Don’t leave your Son alone with him. Can you get support from outside the home for your family. Praying for you.
He definitely needs help. Most of your serial killers started out by abusing animals. In the mean time keep a real close eye on him!!!
Get him some counseling fast ! Something is really bothering him don’t let him see your afraid of him ! Poor little guy has some issues tr trying to fit in
Record what he is saying so that you can allow a therapist to hear what us actually going on. This kid needs help…If the mother is not helping to correct it…she may be contributing to it. Get professional help.
Dad needs to get him in therapy ASAP! This is a normal behavior to say I wish they weren’t here but it’s usually jealousy… his situation sounds far more serious though and now is the time to turn things around for this little guy or it will never happen.
Once they start hurting animals tge next step is humans. I would record every encounter never leave your child or any child alone with him and if possible never leave any animal alone with him. Get him on a 72 hour hold for evaluation it doesn’t sound like he’d pass
I work at a facility some of the kids here have these issues. Get help NOW. This child will hurt someone and then it will be too late. I’m sorry to say this. But it will only get worse if it’s not taken care of.
First and foremost! Never ever EVER leave him alone with your child!
Stepchildren or children if they don’t respect you respect your family or if you don’t feel safe from them they don’t belong around your house if nobody understands that fine they can take it somewhere else they can take them with them you don’t have to tolerate that that is not fair that is not right stand up for yourself you don’t want to lose your child I know people that let people put hands on their children I do nothing and nothing short of a bullet will stop them but as a child he just doesn’t need to be around your house stepchild or not your husband can go visit him somewhere else remember serial killers are born not developed later I saw her bullies not saying it’s associate path serial killer or a bully I’m just saying what you explaining keep him as far away from your children as you can because they are dangerous watch the movie children kill they do and it seems like when he says he’s better than everyone else seems like he has a strong hint of narcissism
There’s abuse somewhere and he is crying for help.
He needs to be in counseling. If not you should refer him to child protective services. He is creating an emotional nightmare for his siblings to endure. You may be saving his life to refer him.
Honestly it sounds like you need help but how are you going to be on here talking about your stepchildren how do we know that you’re just talking s*** out of your house how do you know that it’s real honestly if you have issues like this why aren’t you seeking out to begin with why do you need to be on Facebook asking for advice makes no sense why wouldn’t you talk it over with your husband why would you have to tell your business to everybody what if the child saw this what and find out how you feel about him sometimes it’s not just the child the child can be acting out for other reasons maybe he feels competition with the other little boy who knows but if you thought it was so much of a problem why didn’t you go and seek help instead of asking people on Facebook
Don’t let your son alone with him no matter what not even during the night time. Play dumb my son needs me by him…
I would be very hesitant in allowing my child to be alone with anyone like that !
Record him and please follow everyone’s advice on here before something horrible happens . His problems will not fix themselves
He’s 9…he is acting out because he sad, hurt, scared, feeling left out. Give him special time with his Dad and be kind. Obviously pay attention but don’t automatically think he’s evil!
That poor boy needs help and extra love and attention maybe extra from his father
Don’t stand for it! Tell your husband that he has to live with his mom. Protect your child, even if it means kicking out the husband also.
If left untreated he is likely going to turn into a sociopath. Studies have proven this to be true in almost all cases. He needs therapy ASAP
Definitely record. Get a Nanny cam Or two. Record with your phone. Do let that child be alone with your son.
Child needs help before someone gets hurt seriously.
Never, I mean NEVER let the 9yr. around your child.
The 9yr. is trying to tell you something and it’s not good.
Defitenly need professional help…I would never leave him alone with my son and I don’t think that you should either.
I have a step son that is basically like this boy. He didn’t try to hide it though. This boy killed animals, set our couch on fire, he would pee in my shampoo or put bleach or another chemical in it. Broke almost everything I owned. Stole stuff from me. Every day was a nightmare. I fought with everyone to get help for this boy. I came into his life when he was 5. He’s now 20 years old. I have absolutely nothing to do with him. It’s such a sad situation.
Remove him from your son’s life. He is dangerous! Your husband can visit him away from your home. Period.
Child psychological help now! You must get help. If other parents won’t go, then you go! Better angry dad and mom than hurt children.
I got so confused with how many different kids with how many different moms. Dude needs to work on his pull out game or something you don’t have to impregnate every girl you sleep with. I feel sorry for the kids
I would definitely NOT let him spend any time alone with your son.
He was the baby ? Before your son came ?
