What to do about a terrifying step child?

Kid needs help ASAP. Psychological therapist. Killing of animal in childhood is something most serial killer have in common. This kid can be healed if taken care of at the earliest.


First of all check and make sure the child is of sound mind and emotional well-being that being said a good psychiatrist and say Plus. Second of all you need to have a sit-down meeting with all the adults presence in this child’s life to figure out what made this child this way and how to alleviate it and if you can’t alleviate it then unfortunately he would not be allowed in or around my children is that unfair yes but unfortunately DHS/cps is going to look very unkindly as to why you allowed in a child to harm another child especially knowing previous history of abuse from animals. There are childhood medical conditions that can cause the issues of animal violence and they are very serious mental and emotional disorders that require medication and psychiatric treatment inpatient and outpatient as well along with a good treatment plan so this is nothing to be taken lightly.

This is why a good ass whipping should be legal!


This seems like something that requires attention not loss of attention. Get him help he may have had something happen to him to make him get this way.


Holy crap he is a sociopath keep him away from your home to protect that baby

First I would talk to your husband about it, second both of you and the mother of the child should talk. I think the kid needs therapy, this is very serious and needs to be taken care of before something happen.

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Keep him far away from your son!!! This child needs help before it gets worse or someone gets physically injured! And both households should be involved!!!

Do what is best for you and your child! The 9 yr.old is exhibiting red flags for having been abused either physically or sexually. ( retired social worker here) I would do some more investigating and let him stay with his mom until safeguards are in place.

Have him tested by a behavioral health expert ASAP

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I wouldn’t need any advice, I’m a DIY !!!

Don’t ever turn your back on him for one second with your son. You dont know what he will do

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Have your ever thought that maybe hes acting out cz he doesn’t have his father in his life like he’d want him to be and your 2 yr old does? He is jealous which is normal. All you can do is keep your eyes on your 2 yr old and not let him be alone with him and maybe find him interesting and fun projects to fill his time with while he’s visiting your home that are appropriate for his age.


Mom doesnt take it seriously? Is there any reason why dad can’t get this child a psych eval and treatment? If you are afraid for your child’s safety, it is your responsibility to be proactive. Do not allow him to be with your child unsupervised, and for goodness sake, get him treatment.

My step son killed our goldfish (sat and watched it gasp for air with smirk on his face after pouring washing up liquid into the tank) he has threatened to cut off all my daughters hair and has cut up my sons passport. I won’t turn my back on this kid - he’s now 13 and has been ‘out’ (loud and proud) for years now. His mother has since gone on to have 2 other kids who she obviously dotes on (all over her social media) his mum herself is a massive attention seeker (a big TikToker aged 40!) It’s obvious to me where the issues stem from so I have sympathies for him but I fear he will hurt me, my pets and/or my kids (thankfully they are adults so can take care of themselves) so I will never let my guard down

That’s a serial killer in the making run!!!


Future serial killer…keep him away from your family.

  1. NEVER leave them alone together. Not even to use the toilet.
  2. Get a psychiatrist. They can isolate & treat dangerous behavior or exhibits of psychopathic tendencies.
  3. Get house cameras. For the safety of the children & reference for the therapist.
  4. Do ur best to make sure he doesn’t feel isolated. Lots of love n praise when its called for.

I don’t even really know what to say… major red flags, not his fault of course but these comments absolutely need to be looked into further by a child psychiatrist.

Unfortunately his age is probably in that stage where they know between right and wrong but don’t fully know the consequences.
I would be terrified too, u don’t want to overstep your line and name call/label him etc but whether his mother agrees or not this needs to be assessed before something potentially serious happens… I’m sure your partner is more than capable of taking him to the gp to be referred- I hope ur okay xx

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Have him evaluated by a child psychologist. In the meantime, have him stay at his mother’s.


Far out you guys out the gate calling a 9 year old a serial killer in making or whatever you don’t no the exact details of what she calls or what abuse of animals acturlly happened as he is only a young boy and she said in past so who nos what age! Also to me seems he prob doesn’t get attention at home with other kids now he doesn’t get attention from dad like he used to either so prob doesn’t feel like he fits in anywhere maybe dad and him need some just them bonding time so he feels wanted! And counciling would help wouldn’t jump to serial killer FFS


Keep him away from your child if they are together never leave them alone.

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Sounds like he is a bit jelly about his step brother or perhaps even you. Is he really close to his Dad?

Get :clap: your :clap: child :clap: the :clap: heck :clap: outta :clap: there :woman_facepalming:
I know you’re asking advice, but I’m not even a parent and this doesnt seem like an option scenario.
Yes, kids sometimes say dumb stuff when annoyed or in the heat of the moment but this child literally sounds like a psychopath.
It might hurt you to leave, but it will hurt your child to stay. If this is being brought up so early, dare say this child is sadistic/mentally unwell and is going to make your childs life a living hell.
You’ve seen signs and been told enough to grab your shiz and get the heck out of that situation.
This literally sounds like the beginning plot of a scary movie.


