Convince dad therapy is needed. Don’t leave them alone together, and get a camera for peace of mind.
This poor little boy needs mental health and quickly!!! You better do it sooner than later!!! This little boy is very troubled!!
Let demon child stay at his own house…. Protect your babies at all costs…. See what your hubby wants to do but hopefully he agrees the demon can stay where hes at… maybe the dad can work w him privately until u feel safe for him to come bk around… tough decisions and situation… good luck!!!
Listen to your heart follow your mommy instinct!!! But I see a jealously issue from him. He doesn’t know how to process his emotions so maybe the dad needs to spend one on one time with him. Then u can to. If he feels like he matters and he is being heard I bet he will do a 180 !!
Sounds like he needs alot of love
First off do not let him ever be left alone with ur child. He really truly needs to be evaluated. Ur husband can take him in for this even though he doesnt have custody of him since the mother refuses to do anything or get him help.
That’s so hard. Other then suggesting he see a psychiatrist, and keeping your son and him apart unless supervised, I have no advice. I feel very sad for you and your situation. Sounds like something you all need to be on board with or it likely won’t help. Have ya’ll tried sitting down with his mother face to face and having an adult discussion without the children around?! Maybe that’s where you could start. Family counseling with all of you and the child in question?! I hope ya’ll can figure it out!!!
You need to show him love attention and be a good role model to him. Don’t push him away or that will make it worse.
Why isn’t your husband doing anything about it?
If his mother not doing anything, tell your husband to take him to counseling. It’s your husband responsibility to his wellbeing.
Start recording him so his momma can’t deny whats going on…Never ever leave him alone with your child…He definitely needs to be in therapy…Thats how serial killers start…js…If nobody puts him in therapy I would leave or he shouldnt be allowed at your house until he is…You need to protect your child and the other ones too…Good luck:v:
Remember this is a child learning how to be. He must see it some where how else would he know to think or say or do these things. We aren’t born evil were made it. I’ve never met an evil baby. So with this being said get some nanny cams in each room so you can have the clear mind you can go grab a cup of ice water from the kitchen and leave the baby to play. Punishment harshness from resentment can cause more resentment. Don’t assume. Good vibes your way.
Counseling!!! NOW !!! A therapist should be consulted. Then, ask him why he feels this way. Watch him . Show him love and support. This could either go very well or very wrong as he gets older.
I don’t think as mother with a child who has a step mother I would appreciate it if she put this post on line if you care about your step child seek professional help don’t post shit like this on line. I would be furious there are people and support groups out there put in place for behavior concerns I would go out of my mind I’f my child’s step mother posted online about his behavior . I don’t no why you would post something like this on Facebook it’s obvs clear that you need to contact a social worker or someone equipped to deal with it .
I would suggest behavior therapy and a mental health evaluation. The sooner the better!
Torturing animals can indicate someone is a sociopath. Don’t leave them alone. He needs a mental health evaluation
Maybe talk to ur husband about getting him some counseling? This sucks tonsay but dont leave him alone w the kids? If hes acting this way, behavioral problems maybe u n ur husband should look into child psychology? I hope my comment helps. I hope yall figure this out and hopefully his mom starts saying something. Something wrong w her too if she sees no problems w him sayi g stuff n doing stuff like that.
Sounds jealous over the facts that there’s other little kids everywhere 1on1 with dad to prove the baby isn’t replacing him if mom has added a few since him it’s going to take away from him that’s just how it is and so he needs to see his little brother isn’t taking away from his time with dad and definitely monitor 100% of his time there better safe than sorry
He needs more than love and affection. He needs actual help! His mom needs to be held accountable! Maybe this is something that you can go through the courts with? Maybe they can make her help him?
