What to do about a terrifying step child?

Follow you gut instinct. There is something amiss with this child and he will hurt your son or you. Don’t leave your son or any young children with him . Seek professional help now!!! You described a psychopath!


I suggest you and your husband take him to see k counseling. His father has a right to do so since he technically wishes his little brothers death. That’s a very serious accusation. No judge would deny him counseling and psychiatric treatment. I’m sure his mother will object but you need to document everything he says and does and take it to court to show the judge. Meanwhile keep him away from your son.


It does not need to fall on the boys mom. Your husband is the boy’s father and can set up the appropriate and necessary care for this boy. Start with Dad setting up a quick and urgent appointment with pediatrician.


Never any unsupervised time together. I’d say that your husband sees him without the other kids around.


If he’s already abusing animals at age 9, sounds like he needs therapy. Not to leave kids or animals alone with him. I agree with the above post of taping him. Put in writing your conversations with his Mom. Best of luck!


You take him to anointed church and take him before the pastor and let the pray team cast that spirit up out of him and take the mom too.In the mighty name of Jesus heal this child from head to toe. And I pray for a head of protection over this family in the name of Jesus that no hurt nor harm come up against from this child in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


Put Cameras Up And Monitor His Movements and Yes He Needs some Therapy His Dad Needs To Step up and Get Him Help Asap…My Prayers For Your Family May God Protect You and Yours…

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Sounds like he is echoing things he has been hearing at home.A sincere, heart to heart talk with his mother,explaining your very real concerns, and your taking a step further to seek and involve agencies that are trained to evaluate his behavior ,may convince her that you mean business.Sadly, until she agrees to work with you and your husband the only safe alternative is to limit his visits in your home.You may consider involving his teachers at school and find out if he has any issues with his fellow students. As he gets older this can only escalate .I agree with you that this is no longer a "wait and see ", situation. jmo


Red flags !!! RED FLAGS!!! Keep that child away from your son. Things could turn tragic very quickly if he is ever left alone with your son. Scary as hell.


Buy cameras and put them where this child is so you can see what he is doing plus you will have proof then as to his shenanigans.


This child may also ADHD or some other disorder that can have symptoms such as anger. With counseling and meds he can lead a normal healthy and happy life…. But time is of the essence as he also now has learned behaviors that he will need to “unlearn”…


Firstly, the way you address your own son shows that you hold him at a higher regard than your step children. They can see and feel that, I can assure you. Add in the fact they have other siblings that don’t go where they go at both homes is probably a lot to process and understand for a young child. It’s quite possible he’s acting out for attention. We as adults have a difficult time with processing our emotions and we’ve had plenty of practice and guidance. Maybe try showing him more attention. Do some one on one real quality time and try and help him work out what he’s going through. It feels like he probably feels caught in the middle and left out. I wouldn’t underestimate him but I wouldn’t just write him off either. Good luck


Security camera’s and a body camera on your son. Then you’ll have proof. Your husband’s lackadaisical attitude is a issue. Who is more important? A defenseless child, I’d wager.


I believe the lord sent him to you so you could do what Jesus would do. Show love and tough love may be needed to keep him out of prison. He will love you more when he sees you love him but not his ways. Prayers for you all! It’s never easy.

Don’t leave him alone with your child ever


This post has touched my heart today.I don’t understand why people are telling her to protect her own first.When she married this boy’s dad that child became her own.She should do for him just as if her “own” child was going thru this.As I pray for this child to get the help he deserves and the love, I will be praying for all of you that thinks one child’s life is more important then another.:pray::pray:

Went through the same thing…1. He needs counseling
2. He needs to stay at his moms full time so him and her know that this is serious. 3. Your husband needs to take responsibility for his child.

