What should my fiances kids call me?

My son called me by my name for ages… I didn’t have any other children at the time so he only heard people call me Emma, it didn’t bother me, they know that you’re their mum. They figure it out eventually. Just let your step children decide what they want to call you. Xx

I told my step son to call me miss mandy until he wanted to call me something else. He lives far away from us with his mom, so sadly we don’t get to see him as often as we like. However, I have a 6 yo from a previous marriage, and she calls him daddy because he’s been in her life since she was 3.

Whatever that are uncomfortable with, including your first name which shouldn’t be considered an offense. My 13 yr old son calls my husband by his first name but introduces him as his other dad

The way I see it,the chil has the right to chose what they want to call you,they can’t be forced to call you mom because your not their mother,so your first name is all they have

My partners son is 15 and he calls me by my name, and I have a 3 year old, she knows my name if I ask her who Kelly is but she knows to call me mum.

What does everyone else call you? Lol our oldest calls everyone honey because we call her and each other honey and sometimes calls her dad “babe” because I do lol I get not wanting your kids calling you by your name but they’ll learn! Idk what you expect them to call you besides your name? Auntie lol stepmommy

Not the same situation, but I have had an in-home daycare since my almost 15yo was 1. All my daycare kids call me Brandy, but my kids have never called me by my first name.

My grandson called his Dad by name because everyone else does. LOL. We gently corrected him and now he knows the difference.

It will just be a learning experience for your 2yo, they are smarter than we give them credit for!

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I have two boys aged 13 and 10 with an ex. I have twins of 3 with my partner and they have always heard my older two call their dad by his name. They don’t seem to question it or be confused

My step kids call me by my name however ive asked when speaking about me to my kids they say “your mom”. Made a huge difference with my littles and the way they comprehend names.

My stepdaughters call me “Lisa” and my four year old calls me mommy! I personally don’t see anything wrong with them calling you by your first name… Or you guys can come up with a nickname or some thing that suits the whole family

Whatever they want to call you, whatever they feel comfortable with. I have 3 step kids and our daughter knows my name but knows to call me mom. You just have to educate your child is all.

Smom or Smama. For stepmom. That’s what I’ve always called my stepmom…I think it started as a joke but totally caught on. OR just ask them what they want to call you.

When I first came into my stepkids life they called me “Atchie.” I actually earned that nick name by the middle child because she couldn’t say my first name. After we received full custody of them in 2017, in 2018 they were all calling me mom. My son calls his step-dad (my husband) Jon. Its really up to what the children feel like calling you. I never pushed for anything.

Go with a likeness to what your boyfiend is…nothing wrong with DD and MiMi!!

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In Hawaii it’s respectful to call any adult Aunty or Uncle (even if not related). My kids call my fiancee Uncle Brian.

they shouldn’t be confused as everyone else will be calling you by your first name also but whatever your all comfortable with x

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I have a stepson I take care of fully and 5 and 2 year old he calls me by my name only because his mom made him . Mine have no issues with calling me mom I’ve taught them every one’s real name

My kids call my husband by his name. My youngest was 6 when we got married and 5 when we met.

I always called my step parents by their given names and my folks by “mom” and “dad”, still do to this day. I lived with my mom and step dad and had visitation every other weekend and holidays, weeks at a time during summer etc with my dad and step mom. Its always been “Mom and Ray” and “Dad and Carol”. Even with my kids, who are 11 and 14, they call them “Grandma and Grandpa Ray” when differentiating them or "Grandpa and “Grandma Carol” in person it’s just grandma and grandpa. my brothers kids call all grandparents Grandma/Grandpa

Whatever the kids are comfortable calling you. It’s their choice to choose.

They should call you what THEY are comfortable calling you. Whether it’s your first name, mom, or Stepmom.

I have 3 step son’s who are grown and they call me mama Liz.My children call me mama.People who know me call me Liz.

My stepsons call me Miss Carly and it’s just how we were introduced and I think their dad did it as a respect thing. They were 4 then and 7 now. We all live together and get married in September and they joke and say then we can call your Mrs. Carly lol so I would say it depends on the age and the kids.

My Bonus Kids call me “Koca” bc our youngest couldn’t really say my name when we started dating; some version of your name could maybe work?? Also, my oldest daughter doesn’t belong to his ex-wife & just called her Sarah, but always said, “go ask Mommy/your Mommy” to our youngest, maybe that could be something y’all do??

