The bottom line is he’s 18. Yes, you and others may choose to see him as a child, but that doesn’t mean that’s what he is. Just like a child who can walk and speak in complete sentences is no longer a baby. Also, for those saying it won’t last because of the age difference, the odds would be just as high of the relationship not lasting, were he dating someone his own age.
I am 60 and my boyfriend is 30. Leave him alone. He will figure it out. She may be a good influence. She might keep him from drinking and driving or partying all the time. Parents are not always right. And yall keep your hateful remarks to yourself. Unless she is taking his money or getting him in trouble, let them be.
Get to know her. In my opinion that’s all you can do. He’s grown and making his own life choices. Support him and be there for him.
This is just my opinion!! Ya know I understand that age is just number but truth be told he’s not grown we as parents are still doing so much for our children at the age of 17 the moment they turn 18 so many think they they are now an adult yes legally he is but most don’t think like an adult. It really depends on how your relationship is with him I’m extremely close to my children and very very open we tell each other just about everything and we voice our opinions and we have always allowed them to voice theirs. If the two of you are close and can talk about anything then I would express my concern and he well voice his reply . You already know you really have no say in the end as he is 18. Sending you positive vibes in whatever choice you make .
Peter Pan syndrome. He will look at her as is mother someday. Not a good situation.
There’s absolutely nothing you can do, he is an adult and you can not control who he date .
But , ewwwwwwwww !!
In my opinion. She’s too old to be dating a 18 year old. Ugh. I’m a mom of two teenage sons myself. And I just don’t know what I’d do. I feel you mamma. … but really. It don’t matter what you say or do. They are gonna be together regardless. Good luck
my son did this right out of college and it did not work out well and they are divorced now and he thought he was a father and it turned out the child was not his
I honestly would have an issue if it were my son. Just being honest.
I am 37 a d could never date an 18 yo. They are all little kids to me still. I work with teens so maybe I have a different perspective. Even men in their early 20s is out of the question. but I think its gross the other way around too. If my 18 yo daughter dated a 37 yo I would question it.
Both of them should find people that are around the same age as them. What on earth does a 37 year old woman want with an 18 year old that is fit to be her son???
as a parent I didn’t care for the older woman who married my son at 19 but we all make our own mistakes and hopefully learn from them
Wth does a 37 year old have in common with a 18 year old ? I’ll never get it smh
Lets him grow up stop coddlng him
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Really nothing you can do … you can discuss your concerns… but really it’s none of your business… It’ll probably blow over pretty soon anyway
What a sick B&$@#… that’s so wrong on so many levels…an 18 year old is still a freakin child compared to a 37 year old…you can’t stop them but you can try…I definitely would…
I have a guy friend who is 27 dating an 18 year old. It’s weird. Just weird. If the 18 year old was older and that was the gap, that’d be a little different but somethings just not right there
She is a child predator dang he will end up hurt in the end you need too go too her grown self and stand for your son
he’s an adult there is nothing you can do so I would just support his choices so I didn’t push him away if I were you.
Let him be. If you do notice any red flags pop up, let him know your concerns. Age alone, however, is not. (There’s 20 years between my in-laws and never an issue.)
I got one for you. My brother who is 37 is dating a girl who is 18 and now she’s knocked up and they live in a home made shed as soon as she turned 18. Hes controlling and she’s got everyone wrapped around her finger like she does or says nothing wrong. Yet, I’ve learned her!! I kno age is nothing but a number but damn!!
My youngest son is 19 and I would be livid. That lady is old enough to be his mom. I would ask her what her intentions are. Just because he is 18 and legal doesn’t mean he is mentally/emotionally ready for a child predator like that. Yes I said what I said. This just makes me upset because I’m trying to visualize my son in this situation and how I wouldn’t handle it good at all. There is nothing good about this.
Don’t worry it wont last!
You need to stay out of it. The only way you should get involved is if she is introducing him to drugs, doing other dangerous things or is taking advantage of him by taking his money. If any of the above are happening you need to have a conversation with him about it. While having the conversation you need to remember that he is and adult and should speak with him as such. You can tell him that you think he is going to end up getting his heart broken. I doubt that it will change anything. At his age he is learning many years things. Although he may end up heartbroken, in the future he will remember the time he spent with this lady with fondness, as she is introducing him to things he has likely never experienced.
I think it is weird at age 37 to date an 18 year old, whose brain is not fully developed yet. However you need to be mindful on what you say and not risk alienating him from you. At age 18 we are still impulsive and think we know everything. I would arm him with the facts about dating someone whom is approaching 40 in 3 years. On a funny note, you can rest assure he won’t be out bar hopping with her at all hours of the night, since he is not even old enough to get into bars .
aww heck no i have a son who is 14. soon he will be 18. i would pull her to the side and tear that woman apart. make her leave him alone. i would destroy it any way i can.he’s only 18 she is too old and using him.