Jealousy makes sense
However it’s your hob t be sure you baby is safe at all costs , watch hm like a hawk !!
Don’t let him see any fear from you; you are there to defend your son, let your stepson know that by looking him in the eye whenever speaking to him or with him. He is the child. Don’t tolerate lies; that means you cant lie, then he would have something on you. Be a lioness, treat him firmly but kindly.
I wouldn’t let my child out of my sight. When the other child is sleeping over, pallet on the floor, and I’d lock the bedroom door.
Crap, if I was that afraid, I would pack my kid up and get the Hell out of Dodge .
I would watch him closely. Would not leave him along with anyone.
I’m sorry but what you shared sounded like the behavior of this little girl on the movie”The Bad Seed”.
Hope I’m very wrong.
You do not need the Moms permission to have him see a psychologist. Make an appointment and have dad take him.
You and your husband should have a discussion about the boy staying with his mom.
You all need therapy. Your married his dad, its a package deal bottom line.
have parent talk to school counselor. this behavior is most likely also a factor at school. be vigilant this. it needs help
Serial killer in the making. He needs to commited. He’ll never change or get better. Psychopaths can’t help themselves or stop their behavior. He will kill someone if he hasn’t already. Scary stuff I know but if she’s not careful his first victim will be her or her kids.
If he is abusing animals now what will he be capable of when he is older…MURDER.
Fight that kid with love show him extra love teach him what’s wrong and what’s right or if husband can’t teach em you need a new man and pay extra attention to home special around other kids
Do not leave your baby alone with him ever & definitely get a hidden camera for proof if he is as bad as she says.
If you and your susbamd are so worries take the child’s me tal health care I to your own hands.
There is not a judge in the world who will tell you you can’t do it.
Maybe that’s his way telling the world that he is in some kind of pain and that’s his way asking for help.
Seek counseling for your way to deal with the situation. He might feel like bad attention is better than no attention
Please get him help now now now my cousin did this and no one took the warning signs or cared and now he hurt alot of people you all know him as TED BUNDY yes he was my cousin just think if someone would of stepped up and got him help
He needs help ASAP and never ever under any circumstance should he be left alone or near your child
Sounds like he needs to be with his biological mum. Why isn’t the dad seeking help for him? I’m sorry to say this but I don’t think it’s nice to go on social media platform to air grievances about your partners children. Bringing a lot of negative attention to the child is not helping him. You got over 300+ people thinking he’s a psychopath now.
I was married to a man with 3 children from his first marriage. I have 2 daughters. My husband’s kids were monsters. Yelled, screamed, lied, kleptomaniacs. I tried so hard to create a family togetherness with all of our kids. His oldest son was a drug addict. So, My advice, do not allow that kid into your home. Tell your husband that he can take him on day trips on his visitation days and then take him home. This is not your kids problem or your problem. If I had to do it over, I would not lose 1 minute of time with my kids to waste it on a problem child that is not mine. It may sound harsh but my husband’s ex wife had NO discipline in her house. She actually enjoyed it when her kids disrupted our household. You are your kids priority and they are yours. You must do right and protect them. The people that need to fix this your husband his ex wife. You should not be involved as you can never win. Also, you could go on small weekend trips with your kids on his visitation weekend. Invest your time and energy on your kids as this is a losing situation. Your child is your priority. Trust me, I have been there and it took me too long to realize.
Get cameras in your house, You need proof in case he does do something to baby. And he needs therapy, I know you can’t put him in therapy on your own but he definitely needs it…
Cut the ties. Divorce the Dad until he handles his past problems, maybe forever. Wipe the dust off and keep your son safe. No more bs.
Turn the record on your phone on and set it any where even lay it down if you have to, it will at least have his voice on it.
I agree with all of the above comments he needs therapy to learn how to deal with his confusing emotions.
Psychiatric help. Psychiatric and a clinical psychologist. Don’t leave your son alone with him.
Abusing animals is early behavior for mass murderers and other psychopaths. You need professional intervention immediately to protect your son and unknown others.
That is a scary situation. No way would have ever be around my baby. Not for any reason.
Don’t let him around your 2 year old without supervision. He needs anger management/ therapist or an old fashion paddle on the buttock.
Install a security camera in and around your house. If something happens, you can show it to the mom and dad.
