What to do about a terrifying step child?

Do not this child alone with other children and animals. Log every incident and seek professional guidance. You are correct not to ignore the signs from this young lad. He needs help.


Keep. Your child. Away. From. Him. Did you. Know the people who. Abuse. Animals and buly are. Normally. Serelle. Murders

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Keep an eye on him and just out up camera. Maybe find some one he can talk to about it all.

Tell your hubby that the child may never be left alone with his younger sibling. Itā€™s both of your jobs to protect your child. Otherwise he doesnā€™t visit your house.


abusing animals is a sign of something more going on and what heā€™s saying is another sign he needs a psychiatrist eval asap!


Donā€™t leave him alone with any child or pet period.


You are possibly going to have to make the decision to not allow the child around yours. Plain and simple.
Iā€™d set up cameras as to where the aggressor couldnā€™t see them. With audio recording. This way, if/when anything happens you have it to back you up on your decision.
Another thing, Iā€™d possibly look into some help for the child. Inpatient if heā€™s hurting animals. He might just be hurt/angry. But also if he doesnā€™t seek help now, by the time he is 12/14 heā€™s going to hurt someone very seriously


He needs therapy. Talk to child social services to report your concerns. It is not only your child but his other siblings that may be in danger.


Start documenting everything, even if itā€™s small. I think a mental health professional needs to be introduced.


Cameras throughout the entire house and never leave your baby unsupervised, EVER! Iwatch too many of those shows to be comfortable with all thatā€¦


Heā€™s probably saying stuff like that because he needs more attention from his dad he prob feels left out or not loved enough because he wishes he had his mom and dad in the same house so just let him know u love him and I hope u treat all the kids the same way with love also have dad talk to him


He needs serious help. Get him to see a child psychologist.


Convince your husband that his son needs to see a therapist. ASAP.


Get him into therapy.


Your husband needs to take his son to a psychologist or psychiatrist. He doesnā€™t need his ex wifeā€™s permission to do that & he shouldnā€™t be waiting for her to be on the same page when expressing his concerns.


I wouldnā€™t let him near any of my kids too or animals., He is a sociopathā€¦have your husband get him to see a psychologist & now


:roll_eyes: How long has he been this way?..

That kid needs some help. I mean that in the most sincere way possible.


You must never even at night let him have unsupervised access to your child . You need to tell mother and father they must get help or you will do something yourself, based on what has been said to you what if you did nothing and something happened? Would you ? Could you forgive yourself. Act now itā€™s best for all involved including the step child . I agree with the camera idea.


Abusing animals at that age DANGER! DANGER! Red flags all over this . Never let your child be alone with him and get that boy some professional help!


Keep your child safe that kid needs to be involved with a child center befor itā€™s to late

Donā€™t leave him alone with your child, and talk to your husband about seeing a behaviourist.
I had 2 vicious 7 year olds do something to my 2 year old and it ended in me and their mum literally trying to kill eachother. Donā€™t know what was done but I knew something wasnā€™t right with my son, went around there and the manipulative little shits smiled and laughed, they knew they did something and their mum refused to talk to them and just thought nah they wouldnā€™t touch a 2 year old. 5 years of friendship ending in an absolute catastrophic disaster and even CPS was involved and the police because the matters were serious.

Still to this day if I see her itā€™s hard to control myself I literally just want to loose it. I canā€™t put into words how absolutely heartbroken and hopeless you feel when something happens to your babyā€™s and there is nothing you can do for justice.

Mothers can be so ignorant I can see why, our babyā€™s are everything. But some children are downright nasty next Ted Bundy type shit and the only ones who canā€™t see through their bullshit are usually their parents.

I wouldnā€™t go ahead and talk to her because she sounds as ignorant as the mother i had to deal with, if I were you Iā€™d sit down and have a serious talk to your partner.

No emotions or empathy that is Traits of a sadistic serial killer he needs therapy ASAP.


Get out before he hurts your son or someone else. I wouldnā€™t let a child like that around my 2 year old for sure.