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Yep, keep him away from your son and insist on getting him counseling… there is definitely some depression/jealousy there at the least but could definitely be mental illness…

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Do not ever leave the 2 year old alone in a room with the 9 year old brother… If he (9 y/o) can abuse an animal at that young an age… It’ll be no time before the 2 year old could get hurt… I understand the step kid thing but the MAIN FOCUS needs to be on the 2 year old FIRST…

Meanwhile, the 9 year old definitely needs HELP… Counseling definitely!!!

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Well- if this is what you have to do to protect your child - do it because if something happens - you will be hold liable and you won’t be able to live with yourself!!!


That child needs help,and I would never leave him alone with other children or even an animal for that matter until he gets the help he needs.

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Every thing you are seeing is symptoms of psychosis. He needs immediate mental health care with a psychiatrist that specializes in children. They don’t just grow out of this. Keep your child safe and get care for your stepson.


I would see some mental health help. That is not healthy for anyone.

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Maybe this is his cry for help. And it’s not gonna work if you already think he is a terror. Maybe have him over more and teach him your way of things. Maybe the brother and sister are abusing him. Sounds like that is what he is telling you. Love the child don’t push him out.

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Oh dear, you must take care of this right away, the boy must be showing you that he wants attention, but his behavior cannot be tolerated! Document everything, and find a children’s therapist as soon as possible, Please don’t ignore it tell his dad and record his threats and outbursts!!!

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It sounds as if the boy feels he has been deprived of love and attention! Perhaps his bio mom gives most of her time and attention to his younger siblings, and the stepmom gives most of her attention to her two year old. I feel sorry for the boy. He needs more individual attention from his mom, dad, and stepmom, and lots of Love!!! Counseling is definitely needed for all!

That child has some serious issues. If he already tortured animals what’s he hurting next. It needs to be dealt with now. Not just for your sons but for his sake as well. If the mother won’t to anything his father should.

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Therapy for this young man…he may be trouble by all thd siblings which have pushed him out of his status with his parents. Kids don’t ask for these situations they are born into…its thd adults that create them…they need to fix the problem.

Come on people the kid is nine you know better at that age. If he is harming animals won’t be long and he will be harming children smaller than himself sounds like the making of a serial killer. Just saying!


Yikes, that kid needs help soon! A kid who hurts animals can potentially have some serious issues down the road. Dad needs to step up his parenting game as well as the mom if she even cares. I’d step in though, if he were ever physical with your son.


Contact the school he attends and have a private meeting with his teacher and inform her of what this child has said and let her know that you feel very threatened by his words,especially for his siblings.

Record him when you can and get his pediatrician involved ASAP so he can be directed towards a child psychologist and therapist. The sooner you start the better for all!!! Be sounds like he has a lot of anger. Good luck Momma!

Tell your husband for one. Get counseling from someone you trust. Church… Set the kids down one by one. And question them about stuff,. But not in a terrifying way. See how he feels about U. Show love and respect. Non judgemental. Both U and. husband sit down tighter with. Each child. Go to library get child help books. Psychology. and abnormal psychology. Go to church library and talk and pray with. Friends. Keep kids busy at church with their friends. Keep them entertained in their own exciting life. :pray: Pray, pray , pray. Praying for U family.

Please get this child in therapy. Hurting animals, bullying and threatening others are often signs of latent sociopathy. I would be wary of this child being around your son. I hope I’m wrong but this is very serious. Don’t ignore this.

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Limit his time in your home as much as possible.
Never ever leave him alone with your son.
Continue to voice your concerns and suggest counseling.

Terrifying animals and bullying and lying are all signs he needs help. Family counseling, and more intensive help for the 9 year old. He sounds mad. His father should step it up, with counseling and behavioral professionals. His present wife says he has kids from previous relationships. That has to be hard on him.

This child has a problem and I would keep him away from my child!!! At such a young age to say things like that is scary. He sounds like a little monster and if his parents do not get him help, we can see exactly what his fate will be, not to mention, and I hate to say this, possible victims. Make sure that he is never ever around your child.