Take your child and run!!! Animal abuse is a CLEAR sign murderer/serial killer in the making! Clearly your husband doesn’t care about this craziness. Give him an ultimatum to get that kid into therapy, counseling, etc or YOU’LL LEAVE. It’s better to leave than have something terrible happen.


The boy needs to see a psychiatrist or he will grow up to be a homicidal maniac or a psychopath


Do the same as if he were your own son.


he needs to get into therapy as soon as possible I know this is going to sound really horrible but it’s been a proven fact that most murderers start out with animals. And I cringe as I even type that I would never leave that child alone with your kid and I would definitely make sure that kid gets counseling.


BIG RED FLAG!!! Get him a psychiatrist!


I’d be taking that boy to a doctor it sounds to be a lot like the symptoms of conduct disorder. If he is being violent to your son I wouldn’t allow him back over until something is put into place. My son just recently got diagnosed with conduct disorder I’m not saying medication is for everyone but omg it’s done wonders for my son.
It really does sound like he needs help now before it’s to late.

Is it possible for him to live with his mother permanently?
That will remove him from your house. It won’t stop him though.
Someone suggested counselling.
That might work, but it seems he might be too smart for a counsellor.
He is a sociopath and there’s no known cure. There us one treatment but it’s illegal


He definitely has some inner demons he is dealing with and also know how to get under your skin. He need some type of therapy to express how he feels because he might be okay with his dad moving on. You can’t just put aside and expect him to get better or just completely shut them out. You can choose to monitor them and not leave alone with sibling. He definitely needs help though.

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For your child’s safety. Keep him away from your house because that demon spawn can’t be trusted around him. There’s no way you can keep an eye on your child 24/7 when he is around


Please keep your 2 year old away from him until he seeks the medical help he needs, even 10 year old can kill, just look at what happened to poor James Bulger :broken_heart: You have to trust your gut if you think something’s not right x


He is a kid that needs a lot of love, attention and trust, make you he gets it and you can change his behavior, your fear will resonate in the child’s behavior making him what you think he is


Maybe you, your husband and his son go to therapy?

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I think he’s a confused kid who doesn’t know how to express his emotions properly which is normal not knowing how to. It’s up to parents to help them. I agree with everyone to an extent…you need to keep a watchful eye on him around everyone, animals and he needs therapy. Reinforcing good behavior. Never get overly upset over bad behavior, it’ll just fuel it as he may enjoy seeing yalls reactions but don’t entirely ignore it as he may do something more worse to get the reaction he wants. Sounds like an angry kid…sometimes being too close to the situation isn’t the best formula in helping. He may need to go somewhere for his therapy.


I would say go to the court to get court ordered counseling and document the concern and lack of taking the Father’s concerns seriously. I also would recommend that you don’t leave the baby alone with him until you know it is safe.


What’s his father doing?? The father needs to step in and sort his boy out…
Im a step mum myself and my partner does not tolerate disrespect or violent behaviour from his kids… he will always sort them out if they need to be.

Sounds like a movie I once saw. Call the cops and report him. Call child protective services and report him. Do something and make sure your husband gets involved too. He will regret it if something were to happen to any of his other children. He will feel like he’s betraying his but son needs mental help. This is very serious. All the signs are there. Pray for him :pray:t3: and the rest of the children. Don’t sit back and do nothing.

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Get professional help ASAP! Do not pass Go do not get $200 :running_woman: :man_running: :running_man:


I went threw the same thing for 30 years.at 16 he finally went to his moms .he only stayed a month.he never except me or my son.