My step kiddos hate their little sister & I’m pregnant with baby #2. We dont see them so there is a plus bc id be just as scared as you. I agree though he needs a psych eval. Kids also learn from what they watch or see happening so maybe mom not helping is also a bad thing. Maybe mom should encourage him to stop bullying & such…
Sociopath in the making, he needs serious help
Since his mom’s not doing anything about it dad needs to take control and put that kid in counseling and therapy. Mom’s not the only one responsible for the child’s behavior mom and dad are both equally responsible for disciplining and fixing any issues in that kid. You are also responsible for helping to fix the issue since you are his stepmother. You guys are a family unit and need to act as 1 and fix this kid’s issues if mom’s not going to help them you and your husband need to take over.
That sounds psychopathic. Make your husband get him evaluated asap, however you have to.
Um…why are you asking here? This child obviously has some deep trauma that needs addressed by a licensed professional
Get him help but ALSO PROTECT YOUR KIDS AND YOURSELF TOO! I HAVE LIVED THIS! we had custody of my husband’s oldest daughter on the pretense that she had been raped by her step dad, her mom knew about it, and both had physically & mentally abused her. For 1.5 years she lived with us and was treated as a victim of abuse, received counseling, etc… and come to find out SHE HAD MADE EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. OF. IT UP!!! NONE of it was true!!!
We didn’t find this out until AFTER she had sexually abused my son, physically tortured my daughter, mentally and emotionally abused both of them. She would go to school and tell teachers, counselors, the principal, friends (who would tell teachers) that I (never my husband) beat her, locked her in closets, and starved her… which resulted in constantly having DCS called on me. She manipulated my husband AND myself the entire damn time!! My marriage was almost lost as well.
Come to find out… she was just a narcissistic sociopath! My own children were being hurt and abused IN THEIR HOME!
I’m telling you mama… PROTECT YOUR BABIES! This is a guilt you do not want. I literally had a nervous breakdown over it; how did I miss the signs? How did I not know? How could this happen IN MY HOME?!
FOLLOW YOUR GUT AND PROTECT THEM. That damage cuts deep.
Therapy, mental health evaluation, supervision and nanny cams!!! Normal kids don’t say and do those things. He needs help. It could be something dangerous or it could be something simple, either way, he needs help now! Mom can’t stop his dad and him having “family counseling” unless she goes to judge or it’s already in custody agreement. She also can’t stop visitation to prevent counseling! This was straight from a family court judges mouth to me!! That’s what I would suggest. Take him ASAP!
Hahaha, this brings back memories.
My youngest’s dad moved his son in with us when his mom gave up.
He punched out windows, cut off my hair, broke my PlayStation, put dish soap in my contact cases, laid dead animals across the doorway, killed my cat, tried to hit my pregnant child in the stomach with a vacuum cleaner…
Then he picked up a trophy and tried to bash my baby’s head in, stopped by my dog.
I packed them up and sent them out the door.
I would definitely have him evaluated, and speaking to a counselor. Kids that hurt animals is not a good sign. I wouldn’t let him be alone with any other children.
Get your husband to put him in a mental hospital he need help before her hurt someone else or himself. Keep records of everything he says and dose.
I wouldn’t be leaving him alone with your son, and any time he walks in a room with you maybe record it. I wouldn’t let him know what your doing, just record the conversation. If he says anything like that again you’ll have it on tape. Maybe that will push mom into helping get this kid some help.
Nope nope nope. I could never handle that. Idk what advice to give. I’ve seen one to many scary kid movies. I’d definitely not leave him alone with him. And make the dad get him counseling and take him. He doesn’t need the mother to.
Report her so and maybe she will do something to help her child! If you or your husband are telling her and telling her that something needs to be done and doing nothing about them you need to do what you have too!
Whatever you do NEVER leave your son alone with this kid! Sounds like he has alot of jealousy towards your son as well as unstable mental & anger issues as well. I’d talk to your husband about getting him into counseling while he is still young to avoid carrying these issues with him into his adulthood. His father needs to have a serious conversation with the boys mom.