I would never, EVER, allow my 2 year old to be alone with a violent child. If you have no way of avoiding spending time with your stepson always make sure there is a responsible adult supervising when he is around your toddler. It is a situation your husband is going to have to address with the mother of the child. He sounds like he has some issues, 3 siblings with different fathers. May be jealousy, insecurity, whatever the poor kid is feeling he needs some help. Hopefully his father can talk the mother into getting him some counseling.

My opinion and probably people will disagree with me. I am a parent, step parent,grandmother,great grandmother, educator for 40 years and I have observed a lot during my 70+ years on this earth. So, here are my thoughts. Stop overnight visits with this child. He should be in your home only when his father can be present and actively supervising him at ALL times. Start keeping a detailed journal of his behaviors when he is in your home. Leave nothing out. Be brutally honest about each person’s actions and reactions. Be prepared to bring CPS on board. If the boy’s mother is not taking her child’s behavior seriously,it’s time to let the authorities intercede. I know this is not a popular suggestion and it very well may impact your immediate family in a negative way. First and foremost, the safety of any child around him MUST be protected. He is exhibiting behaviors that are not healthy or safe. You must get professional intervention for him before something unfathomable happens. I have been pulled into these types of situations and it is of utmost urgency that I say these things to you.

Children who hurt animals seem to have no empathy for another living thing!! Get psychiatric help for this boy immediately!!!

That child needs to be in counseling asap. There are some deep issues that need to be addressed.

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That child needs lots of love and attention and lots of therapy to secure him and make him realise he is loved. As a child he can become a dangerous to others and snap out of anger built-in him which is not normal not healthy

This is very sad.Obviously this 9 yr.old needs help and now,before its too late.
This puts you in a very precarious situation but good you realize the situation.His father needs to pay attention and has to be the one to move forward as soon as possible.Good luck to all of you.

This child needs professional counseling immediately before he does something all of you will regret!!!

You are right to be worried! Take it very seriously!!!
If he tortures animals & gas threatened your sons life he very well could be a sociopath!!!
He needs to see a psychiatrist immediately who specializes in this behavior!!! Listen to your gut-it’s warning you of a serious, serious problem!!!

You are 1st & foremost responsible to keep your child/children safe. The child that is unruly needs help & his dad should work that out with the ex & now! If not, get some sort of order (legal help) to keep the unruly child out of your home—away from your 2 yr old until his disposition changes. If your husband will not step up—you need more legal help! The unruly child needs help NOW too.

I don’t mean to sound dramatic or over the top but he is literally showing very strong signs of being a sociopath. If he is, this will only get worse. Ask yourself these questions…does he show empathy towards others? Does it upset him if he disappoints your husband (as opposed to only being upset by consequences or discipline)? If you answered no, I would put money on the fact that he is a sociopath. If so, he needs psychological help NOW before he does something that lands him in juvenile detention.

His mother has failed him in parenting, you now being his stepmother should also not fail him,the same concern you have about your son,s survival should also be extended to him ,the more you save his soul from destruction, you have definitely save your son’s too. Take his case up than abandoning him, for posterity to celebrate you and smile on your household.

He needs therapy now. He sounds like he has oppositional defiance disorder along with two or three personality disorders. The superior ego suggests bipolar as well… I am praying for you!

Convince your husband to get this child into counseling. Whenever a child exhibits cruelty to animals it is a sign that things will only get worse as they grow older and they will begin to show cruelty to people

Poor kid. Obviously what he is doing is wrong, but kids only do that because he has a lot of undealt with pain. Maybe he is being abused. I would certainly try to get to the bottom of it.

Okay so the first thing you want to do please give the kid a blank book of paper and tell him to draw his family draw his house draw what he likes to do you take these to a psychiatrist in my estimation it will reveal exactly what this child is against, don’t be frightened by the pictures he draws but if they do not connect the lines in the pictures there is a problem

I hate to say anything about any child but this child has been hurt, mentally and maybe physically. The only release he has is to make others go through what he is or has gone through. He has no other outlet. So he will hurt someone so they feel pain. The scary thing is he is harming innocent animals! That is a sign that needs to be addressed. Reach out for help for this child immediately because the bigger he gets, you won’t be able to control him. He needs to “unload” what has happened or what could be happening now. If he can hurt an animal, he may not think twice about hurting a sibling. I am so sorry he is dealing with what ever he is going through. Children don’t know how to communicate what they are feeling, the only way they can release their pain is to hurt someone or something, for instance an animal.

