it’s abuse. This isn’t it


Let that man be a father girl. He sounds like an amazing dad.


This is something I struggled with as a single mom and my kids rough housing with a close male friend.
Stop I’m done, is the word that is said and it means it’s done.
He knows the word and so do the kids, they will all scream, no stop, and then go back at it. I couldn’t handle that because no means no, and being alone at parenting for so long it bothered me. (I grew up with a dad who had girls, we didn’t rough house).
So using, stop I’m done, gets the point across because it’s not what they say when they are playing.
Plus it gives me peace in mind that they can rough house and If they have had enough it ends.

If the kids aren’t crying in pain it’s NOT abuse!

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Wow, just wow…also no

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That’s normal most Dad’s ruffhouse with there kids that’s just how they play, just be glad he doesn’t Ignore them

What he did wasnt abuse. Im very confused with this post. The only person being abused here is ur bf ur kids are hitting jumping on him and all. I feel so bad for ur bf if you think what he did was a abuse. If I was him I would leave. Learn what abuse is because you cleanly dont know.


That’s not abuse at all. It sounds like you’re reaching too much.

Really? Your looking for something to bitch about. Next time when your child doesn’t listen to her father reinforce the issue. He told her stop.:roll_eyes:

I’d be more concerned about your children hitting each other than your husband horse playing with them. It seems if the kids are still jumping on him after he says we’re done you need to set some boundaries. Your husband playing with the kids like that is a good thing, they’ll remember that one day. My dad was a serious man and never played with us. My husband plays with his kids this way and they love it, but when play time is over they know to stop. Under no circumstances are they allowed to hit each other even if they are just playing. That’s not a way to resolve problems between siblings.

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This is not abuse. If you’re kids are going back for more…they’re having fun. As for him getting irritated, I get irritated with my kids all the time lol

Tell him to stop and if he doesn’t don’t let him play alone with them lol and maybe your kids won’t roughhouse with each other.

Um I’m going to throw this out there but I think it works. Dad & kids need a safe word. That means DONE. Sounds like they’re just playing IMO. My husband would play with our girls. More tickling than anything cause he doesn’t want to hurt them but a safe word works.

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They’re just playing. That is NOT abuse at all.

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Sometimes my kids’ dad gets a little rough with the rough housing and it makes me nervous too. But the kids love it and no one’s ever really gotten hurt more than the average rough housing allows for. Plus it toughens them up a little. Like last week my son busted his face open jumping on (then off) the bed, and he barely cried or anything. Just sitting there gushing blood from his face and says to me “I think I need a bandaid”. No the kid needed his lip glued back together but took it like a champ even when the doctor was working on him.

To me it sounds like you’re just looking for something that isn’t there he sounds like an awesome daddy to those kids


Oh give over :rofl::joy::rofl: sure some of these are made up


You need to put your foot down and teach your kids not to be jumping on your husband like that, as well as he should too… if it’s not being corrected then there being taught it’s ok, we’re human and can only handle being attacked so many times… he isn’t being abusive, he moved her from jumping on him and she just happened to loose balance… it happens.

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Forcing a child to sit isn’t abuse. Neither is rigidity. Rough housing with them. If anything, it teaches then you stand up for themselves should someone else try to actually hurt them

That’s not abuse. Why are you reaching like this?


This is an over reaction. They are obviously enjoying it. Making your daughter sit is not abuse. Rough housing is not abuse and your kids are not porcelain. They will get bruised up playing. Smh


I probably rough house more with my boys then their dad does. I grew up with being the only girl and I had 3 brothers. We all rough housed with my dad. And I have 2 boys that I rough house with all the time. They yell stop and come running back for more.

You need to teach the children to be more understanding of his limits. He’s going way over boundaries to be gentle. Just because he is an adult means they can’t hurt him. He needs to be able to play with them and not feel like a punching bag. My boys would never been allowed to be that rough with their dad or me. They roughhoused with him but there was limits. You are labeling him abusive which is not ok.


Sounds exactly like my son’s dad. They’re just playing…