They should call you whatever they’re comfortable calling you. My stepson alternates between mom and Angie. It never confused my 2 babies when he called me Angie.

I have to soon to be step that call me by my first name and my two year old who’s been in their lives since he was like 5 months old and he calls me mom

Having stepparents and what the children call them has everything to do with how that person treats your children,the relationship while you are together.Age as a factor of course and their understanding.Having had a stepparent,i called them by their first name because i had a dad that called dad lol and didnt have close relationship with the stepparent,i wasnt around them but a few years at a time and the stepparent wasnt always very nice.But,not all blended families are the same so its really about what the child is comfy with because they dont get to choose who you bring into the home most of the time.

I let my stepchildren choose what to call me, and it has never created any confusion with half the house calling me by my first name and the other half saying mom.

I’ve always called my " step" mom mom. I also call my bio mom mom unless it’s infront of my “step” sister (17 year difference in age between us) then I call my bio mom mother.

My step daughter called me Gigi when she was little. Now it’s just Angie.

Ask them, y’all come up with something together.

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My daughter heard my step son calling me by my name an now my daughter 3 sometimes says Caity…instead of mom an I just tell her no I’m not caity to you I’m mom

Mimi is a good one. Especially if you have a two year old because it sounds close to mom.:heart:

My step sisters used to always call my mum “emmy” for extra mummy when they were younger

I go with first name and whatever they want to call you. It really is not that big of a deal. All that matters is LOVE!!!

Depends on how old they are and if there mum is in there life… so probably by ue first name aye.
I have a step mum and it seems stupid to call her anything but by her first name.

I would use your first name. Your own child will understand eventually. Its no different than when you’re with your family or friends and they call you by your first name right ?

Let them call you what they want to. If they want to call you by your name then that’s what their comfortable doing. Different situation but ive been in foster homes with foster moms who wanted us to call her something other than her name. I hated it.

Ok. First things first. What is your name? Once this is established the rest should fall into place naturally.

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I say a nickname you will respond to that’s kid friendly. Like tiki, Bambi, something that you used or occasionally use.

Ask them, mine call me Jessica or Jessa, but they also refer to me as step mom too… they have called me mom but I always correct it. My kids still call me mom or mommy

They call you whatever they want, u are just a person to them if they dont feel comfortable to call u anything else then ur name u need to respect that. As long as they have respect and call u a respectful name u have no choice to change that.

My step sons call me by my name but I understand your not wanting to confuse baby…mine were older and didnt have this problem

They call yr partner DD why not same for you MM guess for me makes sense.

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Why can’t the kids have a say in what they need to feel comfortable with calling you?

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Whats your name? They only have 1 mum, 1 dad, don’t try to be someone you’re not, it causes too much confusion. I actually help raise 2 of my step kids, 10 and 11. I don’t want them to ever think I’m trying to take their mums place. I explain to them that I’m a step parent, that means I step up when their birth parents aren’t available. I also explain that birth family have to love them, i have a choice and i choose to love them. FACS actually thought that was an amazing way to explain it to them too. Kids have a right to know where they come from and feel loved (even if it seems to us their bio parent doesn’t care about them) no child should ever feel unloved

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My step kids never called me mom … They called me by my name … Never confused the children my husband and I had together.

Depending on their ages maybe ask them to come up with a nickname for you. I wish I would have done this.

Ask them what they want to call you. Your first name is your name, your 2 yr old will call you mom.


Your name? Its respectful and no confusion


My step kids call me Britt Britt. Lol my name is Brittnye. They’re 14 and 10. It works for us. Weve been together since they were 8 and 4.

Have you talked to the kids about it yet? If not, sit down with them and find out what they want to call you

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My mum didn’t want to be nanny or grandma when I had my little girl. My little girl calls her Mimi. I think it’s cute xx

My cousins call their mom Ema ( pronounced Eee-ma). Its means mother in Estonian and i always thought it was really cool

Your 2 year old will always know you as “mom”. No matter what everyone else calls you.

Your name is most appropriate - your toddler will not be confused

my step kids are not living with us but they visit regular, they call me aunty, my son who is living with us call my husband daddy, my husband and I have 2kids together the call us mommy and daddy.

I would say a nickname or by your name. I wouldn’t want my children calling another woman mama or mom, but that is just me and mine. Do what you feel with you and yours

Be some fun in that house, six kids…

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I call my stepdad, Daddio or by his first name.

