What should I do?

He is literally talking to himself

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All these people saying leave, no. He’s your husband, through sickness and health. He needs help. It’s not going to be easy for anyone but if you really love him, help him. If you leave, he’ll get worse. Even if you don’t want to be with him anymore, ALWAYS be his support. Get him help


Stay away from him when he’s drinking. Or just agree with him even though you know it’s not true.

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Tell him to get help or he’s leaving and you know he’s not coming back

You leave. That’s what you do.

Drunk words are sober thoughts LEAVE


Leave! Run! Get the hell out of there. This is not ok

He needs help…not you…he has to accept he does and be willing to accept help… until then…it will never end…seek legal advice…

Give him an ultimatum. Stop drinking or you’re leaving, and mean it.

Girl it’s time to go he is the problem and don’t look back you will find someone that will treat you right and don’t settle for less than you think you deserve

Been in this type Marriage…Never Again will a man ever talk to me let alone treat me this way…Its Called Gas Lighting…Unless you are willing to live this way nothing is ever gonna change period…He needs some help and sounds like he needs it fast…Also if you have Children they should not see this type behavior from him…God Bless and Sending some :pray::pray: For You and Him


Do whats in ur heart

Tell him to get help or you’re leaving. And then if he drinks again, LEAVE. Sometimes it take hitting rock bottom for alcoholics to seek help. By staying, you’re enabling him because he sees no consequences for his actions

Get the hell out of there now !! You deserve better know your worth !!

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You do know what to do, pack your bags, tell him to F off and go have the life you deserve .

Sounds like he needs AA and to stop drinking if he csnt do that then you need to leave. That is called gaslighting. Nothing will ever change unless he gets help. You say hes a good person when he doesnt drink make him pick wait until he is sober and tell him me or alchohol. But knownyour self worth. You dont deserve this because h3 choses to drink.

Divorce him. That’s abuse and you shouldn’t put up with it nor do you deserve it.

He needs help or you need to leave.

Leave him. If he won’t stay sober you can’t be happy together.

They say love is blind but it ain’t stupid, we’re not the ones living your life . Only YOU can do what needs to be done we can all say do this do that but YOU are the only one who can make the choice, YOU choose to stay, nothing we can do or say can change that until YOU choose, YOU have choices up to YOU

Oh my god just divorce hin. And move on. You deseve better

Talk to him while he’s sober, tell him how you feel when he drinks (if he doesn’t remember what he’s saying…most don’t tell him and if he doesn’t believe you record the next conversation you have with him while he’s drunk). That maybe enough for him to decide to go to rehab and AA, I do agree with the others you need to go to AlAnon and get the support you need even if you chose to not stay with him. I hope everything works out if you can work things out or if you don’t.

Move out and move on.

You can find a man , a good man that isn’t so shitty to you. And shitty in general

Look that’s a form of abuse! 2 to be exact! Verbal and emotional! If you can’t get away from him soon, it’ll turn physical. There are stages to what he’s going thru. I learned this in a recent class, I took. Based on behaviors, it may not end well… get outta there while you can gurl :pray::crossed_fingers::innocent:
You’re smart enough to realize, he’s going thru something. Smart enough to know, that you can’t take it anymore.

I stayed in my first marriage like yours for 15 years before I got enough and divorced him. So happy I did I met my second husband and really found happiness and you can to

Get out, you do not have to live like that.If you leave he might wake up.

It’s never going to change as long as he’s still drinking. I’ve seen it first hand as it happened to my mom and it didn’t get better until my dad quit drinking. Bc of this I’ll never trust drunks as far as I can throw them. Either he gets help or you leave.

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That’s domestic abuse, get rid of him. He can’t stand himself so he puts it on you to make him feel better

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It’s time to say “Goodbye.” You are worthy of truly being loved.


And your still with him for his sparkling personality right? (Because everything else is a bust) please think of yourself, your dont deserve any of that. Take it from a drinker, no one has the right to abuse you, drunk or sober. Abuse is abuse!!!

Put his clothes in black trash bags on the front lawn and be done with that bullshit.

I know we’re supposed to say “try counseling” or “maybe he can go to rehab to get off the booze” but imo, leave. If he truly wants you he’ll change and maybe you guys can work on things but in the meantime you need to do you.

Leave that mfer, now


They say the most honest people are kids and drunk people. He needs to get help and you need to get out.


You know what you need to do.