It could be he is crying out for attention from his Dad and feels resentment that your son lives with his Dad and he doesntā€¦There could possibly be something else going on, maybe Adhd or Autism thats not been picked up onā€¦Kids with Autism etc can say things bluntly and can display aggression but once you look into things you can see things from their perspective and see why they are responding that wayā€¦Not appearing to show empathy is a classic sign of Autismā€¦Id look into how he is at school and other surroundingsā€¦Read up on Autism and see if any other traits fitā€¦


He is a serial killer in the making, a psychopath who has no feelings. If someone doesnā€™t get him help, ban him from coming around.


I would attempt to fix what ever broke between yall. Not saying you or he did something wrong but he may just be jealous. I would definitely look in to professional help just incase it is a mental health issue its not his fault and I donā€™t think any child likes feeling that way.


He needs to see a therapist. He may just be acting out because heā€™s part of a blended family and he feels lost in the mix. My mom always said negative attention is better than no attention. If he doesnā€™t feel like heā€™s getting enough attention being a good kid heā€™s going to force you or his mom or his dad to pay attention to him by being a turd. Or he very well may possibly need some psychological help. Either way you need to seek professional help not just a GP.

Nope. Counselling ASAP. Harming animals is the first sign that something is not right with the kids mental development. I would be putting cameras all around the house (not in the bathroom, toilet) including your youngest sons room since he has said that he doesnā€™t care if he dies or if anything happens to him.
Document heā€™s behaviour for evidence.


Well donā€™t have him around your son alone


As a mom to 2 early onset schizophrenics, he needs an evaluation from a psychiatrist and therapy. Period.

Also, yā€™all commenting donā€™t need to be using words like sociopath if you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. Sociopathy and psychopathy are two ENTIRELY different things. Not to mention other factors like trauma may be present. WE donā€™t know whatā€™s up with this poor child, but a proper evaluation from a professional would certainly help him and his family.


Serial k!lla in the making!!!


Itā€™s a hard one cause sometimes kids donā€™t realise how nasty they can be until their a bit older. I have X3 stepkids and there were times when they would clash with my you get two boys at the time. I just made sure I was around to sort out situations. Their all now Grown up and you would not think their step Brothers to my kids they all act like they are full blooded etc. Me and their dad were firm. Their mother did jack shit and thatā€™s her problem but when they were with me they learnt to live by my rules and if they didnā€™t like it they knew where the door was to their motherā€™s home. I never stopped them seeing their mum and making that choice. We do need to remember that they are just going kids who donā€™t know what the hells going on at times. How they feel seeing dad with someone apart from their mum etc. Even a paediatrician or doctor will tell you they display some weird behaviours and normally by the age of 5 if they still display these signs help is then offered etc. Just be the parent and donā€™t show your scared you stand your ground and put them rules in place. Also tell hubby if he keeps it up you will stop visits for a bit till he learns how to treat others in your home

This boy needs professional help asapā€¦ I feel very sorry for your situation and l understand that this might cost money which you canā€™t afford, but you need to address this nowā€¦ If you canā€™t then as harsh as this sounds it will only get alot worse for everyone. So please get professional counselling for this child now and see also if you partner pays child support that this can be taken out of his maintenace costs. Good luck l really feel for you.


Make an appointment to mental health


My son had issues when I found out I was having my daughter. My son is my bonus kiddo whom Iā€™ve raised since age 3. He was acting out because he was scared he would be left out and jealous of the fact his sister lived full time and he wasnā€™t able to. Talk to the child and let him know how much him being there is important same as the others. Keep a close watch but donā€™t stop him from knowing his family. My life would have never been as blessed if I had just sent him off. Good luck hun.


You need to get to a psychiatrists or get him mental help immediately!! Thatā€™s not a normal conversation to come from a child his age, and I hope you really are taking this seriously because your other kids are in harms way!!


That kid needs therapy asap

Lol donā€™t ever leave your kid around him, not even for a second.


Also tell him straight up heā€™s not allowed to speak or act that way and itā€™s absolutely inappropriate and will not be tolerated at all.


Sounds like he is seeking attention. One on one time is much needed here.


Psychiatrist asap. This sounds the beginning of the sociopathic triad, but hopefully heā€™s just an angry kid who needs help to understand his feelings.