Any child that abuses animals needs help… that is not the actions of a child that I would want around my child either … sit your hubby down and be matter of fact … either kid gets counseling or he is not welcome in your home

Overload him with love, gentleness and don’t be afraid of him. He is just trying to prove that he is not loved. It’s a weird thing that troubled kids do. I went through it with my step son. Hug him every chance you get and just say sweet things to him like, “have I told you today how much I love you” or “ you are precious to me”. Literally kill him with kindness every chance you get. Don’t fall into his trap of trying to prove you don’t like him. It will pay off. Have him sit next to you and do something he likes to do; draw, video games on your phone, etc. Ask him what his favorite food is and tell him you want to make it for him for dinner. If he has trouble getting to sleep or going to bed give him magic milk ( warm milk with vanilla extract in it). It will take awhile but you may see slow changes for the better. Just never act like you’re afraid of him. Tell your husband to do these things too. This is just an insecure child who needs love and hugs and kisses and pray with him too. Ask him what he’d like to pray for. Tell him he has a direct line to God through prayer. Teach him how to pray. Read the Bible stories to him. Good luck and God bless you for wanting to help your stepson.

This child sounds like he has definite issues! Abusing animals has always been s starting point for many bad people as Im sure you know. Wouldnt trust him or leave him alone with him. Get him some help while hes young!

Protect your 2yr old at all costs! You can not always be there. The 9 yr old sounds like a psychopath. I would refuse to let him anywhere near the 2yr old. Ever!!

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He is being raised by you and his father- so what he is - is because of you two. Look at yourself and hubby- stop letting him be alone with your two year old- unless you enjoy the drama.

Protect your own ,no matter what ANYONE SAYS ,insist on psychiatric help before you accept this child in your house with your children , forget what people say ,when it’s to late and the damage is done ,you will be the one they blame for not taking action on behalf of your children

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He obviously needs some counselling. If his mom won’t see it I agree with Barbara, just don’t let him near your child.

Send the child to therapy if that don’t work keep your child away from him. Start recording everything he says to you and forbid him to come over to your house if dad wants to see him dad can visit him outside of the house. You are to protect the other children.

Get help and get it now before something bad happens. I think family therapy may be the way to go. Don’t leave other children alone with this troubled child. I can’t even imagine the stress this is causing. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I would put up Nanny cams up in hidden locations. My advice, don’t let him alone with the baby.
Therapy sounds very wise. Sounds like many issues at play here…

I woid talk to a Dr.
And the shairfes office. Sum times they can use scair tacktis to healp them get there head on streat.
He is jeails he feales he is not getting all the love he is sopoes to get and that his orther siblinges are in his way so he dont get if. A mintial health Dr
Can healp. I had to do that for my sun .

Seems like mother can’t handle him and so dad has him.
This is fine. Dad can’t expect you to take care of this sick boy. But this child for what ever reason really needs some help…SOONER THAN LATER.
Put it to your husband he gets in counseling NOW
or they move out.

I went thru the same things with my oldest stepson. He was 9 yrs old and violent. I finally had to leave. I feared for my life. Steve spent most of his adult yrs in prison. And is headed back any day now

This little one needs to feel that he will always be your son…
professional guidance is the key to obtaining this!!!:smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face:

Remove him to far away from your child before disaster strikes, remember the two who were about his age who abducted a toddler at the shopping center and murderd

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Make you start recording thing just so you husband can here and yes he need help and so does his mom.

If your husband refuses to get help for your stepson, I would take you son & any pet you might have & go to your mom/dad or any close friend who will let you stay with them. Get them out of harms way IMMEDIATELY.

