What size diapers should I stock up on?

Stock up boxes to match
Baby’s growth. I would wait until you know how big or small it is before getting dtuff

I got two packs of size Newborn and a few size 1.
I’m 39 weeks and think baby will be 7-9 pounds.

Size Newborns fits up to 10lbs
1-up to 14lbs

Good luck and congratulations

Definitely buy a box or 2 of newborn diapers. My 3 daughter’s weighed 7lbs & both my sons weighed 6lbs. They all used newborn size for the 2 months. I prefer pampers because their soft & absorb good so baby isn’t sitting in wetness. My son who just turned 4 months is now going into size 2 diapers.

My son was born 9lbs and was still in newborn for two months.

Even smaller babies do not stay in newborn very long…my first was a little over 6 pounds and I think I had a bag and what was left from the hospital and that was it

If u need NB or size 1 u will get them from hospital. Go ahead and get a box of Size 1 at 40-60 count. A box of size 2 of 112- 148. Size 3 x 2 boxes at count 112-148. Tell people to get u the Bigger sizes. I found myself needing more size 4, 5, and 6.

We size up at night starting at 6-8 weeks.

my little one is 8 months old on friday. She wears a size 5 in the day a d a size 6 at night. Her thighs are chunky so it’s more comfy for her. She is aprox 25 lbs and 30 inches long. She was measuring 2 weeks ahead the whole pregnancy and came a week early. Her daddy is 6’5 and I’m 5’7.

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I was always told not to get a ton of newborn but sizes 1 2 and 3 since your baby could be bigger and outgrow newborn really fast.

I would hold off on stocking up too much your little may be allergic to one brand or another or you may not like the brand on your child


I would go with 2-4 if you are having a shower. If not then 1-3.

Guy gift cards instead of diapers. Cause there’s really no telling.

My sons were born 9 5 and 9 10 never for in newborn size 1 diapers worked first 2 months

I measured 2 weeks ahead and I didnt even use a full bag (96 diapers) of newborns for my little guy back in april. He was 8.4 but we used a box and half a sleeve of size 1s and were on size 2s rn

Definitely no newborn if you having a baby shower ask for bigger size diapers because the bigger the higher price and less diapers Huggies was good for my chunky babies since they stretch but for me pampers hold better

I was the same way and my son came home in size 1’s.

My boys stayed in size 6 the longest.

Buy them from the same store. 2 to 3 boxes of each. Walmart, target and most grocery stores will let you return unopened boxes for other sizes.

With both my bous i did 4 big boxes of nb 3 of size 1 and 2 size of 2 and im glad i did it was enough 🤷. But this baby ive only got one small box some reasion it ant as big as the boxes that i had with my boys

Remember that newborns also loose weight. My baby was in newborn for 8 weeks. But we were in size one for a box and have been in 2’s for three months. It depends on your baby you can always return and switch out for size

My daughter will be 5 months in 6 days. I’ve gone through 240 newborn diapers and 520 size 1 so far. She was 7 lbs even when born. I was measuring ahead and they tried to tell me she would be 9 lbs. I just stocked up on 1s and bought 2-3 boxes of newborn diapers. I’ve definitely realized not to stock up too much on pampers though in the future. I would have already switched brands a couple of months ago if I didn’t only have all Pampers left.

I wouldn’t go crazy with stocking up on ANY brand since your baby could be allergic to one brand and not another. A very popular brand is Pampers but we cant use those here cuz baby is allergic to them.


Buy gift cards and buy diapers with those once you find a brand that you like and know what size baby will need!


No not newborn the hospital will provide you with more then enough on that size so you should go a size up or two just to be on the safe side

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Size 2 and LOTS of 3

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I would get a box of everything to start with!

Size 1 and two. Tape your receipts to the boxes so you don’t lose them. I’m sure you could even just get gift receipts too. If they aren’t needed don’t open them and exchange for the size you need

My baby was 8lbs 8oz and was in newborn for a month. Breastfed babies tend to poop a lot at first, he went through about 200-240 newborn diapers. He’s been in size 1 for about a month and is about to go up to size 2. I’d stock up on size 1,2,3.

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They will be in size 3 the longest!! I found that I didn’t use that many newborn diapers… I wouldn’t stock up on newborn diapers… you will blink and then they will be in size 1!

Do not stock up on anything until the baby is born. I measured ahead with mine too… she was 7lbs.

Buy gifts cards not diapers! We stocked up and then my kid ended up blowing through that brand and it was a struggle to exchange them! Same with wipes!

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I just put the amount of a box of diapers on a gift card for where I planed to buy them whenever I wanted to stock up. You never know what they littles could be sensitive to or how big they will be. With the gift card you won’t have the hassle of returning either

I bought 2 packs of sizes newborn, 1 and 2 but I got different makes to see which ones suited him best x

When I was pregnant I stocked up on size 1-5 (about 2-3 big boxes of each, maybe more of the 2 & 3), and then only bought 1 small box of N in case we needed them. (We did, she was a premie so we actually needed P diapers before N!)
And also stock up on wipes now too, you’ll always need those!