Good mom for recognizing sounds like bad parenting on the other side
Yea he needs assessed ASAP. I mean like RIGHT now and don’t let him around the other’s. Id also suggest him and his dad have 1 on 1 time and write down everything. And his behaviour after the 1 on 1 time. He could be insecure or perhaps jealous, but it doesn’t sound at all right either way.
Im scared, just reading this. He needs help asap. He sounds like a sociopath. Its not about wanting attention. If he was wanting attention he’d be pushing and acting out. This isnt acting out this is extreme and he’s hurting animals. Get him help. The sooner the better. An dont trust him alone with anyone.
Research has shown that children who abuse animals often grow into delinquents, violence and criminal behaviour. This is a major red flag and needs to be addressed quickly .
Dad must step up since mum wont but id not let him near my house till he had been assessed and was in some kind of professional therapy. Please do not leave your child alone with him.
Hes 9yo and knows exactly what he’s doing and saying…
.I do believe he needs so much love and understanding …but he also needs professional help. Im not normally one to say therapy but in this case …yes
Just don’t ever leave any kids unattended! something could happen even if the kids aren’t acting out
Ur husband need to take action during his time.
He is having some red flags that need to be taken care of he needs behavioral therapy.
Animal abuse is a huge indicator he needs professional help!
He needs to get seen by a professional honestly. He sounds like a danger.
Just don’t ever leave them alone together
Ummmmmm. You had me at " abuses animals " he would NOT be allowed anywhere near my child, i don’t care if it caused a divorce, he has SERIOUS mental/ anger issues. Don’t close your eyes around that kid:flushed:
Harming animals is a red flag for a psychological disorder. Please go see a therapist ASAP
Report the mother to CPS. They can force her to get services for him.
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Your husband needs to push for his son to seek evaluation and possibly therapy. He can express these concerns in court if need be but something needs to be done and it sounds as though his mother won’t take the actions needed to help him. This behavior with out intervention will only Continue to get worse. I would document everything or as much as you can from his behaviors and to what he says and date and times. Furthermore, do not leave children unattended with this child. Whether it’s jealousy, anger, sadness, resentment, whichever it may be these behaviors are not okay or safe.
A great idea would be create some stability in this child’s life. Pick one day and have alone one on one time with him. Just the 2 of you. A zoo trip etc. Even a arcade . someone needs to show him he is valued.
I hope he doesn’t live with you!!! Keep him away from your baby at all cost.
He needs some serious counseling, but if he is harming animals he is a danger to your son as well as other children.
Maybe the day will come when he bullies the wrong kid and gets the crap beat out of him.
May be the child has issues…may be the break up or something…that has hurt him or up set him…I think he may need a counclisor to help him…as for hurting animals may be seeing how other things hurt as he’s trying to understand…I know it’s not right but working with children who have needs I think this child could do with a helping hand and understanding something has happend and needs help.
I think that’s the time to go ahead and call child protective services because this child definitely needs therapy and probably medication services.
I’d pretend to be as crazy as he’s acting and put the fear of God into him. His parents, or at least his mother, is pretending that there isn’t a problem . . . I’d bring it to their attention because I’d be damned if I turn a blind eye and my child is injured/killed because of this child’s psychopathic behavior!
Does he get enough attention do nice things througg the day sounds like everyine has washed their hands with him mayve he’s doing it for attention or coz hes hurting so he wants to hurt others kids learn it from somewhere there not born nasty mayve he needs some in put and to see a professional
Sweetie keep that child away from all the other children - he WILL hurt / kill one of them - more than likely the smallest.
Second if he’s acting out on small animals- he was/ is being abused. He needs professional help. Nothing your husband or you can do other than protect the babies. IF this young one doesn’t get help now - it will only get worse. Prayers to you - young one and your family.