Seems like he’s projecting his insecurities onto you.

That’s still wrong. Love doesn’t mean tolerating that behaviour. He’s gotta start loving himself. And you have to love yourself enough not to allow anyone to treat you that way. Obviously big changes need to be made so it doesn’t become a habit.


Move on boo, NOBODY deserves to be treated that way!!!

Leave the burger alone…

Leave, he’s trying to blame all his problems on you, ( it’s what alcoholics do) the times he’s nice isn’t worth it, you deserve better! And my FIL used to say when someone says these things( drunk or sober) they mean them!


Abusive while drunk is still abusive

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Through sickness and health. Addiction is a sickness. Get him help and the chance to quit drinking for good. If he doesn’t accept the help or work towards recovery then leave.

You are not responsible for him and his actions. If he can’t get help then leave.

You know what you should and have to do. That is NEVER ok to say or do. You need to leave before something worse happens.

Throw his ass out until he can get help and realize his addiction and behavior will no longer be tolerated. He has to hit rock bottom and want to be sober for this to work.

wow! Don’t you dare let him transfer his insecurities over to you! Listen to what he’s saying to you. You work from home, so he wants you out of the house to work. Why? This man is a piece of work. Get rid of him honey. Get yourself a life without his turmoil. It will be such a relief to you to see how he pays rent, utilities, groceries, car gas, medical, and whatever is needed to function in life without a job! He is using you honey. Trying to make you feel worthless while you are supporting him. Also, you are enabling him to drink, because he has to be using your money to do so.
Get out if there . If you can support him, you can certainly take care of yourself with no problem!! Don’t look back. Just keep going forward to a much better life!!


Maybe try separating for a little while and see how it goes.

Know your worth. You deserve more. You deserve better. You are a strong, independent, intelligent, brave woman. Leave. And find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

You don’t need that. Get away and grow!

my ex was a full blown alcoholic.

RUNNNNNNN and do not look back!! IT DOESNT GET BETTER.

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Why are you with him?

Divorce him. He is toxic. Your self worth is far greater than stuck with a man who doesn’t know that!


Don’t let the door hit you while your leaving. Find yourself. You deserve peace.

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When they tell you who they are…… listen and run!!!
This will not get better!!

Alcohol is a truth serum. They drink for courage to do what they can’t otherwise. He’s telling you how he truly fees about you. Obviously it’s nothing. You and your children deserve better. Do better. Tell him to leave. God bless


If he knows he’s abusive when he’s drunk and still drinks, then he acknowledges it and allows it. It sounds like he has done nothing to get help, either.

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Leave the drunk SOB!


You leave him, that’s what you do. It won’t get better. You have to make the choice to put you and your children first, because he’s obviously not. He won’t quit drinking unless he wants to and is ready to quit. He obviously isn’t at that point yet.


addiction isn’t personal even tho it feels like it! and it life long so do you want fight that battle if so you have navigate it when it horrible if not that ok to you deside!!!

Don’t wait years and years for things to get better. You deserve a life too It .took me a while to realise that bit for better or worse is not for you to take the crap off him when things don’t go right It took me to.my.late 30s to say enough is enough.
Just started getting on with my life then got struck down with a neurological condition and 2 small kids. Ended up on my own but if I had left him sooner I may have had a chance of a loving relationship with someone else and not be on my own now.

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Leave🤷‍♀️ Don’t let him use the alcohol as an excuse for his behavior. It’ll just get worse and eventually the yelling could turn into domestic violence

It’s time to let him go. He is abusive. Let him see what it’s really like without you.

Tell him to get sober and if he won’t then leave. You don’t deserve to be treated that way by anyone let alone your husband.

I’ve been through a similar situation and had a damn near identical conversation with my now ex. That turned into him berating me daily and then him turning on my child and berating her as well… that was the last straw for me. As much as you care for him, you deserve better! Most alcoholics don’t change. There are up’s and down’s, until you hit the downhill slope and then it’s all down’s.

Divorce sign them papers, you will be happy alone, then be in a marriage unhappy.

Hell nah boo…get outta that toxic waste dump of a man :100:


He brings nothing to the table, so remove him from yours.


Stop doing things for him. Tell him to kick the rocks! I’d leave if it was me.

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Pack your shit and leave woman!! No matter how much you love that man - you need to love yourself more and get as far away from him as you possibly can!
There is NO EXCUSE in the world that could EVER justify verbal and physical abuse!
If he is NOT willing to seekout some form of Medical, Physiological, and Employment assistance - What advise or personal experiences (first hand horror abuse stories both verbal and physical) can we share with you to free you from this situation??