I’m 34 and my son is 17 this year I find this rather disturbing and can totally see where you are coming from . She must be sick in the head to find that normal ? Like does she not have kids herself ? I’m 34 and partner 28 and I thought that was a to big of age gap and people would judge but ppl still ask if I’m 25 plus he is an adult but I couldn’t imagine dating someone my sons age that’s just wrong I don’t know what you could do because I’d loose my shit if my son dated someone older then me when he is still basically a kid . Good luck lovely x
Whatever you think if I were you, I would not say anything because if you do it will cause your son to stray, just stay out of it, if he ends up getting hurt he will figure it out.
While odd, there is nothing you can do. Perhaps try to get to know her. Maybe she doesnt have any bad intentions. Just because she is older doesnt mean she is a bad person or has bad intentions. You never know you and her could become good friends too.
leave them alone one or the other will soon get fed up or you could end up falling out with him
Keep lines of communication open and be open be there for him to talk to and help guide him etc. conversations around manipulation etc
What the HELL does a 37 yr old woman want with an 18 yr old CHILD . IM 41 And baaaaabyyyyy ain’t nothing an 18 yr old can do for me OR when I was 37 wowww
isay useing him for favors n $
My son as a teen was dating someone my age. I said nothing. It lasted less than a month when he decided to end it. Just be supportive of him and it won’t be long before she tires of the teen.
I’m 51 my boyfriend is 26 we’ve been together since he was 18 a lot of ups and downs but I can say for sure in the end his family trying to prevent him from being with me WHILE SEEING MY TRUE VALUE only ended up pushing him to wanting me more…. Each situation can be different Blessings to you and your family
He’s old enough now.Let him be.If he’s happy let him be happy.
Break that shit up. Hell no. She might as well be his step mama. He is eight TEEN. Sure he is a legal adult but until he is TWENTY, then he isnt a teenager anymore. Ask questions on why she would want your baby as her partner and lover?? That makes my blood boil.
Talk to her and tell her how you feel, once she knows this it will give the situation more clarity. You choose to do it alone with her or with him but she needs to know or is not fair on their relationship. good on you for being acceptive of him.
He’ll no is my son going with a woman 19 years older then him when he’s a kid himself! That woman is disgusting!
Him being 18, with that much of an age difference in a relationship, yeah I would also be concerned! Man or woman, doesn’t matter. They’re at very different places in life! I’m 35 yo and NO WAY on earth I’d date someone younger that 30-32 yo, as “nice” as she might be, just NO. And this is coming from a woman who married someone 17 years older than her, at age 30.
It’s none of your business. He’s an adult now. Let him live his own life. Get off his back.
Oh snap! I have sons close to this age. What in the heck does a 37 yr old woman emotionally have in common with an 18 year old man?? Don’t answer that!
Seriously though, does she have an 18 yr old mentality? I could understand if he was 28 and she was 47. 38 and 57 but… 18?? Yea, I’m with you mom. I would have concerns.
Way he comes on don’t always flatter her, but he can play the game all night, and never get to much. The boys first and the only woman, he likes his meat well done.
He has his whole life ahead of him and she’s well… lived a good chunk of hers. I’m not saying she still doesn’t. But mentally they are in completely different places.
How they act, react, ect. How they handle different situations.
18 and 37.
Nooo way.
The more resistant you are about it at this age and stage of your son’s life, the more you’ll just drive him to her. Just be honest with your son about your concerns and worry as you have done all through his life in a loving supportive way, letting him know that you’re there and you aren’t taking a position on what he does, that you just want him to be happy and safe and healthy and want what’s best for him and you respect his decisions and you’re willing to support him with whatever that is
Time will tell, older women are better in bed and are hopefully less dramatic and clingy. Hope she is a good women.
He’s 18, you can’t but the good news is that in time he’ll decide to move on most likely, especially when he wants a family. My husband of 30 years is 19 years my senior. Good news is it’s unlikely to result in a child tying him to her permanently paying child support. Step son did this but he outgrew her.
Mind your own dating life. Hes grown. U live and u learn.
Just have a talk with him. Be transparent but don’t make him feel like you are restricting him. Just tell him to be careful is all
They are both adults
They are both employed
Cut the apron strings
He’s 18 just leave him be, unless he is super mature for his age it’s only going to last so long… No point rocking the boat over it.
Just advise him not 2 rush things to fast. Its’ great advise in any relationship. If it seems serious, tell him u’d like 2 get 2 know her better since she is important 2 him.
I’m wondering how many women saying this actually have a son and how many of y’all would feel this same way if it was a daughter??
Okay, first and foremost: she is a “woman” not a girl. She is literally old enough to be his mother. If they had met 2 years ago, she’d have to register as a sex offender.
I think she is way to old for him. I’d b wondering what does she want wth my son
Give him your input and then stay out of it or else he will push you away!
He is a legal adult it’s perfectly fine to be worried but you have to let him find his own feet without you there by his side. If something goes wrong he will learn from this and make better decisions.
As a mother we worry it problay will work it sel out.
He has to live and learn…
Maybe try and spend time together as a family group…you will soon work out what her intentions are and it may settle your mind a little and give you some clarity…
It will either work or not.