Let the baby mom.and the father know everything. Go from there. Counseling. Discipline. Medication . Etc . My stepson gave us problems but he never said anything mean like that. Thankfully. If a child says mean disrespectful things they should get their mouth smacked. And grounded for 3 weeks nothing but eating drinking showering (the essentials) and reading books that child would be doing. No electronics nothing. Get that child tested because the child could do harm to another child. Contact people that will see if this child is unstable . Do what needs to be done. As an animal lover, abuse on animals should never happen. My kids know better. Even my 6 year old knows right from wrong .
Get the step son evaluated by a professional. Keep your child safe. Take action don’t have to live with regrets or what ifs!
Dad needs to take the steps to get his son professional help ASAP. There are so many red flags here.
I had to deal with same thing just about. Kept my niece for a long time bc her mom is a POS that is more into drinking and being a hoe rather than a parent. Would leave her kids with us days at a time. Her daughter,same age as mine,is a nightmare .Ever since was little bullied my daughter. My daughter was 9 months old and niece a year old and my niece would bite my daughter and push her down. My husband refused to tell his sister her kid couldnt come over anymore bc his mom lived with us and she wanted to see her grandkids…all of them…not just ours. Told him then his sister needs to pick his mom up and take her to her house to see the kids…
It was a big arguement for years. Fast forward…Niece and my daughter are now 6 years old. Niece is constantly saying she wished my daughter didnt exist. One day…i have to go outside to clean and refill above ground pool bc it is May and getting hot enough to swim. Put hose in it after cleaning and go into the house to see my niece holding a knife,got it out of kitchen drawer as was a steak knife,and saying she is going to stab my daughter!!!
I called her mom and told her better get her kid and keep her away from my house or im dropping her off at DHR office so they can find her a stable parent.
After that,husband’s mom got pissed bc i refused to change my mind about letting niece back around my kids,so moved out. Life has been peaceful without them around. Do what is best for your family. Your husband needs to see that kid needs help and doesnt need to be around yalls kids for safety reasons.
All these grown ass women on here calling this child a demon, killer, and psychopath are disgusting. This child is obv crying out for attention and all of you suggest you take more away . I hope the ones saying this do not have children of your own.
Sounds like bpd. Has there been trauma in his life? The bio paeenrs separating could be enough trauma along with dad having another child with non bio mom. They wont diagnose until he’s 18 but do some research. Some cbt and or dbt therapy helps. If you recognize now you might be able to catch it early enough to stop the super extreme behaviors. Homicide ideation/suicide ideation, drug addictions, etc efc.
So my son has a history of being very aggressive towards me, his sisters and himself. When he was 5 he became super infatuated with dead animal we would see on the sidewalks while walking (birds or squirrels) he even dug a dead bird up that my mom had buried after he car brought it home. I got him into counseling right away. From there his behaviors became tbh overwhelming to the point that there was not one day come night time that I would just cry because I was at a loss. I’m a single mom and I remember always telling my mom life can’t be this hard. Simple day to day living shouldn’t be this hard. I know being a single mom is going to be harder than if it were to be a 2 parent household but it should not be this hard. So from there he was referred to a psychiatrist. He’s 8 now and we still struggle with anger outbursts. If he has a tantrum I usually end up with a hole in my wall. His new thing lately is killing lizards and burying them and then un burying them. He’s been diagnosed with adhd odd and conduct disorder. He sees a psychiatrist and a behavioral therapist 2x a week. There’s a few things in your post that to me sounds like it could possibly be conduct disorder and this type of disorder especially on young kids is best to treat early on. Without treatment and therapy once there older it could turn to anti social personality disorder from
Going through something similar but the roles are reversed…
My ex’s “girlfriends” son has issues like this because she bounces back and forth between my ex and the father of her children weekly. The poor kids confused and it’s taken a toll on h mentally over the last year. He talks about hurting others plus animals, hearing voices and all kinds of things. My kid is severely special needs and non verbal. As bad as it sounds I was completely upfront and blunt with my ex AND the GF. My child is NOT to be left alone with her son even for a second! Although I sympathize with her situation that doesn’t mean I’m willing to put my child in danger. I told them flat out if my child gets hurt because they’re not paying attention be prepared to call the police because I will loose it.