Have a conversation with their mother and come up with something together.

My stepkids call me momma Sherri at our house and just Sherri at their moms house.

I’ve always called my stepparents by their names. I feel like if they’re really close to you then ya know maybe like a nick name but other then that I mean it is your name :sweat_smile:

my stepson calls me indy which i think is nice as not as formal as my name india maybe try a nickname of your name x

Aunty. That’s what we use here in Hawaii.

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My boyfriend and I have 6 children between the both of us. I have 3, he has 3. None together. His kids call me CC and my kids call him Duty. They made it up lol Close enough to Dad without insulting their biological dad. Duty has stuck and it would just be odd for the kids to call him by his first name. We’ve been together 4 years. When we got together we talked to the kids and told them that they could call us by whatever name they wanted. Whether it was Mom, Celeste, CC… or Dad, Duty, Josh.

If his DD what about M&M? Cute but not close to mum but still could be a term of endearment? :person_shrugging:

Ask the kids, come up with a name together

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Your kid might be confused but that’s where explaining comes in…

Ask them for suggestions. Come up with a nickname you can all live with.

What about “mama” and your first name. So I’d be, “Mama Nyssa”?

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Paul that comment wasn’t necessary. Why does it matter if they have 6 children?! Do you finance their household or sit for them?!

ask them. Have them come up with something that means something to you all.

My 5 yr old calls my fiance new daddy. He started calling him that all on his own.

My stepsons call me by my first name… my 2 year old still knows I’m her mommy

They call you by your name in my opinion. Let them decide as well. It wont confuse your 2 year old, promise. Dont force things on them ya know?

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A nickname you like or, momma and your name. Talk to your man and her and the kids see what you all come up with, make if fun who knows what ideas they all have :slight_smile:

I don’t get this just let them call you by your babe you say you don’t want that because it will confuse your 2 year old but that’s still going to be the same if they call you something else just keep.ut simple and use your name

Just your name. Why would it be anything else ?


My step daughters call me S-Ma and my kids call my husband S-Pa and we refer to the children as Skids. It was a joke at first, but seemed to stick

I know ppl who call their step mom “steppy”. I think it is cute!

He will not be confused? You want to be called mom, tell them they can. If not then what do you want to be called?

“Mama ___” (letter of your first name…like Mama J for example)???

All my nephews call me AJ instead of aunt Jenni. Maybe you could do something like that? “S” and your first initial?

You’re engaged, they’re already calling you something. Won’t a name change confuse them?

Let the child call you what they want …
All my friends have kids 2-5 years old and my name is Brittany my husband eric and we are called aunt BB and uncle E .
One day it just happened and it stuck with everyone … my boss child refuses aunt BB he calls me Brittany ( age 3) but he does call my husband uncle E.
My step mom has always been called by her name and I have two younger sisters and they never called her anything but mom.

They should call you by your first name

It should be their choice what they call you not yours.

Mimi? I think that would be a nice way.

My SD calls me Jessica, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with her calling me mom. I love her dearly but she has a mom who loves her too.

What about bonus mom?

What about maw or mim so that it’s close?

When my step daughter (6) is talking to me or needs my attention she’ll say “chelsey” … but when she’s talking to my 3 year old she’ll say “go ask mommy” or “that’s mommy’s” … my 3 year old has recently started calling me “chelsey” when he’s trying to be silly and I just say “WHAT!? I’m MOMMMYYYY” :joy::joy: but when he learned my name we also taught him dads name (Jake) and his granna and papaws names as well!!! And he still calls them by dad, granna, and papaw! My 3 year old also calls me “babe” a lot bc he hears my husband call me that :joy::joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts: my husband also refers to me as mommy when talking to both kiddos when my step daughter is here!! For instance, my step daughter asked what he was doing yesterday and he said “changing mommy’s brakes” BUT, when our daughter is gone to her moms we tell our son that she’s gone to her mommy’s house instead of using her moms first name. He doesn’t seemed confused!! Just learning names n such :two_hearts::two_hearts:

My kids call my husband dad. My daughter has a good relationship with her bio dad, my son doesnt know his bio dad, only my husband. My step son calls me by my name. We have been together almost 4 years

talk to them and see what they are comfortable calling you mine calls me 'nother mother😁

My step son calls me by my name and my Son Mom and visa vera for my fiance.

I know someone who use to call their step mom s’mom

Whatever they want to call you. Of course within respect.