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100 size new born
400 size 1
400 size 2
400 size 3
600 size 4

That’s what I used. I stocked up when I was pregnant. She’s a year old now and still in size 4. Stocking up really saved my butt during the pandemic when all diapers were sold out. I would highly recommend you to do so as well.


I pack of new born s you’ll only need then size one a few of those you’ll need 2,3, 4, … 5 and 6 you’ll use alot of

But yea buy gift cards

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I used 3, 4 & 5 the most!

If you want to prepare, buy gift cards or save money. It is hard to tell what kind and what size you need because every kiddo is different.


I agree with FalynThom… I have 4 kids and 3 seems like the longest stage. Congrats and good luck momma!

We always put money on a Walmart gift card everytime we went to the grocery even if it was just $5…we got lots of diapers from the baby shower and anything we returned from baby shower put that on gift card …we ended up not “buying” diapers for almost the first year. you never know what brand your baby may end up allergic to, or pee out of the most.

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Just because the baby is “big” in utero, it’s a guess. I’m 22 weeks and measuring big bit that doesn’t mean anything. Just do a diaper registry or ask for gift cards. Unless your newborn is like 13+ lbs. you will need newborn lol

Save the $$$ instead then you have it to buy what you need when you need it!

Size 1 and size 2 buy gift cards for other diaper sizes.

Weve used so far size 4 (huggies) the most!

Don’t bother with too many newborn diapers. Take whatever the hospital gives you plus MAYBE one more small pack. They grow out of them super fast. I never really stocked up on any of them. I bought a Costco size case whenever I needed them.

Too bad it’s anonymous. It would be a great idea for us who can afford it to get a diaper chain going to help start her out. :hugs:

There’s literally no right or wrong answer to this. If I were you I’d buy a few of every size so you have them when they get bigger. I was told not to stock up on newborn because they don’t need many but mine took forever to fit into size 1. But the bigger they get, the more diapers they use.

I’m skipping newborn because i measure big. Im getting a box of onr month supplyof sizes 2 and up. I’m waiting for my baby shower to see what else I get before I get more.

2s last the longest for me

I bought one pack (not box) of nb and one box of ones, two of two, three of 3, 4, and 5. Also. If you buy from Target, you can do an even exchange and they don’t need a receipt, you just exchange it.

I measured a week ahead with mine but born 37 weeks. They were both 7 lbs but needed the NB size for at least 2 of the small pack before size 1 worked for us.
I would get 3 of each to stock up and exchange at Target if we needed the bigger size and had a leftover box. We always bought during the spend $100 get $20 gift card too so we saved a lot of money

One of my grandsons was over 11 pounds when he was born the newborn did not fit him so if your baby is going to be around that dont bother. His brother was a little over 10 pounds he barley fit in new born.

My daughter came home in a size 1 never used newborn… get a few small packages of each brand in case your little is allergic to any of them.

I bought cloth diapers that way you can fold them to the size you want

Do gift cards instead unless you are a crazy couponing person then I would say 2s and 3s the most. All kids are different though. My kid grew like a weed while my friends kid has stayed small for what seems like forever lol

My daughter was in size 2 for the longest time


I used size 3 (preferred pampers baby dry) the most for my daughter and so far my son!

I bought newborns and 1-3 just to have a stash of everything. Pampers when she was smaller and Luvs as she got older coz Huggies gave her a rash and Pampers are expensive LOL

I would still get a pack of newborn n dont open it. I “planned” ahead n thought id be having a big baby and she came out needing premie clothing (and she wasnt a premie)

I had triplets. And they where in preemies. For three months. Then my son grew faster then the girls. Then I had another baby when they where one. So I really never had extra diapers the where all potty trained by 3. So I had 4 in diapers at one time

I’d wait… kids sometimes have reactions to certain diapers. I would suck if you stocked up on that one baby is allergic too

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start with a pack or two of newborns but ones are what my babies were in the longest in the first few months. Of course it really all depends on the size of your baby.

All sizes. Honestly. They grow so fast. A couple packs of all sizes doesn’t hurt. And if you don’t need them right away. You’ll need them eventually

It’s so hard to know. My daughter was in newborn for a day, and size 1 for maybe 2 or 3 weeks so i had all these leftover size 1’s. But now shes 1 and she’s been in size 5 for like 6 months.

Get newborn. Baby may only wear them a few weeks but they will wear them.

One box of new born, two boxes of size 1 three boxes size 2, that is a good basic stock pile you will need more but you want to buy that as you go for a couple reason’s first you don’t want to get half way though a box and need to switch sizes you can’t return diapers waste of money then and supply also since covid diapers went short so you don’t want to take way for other mothers who need the size now.

Stock up on wipes! We used the most 3s and 4s with our first. We love Pampers Swaddlers. Definitely get a box of newborns and also 1s. Newborns go through a lot if you’re breastfeeding! Don’t settle for cheap brand especially if you breastfeed!

My personal opinion Is buy gift cards. Some of mine were allergic to different brands and others different brands leaked.