Just be there for him either way… goodluck mumma
they are both in their sexual prime, he will get over her eventually
Id be more concerned he is dating someone he works with! I am a firm believer in NOT Shitting where you eat!! Age is not and should not be a deciding factor however dating coworkers to me is an issue and 9/10 times only brings drama cause loss of jobs! I dont even make friends at places I work!
I’m 35 and I would never, that’s gross
I think a 37 yr old woman dating an 18 yr old is strange. Woman tend to be more mature and usually are attracted to older guys. Since she is attracted to your Son I would have concerns with emotional or mental stability. Keep your eyes and ears open but don’t push him away with criticism. Keep communication open so he can discuss an issues with you.
My husband is 31 I’m 50 we have been together since he was 22 I was 42
As he is 18 , it’s his choice who he is dating reguardless of the age difference
She is a predator. End of story.
This “girl” is a woman. I find this disgusting and would if genders were reversed as well. No functioning adult would want to date an 18 year old.
Please pray on this b4 u act! Seek a clear mind and decision making. You will Always be his Mamma❤
I’m almost 27 and would feel really weird dating an 18 year old (and yet my daughter’s father is 9 years older than me ).
I was 19 when I met him and it didn’t bode very well for my mom to butt in. It’s very understandable that you are concerned as it’s a massive age difference but it either won’t last long or they are soul mates. Have an adult conversation with him about your concerns and that you are there to talk at any time. Advice whenever or a shoulder if it doesn’t work out… but don’t forbid him under any circumstances. These are his choices to make and lessons to learn so just be there when he needs/allows it. 18 is a tricky age. I wish your family the best <3
Ewww that to me is gross. And she is a full grown woman, not a girl.
It’s not your business
Just leave it, you’ll end up with your son most likely pushing you away. Things will either work or they won’t but these are his lessons to learn.
You got to let him live and learn but she dirty for dating such a young man. He just turned legal.
She’s 2 old 4 that boy- now if she was 3-4 yrs older that wouldn’t be bad but she isn’t
Thats wrong huge age gap there
He has a good heart says his mom so he don’t need a young girl he is more mature so he will be a better man with a mature woman to teach him about life give her a chance you may be surprised u may like her
Eww. IM 37, I would never look at a 25 year old, or a 30 year old. If a grown woman is willing to date about an 18 year old, she is sus and a creep.
Talk to him about your concerns and how you really feel, also let him know that he can always come to you if he ever needs someone to talk to. He is 18, he needs to learn the realities about life but to also make good wise decisions. The moment you step in and try controlling him you will only push him away and it will result in him hiding things from you which will not end well.
It most likely will die out. This will be an ultimate test and experience. This will let him know if he is ready for a serious relationship. She is not going trap him. He is young. Just let it play itself out. He will either learn a hard lesson or get a chance to experience life in the raw form and grow from it. Do warn him about not confusing sex with Love. If not he may end up feeling stuck and unable to move on emotionally.
Um this is disgusting. I’m 35 and can’t imagine dating anyone under 29 AT LEAST and probably still wouldn’t, because I have a 6 yr old and want a mature, responsible, positive influence. What In the hell could she possibly have in common with an 18 yr old young man. She is literally old enough to be his mom…
Idk…I’ve known successful marriages that survived the test of time with way older ladies than their mates. My brother is with a girl 9 yrs older than himself.
Nope I’m her age and have an 18 year old myself. It’s a big nope from me!!
Have her over for dinner and get to know her before making any judgements. Unfortunately we cannot choose our children’s spouses!
Sorry but he is 18 there is absolutely nothing you can do about
Let him be
That’s what he likes
Not really sure why a full grown woman would be interested in dating an 18 year old. I cannot imagine they would have much in common unless she is very immature. I would not be comfortable with this if it were my son, but like you said there’s not much you can do about it. Just be there for him if she decides to break his heart.
He will eventually leave once he notices a change in their maturity
She is too old n he’s too young!!! He haven’t had any experience n don’t know anything about life!!! She’s going to take him for a ride n have his young heart n her hands like putty!!! I hope she don’t hurt him or use him up!!! He really need to date someone n his age range though!!! I would b concerned too!!! Bc she has bn around the block a time or 2 n she will know just how to manipulate him n control his emotions!!!
He’s 18, he’s an adult. You don’t really have a say in the matter - Talk too him, voice your concerns and then let it go. He will have all info (or opinions, whatever) and can make his own decision with (hopefully) eyes wide open
Trust that your awesome parenting skills worked and don’t stress itl only make u sick. Keep talking to your son so u no what’s going on.
I’d be livid. She’s a predator… what, did she wait for him to turn 18? Gross.
Age is nothing but a number, that’s what my husband always tells me. Besides you cant choose who your kids date or far in love with. Get to know her before you judge her. Good luck momma.
That just shouts pedophile too me. Just wrong
Omg!! No way…sorry that has shocked me she’s old enough to be his mum…I would jump on to this asap.
Won’t last.
Young guys like experimenting with older women for a while until the kink is over.
Am I the only one thinking why a 38 wants to be with an 18 yr old? Why can’t she find someone her own age?
Leave alone what will be will be
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I usually don’t mind age. This would be a stretch though as I’m 38 and my oldest daughter is 18.