What to do about a terrifying step child?

:smiling_imp: :child: ā€¦kid needs help desperately

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He needs a psych evaluation


Donā€™t leave him with your child alone . He sounds very jealous . I think he should be assessed for mental health reasons he could be dangerous to others


Get him in to see a psychiatrist and therapist.


This situation is dangerous! I would stop it now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Your situation deserves help ASAP! No one deserves to live under this kind of fear or stress. Itā€™s not worth it! Praying for you and your Family :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


He would under no circumstances be allowed at my house and if that just isnā€™t possible Iā€™d never not even once for a second leave him alone or with another child with my son he said that about Everyone could just be mad. You or your child should never have to be worried they might be harmed or worse killed by him

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He needs love, physical affection and therapy immediately, and in abundance.


stop he needs help professional help

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Not your place to get him help. I know that sucks because you are still part of his life but do not leave your child alone with him. Always keep your baby close.

Get him some counseling, asap

Awe man that kid needs a lot of love and attention. I would just be patient and show him that he is important and it could take a lot of time. If you donā€™t have time try telling his parents to consider therapy


Sounds like he needs love.

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He is looking for love and attentionā€¦ He needs therapy with the family


Sounds like the kid needs psychiatrist! Iā€™d be getting cps involved if the mother is ignoring her sounds dangerous behavior! Especially for the sake of your sons safety!

I would legit stop visitation and file papers thru court to put into the agreement that he needs to be evaluated before visits can continue


I would seek help from a psychiatrist for sure! My child isnā€™t that bad but she has definitely had some of the same behaviors but not as severe but she is in therapy as well and was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD part of the time I feel like there is something else but not sure what but sheā€™s so young itā€™s hard to tell but they put her on meds for what she did get diagnosed with and it has definitely helped a lot. Therapy has also been a big help. A lot of it is also sounds to have to do with jealousy or feeling left out or even maybe something that is going on at the mothers so I would say donā€™t leave them unattended watch them very closely and some 1 on 1 time. Try to connect with him and build a relationship then eventually after that has happened kind of talk with him have a heart to hear ask him why he feels that way etc donā€™t ask too many questions bc it will overwhelm him and could ruin the relationship you build but try to dig down to the bottom of it. I know more 1on 1 has helped my daughter a lot and including her when Iā€™m playing with my son as well and just making her feel needed and wanted like doing chores together and games together etc and letting her know Iā€™m proud of her for helping out and when she is having good days I let her know how proud of her I am and why. Positive reinforcement goes a long way. But definitely seek help with a psychiatrist


The way a step mother talks about her step child says ALOT


My brother whoā€™s 7 was similar. He lived with his dad and when he came to our mums house he would get a knife and try stabbing my other brothers and sisters and heā€™d get very violent with them. My mum rung social on herself cos she was scared every time he came over they werenā€™t much help so she started keeping an extra eye on him but tried to have one on one time with him too. This went on for a couple years but now heā€™s amazing with the kids and heā€™s amazing with my son too! We still keep an eye but heā€™s getting better. Counselling and therapy may help! Stay strong babe is the only real advice xx

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These comments :woman_facepalming: He is a child! Not a psychopath. He needs some help before heā€™s an adult. That doesnā€™t make him a bad child, psychopath! So many people in this world are failed, because of no mental health help. And itā€™s sad! Why donā€™t you call a doctor, a counselor?? Heā€™s 9. He canā€™t do it. He needs someone in his corner. That wants to help him. If this was my child, or my step child, I would do everything in my power to get him some help. Treating him like heā€™s just bad or a psychopath, will make it worse.


I definitely wouldnā€™t leave him alone with his siblings but the first thing that came to my mind reading this is maybe he needs a little bit more attention and love. Maybe he feels like his siblings are getting more affection than he is. It also sounds like he might have some anger built up but that might be also because he feels neglected. I know from my own kids they all have different affection levels I guess I could say. On how much they need and want. Maybe you should try doing something one-on-one with him to make him feel special.