What about step mom’s parents? This breaks my heart
Omg , record what he says to you and show your husband i wouldnt let him near my baby
There is real reason for concern.he needs professional help.It will only get worse.Never allow him alone with the other kids
Blended families are tricky. And when the mother/father marry and make new babies often times resentment build in the older step siblings. Add Step kids that are shuffled around and/plus in many instances there is a lack of adequate financial support which just adds more fuel to the entire family dynamics.
This situation is complicated by resentment from the stepson’s mother and her 10 year old son us old enough and astute enough to carry her burden too. So sad😢
This sounds like early signs of sociopathy. Get him assessed and treated. It’s not going to get better if nothing is done.
It’s tough … but chances are it’s like the mirror effect…and he’s talking about himself… cause he may feel that nobody cared if he lived or died… he obviously is lacking attention… so negative attention is better than none
Don’t allow him to come and play with your son. His mama will have to deal with it sooner or later, or the prison system will.
Your husband needs to step up! Sooner than later, like NOW!!! Very disturbing behavior going on.
It’s long been said that the homicidal triad is abusing animals, fire starting, and bedwetting. Are the last two also present?
Make Boundaries Can never be too safe
The child should be seeing a therapist! Prescribe meds maybe? Hd sounds very angry.
Counseling… Keep a hidden camera in the babies room and possibly in other rooms.
Look into attachment theory. So important to consider through his processing ability which is currently being formed. Everything you are doing is training and the big picture lies down the road. Can you find the triggers in the language and events and try to help him work successfully through triggers by role modeling and controlling your own responses. In this day and age of technology, cameras so useful so long as you don’t use that power to weaponize against him but with the silent eyes of a researcher to improve the epigenetic processes around him…foods, lifestyle, interactions, activities, sleep cycles are styles…comprehensive. And implement little changes all geared towards what can engender safety and joy. And never leaving out of eyesight. Also ask yourself how he handles himself in situations where the home dynamic is out of mind. What do other parents of his friends seem to say. And what goes in front of his eyes…video games, movies… What role playing type games did you see him independently set up and act out younger and now and if there is a shift, can you move him back into the games of younger memories. This sounds like a cry for your help…it just isn’t in tears and scrapped knees. And your heart enfolding around him shouldn’t necessarily show up like a cuddle.
Install cameras and always keep a watchful eye on him. The camera recording can be used to show to his mother exactly what he is doing.
I am not trying to be funny because this is a serious issue but isn’t this how Jeffrey Dalmer started out…killing small animals?
Get him to a good therapist that deals specifically with those symptoms in kids
See a psychiatrist…NOW. This boy exhibits serious signs of major mental health needs.
Time to set down rules for his visits with his Dad @ the home you share.
If needed get someone to intervene,but be cautious.
Make sure you watch your toddler when your husbands eldest is around
He needs serious help. Abusing animals is a sign of trouble.
He needs a psychiatrist badly sounds like a sociopath He has some serious mental issues that will only get worse If he doesn’t respond to out pt therapy I would seek inpatient assistance
Does his mother see that the kid has problems or just ignores what’s going on?
It’s a BIG cry for help. My heart goes out to him.
Get him help immediately. Apparently he has anger and jealousy issues. If that doesn’t help remove him from the house.
Sounds like “Jeffrey Dahmer” reincarnated.
If u want your child to live, keep him from around him,never leave him alone with your child.
Please have compassion for this child. He may be seriously disturbed, he needs help now not later.
Such children grow up to be serial killers, abusers and criminals… And by the sound of it, he sounds like a true born psychopath, beware of his lack of emotion towards others and things…
Get him some counseling now to help turn him around. This is a horrible situation to be in. Prayer’s sent for you and your family.
beneath behaviors are underlying causes, he sounds like he is being sexually abused
Be the parent he desperately needs
Sounds like he needs therapy. Actually the entire family does.
The sad thing is, he learned that somewhere. He needs help & love!
This is mental health THIS IS NOT HIM ADJUSTING TO A NEW CHILD he needs professional help do not DO NOT have that child around him!!
Seek help for him and the family immediately
Smh, he mite stay mean like that until he ask God too change him , if ever ! Some people are born demons let’s pray !!
PLEASE get him help. That is textbook sociopathic behavior. I wouldn’t leave my young one alone with him either
@dearly present, the child need to be Physoanalized immediately. sounds like he was trumatized at birth,
Call the police just to have a report of this. Your son needs a new friend
Nope!!! Never leave him unattended with children he needs help
Do what you have to do to protect your child
Start srecording things he says. He is to b taken seriously your baby is your number one priority
I would not let him near my child.