We have a older child together and he says the girlfriend is very good with both my kids and treats then like her own. However, they tend to leave the kids alone while outside spending time with one another and when it comes to discipline it’s none existent over there and all the kids run the show.
My best advice would be keep your child with you at all times when the other is around. Never leave them alone and try again to talk to the mother. If she won’t get him the help he needs push for the father to do it. Be there for the bonus child show him attention as well. Don’t exile him out of fear because IMO that will make it worse and probably make your child more of a target out of jealousy.
That is the making of a serial killer if he doesn’t get Theraphy! Not trying to scare you but I would never leave him alone with any of the kids! That is truly scary! Prayers for you and your family!
Record everything he says use a baby monitor there are some that record as soon as there is motion and some that record continually. Or a set of cameras placed through out the house. You want video and sound!
Well of the dad isn’t taking him to a psychtrist, therapist, or the Dr at all…he’s neglecting to take care of the issue as well
Theraphy for everyone … something is wrong, if no one will go you should go by yourself and maybe just you and him then.
Don’t leave them alone together ever. LIKE EVER EVEN FOR A MOMENT.
My ex had a son like that. Never trust him with the other kids and good luck
First of all those kind of comments are very common when a new baby comes home so maybe just chill about that. Second this is a child, your husband’s child, not some strange kid out to get you. He needs people who are going to love and advocate for him. He needs to see a mental health professional for sure but in a way that isn’t shaming him or othering him. His entire life is turned upside down and doesn’t know how to handle it because he’s a child. Sounds like his dad needs to step up and be an actual father instead of pawning him off on his mother. It also sounds like he needs adults to be more understanding of child development and not call him a “terror.” You married someone who you knew had children, you need to treat them like your own not some pariah to get rid of
Dad or mom need to have him evaluated. It will only get worse if untreated. Like someone above mentioned, cameras with sound also all over the house.
If your husband has joint custody he should be able to get him into a therapist for evaluation. Definitely no overnight fix for this and keep you toddler close to you. Sounds like there maybe a lot of jealousy too.
Dad son needs help now esp
I’m going through something similar. My sd has been telling us she wants to kill us(myself, dad, brothers and sisters and a few other people) she’s still in the same house with us and we’ve been trying to get her help but it’s so hard to get help for kids with mental health issues.
First off as a step mum myself I would be seriously concerned about this poor boys emotional state, he’s clearly struggling and he most definitely sounds like he needs love, care and support more importantly I would ask your partner who has parental rights to speak with the school for 1 to 1 help and support and ask for a referall to the children’s mental health he needs help and support and the right way.
You need to get the child to a therapist and psychiatrist ASAP . And do not leave him alone with other children.
You need to talk to your husband about not letting him into your home for awhile until it’s safe and he gets into treatment. I know I’ll get backlash for saying that but you need to protect everyone.
It only takes a second for life to change… Watch at all times…
Baker act wow she is blind use technology to your advantage get him on hidden cameras prove it have something to back you an hubby up
Why on Earth are there so many people on here saying “why are you asking here? Go get professional help instead of on here”
What an unhelpful thing to say!! She’s obviously going to take our advice by going further and seeking professional help, but sometimes we as humans need to see what other people have to offer as help and advice in order to feel slightly better. This group is supposed to be for people who need help and advice for crying out loud. To those who have said that, do you honestly think she’s just going to post on a forum and leave it at that? We all need comforting words from strangers sometimes when we feel helpless.
Don’t have him around your son unless you can watch them full time.