Get nanny cams that also record voice too. Video tape what’s going on. Have something in every room on at ALL time’s. Keep it hid & do not tell anyone where you’ve placed camera’s. You can watch them after he leaves. Youll be able to see everything that has gone on. Its impossible to keep your eye’s on him at all time’s. Kids are sneaky & usually will do something in a quiet place no one will notice until after it’s done. Seems like right now? His mom isn’t seeing these actions from him. Which concerns me, since he does have younger siblings at home. I would be just as concerned as you are. But, you are going to need proof to show any professional what you’re saying is true. This could be anything from an improper diet at his mother’s home like too much sugar & poor eating habits when not with you & your husband to a psychological problem or ADHD or a combination. It could be he’s being touched inappropriately by someone & acting out. You’ll never know if you don’t get him talking to someone. It could even be video games he’s way too young to play at the age of 9. Some games are not for kid’s that young that’s why they say what ages they’re approved for. Also? Everyone has cable or a form if it. Parental controls are there for a reason. Set them if you haven’t. But? Just your word? Will not be enough. Video & hearing the thing’s he’s saying is something you should do immediately. I agree that you should not allow him to be left alone with your 2 year old.
Do something now though. Don’t wait until something bad happens whether he has a mental illness or is just not getting the attention he want’s or needs. At 9 year’s of age? Yes, he know’s right from wrong. But, he doesn’t understand why he feels the way he does. A history of any type of mental illness on either side of the family could also be a problem. These are thing’s you could ask your husband about. Whichever it is? You, your husband & his ex wife need to know & understand what he’s feeling & more importantly why! If your husband won’t agree with you after you show him proof? Take your child & get outta there until something is figured out. I’ve heard future serial killer mentioned. It’s a bit early on to make that determination & only a trained professional can give you those answers. But, don’t risk something happening to your child & risk losing him by a pre teen in a few year’s losing the rest of his life & future by doing nothing. You are the mom in your home. You have to stand up & fight for the right answers to what is actually going on with this child since he’s in your care for visits. You? Control what goes on in your home. I honestly hope it’s just a bit of jealousy & him wanting his mom & dad back together and not something worse. Good Luck! This isn’t the worst thing that can happen yet. But, definitely do something now before it could become a loss of 2 children! You could even call his school & talk to the counselor there to find out how he’s acting in school. Personally me? This spare the rod? Is a bunch of BS. If I misbehaved? I got my ass cracked. Everyone i grew up with did. No one i know grew up acting like that! But for you? I can see why your hands are basically tied. So, you’ll have to go the counseling route.
Don’t put off what you can legally do now!! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Hurting animals is the first step of future little psychopaths Brittney Wynn


he’s a killer in the making mental big time or demons get to praying n keep him at he’s mother don’t leave no one alone with him he just going to get bigger n stronger n crazier thoughts to kill


Y’all (commentors) need some fucking help. This is a CHILD you are talking about. He CLEARLY needs help and therapy.

OP your fears are valid. But the majority of the advice on here is absolutely terrible and you should seek professional help and opinions about this instead of asking Facebook.


He wouldn’t be around my children period……

Get him into therapy and don’t give him a chance to be alone with your son.


Maybe his mum does nothing about it because she hasn’t seen this behaviour in him? I advise getting him help. Your husband also has parental rights, so he can take him to be seen. Hurting animals is very extreme and worrying.


Spill the beans,keep him far from your son

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What to do about a terrifying step child?

Don’t leave yours alone with him


Get him in therapy immediately!


Never leave him alone with your child.


He needs to be in therapy. Personally if it were me, I would not have him around my child. Better safe than sorry in my opinion.


Never leave him alone with him. Ever.


Child would benefit from having a mental health evaluation.


This kid needs therapy. Harming animals and others at 9y is NOT a good sign. Nor what he is saying about the toddler. Id not leave him out of my sight when he’s over until you get that under control. Dad needs to take him in, if mom wont.


Serial killer in the making. Getting him into therapy now!


Quit letting him be around your kids. Be a mother. Hes a serial killer in training.


Well obviously that mother is failing, we don’t need another asshat in this world lol

Sounds like that child may be a sociopath in the making. Please whatever you do, do not leave your child alone with him. People like that cannot be helped with therapy, unfortunately. It’s a very sad situation, but you need to keep your child and family safe.


He probably needs to be treated before it’s too late.


Get cameras and alarms in your home


He needs a psych eval ASAP. There’s something going on. When he does that stuff document it by keeping a notebook and video it. Keeps the other kids safe.


Honestly I agree with the therapy and mental health check but maybe he’s feeling unwanted or there’s more going on and he’s developed depression. Never leave him alone with the children he needs to see a doctor


Set up live video and audio recording security cameras inside of your home and outside that run 24/7 that way if anything happens you have evidence of what has gone wrong I am praying for you and this chapter you are in


Wow…he needs treatment immediately. I’m obsessed with serial killer documentaries and most of them start off with behavior like that. That’s sociopathic/psychopathic behavior.


Serious therapy is indicated here. Prayers


He needs evaluated and I wouldn’t leave my child alone with him even if that means having to have my child sleep in my room ect.


The child needs therapy. And I wouldn’t let him around my baby until he’s gone to therapy and has showed improvement.

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Never let your son be alone with him


He needs to see a counselor/ therapist/ psychologist

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Serious therapy is needed; along with special time alone with both parents so he doesn’t feel like he’s unwanted/ unloved.

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I would not leave him around my kids alone. Period. Dad has to put his foot down and get this kid help fast.

Harming animals is a massive red flag, alongside the mother ignoring the fathers facts.
Have him be evaluated by a psychiatrist and then put him into therapy ASAP

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Keep him away or danger could happen good lord no1 wants danger in there lives trying 2 look after them and keep all eyes on them is hard enough wishing u all the best go by ur gut instinct :100::100::100::heart:

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Definitely a mental health evaluation, but with what he’s saying, you may have grounds to take him to the ER and have a crisis worker get him inpatient. Mental illness can be genetic and trauma induced. Makes me wonder if someone abused him.