It sounds like you’re hands are tied. If he’s back in school, go to his counselor, explain why you’re afraid he might do something. Now, your husband might get mad, but better safe than sorry. I’d tell him how you feel and also tell the kid needs help.

If you don’t get therapy & protection from this child you’ll be talking to police., so many SERIOUS red flags here. I retired in childcare & school Aide in child & family development a an art teacher. Please get all the help you can ASAP (include the school, they’re often the best sin E this sounds like he may be bullying@ school, too). It’s not inappropriate at all to keep your child away until this is safe, your instincts are right on & you’re brave for speaking up.

That kid is disturbed. He needs to be evaluated by a psychiatrist immediately. That is not normal “acting out” for a 9-year-old. Tell your husband that either he gets help, or he can’t stay with you anymore. I hate telling anyone to give ultimatums, but that kid is going to end up hurting someone. Don’t leave any other kids or pets anywhere near him alone.

Start videos of his behavior. Have conversations with him, and record it. Record anyone telling you a story about him.
You can’t do very much unless you “build a case”

Sounds like trouble, with a capital T.

leave him with his mother My friends daughter is in the same situation Her middle daughter is so jealous and has horrible anger issues and has not only said the same thing to her older sister but actually threw her down the stairs and broke her arm after numerous other issues , she is now living with her dad permanently Breaks the mothers heart but the daughter has even threatened her life as well She has gotten counceling over and over again It works for a while until she gets told NO and then she goes boulistic Hope you can find some answers If you don’t do anything and one of the other children gets seriously hurt because of them You as a parent can also be held accountable when my friends granddaughter got hurt no one said anything only that it was an accident which I guess in a way it was but in reality it wasn’t My prayers are with you and your family God bless!!

Do something special with him, and only him, take him to an amusement park, play park, go on the trampoline with him, scream on the roller coaster with him. He NEEDS to feel special. And too know YOU love him…

Keep an eye on your son at all times when the 9 year old is around. Make sure your husband does his part, too (since he’s dad to both).

Paula Rainey I think it’s essential to get DCS involved. Moving the 9 year old back into mother’s home with her current attitude not only denies him the help he desperately needs but potentially endangers the other children in the mother’s home

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Get this child out of your home, the sooner the better … perhaps he can live with his mother until he gets well needed therapy. He has many of the symptoms that serial killers had as children. Your baby son is in eminent danger … you have no idea how much of a danger this boy is… don’t procrastinate …

Nannie cam!!! I would say write it all down but you could still be accused of making it up. With have cameras in the house it will document it. Be on your toes at night especially. No telling what he could do

I would not want him around my kid! He is in desperate…and I mean desperate need of psych help immediately…the bullying and the statement about his sibling dying are bad but add to that the abuse of animals and you have a time bomb on your hands…Please get him help before he is much older and starts committing petty crimes…that is the way it goes…abuse of animals…arson…theft then who knows…

On the other side do you tell him you love him and worry that something might happen to him. Question where these ideas come from. Do other people say them. He seems jealous that his father has a new family needs reassurance that he is still loved even if his mom and dad separated? How old was he when it happened? Too many issues Don’t add to his misery.

I would not let him be around your son period. I know this is radical but serial killers start out as kids torturing animals then other children. If anything the kid sounds very disturbed. I would NEVER allow him around my children

These are signs of a budding sociopath. Get help for him and your family ASAP.


You know frankly, you absolutely :100:percent have the answer to your outreach here. Do something about it :thinking:. There are resources. Seek it out. Take control and take care.

If you cant get it sorted you need to turn your back .Do not have him at your place.This boy knows what he is doing.He is bullying you as well.He is the center of attention and he is not losing that.

Therapy did not help us. Jeff and i had the kids in therapy before we married. Their mother died from alcoholism at 28 yrs old.