Wow! Just wow! That child needs professional help! NOW! If he has already tortured animals, he could be a psychopath!


The child is Rebelling an this usually happens in divorce homes,
either if one parent is showing more love than the other parent ā€¦
A child looks at many different things going on in the household he may jealous his father has kids with u the stepmother the child may see ur husband favouring the kids he has with u and this is why the Child is Rebelling he is lacking attention
an he is buckling up alott of things inside ā€¦
Most children looks forward to there Mother an father being together an not being Divorceā€¦
Divorces has a terrible impact on Children ā€¦
Counselling may help or may not help no harm in giving Counselling a tryā€¦
We as Adults really do not REALIZE THE DAMAGES DIVORCE CAN DO TO A Childā€¦
Thats why when Couples should have Counselling sessions to see if it can help work through there Marriages before getting a divorces ā€¦
The list goes onā€¦


Animal abuse=RED FLAG, this kid needs help ASAP


Itā€™s very complex situation he comes to your house sees a happy family together goes home to a single mum who probably to exhausted doing her duties to spend one on one time with him to see if heā€™s ok. It sounds like heā€™s lashing out he actually sounds like heā€™s hurt and needs help most of all support. We canā€™t brand children evil because they start to act out a bit and you need to understand that son will always be his parents priority and you have to work all together to co parent and disscuss what yous can implement to help him or to get him help to cope work whatever heā€™s feeling. Iā€™m sick of the my step child is this or that you chose this guy take him with the bad or good so to me I donā€™t feel any sympathy for you .


That baby needs counseling! Heā€™s clearly projecting his feelings and screaming for help. Being a kid is hard period, much less in a split family and then the parents have their ā€œnewā€ family and itā€™s really hard for kids to express how they feel. I had my son in counseling the moment his dad and new wife had their first kid.


Good old butt whipping. Then professional help

Run! Dont risk anything for your childs safety

  1. Baby cams and monitor with audio to the base device may be your cell phone. 2. Counseling for both of his natural parents+partners and the child individually. The child may just need someone to hear his side then help the kid deal with it to modify his reactions. And the natural parents may just need to learn and agree to the same (not similar) rules to raise this child in a split custody home. 3. You must realize there are other minor children in both homes, trying to live with this same off-balanced child.

Love and reassurance that he is loved and wanted and needed
Find special things to do with him and only him. And include him completely with the whole family
Also ask for a lil. Lil. Help with the baby and Make him feel like a kingā€¦ for helping.
Make him a him feel secure.needed loved and wantedā€¦ go to counseling together
Let him know that u are super excited for him to be a big brother and how his sister is lucky to have him


Somebody needa get that kid a therapist


Your husband needs to push the issue by taking her to court to make her get their son some therapy.


That child needs some serious help. There are studies that show that people who commit unspeakable crimes have started out as animal abusers!! And I would not let kud around mine unsupervised thatā€™s for sure!!


I donā€™t want to sound judgemental because Iā€™ve had issues with my oldest daughterā€™s behavior when she was younger (ADHD and ODD). Just want to educate :slightly_smiling_face:I was literally at my witts end with her behavior because I knew something was up when she was 2 but no one would dignose her that early. Took me 3 years for someone to finally say ā€œHey something isnā€™t right with this child, she needs help.ā€ Anyways, a counselore said it could be my parenting so I took a parenting class or two and I was taught you really shouldnā€™t leave younger siblings alone together (especially ones that canā€™t communicate) for a very long time anyways. I mean I know you canā€™t watch them 24/7 but it makes sense. When my brother and I were little (3 year age difference) we use to hurt each other :sweat_smile: He probably should also get some therapy because typically abuse on animals and other children, something is up. His mom needs to be careful to because if she doesnā€™t get this behavior under control now, itā€™s just going to get worse unfortunately.

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Set up home surveillance cameras with sound so you can monitor your child as well as capture proof of his behavior for your husband to present to the mother

This is a recipe for disaster! Iā€™m sorry but he would not be allowed around my child! He needs serious mental help and his dad should get it for him! Those are some serious serial killer tendencies!!


First of all his father should have already taken him to counseling. Why even let it get this far this day in age/time? He doesnā€™t need to wait for mom to do it.