Iā€™m not gonna pour my personal information out on a public forum but if you would like to talk pls message me. I am a mother of 5; one in heaven, my three girls, and my step son. I never go by titles such as those and I never had a relationship with him that I never thought of him as anything else as my own but he started having really big issues around that age. The other situation with his mom was horrible and we got full custody at age 8. Please donā€™t ever feel like itā€™s not ur place to be concerned or want to help and always look after the other kiddos. You and ur husband both play important roles in his life!

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He needs more love, counseling/psychiatrist and ABSOLUTELY NO alone time with your son. He should be watched like a hawk


That child is 6 years old. They repeat whatā€™s around them. If itā€™s wrong. They need to be gently corrected. He may not understand the mean words that he saids. I would suggest he get medical attention to figure out why he feels this way. Iā€™m beting on that he just repeating what heā€™s around. Guide him in the other direction. Change wonā€™t happen overnight since the motherā€™s guidance is absent.

Keep him awayyyy from your baba !! Alarm bells

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Iā€™d be terrified to leave him alone with his siblings.

Harming and abusing animals is a sign of worse things to come. Many serial killers start out in that manner and then the behavior escalates.

His parents need to get him some help ASAP.

You as a step parent canā€™t do much other than to protect your child to the best of your ability when the step son is around.


Has he heard you speak about him this way ?

Bare with it,if you love itā€™s dad, got love him too. I went thru it n always kept my cools. Now years later, 3 little girls, grew up to be somebody great. And they can not talk bad about me now in their 30ā€™.

Iā€™m thinking the kid doesnt know where he ā€œbelongsā€. At your house you and your hubby/his dad have your child together and are your own little family, so he doesnt feel lile he fits in at your home. Then at his momā€™s you said he has brothers and sisters there that are his momā€™s and her sign. other so they have their own little family, so he doesnt feel like he fits in there either. Heā€™s getting bounced around from one ā€œfamilyā€ to another and doesnt feel luke either one of them are HIS. Everyone is paying more attention elsewhere so him acting out is his way of getting attention. After all any attention is attention, even if itā€™s bad. The bone thing that does concern me is the hurting of animals. Keep an eye on that especially closely. And maybe not leave him alone with the little ones cause ya dont know what he might do for attention. I would suggest family counseling for ALL of you. You and your husband/dad, and mom and her sign other. All of you together and separately. In the mean time show the kid some extra love, maybe find a babysitter for your son and you and dad take him somewhere of his choosing. And have dad go somewhere just 1 on 1 with him also!


Thereā€™s a problem with the kid. I would definitely try to get him into a specialist (therapy/psychiatrist). Maybe something traumatic happened to him. But definitely something to nip in the bud. Heā€™s just a baby himself.

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Whatā€™s really tough about this is youā€™ll just sound like a jealous step parent , maybe try taping his comments, Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s going to make sure he doesnā€™t say anything to his mom and dad about violence ?

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Your husband needs to put him in counseling itā€™s not just the moms job. She needs to follow through with what the councilor suggest or itā€™s not going to do any good.


This is how all serial killers start out. Omg :astonished: :scream:


I know itā€™s hard but if your husband and his ex wife refuse to do anything about it then you may have to make the decision to leave even if temporary to force your husbands hands to deal with the situation

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Can your husband get him into psychiatric care ASAP?

Iā€™d have his little ass committed. :flushed:

Those are signs of mental illness. He needs a psychological evaluation. Itā€™s scary to think about, but kids absolutely are capable of causing very serious harm to siblings. Dad needs to step in, and get the child help.


Your husband needs to document every comment & action that leads you to believe heā€™s got mental health issues. Set up cameras around your house & clip videos of SS doing or saying these things. If he can take him to be evaluated he should. If heā€™s unable he needs to petition the court to force his mom to allow & cooperate with an evaluation & recommended treatment.


Okay first of all if heā€™s 9 years old and hurting animals then I would definitely start getting him checked out. Studying enough Criminal behaviours it sounds like the nine-year-old is on a very dangerous path that could lead him to get ended up in jail. Hurting animals bedwetting those are clear early signs that the child needs help ASAP


He may need to be on medication and therapy to help him through. Wow. That is scary. It makes me think something has happened to that poor child. Try to get to the root for sure. But, it may come to a difficult decision for you to leave the home for the safety of the other kidā€™s.