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Never obviously leave your son amd his half brother alone together. Actually your stepson should not be left alone with any kids or animals The stepson who is 9 has very disturbing behaviour. It could be classified as psychopath No empathy or compassion for others. Narcissistic view of himself as better than others . And as you are unfortunately aware some serial killers when young start off hurting animals. This boy needs major psychiatric help to change his cycle into disastrous outcomes. He could stsrtvtsking knifes out of kitchen draws who knows or play with matches or lighters to. This is a very scary situation your family is in blended or not. It is shocking amd his mother in denial is at moment a barrier. Have you thought of hidden pin eye cameras amd recording his actions amd what he says. I think you need concrete proof. Like a log of his great horrifying misbehaviour.

Yes, put your foot down with your husband and have his make sure that son is getting some counseling. I fear if not- then you better make sure your with your son the entire time this other child visitis.

Your husband needs to make an appointment with a psychiatrist ASAP especially if the mother isn’t going to doit … If you have proof that he has hurt animals and are in fear for his safety and safety of others you can also contact cps yourself with the concerns.

Record what he says so it’s not your word against his. Write down everything that’s going on. I wouldn’t let him near your son until he gets the help he needs. If the mom wont do anything then your husband needs to step up and get him help. He will end up hurting your son or worse

He needs help.
I’ve worked with children who harm animals
He cryibg out for help

He needs to be taken to a psychiatrist right now, immediately if not sooner. He dan be healed it is not his parent’s fault that poor child has mental health problems. My son was diagnosed as being bipolar. I thought it was my fault my entire life as his Mother. I suffered that guilt until he was diagnosed.

He can’t be left unsupervised with other children who are younger or vulnerable. He needs to go to a child psychiatrist ASAP, preferably at a Children’s hospital or a University teaching hospital. You can take him through the emergency department since he is threatening harm to others and abuses animals. These are both serious red flags and will be taken seriously by the medical staff there. Don’t hesitate if you don’t have health insurance. Go anyway. Social services will sort that out once you get there.

Give him a little extra, whether its professional or maybe a stronger moral fatherally relationship/ role model that he trusts is consistent and genuine. Not everyone is woven the same way. Hes told his truth. What more can you ask?

If it was me I would scare the living daylights out of him . He knows your scared of him . Take the bull by the horns and take action and if the other two useless parents won’t listen or do anything then you do it. Does he have a stepfather. Is he being abused ? Get to the bottom of it before it gets any further

Ok so my 8 year old is the same way. And what you are describing to me sounds like ptsd is a child’s form. What he may have witnessed or experienced when his parents were together may have caused some childhood trauma. My 8 yr old was just diagnosed with this and behaves that same way. Always talks about blood murder and death and her psychologist said it’s from witnessing the horrible things I went through with my ex. She has been on Zoloft for a week now as we just moved and are finally getting the help we need and got away from their father. And let me tell you after just one week she has changed dramatically. She was diagnosed with adhd when she was 6 but now I really think it’s just ptsd all along.

I’m in the same situation. My husband also has 2 children from an extramarital relationship and yes I had forgiven him. His 2nd one has been the problem. She lies to the extent where she causes legal problem and then decides to tell the truth and then goes and lies even more. It’s caused so much problems and her mother is the root of the problem because it’s her mother who forces her to lie and my husband does nothing about it. There is no excuse to brush of the situation saying oh she’s just a child because if you don’t address the problem now, imagine what she’ll become in the near future. I no longer allow her near my children because she is manipulative and vindictive.

I would definitely put cameras (spy) throughout my house,they record sound as well,then you’ll have evidence of his behavior and how he interacts.

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Whenever a child shows tendencies to harm animals it will eventually or soon graduate to humans. This boy needs intense psycho therapy. Does he show any remorse for the harmful things he does? Does he have a computer with sites he watches that you are unaware of? You need to have him in the office of a Doctor who deals specifically with this kind of behavior. Get him and yourselves the help you all need ASAP. Please. Keep us updated if you are willing. There is always help out there.