Sounds like he is being rebellious. I would seek out a counselor/psychiatrist. Monitor him around your son. I would try spending one on one time with him and trying to get him to talk about his feelings. He is still young and does not know how to control his emotions.


He needs impatient help IMMEDIATELY. If the mother doesnā€™t agree you can call it in. Keep this child away from the other children. He sounds like he may really be a danger to them.


This child needs immediately counseling- psychiatrist and psychologist. Please get him help


The animal abuse is a huge red flag and is proven to be an indicator of future interpersonal violence.

This kid needs to see a professional ASAP before somebody gets hurt.


That sounds like he may be getting abused (since mom isnā€™t taking it seriously, probably by her). Your husband needs to step up and do something, not just tell mom and expect her to do everything.
Or he may be jealous. ā€œOh, daddy has this child and he loves this child more than he loves me, maybe I can finally get his attention if I behave badlyā€ (any attention, including bad, is better than none at all)
Maybe have dad spend some one on one time with him.
And definitely therapy.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but itā€™s the way I feel about it: Itā€™s all good & well that people are saying this boy is torn and needs extra love & attention, etc. And maybe he does. However, he is already set in his dangerous ways, and your number one thing to do is to protect YOUR young son! What to do about it, Iā€™m not sure. But if someone, even a step kid was a danger to my own child, I donā€™t think I would have them over. Maybe you guys can get your step son into some kind of counseling or something to help him, but I certainly wouldnā€™t want him around my child if there was a chance he would hurt him or kill him. And even just to witness his bad behavior! You are your sons protector, and you HAVE to do what you must to protect him, and imo, that means not letting this troubled boy around him at all!


Call cps since she wonā€™t listen. His mom could be teaching him words like thatā€¦kid really hurt animals :cry: I also agree with the counseling comments.

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His father should take him to counseling. Regardless of what the mother thinks


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What to do about a terrifying step child?


The whole family needs therapy. These issues are born out of him not knowing how to process your whole family dynamic. He needs to be with a professional working through this and every single suggestion from said therapist needs to be taken seriously.


Get that kid some help. People that abuse animals often abuse people. This is a big red flag.Youā€™re first concern is for your little son who canā€™t defend himself.


Definitely record him saying things like this to you. So your husband has No doubts that there is a problem that his son needs help. To many parents donā€™t want to believe or face what they are told by the step parents. And I can understand why, a lot of step parents do not care about the child. Sounds like you do and you might be the only one realizing his need for help. Stay strong!


Please seek help for him immediately. Not next monthā€¦ now!
Do not ever leave any children alone with him or any animal alone with himā€¦ ever.
In fact, it would be better if you were never alone with him either.
Get him help before something horrific happensā€¦ and statistically speaking, it will.


Document everything, including the calls to counseling, doctors, school etc. Also quote the rejection of these services by ex-wife. Document behavior of child. You are building a case for court ordered psychotherapy for this needy child. You and your husband are going to have to save his life and future.


Therapy. Sounds like he needs some help with adjusting to having a brother from his dad possibly. Therapy never hurt anyone. We do this with our kids for some open communication.


Convince your husband to have a childā€™s physiatrist see him. 10% of our population is sociopaths. They run havoc on the 90% who arenā€™t. Read the book ā€œ the Psychopath next doorā€ very insightful. Iā€™ll pray for yā€™all .


Do not let him be alone with your son ever. Discuss with your husband about the behavior and tell him you will not put your baby in danger. It might be words but do not chance it. If it means your husband taking his son out alone then so be it.


Immediate therapy , maybe even discuss it with the family doctor and school counselor


The boy needs help NOW. I can tell you it wonā€™t work its self out with time. Your husband has the right to set up counseling. If the mom fights it your husband will have to get an order from the custody mediator.


Tell dad to get the step Don help, or heā€™s not allowed in the home. Period


Tell his dad to get him.help and dont leave him alone ever


Go with your gut, Momma. The kid needs help but thatā€™s not on you alone. So you may not be able to do anything about thatā€¦ but protecting your child is #1 priority if you feel he may be in danger.