He’s getting the reaction he wanted from you…Gonna continue until he realizes he’s not fazing you
Psychologist. Mental help, something.
i know therapy is probably out of the question, since she didn’t mention it. but if you can do therapy, do it.
never trust him around the kids. please keep telling him NO! dont say things like that! its not nice! . i love you. but stop!
be firm.
good parenting… its hard. but its instinct. and no one is the best at it. but, you dont want ANYONE to get hurt by anything he does or says, like wise with you. and he needs to understand that now. hes old enough to understand what your saying, that his actions are good/bad, and that he has consequences of said actions now!! he is 9… he understands.
love him at night extra good. make one on one time with him somehow. even for 5min. maybe see if something is going on elsewhere and hes taking things out on you…
love and patience.
be kind. be firm. stand your ground.
good luck
This is really really concerning because these are traits that serial killers have in early ages of life. Not saying he’ll become one but if his mother doesn’t start taking this seriously he might end up hurting someone or one of the kids and his life will only down spiral from there. This needs to be handle carefully maybe talk about counseling or therapy it helps a lot with kids who have no one to vent to about changes in their life. He could be jealous too and frustrated with how life got all mixed up. I know my son from a previous marriage hated my boyfriend because they weren’t HIS dad and would lash out and just be disrespectful about it. I got my older ones in therapy because they weren’t comfortable talking to me about it and it think it helped a lot. It could also be his age this is pre teen time and they have a lot of emotions they don’t know what to do with or how to deal with them so that’s also something to take into consideration. Maybe have a one on one with him? Or try doing something with just him he really enjoyed so he feels like he’s important. Being a middle child is really tough and they can feel like their feelings get brushed off opposed to being the older or younger child. I hope this helped a little bit! Btw (coming from a mama with a blended family)
I’m sorry but i wouldn’t allow him around my son, he sounds like he leaning towards being a serial killer, thats how they start out, abusing animals and bullying
Poor kid sounds like he’s feeling pushed out - he was the baby suddenly he’s not anymore so he’s acting out for attention. Maybe take a day out with just him, no other siblings so he knows he’s still someone’s baby?
Serial killer in the making
Definitely do not leave that child unattended with any child or animal in your care. Shadow him when he’s with you.
Get a psych eval done xx
I would slap tf out of him and then put a restraining order !
Ugh I feel u on this so much my step son is 9 and is horrible he is a bully and talks about death and killing constantly. We have him his therapy which will hopefully help. It doesn’t help the situation when the mother seems to not engage in what’s going on because it must be happening at her house also. I’m sorry you are going through this and if u ever need another mom in a similar situation to talk to reach out hun I’m here to listen whenever! I hope you can get some anwsers to this soon
Dr. Phil show had a child on there just like this…Maybe you should go watch that, he might have said something that might help u
If he’s hurting animals that is the first sign of a future murder, psychopath… you need to get him help asap
Dont let the psycho child near yours.If the mother or your husband has a problem with that then tough titties
He’s 9…. Get him some help. He’s feeling displaced. Unless he’s been exposed to serious trama or is mentally ill- he’s just flexing…
This little one need attention, caring, and love this is what he is asking
I would not leave my children around this child unsupervised ever. I wouldn’t want the child around at all. I’m sorry, but the child has psychiatric problems and should be taken. At this point the dad needs to take him. Not sure it will help if he started with animals.
Y’all really need to go see a therapist rather than asking these personal questions on the internet getting random advice from thousands of strangers. I’m worried for some of all
He’s a baby himself and feeling pushed out. Also bullied kids are being bullied so I’d be checking into what’s happening outside your house.
If you treat him different then he will sense that and could be why he doesn’t “like” your son.
I’m all honesty, I’d be checking into my actions as well as moms house.
It sounds partially that you may have your own built up negative feelings and exaggerated this quite a bit. He’s just a child. He’s hurting and may use anger to demonstrate his hurt. He probably feels left out. Show him some one on one time and give him extra love. He’s confused right now. You as an adult should never be this harsh on him. If it were your child and not a “step” child you would be acting different. Something doesn’t add up.