He needs help now. If he doesn’t seek help tell him he’ll have to leave untill he’s sober. I’d never let anyone speak to me that way, let alone my husband.

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OK, he is a alcoholic & that isn’t going to change, You are being abused, if you cont. what to lIve that way, stay with him, If you don’t then leave him, Why even ask, what you should do???

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Leave girl. There’s life beyond him…

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If he thinks you’re so awful. Leave him. Find someone who sees your worth

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They say a drunk tells his true feelings! You need to leave do not allow him to bash you like that you deserve better!

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It gets old! One thing you can count on is he’ll never change so you need to decide how many years you want to put up with his behavior. Leopards don’t change their spots. Don’t do like me and put up with it for 41 years.

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Time to hit the road! You deserve better.

I’d say it’s time yo kick him to the curb

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Sorry if this was my husband i kick him out, it’s abuse and it’s not right!

Being with an addict is not worth your time or love , you deserve better and will get better when you leave , he’s abusive doesn’t matter sober or not abuse is abuse and leave before he gets too drunk.one night and either seriously harms you or kills you

Find someone better!

If nothing works( therapy). Leave!!!

My ex was like this- RUN! Get the F out of there!!!

Without you realizing that it’s happening YOU are enabling him make it straight forward tell him you either get sober and enjoy our family together or he leaves until he can get sober period don’t let someone else’s vice control your life and happiness sending positive thoughts and vibes :heart:

Nonsense!! Nothing is always wrong from the other person! It is usually the troubled person who can’t be responsible for his own actions! Try to speak out, tell him to stop blaming YOU for his own problems. I am sure that his drinking is setting him off, NOT You!! Suggest he go to AAA or get professional help for both of you, but if he doesn’t change, leave! Life is too short and tedious to spend in a hateful, bitter relationship!

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As a recovering alcoholic, you need to go to ALANON.

You can want him to seek help, but until his pain gets great enough, he won’t change.

If he doesn’t get help, he will likely die of cirrhosis at an early age. Drunks are the most miserable people, but I can assure you that the shit I said when I was drinking, I didn’t mean. Alcohol turns you into a totally different person. I think you need to weigh your options here. You can leave, which is certainly the easiest, or you can go to alanon because despite things being really bad right now, you know it’s not always bad.

Give him an ultimatum. Quit drinking or you leave. Or leave till he gets sober. I was that alcoholic and stress was a big trigger. He won’t stop unlike wants too. Alcohol not an excuse to treat you like that fr

I dated someone like that. I left him 2 years ago and have been way happier since.

3 words…… LEAVE HIS ASS!

Sounds like he is his own worst enemy and it’s probably not even you. He’s reflecting his own issues onto you. He needs some counseling

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He’s abusing you, you don’t deserve to be treated like that. Do some research on narcissistic abuse. That’s what I did and it changed my life. I got away from my ex husband(who did the same thing to me that yours does to you). Go to a place that helps people dealing with domestic violence. They’ll help you. It won’t be easy but it’s worth it. You’ll be so much happier and healthier.

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Get rid of him!!! It’s never going to get better. It’s only going to get worse. RUN!

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A little narcissistic
Leave him nobody deserves to be spoke to like that

This was my husband, next came the physical abuse. But I eventually didn’t keep my mouth shut, I just confirmed what he would say… yep I’m a bitch, yep I’m worthless cause I have a job and you don’t, yep I’m lazy that’s why your clothes are clean, and you have food in your stomach… run!

Pack up and leave this guy before the abuse gets physical! And it will!!!

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He’s insecure And lashing out. I’d hell him to either go to rehab to leave.

I’m sorry this is happening to you.

HE IS AN ALCOHOLIC !!! Rehab or out of the house !! THE kids don’t have to go through that !!! And You don’t either!!!Your To good to him !! And PLEASE DON’T Think it will get better!!! it will not !!!And Don’t Leave the house either You get that for you and the kids !!!PROTECT YOUR FAMILY FROM HIM !!! GOOD LUCK !!! PRAYING FOR YOU GIRL !!!:pray::pray::heart::heart:


Get out now, it’s hard at first but this time next year you’ll realise it was the best move you made. What a jerk!


Nope. That’s abuse. I would be gone.

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