Keep him away from you all. Tell his mother to not send him over

Hurting animals is never a good sign. Sounds like alot going on in his life. Makes me sad. I personally would get him help so he isnā€™t suffering. Hugs and make sure to give him big hugs and lots of love too.


The age worries meā€¦ defiance starts around this age though so it could be that hes not getting attention at home or there with you and Dad and new brother. Like he was before brother was around. I think its a jealousy type situation. Maybe try to do fun activities that are good for both brothers when hes with you all. Iā€™m not saying to reward his bad behavior or ignore the things he has said but maybe that with some counseling could help.

Yeah ok but heā€™s 9yo. Wtf? Help him? Do something? Report it? Kid is not to blame at all, clearly something happening for him to act this way.

I repeat, heā€™s 9. Him saying ā€œidc about my brotherā€ or ā€œIā€™m betterā€ clearly shows child neglect, heā€™s jealous, heā€™s the oldest so feels as tho heā€™s left out.


Ummm the start to a serial killer kids is Animal abuse and as a mom pov if talk to your husband and tell baby mom that until the child has had therapy you donā€™t need him around your son point blank because he old enough to know what he is saying


He needs a therapist. And keep ur baby away from him.


I definitely would recommend setting up cameras in each room so that you can record and document behavior that he exhibits especially when you are not present. The cameras would also be a good way to watch him with your son when you do need to leave the room even for a second. Might also help you sleep better at night.
This sounds like a child that has either suffered from a traumatic event and is now acting out because of it or suffering from split households and trying to figure out where he belongs and gain extra attention. Children need and love attention even if the attention is bad. Heā€™s also very young so he doesnā€™t quite understand the repercussions from certain actions or how horrible it is to say things like ā€œI donā€™t care if my brother dies.ā€
I recommend therapy immediately and a psychologist wouldnā€™t be a bad idea either. This type of behavior is something that needs to be dealt with and changed immediately before something horrible happens.
I wish you and your family the best of luck. I can only imagine how fearful and upsetting all of this is to you.


Donā€™t leave them alone together. I had an adopted little brother who wanted to kill my biological brother. We had to always be on high alert.

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Kid needs help n to be checked for ODD

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Try seeking help for him, donā€™t call him a terrible kid. Most often it ends up being that they have some sort of a behavioral issue. I have worked with special needs kids as a behavioral therapist and you need to find out what triggers his behaviors and go from there. Donā€™t give up on him. He may need your help more than you think.

Be very careful sweetie. Set up cameras in your home. Get him psychiatric help & donā€™t ever leave him alone with your son


Never leave them alone and get him into therapy

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Definitely Set Cameras Up All Around The House That Way You Can Report Everything To His Dr Or Even To Child Protective Services. Something Sounds Like It May Be Going On At The Bio Moms House And It Definitely Needs To Be Watched. My Husbands Old Bestfriend Used To Throw Cats In Sewers, Pop Their Eyes Out, Kill Them, Etc., And Here Recently He Killed My Husbands Sister & Unborn Child. DO NOT Take That Behavior Lightly, Especially With What Hes Saying About Your Son.

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That boy has problems & clearly needs help. But how can you call only YOUR child beautiful, but not your step kids? All kids are beautiful. Some just have major problems.

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Sounds like the start of another Jeffrey Dahmer. Thatā€™s exactly what he started doing when he was youngerā€¦.Iā€™d be getting away from him fast.

i would not let him come around the boy needs help

I suggest yā€™all all get on the same page. Bio parents with step parents then lay some ground rules with the child all together. Let him know he is loved but bad behavior such as this will not be tolerated. Your choice as to what the punishment would be. And Pray. In fact get them all in Church

I would be setting up cameras. And getting the child some therapy. If the therapist sees anything they will suggest your next move. Untill cameras and never them him alone.

Not to be mean or anything but , Narcissism and killing animals are very good signs of becoming a serial killer , you should try to get him to a psychiatrist

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I as a kid hurt small animals, and also wanted to hurt people. But in my defense, I had a horrible childhood. Horrible. As a teen I had severe anger problems that ran into adulthood. I have learned to control it as I got older. But I can guarantee you that child needs help ASAP. You either grow out of that phase or you will become something else.