You’ll want sizes 1-2 stocked up and a box or two of newborns but it just depends on how your baby grows.

3s and 4s I feel like mine skipped 5s and went right too 6. But I went through 3s so fast

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Here’s another idea. Instead of stockpiling put the money you were going to spend on a gift card and use that when needed. With everything going on it might be hard to return unused packs of diapers. Huggies leaked through with my daughter each time she peed. Pampers, parents choice and the Dollar General brand (Kidget) all broke her out. Luvs was the brand for us.


Well my first son was almost an 8 lb baby and wore newborns for a month. My sisters baby was born 9 lbs and she wore newborns for about a month. My newest son is a month old and still wearing newborns.

1 box of new born 2-3 boxes of size 1 4 boxes of size 2 ect

I would get a good ten packs of newborn and go ham on size 1 and 2. They grow out of the newborn diapers so fast.

I delivered a 9lb Baby boy and he wore newborn. He is now 10 months old today and just getting to a size 3.

Just make sure you do not open them until you need them and you can always exchange them

i would start 1 to 2… maybe even 3… they give you newborns at the hospital if your baby is too small…

I was measuring small and bought a bunch of NB diapers only to have a 9lb baby that could only fit into NB for not even a month. I ended up having to sell 2 boxes for a bigger size. He’s almost 4months and in a size 2 now which fit pretty snug. I’d say stock more in the bigger sizes and get a ton of wipes.

My kids were in 3s the lo gest but you go through a lot getting there

Also stores aren’t allowing to exchange diapers for a larger size anymore due to covid

Keep the receipts by taping them to the box of diapers so you can exchange unopened boxes if you no longer need those size.

I did a ton of sizes, and I did the honest brand subscription club. That way I had a range of sizes :blush:

NB one package
1 one package
Size 1 one box

Also remember that Huggies and pampers fit different. Depending on the shape of your baby.
Maybe email the diaper places and get each brand to see what fits best. I had one kids that exploded pampers and one that exploded Huggies. It all depends on the torso butt shape.

I would get one box of Newborn and a few boxes of 1’s. I had gotten SO MANY boxes of NB diapers for my son but he was only in them for about a week. Just remember that most stores will take back diapers in exchange for a different size. Just remember where they came from, or if you don’t know check their store’s website to see if they carry that particular diaper and box size. Having receipts taped to the box is even easier! I had some pretty major returning to do at Target but it was so easy.

Get one of each size an then stock up one an new born

A good idea I was told while pregnant was just put your money for diapers on gift cards. So when you need them you have the money!

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I would save diaper funds until after the baby is born. It took us 5 different brands to find a diaper brand that works best for my daughter. And you never know which sizes they’ll grow out of quickly.

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Buy whatever you want. Tape the receipt to the box/package so you can return if need be

I would only buy size 1 and up, if your baby happens to be a NB size, then the hospital will provide that while you’re there and you can take any leftovers, and then you can buy some more later.

My oldest was only in newborn for a week xD
If you want to stock, I’d start with size one, you’ll probably go through maybe 70 a week (that’s like 10 diapers a day).
I totally get wanting to stock up on diapers when it’s financially possible.

Also, if you plan on having another baby in the future and have the space, store the extra diapers they out grow!
I did, and it’s helped a little (two years later).

I would do 3 and up. My babies always outgrew 1 and 2 so fast.

Get 1 pack of newborn just in case and really stock up on sizes 1 and 2 since diapers overlap in sizes.

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I got 1 pack of new born, like 3-4 big boxes of 1s and now I’m stocking up on 2s. With my first she was in 1s for the first about 3 months. Then moved to 2s. Barely used new borns. She was 7LB 8 OZ

Both babies I used pampers swaddlers. My son I hated huggies. Target was okay until he started walking and then they constant leaked. Went to pampers cruisers and had no issues. My daughter is only 6 weeks so she is still in newborns. But from my baby shower and the few packs of diapers I bought I have not needed to purchase diapers and I still have another month of newborns stocked. I have a decent amount of size 1 too. I’d also stock up on wipes.

Wait. Till. You. Have. The. Baby


2s and 3s get the most of. More 1s than newborn’s

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I bought 3 boxes size 1 2 and 3 and then bought more after that as they were needed. Just an after thought, why would someone angry react to this? :thinking:


My pediatrician suggested stocking up size 3 because it’s generally the size they stay in the longest

I did a diaper raffle at my shower so I got many brands & different sizes. I had to buy size 1. Got lots of newborn that the baby grew out of right away.

My oldest was born 38+6 and was 5lbs15oz (5lbs7os when we left hospital) and my youngest was born 39+1 and was 6lbs3oz when she was born and 5lbs7oz when we left the hospital.

Both were in preemie diapers for at least 3 weeks, and newborn until around 2 months. My oldest never got past a size 4 before being potty trained and my youngest is size 3 with room to grow at a year old.

Whether your baby is big or small in the beginning, you don’t know how they will grow. If they will be chunky their whole infancy or be more lean. All babies grow differently and I don’t think mine stayed in any particular size longer than others

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