If your husband is aware you should tape him since he is under age and present it to his mother. Everyone needs counseling on how to deal with this kid


This kid need help now. This is early signs of serious mental illness or there may be something else going on. He can get help but it needs to happen immediately and others are right your husband has a right and if the mother fights it that will look very bad for her.


Tell his dad to get him help immediately or he wont be allowed at the house. I sure wouldnt put MY son in harmā€™s way, because my husbands son seems to have issues and wont seek help for him.


Been there with one of my own.Seek professional help while he is young.He can become one of the best kids in the whole bunch.With the right help.Dont give up on him.


Constant eye on him. Also, your husband needs to start with an in depth conversation with the school counselor and his pediatrician to get him the help he needs. Your husband does not need permission. He needs to get this done asap.
If it is to this level, I am sure the school is aware.


Get a copy if the movie ā€œThe Good Sonā€ invite the exwife in to tea and then put the movie on and make her watch. Because the little boy you described is the little boy in this film.
Make your husband watch as well.
That boy need professional intervention NOW before he kills. That is what he is building up to. If the mother wonā€™t do anything about it then you and the father have to. This is too important.
Never leave your child alone with him not even for one moment. Have a recording device found all the time he is with you. You need to catch what he says to you on tape to prove it to Mommy and to play in court when Dad has to get the court to grant him sole custody to get him committed to a psychiatric hospital.


I am not a child psychologist, but I do know that hurting animals as a child is a very serious sign of big problems in adulthood


Immediate help! Call CPS. When a child abuses animals, it is a sign of serious issues. You are responsible for what you know. This precious family needs an intervention! Now!


Yes for the safety of your own child you need to have your husband demand that this boy get psychological help or keep him out of your house itā€™s that simple


If he is confiding in you what he wishes against his brother( your child), he is asking for help. At least he is voicing what he thinks he wishes would happenā€¦he is reaching outā€¦please get him some help.


He needs therapy. May need to turn her in to DCS. Her not doing anything about it is neglect. Do what is best for him and get him help before something happens to your child and they say you didnā€™t protect any of the children.


If he is harming animals never leave your son alone with him


Keep your eyes on your son, the whole time this kid is at your home. Donā€™t ever leave them alone, not even for a moment. This kid needs professional help. This how sociopaths start.


Put yourself in his shoes;
His parents broke up, and now SPLIT time with him.
They BOTH created new families without any input from him.
His new half siblings?? They get FULL TIME parents.

Youā€™re nine.
You were even younger when all this chaos developed.

How do YOU feel?


I hear trauma behaviour here that hasnā€™t been addressed with that child, the father has the right to suggest therapy and fight for it. You should supervise this kid when playing with your son. But always treat him with loveā€¦sometimes is the key to disarming him.


All good advice all parents involved should be on same page with kid and have a plan to help him. Not gonna get better with time. You have my prayers for your family


You need to tell his dad right away if his mom will not do a thing about it. This is how most serial killers start as a child, with harming animals. Before he does something to your child you need to get your stepson some help.


That child needs his family he seems to be acting out of jealousy ,talk to the kid have his father n mother and u get together and talk to him let him know heā€™ will always be apart of your family ,he is acting out for attention,he feels left out ,dad is gone and went and had another son that lives with dad but he doesnā€™t ,he feels abandoned,he feels rejection toward your son because its not him,he is 9 years old he doesnā€™t know how to cope with all of the changes ,.Maybe he does need intervention but make it a family intervention ,.Lord help this child and this family.


Tell him - I am sorry that you feel that way about your brother. We love you and care about you however if you continue to act in this manner you will not be allowed in our house. We will only meet you outside the home. To be included in our family you will need to respect yourself, your brother, myself and your father. If you abuse any animals you will not be allowed to come here. You are 10 years old and understand right and wrong. Your actions are going to the ā€˜dark side ā€˜(if Star Wars fan) and we cannot allow that in our house. Itā€™s YOUR choice. I do hope that you will abide by the rules of our house because we enjoy having you here. ā€”ā€”Good luck !


Had a child like that. Started see psychiatrists at age 3. Intense therapy x >10 years.
Sheā€™s nearly 50 now. Made not. One. Bit. Of difference.