Family therapy or court ordered mental evaluation

Cameras in every room and do your best to not have them alone together. If it came down to it then I wouldnā€™t even allow him around my kid


Poor baby needs to be in therapy.

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I think you should get him evaluated. Sadly jealousy can cause major issues. On the other hand, maybe take him out somewhere he likes so you guys can see what it stems from

Iā€™d set up cameras, never leave them alone & make him start going to therapy. Iā€™d also put my foot down with my husband that he canā€™t come over unless husband is also present


Thatā€™s psychotic behaviour in the making.


He needs some serious help because from what you described he is most likely either going to kill everyone in the household or be a serial killer. I have watched so many documentaries on serial killers and he fits the bill. Be safe.

Honestly he has a lot of psychological issues that could stem from his parents separating you having another baby with his dad and he itā€™s acting out. He needs help before it escalates. Instead of fearing him try to help him and make him better

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My step son went through this not hurting of animals. But he had a very jealous entitled personality so simple as only was aloud in common areas where he could be seen at all times. He was not aloud to play with the other kids. This went on from the age of 4 until about 6 and a half. We also got him therapy and tested for ADHD by 3 different specialist all said he was not adhd. It was a jealousy thing in my house and then his mum making minimal effort it was alot of attention grabbing for her to take notice. This year weā€™ve had 3 violent incidents 1 at school smacked and scratched a kid at home hit his sister and brother. His brothers and him decided not to go back to momā€™s because she made them sleep inna car during the summer break for not doing dishes. This happened in January and man heā€™s a completely different kid.

First of all you never leave a small child alone with another child. Period. That being said it should be fine because you will be there

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You really need to let his father know this before your baby gets hurt

He needs immediate therapy and maybe need to place him in a home like a group home he definitely has some psychological issues. Iā€™ve seen way too many articles about kids in this behavior and them actually killing their siblings I would immediately have him removed from my home and would not let him back there unless heā€™s evaluated and weā€™re on some form of treatment plan.


Iā€™m thinking you may need to get him checked out by therapist or doctor or something he sounds either jealous or something else may be wrong not being mean but child good schizophrenia is a real thing


I feel horrible for you because I know exactly what youā€™re going throughā€¦ My ex has a son who is 13 and my daughter and him share the same father. He has told his sister numerous times he doesnā€™t care if she dies because she gets more attention than he does.

Try to get him help, in the mean time donā€™t leave your child alone with him.


Wellā€¦ And this is my fieldā€¦ You need to take him to a therapist and have him evaluated for a social/emotional disorder. Does he have these problems elsewhere? Behavior issues at school? Not necessarily thisā€¦ But other behaviors. Oppositional defiant disorder? Those is a common diagnosis along with ADD/ADHD. Then in an ADD/ADHD diagnosis is not just a lack of attentionā€¦ Youā€™re also dealing with impulse control issues (which is why they never know why theyā€™re doing whatever they did when you ask ā€œwhatā€™d you do that for?ā€). He definitely needs therapy. If mom isnā€™t concerned and dad doesnā€™t see a problemā€¦ Hotline him. Let Cold Protection go investigate whatā€™s going on in the boyā€™s home. Whatever you doā€¦ Get him help. And buy some video cameras so you can watch without anyone knowing youā€™re watching. This can back up anything you say happened. Extremely manipulative kids are real good at turning the adults against each other.

And you donā€™t know he hasnā€™t done anything yet. Maybe he just hasnā€™t taken it too farā€¦ YET. I was involved in a case where am older sibling was suffocating the younger siblings with a pillow. Heā€™d hold it over their faces because he liked to watch them struggle.

The other side of thatā€¦ It also sounds like heā€™s parroting something someoneā€™s said to him (with the whole ā€˜because I think Iā€™m better than themā€™ comment). He could be being abused by someone. The abused often become abusers because it was done to them.

Get this child some help!


Is this from a professional point or learnt behaviour having said 6 children of my own itā€™s not allways the mothers rong doing has time tells the story in life

I wouldnt let him over anyone. Get cameras and put them up in the house. Nothing is more important then the babys life. Take him to a dr and have him checked out.