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Set up a video and record him when he says this sort of stuff. Then pursue counseling for him.


He should start seeing a therapist because it sounds like there are underlying issues of anger and self worth going on… Just get him some help and I hope that it works out for u… Praying for your family…

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I agree that therapy would be great. I also think security cameras in the house would be useful when talking to his birth mother. It’s hard to deny video. It also gives you peace ofi d on what happens when you’re not looking. There aren’t a ton of comments yet but so far 7/10 say don’t leave him alone… As a parent I know it only takes a second of looking away. Get a second pair of eyes. And also… You’re this kids step mom. Take responsibility and start reading some parenting books and even if you can’t get the child in therapy you can learn some therapeutic techniques to help. Being a step parent means this is as much your responsibility as it is your husband’s and the birth mom.

I hope that doesn’t come off as judgemental. It’s not. I truly want you to make the best for you, your birth child, and your bonus child. There is a lot YOU can do.


Sounds like he doesn’t get the attention he needs. How often do you do things just you and him?


Don’t leave him with the other children and get him to the doctors, he obviously has issues and needs to work with a professional. I had this woth my step daughter and it was all learnt behaviour from her mother and her past relationships and having a different bloke each week and record stuff as and when you can even speak to school when he goes back his dad will be able to sort all this without mother’s input xx


Sounds like the child needs mental help he’s obviously struggling to cope with something and it’s sad the mother won’t acknowledge the help that child desperately needs

He needs therapy and now dad needs to man up qnd take him in

Tell your husband take that kid to a therapist to get evaluated and go from there. If the mother doesn’t want to help then he needs to file for sole custody due to neglect so he can get that boy the help he needs


Record that shit and get him admitted!!!

Keep him away from your child at all times. Do not leave them alone together for even a second. He needs psychological help. The fact he hurts animals and says things like that, are huge red flags. I would go as far as leaving until he gets help bc my child’s safety comes first.

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What is happening for him to be like that? Is there something at his mothers house thats happening? Sounds like something is going on. Most serial killers only start killing because they were abused sexually mentally physically. Get him in to therapy or even talk to him about whats going on. Does his mom have a bf? is that bf hurting him?


Also cameras everywhere.

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He needs some factory reset old Caribbean slap down …:skull::skull:


First of all remember this is something he is going through too. There’s obviously something going on in his head. Secondly you need to protect the other children as well WITHOUT causing the evil step mother trope. Point blank your husband needs to go to court and demand she enroll him in mental health services.

Take it from a former abusive child. He NEEDS mental health services, and if the courts won’t do anything then unfortunately it’s time to call CPS on her. You have to because if CPS hears he’s abusing your kids and you didn’t take these steps your kids will get involved too.


Dad need to take him to see a therapist


Make a difficult decision now or possibly experience the greatest horror anyone can experience - the loss of a child. A life sentence of punishing yourself for ignoring obvious signs of malignant psychology is almost as unbearable


Nanny cam. Proof for mom and If you get any dangerous behavior you can petition the court for an evaluation and counciling if mom refuses.

He needs therapy and possibly more help. Mental health is a serious issue. Get him help ASAP


Therapy and when their child is talking possibly endangering your kid you need to talk her before you and your husband have to handle it… Honestly you guys telling her how he acts and what he says and she doesn’t give a damn does nothing, she’s not acting like a parent and a way of child neglect, so you where forced to take in your own hands and handle it before he did something…

Listen hun set up cameras everywhere including in stuffed animals in the children’s rooms. Honestly I would not have them sleep over. Let them visit for the day and send your child to your parents or your husband’s parents for the day. Your husband has every right to put the child in therapy. Let him set up therapy appointments for whenever his child visits. He should seek advice just to be on the safe side as to what he can do without the child’s mothers consent.I would be terrified and don’t blame you for how you feel.


I would personally leave until the situation was different


What happened to him why he ends up like that?.. That kind of kids need love and attention… Talk to him gently…


Ok so my 3rd born was like this keyword WAS he needs a strong male role model… not saying his dad isn’t a good one but someone who isn’t a parent… sometimes a family member or friend can get through to your child better than a random stranger. Also do not let the son know you are setting it up or act different he will know and shut down… my 3rd born harmed animals and he would be very questionable around the baby… a friend of family spent quality time with him and found out he was struggling with the change of moving new baby feeling left out we slowly started spending equal time with each child and boom no more harming animals and babies safe.

Going to a therapist or counselor isn’t always the best choice my son shut down and learned how to get out of speaking by falling asleep while he was in his session.