follow the husband’s rules. She knew what they were & you would be enabling a possible drug habit otherwise!!!
I’d petition the court to hold the money until she’s 30. Grown up enough to handle the responsibility.
Your husband sounds like a smart man. It must be difficult for him to stand his ground with his daughter. You need to back him up and stand behind him. He needs your support to stay strong . Please don’t enable this young girl and end up sabotaging your husband’s efforts.
Stand your ground along with husband, I can guarantee that if she gets a hold of the bank card or all the money it will be gone in a heartbeat. Besides I can guarantee that it’s the boyfriend that will take that money.
She’s. Actually not a. Child. At 17 .only by law.
I’d see an attorney and look into putting the money in a trust she can’t access til she’s at least 21. Maybe the boyfriend will disappear when he realizes she won’t be seeing that money anytime soon and she’ll get her life back on track.
Your husband is right make her wait.
Stick to your guns. She needs your assistance or the boyfriend will spend it all. She will thank you later.
You will have to give the money back when she quit school.
I will keep my nose out of it it’s his daughter bottom line is his decision
I think you’re husband is right. Why contribute to an already bad situation?
Stick to your guns , go through this beside your husband. When she is 18 and not doing the right thing that’s on her .
At least get a free consultation from a lawyer. See what the possible scenarios might be. It’s probably a good idea to have a paper trail of this too. Eventually,
the money will run out and then the boyfriend is probably going to be more of a jerk.
Hold out. They can’t afford a lawyer and poverty is a great attitude adjuster.
Stay out of it like your husband handle it.
She knew the rules, now time to grow up!
The money stops when she 18 and out of the house
I’m with the husband. It’s not her money until she is 18.
I would find some way to keep the money in savings even longer, the boyfriend will take it all
Leave it in the bank. If anything happens to her you will always be looking back to blame yourself what if?
Stick to dad word.when the money is goin so is he.
Do not give in! She will loose the social security once she is 18 because she is not going to school. Technically the money is his to support her, clothes shoes, rent, utilities gas for car ect…
Stand by your husband. And she can’t do anything anyhow if she is still 17.
I would go to court and try to hold that money till she is 21. And make the court conservator over it so he doesn’t have the control and doesn’t have to her her complain
Be damned. 18 is 18… let her kick & scream… not too much u can do after that…
I think your husband is right. What is she going to do after November and all the money is gone?
Do not draw it out stick to your guns If you give into them they are gonna think that I’d they throw a fit they will get whatever they want
Stick to what your husband says you two should be in one accord
She shouldn’t get it. Boyfriend wants to get his hands on it. He’ll blow it.
Whose the parent and whose the child???
Tough love, she wants to act on her own, she can earn on her own
Stick like glue to your husbands decisions getting in the middle would be a big mistake page 8 has some information about keeping money intended for the child if they are not under your care and control. I would report the change of living address for her and see what SSA says about her funds. The money is intended to care for the child so it may impact what they want done with the money or how she qualifies.
Support her dad and hope she comes to her senses by the time she turns 18.
Stick with dad! Keep the money in a savings account. I would keep it past 18 and make them proof their pudding and take me to court. Most likely a judge would see the bs and allow it to sit till she’s 21 or something. I would protect those finances for her. One day she will realize he is a jerk. Real fast by my thinking as soon as he learns he’s not getting his hands on that money without a fight!
If give you into her now…you will be giving her what she demands for the rest of your lives…Good Luck and hope you seek the answers you need…
Tough love stand with your husband !
Nope…let her learn early there are consequences for her actions.
Stick to your guns. Do what is best for her even if she wants her way
Don’t interfere He is doing tough love
Stick with your husband let him handle it !
Your husband is doing the right thing stand with him this is the real world deal with it young lady…
Let her dad handle it…he’s song what’s best for her. If you live under my roof…you follow my rules!!!
Stay strong and follow your husbands wishes!!!
Do not play into her hands!
Listen to the hubby he is trying to do the right by her
Listen to your husband let her take him to court. Looks like she doesnt have the money to do it.
Hopefully she find the boyfriend out before she turns the age to get the money and for her safety .
Don’t do it, you will be enabling her. If she can’t follow the rules, she must find her own way.
It time your Husband take him to hospital for few weeks !!!
Tough love. Dad doing the right thing
She knows the rules. You stick to your word.
Her Dad is correct leave it alone
Stay out of it. Her father is right.
No way she new the rules let hur suffer
Go with your husband as he is doing what is right
Don’t let her have it , he will waste her money, and be gone!
Looks like you need some Counseling by a therapist!!
Stay strong with your husband.
I believe what your husband is doing is right ,stand by his decision.
Dad’s got a good plan
Not your kid. Let the dad deal with his kid
Listen to your husband the girl is wrong
She’s acting like a spoiled brat…in love😅
I think your husband is right.
Stick to Dad’s decision. Tell her to go ahead and Sue you.
Be by your husband side and let’s him take care of her and make a good decision
Boyfriend is the problem! Hopefully she’ll realize that.
Listen to your husband don’t give in to her
Stick with what your husband wants!
I would stand with your husband on this,
Stand with your husband!
Support your husband’s decision
Stand with your husband.
Hold out like your husband…
Leave decision to her Father
I would tell her she does not get it until she graduates.
Let your husband stick to his guns kids today want everything let him do what he’s been doing
Your step daughter, his blood daughter. His business, you stay out of it!!!
Let her wait your husband is right she wants to play house let them get jobs dont give in.
sounds like a dad with his head on right
It is amazing what people will put online. Really sad.
Stand with your husband.
Whatever you do don’t go back on what he said to begin with
Don’t overstep your husband’s decision. He’s doing the right thing.
Stand with your husband.
Side with her father. Actually she’s lucky that she still getting a check because she quit School social security has the right to stop the checks at any point in time. It sounds like the boyfriend just wants the money
Back up your husband!!
Stand with your husband.
Stand by your man…he’s right
Support your husband’s decision!
Dad is doing what’s best.
He is right hold firm
The daughter is in a stit
The boyfriend can’t wait
Your husband is right
Put a warrent out on her arrest, quit contacting and sending money.
Stick by your husband’s rule.
Side with your husband
stick with your husband…
I’m with the dad on this