Sounds like conduct disorderā€¦ therapy ASAP

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He needs help. Maybe the boy is hurting and the other is afraid.


Your husband apparently fathered three children by his first wife and within a period of one year must have fathered your child. The six year old probably has many problems concerning his fatherā€™s perceived abandonment. Hopefully you will all get some professional help to work out this problem. Even older children can react to this kind of abandonment and act out. Your problems are not just with the boy. Appears to be a family problem.


Cameras with audio !


My step daughter is the same way, sheā€™s nine. Ever since my daughter was born she always has said I never wanted a sister. She has and is still harming my animals. Sheā€™s mean to my daughter and now my one year old son and always says she didnā€™t mean to do it. But how can you not mean to bite someone. She feels no remorse for anything she does. And every weekend she comes over my 6 daughter, shes 6, has night terrors. She was going to therapy but her mom pulled her out cause my step daughter didnā€™t like it. And my step daughter mom wonā€™t help when it comes to situations like these. All I can say is donā€™t leave you kids alone with your step son. And try to get him help.

Sounds like the child needs to be told either you change your attitude or stay home with Mom. He sounds like he could definitely be dangerous to you and your little one. Iā€™d tell Dad and Mom that family counseling is definitely needed ASAP and until then no more visits. And Iā€™m sure you know but donā€™t leave them alone together. Good luck. I hope he gets the help he is so desperately crying out for.


Wowā€¦.I would start with CPS and get advice


Imagine having all those new siblings and feeling like you donā€™t belong. That poor innocent boy is acting out seeking attention it sounds like. Start doing one on one activities with him. Show him heā€™s as important as the babies in his life. Also, stop referring to him as his Daddyā€™s. When you got with his daddy he became your child too. Heā€™s a product of your parenting too.


You need to tell her wonderful husband that you donā€™t want his child in your home or around you son till heā€™s son is seen by a Psychologist.

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Dad needs to take the steps he needs to get the child away from his mom. Only because she does not see anything wrong with his behavior. He needs to see a therapists and psychiatrist.

Start recording and also journal everything!


Put your foot down for therapy. Thoughts are one thing but acting out is another. He acted out with the animals so heā€™s not past it. This would be a deal breaker for me. Sit down with all parents and have a heart to heart conversation but at the end let everyone know itā€™s this or you leave and request full custody. Then in private reiterate that to your husband so he knows

Sounds like you just donā€™t like the kid and are looking for ways to justify it. But thatā€™s just my opinion. Sorry. I tried really hard to keep mind off of that but thatā€™s what my brain tells me.


Need to show him that he is important too that you love him as much as the baby but donā€™t ever leave him alone with baby ! He needs to get use to the idea that thereā€™s a new baby and soon they will be best friends. Gotta talk positivity in his life he is used to being the middle child where attention Iā€™ll all to his little siblings


Donā€™t ever leave them alone together.

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Heā€™s a 9 year old CHILD! Let that sink in for a moment. CHILD! He obviously needs some help, he needs to be shown compassion, kindness, love and set rules and boundaries. As your genuinely worried, obviously do not leave him unsupervised with other children or animals. At the end of the day though he is a child and this can be sorted and nipped in the bud with the correct support!


Make sure you donā€™t let him near your child unsupervised !!!

Iā€™m sorry but after watching shows like Killer Kids. I wouldnā€™t be able to stay in the same house at the same time. Therapy and distance.


I would never leave him alone with my child or any animals get him some therapy talk to your husband.

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Seek therapy asap and get cameras with audio.

I have been through this it takes A LOT of team work and consistency counselling behavior management. But the most i can stress is CONSISTENCY and dont give in. My son and daughter are now 18 and 17 and are now acting normal. Hopefully he will outgrow it and its a stage hes going through.

Heā€™s searching for LOVE and to be acknowledged that heā€™s wanted and special. With all the younger siblings I think heā€™s feeling left out. Poor baby.


He needs to be seen by a psychologist. Sounds like a serial killer in the making! What type of video games is he playing???